
Jase Winner @ SHOT Show 2019

What’s up Party Peeps!?  Jase here and this is my SHOT Show 2019 report.

SHOT Show was… an experience (a really awesome experience I might add). There was a lot to see and a even more going on. Thousands of products and tens of thousands of people. There was seriously so much going on that if you looked at any one thing too closely, or for too long, you missed a bunch of other stuff because there are only so many hours in a day. Prioritizing your to do/ to see/ to meet list is a real thing. In order to really break down SHOT Show and try to understand/explain what all went on I’ve broken it down into three parts.

The products.

The people.

And the experiences.

So here we go, SHOT Show through the eyes of a 15 year old shooter.


Guns, gear, and random stuff. From the useful to the straight outrageous it was all there packed into the Sands Convention Center. I saw a lot of really cool stuff, a bunch of just stuff, and even a few pieces of “What the heck is that?” stuff. But realistically the single best part about the products was getting to “play with” all of the items I had seen online or heard about from friends.

Take the Walther Q5 SF, Bill Blowers of Tap-Rack-Tactical (check him out if you want to be a better shooter, or just better at life) has been plastering the Interwebs about this gun like it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Well when I finally got to hold it and feel the gun, trigger, etc… BAM! Suddenly I understood and now I’m totally hooked on it because it’s a pretty fantastic pistol. 

Nighthawk’s pistols were another one of those companies that I had heard much about but not really experienced (dumping a magazine of ammo after class with Steve Fisher doesn’t really count, especially if I didn’t know it was a Nighthawk). It was nice to spend a couple of days talking to the Nighthawk crew and checking out the hardware.  Ergonomics, form, function and overall awesomeness of the slides and triggers… Yep, you know I’m a Nighthawk fan now!

Knights Armament Rifles, I knew who they were but didn’t understand how great a weapon system their SR15 was until my new buddy Ash Hess broke it all down for me. I’m definitely a fan of that ambidextrous life, so KAC had me. They were ambi, balanced, and built for hard use. They were beautiful.

UNITY Hot Button & UNITY 2.26” FAST Mounts, these WILL be on my Tac rifle sooner or later… The HOT Button is genius, it’s one of those simple items that make you ask why it wasn’t developed sooner. The 2.26” high mounts are awesome and the In-Line Magnifier mount is super slick.   

I’ve got an Aimpoint PRO waiting for a FAST mount and am saving up for my Magnifier for the In-Line mount. Mr. Josh was an excellent source of info at the UNITY/TNVC booth and definitely sold me on all three products (which wasn’t hard to do when I already sold myself lol). When it comes to UNITY & TNVC… Josh and Chip are definitely my go to guys!

Aimpoint optics (ACRO-P1…Want, want want!), Marlin Rifles (an 1894 in .357/ .38 with Midwest Rail is in my future… probably the distant future, but my future non the less!), B.E. Meyers MAWL (How cool is it that I got a guided tour of the MAWL from my good friend Chuck Pressberg!), Vertx Gamut bag and tourist jeans (in depth look at the products brought to you by Mr. Ron at Vertx), Victory First V43 & V17 slides(and lots of quality convo time with Mr. Matt), ect. 

All of these things I had seen on the internet but hadn’t really gotten to feel and understand and work through the products. SHOT Show gave me that opportunity. You know what else SHOT Show gave me, a really long and very expensive shopping list for the next year, but that just gives me something to work towards I guess. (OK seriously, who needs their lawn cut, wood chopped or pool cleaned… anyone need a kidney?)

‘That Guy’ Again.. Still.. Don’t Be That Guy

AUSTIN (KXAN) — A man was arrested Saturday after allegedly firing a new gun he purchased into the ground to “test it out”, according to Austin police.

Dumb, drunk, and armed do not mix well.

Police responded a call of shots fired at 5005 Good Wood Drive in southeast Austin. When officers arrived at the scene they reported that several neighborhood residents were ducking for cover. They told officers that they witnessed a suspect walking down the street with a handgun.

I cannot fathom a reason to so recklessly take a ride to prison. Don’t do it. Be sure to tell your friends too that legendary newsworthy stupidity is to be avoided.

When officers approached the house the reported shots came from, a man matching the suspect’s description emerged. According to police, Arnoldo Tolico, 54, was visibly intoxicated and stumbling when officers approached him.

After questioning, Tolico admitted to police that he fired his new gun from his home into the ground because he wanted to “test it out.” Police found 29 bullet casings on Tolico’s back porch.

Again… no… just no. Don’t be Arnoldo Tolico in your mindset towards firearms handling.

Tolico is charged with discharge of a firearm in certain municipalities. 

Most municipalities have rules governing shooting and all of them require sobriety. I have plenty of friends with backyard gun ranges. I have plenty of friends who don’t have those too because their property and their hometown do not and cannot safely support such an establishment or practice.

Monday PSA: Don’t. Be. That. Guy… Still… Again… Forever

Universal Background Checks?


Like many of the rallying cries used by opponents of the right to keep and bear arms, the call for “universal background checks” is a deliberate misrepresentation.  While at first blush UBC legislation may sound appealing, the proposal is actually a ruse.

Federal law already requires that licensed dealers conduct a National Instant Background Check System (NICS ) check for all firearms sales.  Dianne Feinstein et al claim that a law requiring the same check for all private firearms transactions—sales, temporary loans, or even simply handing someone an unloaded gun to admire—would somehow make America safer.  This simply isn’t true. 

The U.S. murder rate has ticked back downward slightly in the last two years after a brief increase, and is about half what it was at its peak in 1980.  Nevertheless, about 17,000 people are murdered in the US each year.  There are close to 100,000 rapes, and over 300,000 robberies.  A lot of people commit violent crimes in this country.  

While everyone would like to “keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people”—and robbers, rapists and murderers are clearly “the wrong people”—one cannot reasonably believe that people willing to commit robbery, rape, or murder would be unwilling to buy or sell a gun without government permission. 

How do “the wrong people” typically get their guns?  According to one 2015 study based on interviews with inmates in Cook County, Illinois, about 10% or so purchased their crime guns from licensed dealers, and were in fact subjected to NICS background checks.  90% or more of those firearms were acquired through illegal means.  Some of those were stolen, but the majority were obtained from people who knew they are engaging in illegal transactions.   A 2016 study,from the DOJ produced similar findings.

For example, with or without a NICS check, it is against the law to sell or give a firearm to someone that you know, or should know, is not allowed to own a gun (a “prohibited person”).  It is already illegal to knowingly provide a gun to any prohibited person, by any means, even if they’re your cousin, son or best friend.  Just loaning them a firearm is a federal crime.

These transactions provide over 90% of guns used in crimes in this country, and won’t be impacted by a UBC law.  Because they are already illegal, the people engaging in them will simply “opt out” of any such requirement.  “Universal background checks” will never be “universal”.

The leaders of the civilian disarmament movement are already aware that UBC laws are futile.   How do we know that?  Because several states already have such laws in place, and the effects of those laws on violent crime have been analyzed.  Three separate studies, performed by researchers with well-established anti-Second Amendment bona fides, found no evidence that UBC laws were associated with any decrease in the rate of homicides or suicides committed with firearms.

If anti-gunners in Congress and the media already know that “Universal Background Checks” won’t keep guns out of criminals’ hands, then why do they push for it?  This is a question that can be answered by applying a little logic.

There are probably over 400 million firearms in private hands in the United States, though no one actually knows how many.  Estimates range from 300 million to over 600 million.  We don’t know because there is no national registry of firearms and owners.  Creating such a registry is forbidden by the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act (FOPA).   And without a registry of all firearms and owners, there can be no way to prove whether any specific firearm changed hands without a background check. 

Since a UBC law would clearly be useless without a national registry of all firearms, the logical conclusion is that those pressing for a federal UBC law , completely aware of its futility, are doing so as a prelude to demanding the passage of a subsequent law requiring the registration of all firearms, as noted recently by U.S. Representative Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA).

Prohibited persons would no more register their firearms than they would subject themselves to background checks, knowing they would fail.  But it’s not only logic that tells us that such a registry would only affect legal gun owners.  More absurd still, not only will “the wrong people” simply refuse to participate in any of these schemes, they are not even breaking the law by doing so! 

In the 1968 decision Haynes v U.S.,  the Supreme Court held that prohibited persons could not be convicted for failing to register NFA weapons—machine guns, short barreled rifles and shotguns, suppressors—because requiring them to do so would violate their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

So only law abiding gun owners can be prosecuted for failing to register firearms! In fact, after Haynes, the 1934 NFA (National Firearms Act) was amended to stipulate exactly that, and in subsequent cases, the same restriction has been applied to state firearms registration laws.  Per the U.S. Supreme Court, firearms registration laws only apply to law abiding gun owners.  They do not apply to “the wrong people”.

While this legal Catch-22 is likely news to many, including gun owners, it is very unlikely that the leaders of the civilian disarmament movement are unaware of it.

So what is the real reason for the push for UBCs?  Why bother to expend political capital to attempt to promote such laws, which cannot work, and which have been proven ineffective by multiple research studies? 

UBC legislation is nothing more than a stepping stone to demanding universal gun registration (UGR).  And a national firearms registry has only one purpose: to construct a legal framework that can be used to disarm law abiding gun owners.  So-called “Red Flag Gun Laws” are one such tool, and unless and until they are struck down by the courts, they will continue to spread.  But UBCs, and the subsequent UGR law that will be subsequently demanded, will be a much more powerful weapons against law abiding Americans.

We have already seen what the response of law abiding gun owners is to firearms registration requirements.  Laws requiring registration of modern sporting rifles in Connecticut and New York have been almost universally ignored by the citizenry, as have laws requiring registration of bump-stocks in Vermont, New Jersey and Denver.  Laws which also, as we know, do not even apply to “the wrong people”.

Laws such as these will convert the overwhelming majority of American gun owners—who, based on nearly all of human history, will correctly interpret these schemes as a civilian disarmament program— into felons with the stroke of a pen.  And, per Haynes, those same laws will have zero impact on already prohibited persons.

What the people claiming to want “gun control” actually want is people control.  They want to run others’ lives and control their decisions.  They want to remake the world according to their own beliefs and prejudices.  No straws, no raw milk, but before any of that can happen . . . absolutely NO GUNS.  “Universal Background Checks” are just a good first stepping stone.



—Tom Vaughan, MD is a neuroradiologist in private practice in Louisville, KY.  He is a shooting enthusiast who believes in individual liberty and personal responsibility.

All DRGO articles by Tom Vaughan, MD

Boots to Meet Your Needs


            Every year we trek to Las Vegas to the SHOT Show to see the latest and greatest in firearms, clothing, ammunition, range gear and footwear. It seems footwear is one of the areas of SHOT that never disappoints, thanks to new technology and redesigning perennial favorites. Two established players in the footwear arena are 5.11 Tactical and Interceptor.

            Unfortunately we are in the midst of a nasty winter so I could not put these boots through a lot of wear testing. If it was not brutally cold out, it was snowing or raining. I did not want to take a spill seeing how the boots feel. However we did get a few breaks so I could get out and give them abbreviated workouts.

            First up was 5.11 Tactical’s Cable Hiker Carbon Tac. 5.11 Tactical has been offering boots for duty, hiking and range use for well over a decade. Over the half dozen years 5.11 has started building boots for shooters, hunters, hikers using the technology and proven designs in their duty/uniform line. The Cable Hiker Carbon Tac Toe is one of first boots available for 2019.

            I am not a fan of protective hard toes, because I had to wear steel toed boots for a position I had when I first left the service. Back in the early nineties there were very few choices for protective toes, pretty much steel toes were it.  Those of you who have worn steel toes know they are heavy, hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Neither of these factors makes you want to wear protective toes unless they are required. Even no-metallic toes were not the most comfortable because they were just as heavy and uncomfortable as steel toes. Fortunately non-metallic toes have made great strides in comfort. They have also started meeting various industrial safety standards. Both of these factors have led more folks in both industrial and non-industrial settings to start wearing them. 5.11’s Cable Hiker Carbon Tac (CHCT) is one of the boots that I would call a leader in the non-industrial market. Because of their heritage, they are also a boot I would suggest to you; the readers.

            What caught my attention about the CHCT is its weight. They weigh a few ounces more than the non-protective toe version. While you know there is a hard protective toe cap, it does not feel like a steel toed boot. I am certain this is because not as much material is needed to wrap the cap. You say the boot liner wraps the cap which is true; however the cap needs wrapped first so the sharp edges will not rub on the boot. This decreases the toe box area, which makes the boot less comfortable. With the carbon toe cap, this wrap can be thinner which increases room in the toe box; which increases foot comfort.

            The other major factor that makes the CHCT attractive to the end user is, first it is a hiking boot, not a protective boot masquerading as a hiking boot. What this means is you get a hiking boot with a 30mm thick with 10mm of EVA for cushioning and a 16mm forefoot. When you have these thicknesses or the forefoot to heel ratio of approximately a half inch your feet and legs do not get fatigued like they do in boots that have nearly zero heel lift. You can see this heel lift when you look at the CHCT.

            To further aid in comfort 5.11 uses their time tested Ortholite insole. Ortholite does not crush down like many other materials used in insoles. It offers a high degree of shock absorption without adding addition weight.

            Another feature of the CHCT is the Speed Urban outsole. This sole is non-marking, slip and oil resistant. I found it to give good traction in the snow and ice the Polar Vortex that created me when I returned from the SHOT Show. If I was slip sliding away in that mess, I am sure the CHCT will be surefooted in all but the worst conditions on the range or in the field.

            Overall 5.11 Tactical’s Cable Hiker Carbon-Tac is a comfortable solid boot. With the protective carbon toes cap, I can see this boot becoming a favorite of a match’s “Mr. Fix-it”. The toe cap will undoubtedly save toes from dropped tools, parts for props or other weighty surprises that could cause a major ouch on the range or in the field. The only thing the CHCT lacks is a waterproof membrane, but that will add additional cost to the $139.99 MSRP. Even without this I still would recommend 5.11 Tactical’s Cable Hiker Carbon Toe if you are looking for protective footwear for the range, field or daily wear.

            The other boot that caught my eye was Interceptor’s Frontier Tactical Boot. The Frontier is AR 670-1approved. Too many old Vets being “Army approved” might make you think of those black cruit boots we wore in the sixties through the early nineties. Today this standard means boots must meet certain standards for color, shock absorption, wear and comfort; not just be the cheapest black boot the Army can buy.

            While looking at the Frontier my initial thought was it feels like a comfortable running shoe with a boot shaft. The boot is flexible, lightweight, offers good support and the aggressive outsole should give good traction. The sole wraps up the toe so you can get an aggressive toe off when running in them.

           A closer look at the boot revealed the midsole to be polyurethane. This is generally a material used in vastly more expensive boots, not something I would expect to see in a boot selling for $43.23 at Polyurethane reduces weight while giving good shock absorption. Coupled with Enduro Pro Anit-Fatigue foot bed, the end user should have all day comfort. For good or bad with my beat-up knees I quickly notice when boots do not offer good shock absorption. I was able to walk a couple miles a day when we had a few decent days here. I was not achy or worn-out so the Frontier gets two thumbs up.

            The upper of the Frontier is nylon and suede. The ankles have to stability strips that wrap around the ankles. This allows you to snug the boot up to help prevent rolling your ankle. There are air vents in the arch area of the boot to keep your feet comfortable in hot weather.

            Overall I was impressed with both 5.11 Tactical’s Cable Hiker Carbon Tac and Interceptor’s Frontier Tactical Boot. If I were the “Mr. Fix It” for a club or major match, I would wear the CHCTs. They would save the toes from dropped hammers, dropped steel plates etc. For those who are looking for a value priced uniform boot or responsive boot for shooting in; Frontiers are an excellent choice.

As you can see from the brief review of these boots; manufactures are building boots to meet a wide variety of needs. Take some time to research footwear to meet your personal needs. Your body will thank you.

Benchmade Gets the Next Lesson in Self Immolation

Here we sit again…

Benchmade, a well known name in the circle of knives and the overlapping circle of the firearms owning community. Benchmade’s home is in Oregon, not a paragon for the 2A community…

When a state isn’t known for its 2A advocacy and support the police departments are viewed with a great deal of suspicion and distrust. The image, no matter the individual character of the officers and the department, is one of statist thug and not a protector of individual liberty.

So when a department celebrates with you destroying guns…

Police departments have policies in place. They have rules they must follow.

This does nothing to assuage the fact that some of the firearms destroyed could’ve been lawfully owned and unable to be reclaimed by their lawful owners due to bureaucratic nightmare. It does nothing to cover the fact that some of those guns should probably not have been scrapped.

Even if all the firearms in this case were legitimate crime guns not all the firearms destroyed fall into that category, and even one gun unreturned to a lawful owner at the hands of bureaucrats is a problem… a big problem. It poisons the well of public trust and that poison is now associated with Benchmade.


Benchmade is aware of the recent post from our local Oregon City Police Department.

We apologize for the confusion and concern that this post created. These were firearms that the Oregon City Police Department had to destroy in alignment with their policies. Oregon City Police requested the use of specialty equipment within the Benchmade facility to follow these requirements, and as a supporting partner of our local police force, we obliged the request.

Benchmade is a proud and unwavering supporter of both law enforcement and Second Amendment rights. These are commitments that we do not take lightly and will continue to support well into the future.

When asked for clarity from Oregon City Police Department, Chief Jim Band made the following statement: “When property is to be destroyed, it is the policy of the Oregon City Police Department to destroy property, including firearms, in accordance to our procedures and ORS. The Oregon City Police Department does not sell firearms.”


Emphasis Mine.

The OCP is following their rulebook. It was Benchmade’s call to help instead of politely declining. Deciding to help an entity of city and state authority that, in the broadspace of state political attitude and will, is anti-gun is a direct attack on already embattled 2A advocates… who also happen to make up a substantial portion of the Benchmade customer base.

Benchmade, you goofed. How do assure “We the People” and we the buyers that you support the Second Amendment when you will participate in the destruction of firearms for entities with a known hostility towards the 2A?

This doesn’t begin to address the allegation that Benchmade has supported anti-2A politicians within Oregon with their money. I have no confirming information for that rumor but it is flying.

We will see.

For further reminders of the bad idea fairy… remember X-Products?

Calls for gun death research funding are misguided


Ed: We are delighted to welcome to DRGO a precociously “woke” medical student, Tyler Watson, who has given his permission for us to post his recent article from The DO.

If we are going to advocate for restricting access to items for health reasons, let’s start with those that cause more deaths and aren’t as legally protected.

Recently, the Student Osteopathic Medical Association announced that it was joining with the Giffords organization to lobby for gun death research funding. The announcement compared gun deaths to “threats like car accidents, smoking, and sudden infant death syndrome,” along with an accusation that policymakers are “prioritizing firearms over patients.”

Guns vs. cigarettes, alcohol

Preventable causes of death include cigarette smoking(480,000 deaths annually), alcohol use (88,000), accidental poisoning (58,335), and motor vehicle traffic (40,327), and these are far more epidemic compared to gun deaths (39,773), particularly gun homicides (14,415).

It is hypocritical to call for research and political intervention on firearms when we have not yet conquered these other issues. In fact, banning cigarettes would, applying the same theory of gun control, save 12 times as many lives.

Extending this same reasoning to alcohol and automobiles, banning these items would save three times as many lives as banning firearms. Although “car control” may not be as popular as gun control, it would arguably save more lives.

The legal factor

With gun control, there’s also the legal factor to consider. The Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Further, the Supreme Court has held that “private citizens have the right under the Second Amendment to possess an ordinary type of weapon and use it for lawful, historically established situations such as self-defense in a home, even when there is no relationship to a local militia.”

The government has an obligation to protect Americans’ rights to own and use firearms. No such right or obligation exists for cigarettes, alcohol, or automobiles. If we are going to advocate for restricting access to or banning items in the name of public health, let’s start with items that cause more deaths and that aren’t as legally protected.

Federal dollars unnecessary

The campaign to bring in federal dollars isn’t entirely necessary either. The Giffords Law Center has done research without federal finding. It has established a rating criteria where each state gets a scorecard based on that state’s gun laws — A for tight gun regulations, F for few gun laws, and ranked each of the 50 states by the strength of their gun laws.

However, this rhetoric fails to address a basic premise: access to guns will necessarily increase gun death rates, but murder and overall death rates are more important factors to consider than simply gun death rates.

Urban areas have higher access to subways, leading to higher subway deaths—that doesn’t mean there is a subway problem, and focusing on “subway deaths” would neglect the fact that rural areas have higher mortality rates than urban areas. Similarly, focusing on “gun deaths” ignores the more basic issues of murder and death rates.

To look at the data, I compared the Giffords Law Center’s state scorecards and ranks to each state’s gun death rates and then compared Giffords’ state grades to factors that the organization cites in its campaign: suicide, murder, gun ownership (measured by NICS federal gun background checks), and death rates.

The only factor that correlated strongly was suicide (-0.7 Pearson coefficient); murder, gun ownership, and death rates were weakly correlated (ranging 0.15 to -0.22). To investigate further, I compared gun ownership to each of those rates, and found weak correlations to murder (0.07), gun deaths (0.23), suicide (0.14), and death (-0.05). This seems to indicate that states with higher gun ownership rates have little correlation, positive or negative, to any of these undesired effects.

Further searching showed some abnormalities that might be of interest: several states with “F” ratings actually have lower-than-average gun death and murder rates. These states also have a murder rate lower than the national average.

If it is evidence from research we need, we should start with the evidence from research we already have!



Tyler Watson, OMS II, attends Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Mr. Watson’s article reflects his own opinions only, and not necessarily those of The DO or the American Osteopathic Association.

“The M14 is still the greatest…” Okay, But Really The M110

(Video: 9-Hole Reviews)

The Knight’s Armament M110 Semi Automatic Sniper System (SASS) was the formal acknowledgement by U.S. Forces that a semi-auto rifle was an effective and accurate precision platform with a great deal of utility.

The system, first fielded in 2008, has received a number of variants and upgrades but the core rifle is still a precision KAC Stoner AR-10/SR-25.

Accurate under sustained fire and with an effective range of 800 meters the SASS and rifles like it are filling a critical niche in precision weapons. Conventional wisdom said that only the sealed and unmoving lock up of a bolt action rifle could produce precision. While a good bolt action is incredibly accurate the SASS is allowing those slower fire precision systems to push the bounds with extreme distance calibers. Where rapid engagement is not nearly as critical a factor as first round engagement success is, the rifles have gone big bore while the SASS is filling the role where older 7.62x51mm bolt rifles once sat.

The increase in available sustained precision firepower inside the half mile envelope is incredible with the M110 and peer systems.

And if you would like your own just ask over at Operation Parts and get one on the way

Operation Parts M110

4,239… Firearms Discovered in Carry On Luggage by TSA in 2018.


Ladies and gentlemen, a PSA from your humble editor..

Please check your firearms at the door while traveling.

You cannot fly while carrying a firearm or with one in your accessible carry-on baggage.

According to the TSA, in 2018, a record-setting 4,239 firearms were discovered in carry-on bags across the country. 

Firearms must be unloaded and locked in a hard-sided container and transported as checked baggage only.  

Firearms parts, including firearm frames and receivers, are prohibited in all carry-on baggage and must also be placed in checked baggage.

Use a lockable case like in the title image and check your firearms under the plane using the process for the airline you are flying with.

Thank you.

No One Fights Alone: Jordan McNair Custom Charity Auctions

Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Guncrafter Industries, and STI Back Jordan McNair in His Battle With Cancer

Jordan and family

Titans have stepped into the ring.

Today they stand together as one to back their friend, Jordan.

“That these highly competitive companies have joined together is a testament to Jordan’s character and his place in our hearts. Jordan has impacted our lives and it’s our combined goal to show the world that, people helping people, is still the American way.” -Mark Stone, CEO Nighthawk Custom  

The Jordan McNair: “No One Fights Alone” Fundraiser is a one-of a kind collaboration and cooperation between some of the biggest names in the firearms industry. Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Guncrafter Industries, and STI have teamed up to each build and donate a unique firearm that has been engraved with the tagline “No One Fights Alone”

Jordan McNair is a 34 year-old young man from Berryville, AR who very recently found out that he has an inoperable form of cancer. He is a bright, hard working, and kind person who is known and liked by everyone in the community. Jordan is loving husband and father to a beautiful 1 year-old daughter. He and his family are still learning about the diagnosis and treatment plans, and during this time, he has been unable to work.

Jordan is a friend of many throughout these companies and we wanted to build unique guns that could be auctioned to help support him and his family through this trying time.

These guns all have matching engraving and paint finishes donated by Hillbilly223. This is truly a unique opportunity to have a one-of a kind firearm or collection that will help a good man and his family.

This auction is for the 1-of a kind Nighthawk Custom Agent 2 that has a unique bull barrel and is the first Agent 2 without a light rail!

This auction is for the 1-of a kind Guncrafter Industries 1911 in .45 ACP. It is a custom build featuring all fully machined parts and a custom finish to match the other guns in this series!

This auction is for the 1-of a kind Wilson Combat Super Sniper in 6.5 Creedmoor. It comes with Atlas Bipod, Vortex 6-24×50 Glass, and countless other upgrades!

This auction is for the 1-of a kind STI Edge 2011 Double Stack 9mm Pistol with a custom finish to match the other guns in this series!

All four of these items are one of a kind and exclusively available from these Gunbroker auctions.

All purpose built by the company teams to help Jordan.

If you were ever considering buying one of these fine firearms, now is the time to possess a truly unique piece and support a young man’s family as he tackles the fight for his life.

And for any who just want to help. GoFundMe

Baby-Faced Gang Members ARE Part of the Problem

A shared post crossed my social media feed this week. The post was from the Fresno, CA Police Department of a , and as of this writing the post was shared 25,000 times. The main reason it was shared so many times was because of the volume of humor and snark in the comments section related to the pictured kid’s appearance.

While the comments and snark about his age and size are funny on the surface, what isn’t funny about this is the fact that this kid is ALREADY a gang member and was ALREADY in possession of a stolen and loaded firearm.

It is kids like this that drive the “child death by firearm” data that Demanding Mommies, Bloomberg Inc. and Hoplophobes everywhere use to beat us over the head with. 

It is kids like this that Organized Medicine use as an excuse to invade our privacy and agitate for unconstitutional firearms laws. 

It is kids like this that the “DO SOMETHING” crowd really need to focus on, because this is where adolescent criminal behavior starts, and it is kids exactly like this that end up murdering each other and innocent bystanders in street and drug crime.

So while everyone’s busy making jokes, the Bloomies and their ilk are busy eroding OUR rights in the name of this kid and others like him who drive that child death by firearm data.

They blame US for that kid getting his hands on a “stolen” gun. (We’re all supposed to go through “Universal Background Checks” while a probably 15-year old juvenile criminal totes a revolver around in his pocket?)

Baby-faced gang member

They blame US and our lawful pursuits for that kid’s criminal activity. And they will most assuredly blame US when that kid shoots some other kid on the school yard over a drug deal gone bad in 2 or 3 years. Whereupon the press will most assuredly spread THIS photo far and wide showing this baby-faced kid and using emotional manipulation to imply his innocence. Any of this sound familiar?

Meanwhile we’re all still the “bad guys”. Still laughing?

Advice from a Russian: Never Give Up Your Guns

Ed: This column was first posted at Pravda’s English site in 2012, and again at Hacienda Publishing. We present it by permission. Mr. Mishin has a unique perspective, but the core message is for all.] 


These days, there are few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating U.S.A., but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bear arms and use deadly force to defend one’s self and possessions.

This will probably come as a total shock to most of my Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar. Weapons, from swords and spears to pistols, rifles and shotguns were everywhere, common items. People carried them concealed, they carried them holstered. Fighting knives were a prominent part of traditional attire, and those little tubes criss-crossing on the costumes of Cossacks and various Caucasian peoples? Well those are bullet holders for rifles.

Various armies, such as the Poles, during the Смута (Times of Troubles), or Napoleon, or the Germans even as the Tsarist state collapsed under the weight of WW1 and Wall Street monies, found that holding Russian lands was much, much harder than taking them, and taking was no easy walk in the park but a blood bath all its own. In holding, one faced an extremely well-armed and aggressive population Hell bent on exterminating or driving out the aggressor.

This well-armed population was what allowed the various White factions to rise up, no matter how disorganized politically and militarily they were in 1918, and wage a savage civil war against the Reds. It should be noted that many of these armies were armed peasants, villagers, farmers and merchants, protecting their own. If it had not been for Washington’s clandestine support of and for the Reds, history would have gone quite differently.

Moscow fell, for example, not from a lack of weapons to defend it, but from the lying guile of the Reds. Ten thousand Reds took Moscow and were opposed only by some few hundreds of officer cadets and their instructors. Even then the battle was fierce and losses high. However, in the city alone, at that time, lived over 30,000 military officers (both active and retired), all with their own issued weapons and ammunition, plus tens of thousands of other citizens who were armed. The Soviets promised to leave them all alone if they did not intervene. They did not and for that were asked afterwards to come register themselves and their weapons: where they were promptly shot.

Of course being savages, murderers and liars does not mean being stupid, and the Reds learned from their Civil War experience. One of the first things they did was to disarm the population. From that point, mass repression, mass arrests, mass deportations, mass murder, mass starvation were all a safe game for the powers that were. The worst they had to fear was a pitchfork in the guts or a knife in the back or the occasional hunting rifle. Not much for soldiers.

To this day, with the Soviet Union now dead [30] years, with a whole generation born and raised to adulthood without the SU, we are still denied our basic and traditional rights to self defense. Why? We are told that everyone would just start shooting each other and crime would be everywhere….but criminals are still armed and still murdering and too often, especially in the far regions, those criminals wear the uniforms of the police. The fact that everyone would start shooting is also laughable when statistics are examined.

While President Putin pushes through reforms, the local authorities, especially in our vast hinterland, do not feel they need to act like they work for the people. They do as they please, a tyrannical class who knows they have absolutely nothing to fear from a relatively unarmed population. This in turn breeds not respect but absolute contempt and often enough, criminal abuse.

For those of us fighting for our traditional rights, the U.S. 2nd Amendment is a rare light in an ever-darkening room. Governments will use the excuse of trying to protect the people from maniacs and crime, but in reality, it is the bureaucrats protecting their power and position. In all cases where guns are banned, gun crime continues and often increases. As for maniacs, be it nuts with cars (NYC, Chapel Hill NC), swords (Japan), knives (China) or homemade bombs (everywhere), insane people strike. They throw acid (Pakistan, UK), they throw fire bombs (France), they attack. What is worse, is, that the best way to stop a maniac is not psychology or jail or “talking to them;” it is a bullet in the head. That is why they are a maniac, because they are incapable of living in reality or stopping themselves.

The excuse that people will start shooting each other is also plain silly. So it is our politicians saying that our society is full of incapable adolescents who can never be trusted? Then, please explain how we can trust them or the police, who themselves grew up and came from the same culture?

No, it is about power and a total power over the people. There is a lot of desire to bad mouth the Tsar, particularly by the Communists, who claim he was a tyrant, and yet under him we were armed and under the progressives disarmed. Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives — leftists — hate guns. Oh no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step to their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. They hate guns in the hands of those whom they have slated for a gun barrel to the back of the ear.

So, do not fall for the false promises, and do not extinguish the light that is left to allow humanity a measure of self respect.



Robert B Young, MD

— DRGO Editor Robert B. Young, MD is a psychiatrist practicing in Pittsford, NY, an associate clinical professor at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, and a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

All DRGO articles by Robert B. Young, MD

“If We Can Prevent Just One Death”

A Common Murder Weapon

Is anybody else getting tired of this shopworn trope? It was trotted out again last week by a politician seeking a 50% tax on ammunition.

I’ve had the same line used on me for years in internet arguments with clueless anti-gunners. The line is invariably thrown into the discussion like a hand grenade. It destroys further discussion, because if you disagree with whatever they are proposing, then that must mean that you are in favor of needless death. It also paints the proposer in the saintly light of “savior” of whoever it is they think is in danger.

But let’s look more deeply at this sentiment, shall we? What other useful tools can cause death if used improperly? Sometimes even used properly there are accidents with commonly used items.

Let’s completely ban automobiles – because if we can prevent just one death it will all be worth it.

Furthermore, let’s completely ban travel by horse as well – a fall from a horse has killed many, many people over the millennia.

Bicycles? Nope – people die on those too.

Let’s ban bathtubs –  adults slip and die and many children drown yearly in them.

Ban televisions and bureaus – because toddlers have been known to pull them over on top of themselves and be crushed to death.

Ban Tylenol – an overdose can cause slow death by liver failure.

Ban aerosol cans – because teenagers huff the propellant and asphyxiate themselves.

Ban lawnmowers – both children and adults are horribly killed by them every year. 

That’s just a tiny sampling. Pointing this out to the “ just one-ers” can cause angry flouncing from the conversation however. But it illustrates an important point. Life is fatal. Just breathing can be dangerous. So the “Just one life” trope is virtue-signaling garbage. Millions of people use the above items safely every single day. Just like firearms. 

The hoplophobes would have the public believe that firearms are somehow a special case of concentrated death, when in reality many commonly used items cause more accidental death and injury than firearms do.

As far as “intentional” death and injury goes – are we taxing nails at a 50% rate to prevent hammer murders? Just asking. If we could prevent just one death you know…

Owning Guns Doesn’t Mean Intending Violence


There are those who are entirely against the use of guns because they could cause violence in the wrong hands. On the other hand, there are people in favor of using guns as a means to protect themselves from criminals.

But there are also self-identified non-violent people who have guns. Why do they, if they are against violence in the first place? Here are four possible reasons:

  • Protection – The Main Concern

When you ask people why they own guns, one of the most common reasons given is for protection–and rightfully so. Although they may never be attacked, they could better defend themselves with one and that makes them feel generally safer.

The world we live in is not as peaceful as we would like; crime always seems on the rise, and nobody feels safe. While violence should not always be fought with violence, owning a gun could be the only way to keep you and your family safe.

In the event that you are attacked or a thief enters your house, a gun might come in handy even if the owner is usually not an exponent of violence. Firing it could prevent tragedy. Not only could you prevent the criminal doing something terrible to you, but you could also prevent him/her from doing it to other people.

  • Gun Bans Increase Murder Rates

This might come across as really weird considering it is “gun violence” we’re talking about, but it’s actually true. If guns were banned, murder rates would rise. The thought that a potential victim might have a gun can make criminals reconsider committing the crime. After all, they care about their own lives, so they wouldn’t take risks as readily if they knew you could protect yourself.

Having said that, if guns were banned, some people would be happier than ever, because they could more easily commit violence with much less risk. That would encourage them to commit crimes, as they are not at risk of being shot.

  • People Are More Likely to Die of Other Causes

People are too often afraid that guns increase violence, that everyone would just start shooting to solve their conflicts. They think guns increase the death rate.

However, this is not true. People are more likely to die from falls than by being shot. In 2007, there were 613 fatal firearms accidents, which was just one-half of 1% of all fatal accidents. You are much more likely to die by poisoning, drowning, falling or driving than being shot. [Must reference the statistics. Of course there are shootings every day somewhere, it’s homicides that are far rarer than MVA deaths; all gunshot deaths (including suicides) approach the number of all car accidents.] Shootings are not a common cause of death by a (pardon me) long shot.

  • Guns Stop Burglars

If you were a thief, would you continue packing that huge amounts of money and jewelry if someone in the house pointed a gun at you? Everyone fears for their lives, and bad guys don’t want guns pointed at them either. Some years ago, the CDC estimated that Americans used guns for almost 500,000 times to scare away thieves attempting to break into their homes. [Must have the reference for something so specific.]

Note that people don’t necessarily have to fire the guns–pointing them is enough to scare away most criminals, although you have to be ready to fire.

  • It’s Not the Gun That Is Dangerous

One of the things you’ve probably heard is that it’s not the gun that’s dangerous, but the individual holding it. Guns don’t fire by themselves. The person who owns the gun is the critical factor. If that person is nonviolent, then he/she won’t use it unless a dangerous situation leaves no other choice.

  • Gun Control Laws Don’t Increase Safety

There are people who are trying really hard to convince us that gun control laws will necessarily increase our protection. But that’s not actually true. Gun control laws can restrict the number of privately held firearms. Gun ownership discourages criminals while banning them would dramatically increase the frequency of crime.

Final Thoughts

Having firearms doesn’t mean that people will use them wrongfully. Guns may just make them feel safer, and even prevent something bad from happening to them. Nonviolent people are the least likely to use the guns in a bad way, because guns are only dangerous when they’re in the wrong hands. Being non-violent does not dictate being unprepared to defend against others’ violence.



—Jay Chambers is a Texas business owner, archer, shooter and survivalist.  He believes in free speech, resiliency and self-sufficiency in an increasingly unpredictable world. 

All DRGO articles by Jay Chambers

Walther Introduces Innovative Shoot It. Love It. Buy It. Program

Walther has introduced an innovative program that shows how confident they are in their flagship model, the PPQ series of handguns. This program is called Shoot It. Love It. Buy It.

There are essentially two parts to this program.

First, a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Wherever you decide to buy a new PPQ, online or in- store, it is covered with this guarantee. If you don’t love it within 30 days, visit and go through the “return your gun” process. Walther will provide the shipping label to have it sent back. Once received at Walther and inspected, they will issue a check for a full reimbursement of what the buyer paid for the PPQ. Including tax.

Second, a Try Before You Buy. At select dealers across the United States, which are listed on their website, you can take home a PPQ for 30 days with no money down. All you need to do is visit and apply for a voucher. When you apply for a voucher, Walther will pre-authorize your card for $1000.00. This is not a charge, only to make sure you have a valid card. Once this happens, you will be emailed a voucher number. Take the voucher number
to the closest participating dealer near you, pick out the model PPQ you want to try out, and give the dealer the voucher number. You will still need to fill out the standard 4473 background check paperwork. Once completed, you can take home the PPQ and shoot it as much as you like! If you love the PPQ, you will automatically be charged the dealers sales price 30 days from purchase. If you don’t love it, return the gun back to Walther through the portal and your card will not be charged.

Chris Carlberg, VP of Sales for Walther Arms, Inc. says “This program will drive sales of Walther PPQ’s for our dealers to a whole new level. We’re excited to the first manufacture in our industry to offer a program that builds confidence in our brand via a 30-day money back guarantee and a try before you buy.”

Shoot It. Love It. Buy It. Is open from February 15 – June 30, 2019.

For more information visit

It Is Time for America to Awaken


It is far past time for many in our country to take a stand on those things that are important, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There are many, many folks out there who seem to love to exercise their freedom of speech and freedom of religion, even though their religion may be “none”. It is still their belief and they have the right to exercise it just as you and I do–whatever their “religion” may be or not be.

It has long been said that all that is required for evil to happen is for good people to do nothing.  Perhaps too many of us have not been doing enough. There is huge pressure by “progressive” politicians in many cities and states for our country to go in a direction where almost all the people I know will not like where we end up .

We dearly value our freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but too many people, even those who are speaking contrary to what I think is right, do not understand that these two rights are hinged upon the presence of the Second Amendment–the right to keep and bear arms.

It is hard for me to understand people who do not seem to have ever heard about what plagued the world throughout most of the 20th century.  Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others like them, were responsible for slaughtering scores of millions of people.  In every situation of which I am aware, disarmament of civilians preceded all such tyrannical governments, making them unable to defend themselves against any aggressor.

It is especially challenging to my mind to try to understand why so many Jewish people are in favor of more restrictive firearm ownership and seem to have amnesia related to their ancestors, who were slaughtered by the millions in Europe less than one hundred years ago.

So now, even though we hear about “sensible laws for firearm safety”, the real goal of people like Bloomberg and the Gifford organizations are to make the entire country’s gun laws as restrictive as are the state of California’s.  The majority of current legislators in California would like to make ownership of all firearms and ammunition illegal for essentially all people except those who are identified as “law enforcement”. 

It is a fact of life that “Power corrupts. Absolute power absolutely corrupts.”  So, when only law enforcement has access to firearms, who is left to prevent those with power and corrupt minds from becoming the “tyrannical government”?  The answer is: “No one.”

A significant fact not mentioned by anyone of Leftist ideology and the Left-focused media, is that Mexico has among the highest violent crime, murder, homicide, and firearm death rates compared to any other country in the world.  Mexico has gun controls in place that resemble those of California and New York.  On the other hand, citizens of Switzerland have one firearm for every two people and they have virtually the lowest rates of violent death, murder, homicide, and deaths by firearms in the world. 

Except for one event, all mass shootings since 1992 have occurred in areas, or zones, that were clearly identified as “gun free”.  Texas has allowed school teachers to be armed for several years and there has not been one mass shooting in a school in which the school officials and or teachers were armed.

It is also very clear as more and more laws are passed, that the criminals and those who are insane and create mass homicides, do not have any concern about violating any of the massive number of current laws related to firearms purchase, possession or use.  There are no mass shootings in which the shooter did not violate one or several of the laws currently in effect where he lived or where he killed people.

A statistic that is never promoted by anyone who leans even a little toward the left is that there are an estimated two million plus defensive gun uses per year in the United States.  These events do not make the news, as few would be interested in a report saying “Four people were not injured today when the robber approaching them ran away on seeing that his intended victim was armed.”  An event in which an armed citizen thwarts a criminal act is unlikely to make the news when there is generally no reason for a police report to be filed.

It is not rocket science to know this fact: “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.”

Many of those high positions and in power are protected by armed body guards, but are opposed to you and I being armed.  Is this hypocrisy or is this duplicity?

Shouldn’t we prioritize instead reducing the 110+ deaths every day in the United States due to exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke, or the 1,400 deaths every day due to the direct effects of cigarette smoke?

Another great place to focus would be to reduce the 200,000 to 300,000 deaths every year in the United States that occur in hospitals due to accidents, poor judgement, erroneous medical care, or the wrong drugs being given to people.

We physicians do need to heal ourselves, and stay out of the lane of knowledgeable Americans exercising their right to keep and bear arms.



—Cris McBride, M.D. is retired from a busy practice in rural Arizona. He purchased his first firearm at age 11 from a Sears catalog for $12. Dr. McBride is adamant about shooting for fun and self defense, and to prevent a tyrannical government from taking away our God-given rights.

All DRGO articles by Cris McBride, MD