
Aero Precision on the Hunt

Sighting in at the ranch.

I just got back from a fantastic maiden voyage hunt with my Aero Precision M5 308. This was the hunt I built her for, and she performed like it was her job. We “did some work” together!

Hawks Double Mountain Ranch in Texas was the host of this LACE ladies hunt event for hogs and cull doe. It was a huge success for everyone, but especially for me personally and my built-it-myself Aero Precision rifle.

From sight-in to hog-down and doe-down, my Aero rifle was a pleasure to run. She cycled smoothly and consistently. She loaded and ejected every round with perfection, and the .308 recoil was virtually unnoticeable – partly from adrenaline, but mostly because the VG6 muzzle brake did its job so well.

Aero doing work in the blind.
Lining up a shot.

This gun made that boar hog drop like a sack of potatoes when he received a dose of 168 grain Black Hills Ammunition to the brain. It was a crazy thing to watch since I had no experience with hogs, but it was right there in my Vortex scope. I mistook his “air running” death throes for a not quite perfect hit, so I gave him another one for good measure. Turns out it wasn’t needed. He took a humane bullet in his ear on the first hit. (We recovered the second round when we processed him.)

Hog down in the distance!

I was vibrating with adrenaline in the blind and teared up a little just from the reaction, but the Aero did her job with my first big animal harvest! I even patted her like a dog and exclaimed “Good Girl!”

My first hog harvest.
The recovered second round from my hog.

My Aero also performed admirably on a little cull doe. It was about a 135-yard shot, and that doe piled up over the hill in about 20 yards and was done. What a great feeling! 

More work in the blind.
My first deer ever. She’s a little cull doe to thin the ranch herd.

I know that many hunters take their first large game when they’re age twelve or so. It’s a given and a right of passage. But for me, it took fifty-six years and it is a BIG deal for me. It was a long time coming and I am so happy and proud of myself!

Resting in the ranch lodge rack after a hard weekend’s work.

I will have my very first venison and hog in the freezer this holiday season because of this self-built Aero Precision M5 .308. There are few better feelings of accomplishment in the world than to harvest your very first large game animals with a gun you built with your own hands.

Thank you so much, Aero Precision! I’ll think of you when I’m eating pork chops and backstrap this winter!

Ummmmm… Ok… Have fun with that..

In the greatest thing I’ve seen on the internet today, South Dakota has apparently embraced the drugs. The hard ones. They’re on Meth!

Okay, they aren’t actually on the Meth (well, that I know of.. maybe) but the campaign they spent $449,000 to launch certainly didn’t go through any marketing proofing and has instead delivered us internet hilarity.

Is this firearm related?


But it’s funny. It has made my life better for reading it.

The entire state is on Meth. On combating the methamphetamine epidemic… totally what they meant.

It is what they meant. The young users of illicit substances in South Dakota are reportedly at twice the rate of the national average and with substance abuse being closely linked to early deaths and violent crimes associated with acquiring the drugs.. it is a problem. Addicts routinely use dangerous and often violent methods for feeding their habits.

However, marketing a message is often more critical than the message itself. Combating addiction is vital, but this campaign has derailed itself with poor message management.

Why is this relevant to us in the gun space? Because message clarity and management is vital to our efforts to communicate clearly with an undereducated general population. Imagine seeing, “Murder. We’ll take care of it.” slapped up beside a man with a badge and a gun advertised through Chicago… or Texas right now.

All the bad.

Civilian Disarmament and Tyranny—A Tale of Three Cities

[Ed: This is an excerpt from Dr. Faria’s new book, America, Guns and Freedom, minimally edited for DRGO. It was originally published at GOPUSA October 14 and on his site HaciendaPub October 16.]

Depending on the level of culture and social progress, violence can take different forms in different societies. In the mid‑twentieth century, Stalin’s brutal communist government killed more Soviet citizens through privation, forced labor, and famine than soldiers fighting the Germans in World War II.

In 1994, the Hutu‑led Rwandan government massacred between 800,000 and over one million people, mostly Tutsis, genocide carried out largely with machete (not gun)‑wielding government forces. The massacres took place despite the presence of UN “peace‑keeping” forces, armed with automatic weapons who failed to intervene. The Tutsis were unarmed and helpless.

Civilian disarmament has always preceded genocide by authoritarian states. The political formula for accomplishing this goal is and remains: Media indoctrination against firearms, followed by gun licensing and registration, then banning and confiscation, and finally total civilian disarmament. This is what could happen if Progressives, who are openly embracing socialism and gun control, win the elections in 2020. But what can we learn from history?

Dateline: Warsaw, Poland, 1943

In the Spring of 1943, the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto, having become aware the Nazis were deporting the remaining Jews to the gas chambers of Treblinka, took up arms—whatever they could find—and rebelled against the German occupiers. These determined insurgents had only homemade Molotov cocktails and a handful of small arms, revolvers, pistols, and a few military or hunting rifles. It took vastly superior Nazi forces to subdue the rebels, and the Germans suffered as many as 300 casualties pacifying the city.

There were several other armed struggles and Ghetto uprisings, and both the Poles and Warsaw remained serious problems for the Germans during the remainder of the war. Polish Jews continued to procure whatever arms they could find to defend themselves in their struggle, repeatedly disrupting the timetable of the Nazi high command and the German war effort.

The last major Polish uprising in August 1944 was to be launched in concert with the liberating Soviet Red Army. But the advancing Red juggernaut suddenly and inexplicably halted. Advised by General Georgi Zhukov, Stalin rejected the appeals of the Western allies to assist the insurgents.

For two months the courageous Poles fought the Nazis in heroic urban warfare without any assistance. Stalin had simply halted the advance of the giant Red Army to allow the Germans to destroy the non-communist freedom fighters: 200,000 Poles perished and 800,000 were deported to the death camps. Warsaw was erased by orders of Adolf Hitler, and the Soviets at the outskirts of the city did nothing.

Dateline: Budapest, Hungary, 1944

During the summer of 1944 in the ongoing carnage of World War II, German troops were retreating on multiple fronts. Hungarian allied troops were defending the motherland from the onslaught of the Soviet Red Army, yet in the midst of the chaos, nearly 500,000 Hungarian Jews were rounded up and deported to the Nazi death camp Auschwitz–Birkenau, where 90% of them were summarily exterminated in the gas chambers.

A reign of terror ensued for those who remained in Hungary. Thousands of them were tortured, robbed, or murdered; Jewish women were raped; property was looted or confiscated. These atrocities were carried out with a minimum of Nazi troops. How could these atrocities have been carried out with only a minimum of Nazi troops? The Hungarian state had outlawed the possession of firearms for its citizens. Simply put, this happened without resistance because the Hungarian people had been disarmed.

Dateline: Havana, Cuba, 1959

After the triumph of the revolution in 1959, Fidel Castro reneged on his promise to establish democracy in Cuba. Instead he seized authoritarian control. A 100,000-member “militia” was organized to seek out the political opposition and actively disarm it. Castro then disarmed all other Cubans who were not considered reliable supporters of the revolution that soon turned communist.

The communists and the secret police (the G2) had a well-drawn blueprint to follow—the local firearm registration lists that former dictator Fulgencio Batista had established. All the communist militia had to do was to seize the registration and licensing lists, then go door to door searching for and confiscating firearms. The militia tried to disarm my father, a physician, and the episode is recounted in my book Cuba in Revolution: Escape from a Lost Paradise (2002).

Since Fidel Castro took over the island in 1959, the best figures we can glean are that between 30,000 and 40,000 Cubans were either executed by firing squads or died at the hands of their communist jailers.

From 1960-1965, hundreds of anti-communist rebels, many of them former Revolutionary Directorate (RD) members, went back to the hills of the Escambray Mountains in my native Las Villas province to fight the new communist dictatorship of the Castro brothers. The mostly peasant insurgents, defending their lands, lacked sufficient weapons to overcome the well-armed communist Cuban military forces. Thus, most of these peasant insurgents were annihilated by 1966.

Moreover, between 1960 and 1993, 36,000 Cubans perished at sea trying to escape the Castro brothers’ communist inferno. If we include all of those who died escaping the regime, those who were shot or died in custody, the figure well exceeds 100,000. In fact, the late scholar Armando Lago arrived at a death toll of over 105,000 victims directly attributed to the regime of Fidel Castro.

In conclusion

Civilian disarmament is not only harmful to one’s freedom and potentially deadly to one’s existence, but also counterproductive in achieving safety. During the twentieth century, more than 100 million people were exterminated by their own repressive—police states bent on destroying liberty and building communism, socialism, collectivism, and other utopias that turn out to be hells on earth.

Some of the deceptive promises made to the people by the authoritarian governments of these “people’s democracies” were eerily similar to the promises Progressives are currently making to American voters: Free higher education, making the rich pay, free health care ( “Medicare for all”), gun control, etc.

Governments that trust their citizens with guns are governments that sustain and affirm individual freedom. Governments that do not trust their citizens with firearms tend to be despotic and tyrannical. We Americans should heed history and keep our guns.




—  Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. is a retired Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery and Adjunct Professor of Medical History at Mercer University School of Medicine. He is Associate Editor in Chief and World Affairs Editor of Surgical Neurology International. He served on the CDC’s Injury Research Grant Review Committee.

All DRGO articles by Miguel A. Faria, Jr., MD

IWI Bringing Commercial Offerings to Europe

IWI Will Offer Their Semi-Automatic Weapons, TAVOR Family, GALIL ACE Family, and UZI Pro To Europe’s Hunting & Sport Shooting Fans

November 19, 2019 – IWI Israel Weapon Industries (IWI), SK Group Member a leader in the production of combat-proven small arms for law enforcement agencies, governments and armies worldwide, as well as commercial markets in the US ‒ announces its expansion, reflected in the marketing of its semi-automatic weapons to the European commercial markets of sport-shooting and hunting. The weapons to be marketed include the TAVOR family, the GALIL ACE family, and the UZI Pro, all of which will be soon displayed in the next-coming Milipol Paris and Defense & Security Thailand trade shows.  

Ronen Hamudot, Corporate VP Marketing and Sales, SK Group, explains: “In light of IWI’s success in marketing these weapons to the US commercial market, the company has decided to expand its reach towards the commercial market in Europe as well”

IWI’s offering to the European commercial market has so far focused mainly on pistols for personal use, such as the popular JERICHO and MASADA.

According to Hamudot “We greatly appreciate the distinguished history of sport shooting and hunting in Europe, and believe that our high quality solutions will be very successful in this market and will meet the high demands.

Among these weapons is the new member to the TAVOR family – TAVOR TS12 shotgun – which has so far been offered only to the US market and will now be showcased in Europe for the first time. 

The TAVOR TS12 shotgun is a gas regulated bullpup shotgun. With an innovative design it feeds from one of three individual magazines which can each hold four 3inch or five 2¾ inch shotgun shells. This results in a potential overall capacity from all three individual magazines of 15 rounds plus one additional round in the chamber. The TS12 has a unique feature that automatically loads a round in the chamber once the subsequent loaded magazine is rotated into position. It can be fed and unloaded from either side. Additional features of the TS12 include four sling attachment points, M-LOK compatible rails, a continuous Picatinny rail on top, Benelli/Beretta choke tube compatibility, and the reliability expected of all IWI products. Although the TS12 has an 18.5 inch barrel, the overall length is still only 28.34 inches.

Israel Weapon Industries (IWI), located in the center of Israel, is a world leader in small arms for over 85 years. IWI is a member of SK Group, which comprises companies that develop and manufacture a wide array of defense products for governmental entities, armies, and law enforcement agencies around the world. IWI’s best-known products include the new ARAD and CARMEL 5.56X45mm caliber Assault Rifles, the TAVOR family with its new TAVOR 7 in 7.62X51mm caliber and the new TAVOR TS12 shotgun, X95 (Micro TAVOR) and GALIL ACE Assault Rifles, the GALIL SNIPER S.A. Rifle, the DAN.338 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle, the NEGEV Light Machine Gun 5.56 & 7.62mm, the legendary UZI SMG in its latest evolution – UZI PRO, the JERICHO pistols, and the new MASADA striker fired pistols. The company’s firearms are developed in close collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF): IWI and the IDF join forces in developing these weapons, whose final configurations are the product of ongoing interaction, field tests, and modifications, resulting from combat requirements and experience. All IWI weapon systems comply with the most stringent military standards (MIL-STD) and ISO 9001 standards. 

SK Group is a privately held technology and innovation holding company specializing in global frontline defense, law enforcement solutions, marine infrastructures, and property development. SK Group provides small arms systems, electro-optic and laser solutions, imaging systems, naval solutions, and more. Drawing on Israel’s innovation and field-proven solutions, SK’s companies offer a powerful track record of technology, experience and excellence.

The Mandalorian Carries Classic

If you aren’t watching this. What are you doing with your life? Like… seriously. It’s way better than Last Jedi and we must cling to the good Star Wars of yore.

Hit the play button and spend your break with Forgotten Weapons and the Bergmann 1894.

Economist, Criminologist & Public Health Researchers’ Views on Gun Control


[Ed: We are posting excerpts from this recently released study from Dr. Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center, first because everything at CRPC is important, and because Dr. Mauser is also a contributor to DRGO. The abstract is at, and the original can be downloaded from, this page on

[This is an opportunity again to remind readers that supporting CRPC with donations is one of the most important things one can do for the RKBA. Only John Lott has given his career to producing a steady stream of objective, detailed research that makes clear the contribution of civilian gun ownership to safety and security in our country.

[He is (and we are all) up against a public health industrial complex carrying out the contrary mission via biased, misleading and divisive work (see here for how). CRPC operates only on individual contributionseach one is critical.]

Do Researchers from Different Fields have a Consensus on Gun Control Laws and do Registered Voters Agree with Any of Them?

by Arthur Z. Berg, MD (Harvard Medical School), John R. Lott, Jr., PhD (Crime Prevention Research Center) & Gary Mauser, PhD (Simon Fraser University)

Executive Summary

Hundreds of millions of dollars go to firearms research on crime, suicides, and accidental deaths, but the vast majority of the money, particularly government money, is being spent on public health research. We got a response rate of over 43%, or 120, from the 277 researchers we approached, and we found large statistically significant differences in the views of academic researchers in criminology, economics, and public health on 33 different gun control policies for both mass public shootings and murder will reduce crime and save lives. Our sample is much larger than two surveys of 32 researchers by the New York Times. While none of our groups are quite as supportive of gun control as reported by the Times, public health researchers come closest.

  • We find that Economists and to a lesser extent criminologists rank order the efficacy of gun control policies in the opposite order that public health researcher do. Using the New York Times survey of registered voters shows that their rank order is random when compared to any group of experts.
  • Regarding proposals that can reduce mass public shootings, while public health researchers give a score of at least 5.5 on a 1 to 10 scale for two types of gun control regulations (gun and ammunition bans as well as universal background checks), criminologists and economists only give that high of a score to just one type of gun regulation (eliminating gun-free zones).
  • Regarding proposals that can reduce murder rates, while public health researchers give a score of at least 5.5 on a 1 to 10 scale for one type of gun control regulation (universal background checks), economists only give that high of a score to just one kind of gun regulation (eliminating gun-free zones).
  • As a group, criminologists are generally extremely skeptical of gun control regulations. In none of the broad overall categories of gun control do either group give a score of at least 3.0 on a 1 to 10 scale for Red Flag laws, gun bans, universal background checks, or licensing and regulations.
  • Economists are even more skeptical of gun control regulations. In none of the broad overall categories of gun control do either group give a score of at least 2.0 on a 1 to 10 scale for Red Flag laws, gun bans, universal background checks, or licensing and regulations.



Academics from different fields vary widely in their views about the effectiveness of gun control. Inequitable distribution of government funding to public health researchers, at the expense of criminologists and economists, means favoring only one viewpoint and academic approach. In addition, if you believe that any group of experts has properly ranked the effectiveness of different gun control regulations, registered voters have ordered the efficacy of regulations entirely randomly.

Our results show that public health researchers are much more supportive of gun control than are either criminologists or economists. They are also much more opposed to any deregulation. Economists, by contrast, are the most skeptical of new regulations and the most supportive of deregulation.

The different groups of researchers also provide very different rankings of effectiveness when asked to rate different policies.

The New York Times results appear to arise for several reasons. Their use of only questions calling for more government regulations of gun ownership and their relatively heavy reliance on public health researchers, both worked to produce answers that were more sympathetic towards gun control. However, this doesn’t explain all of their findings as their small selective sample was even slightly more supportive of gun control than was the average public health researcher in our survey, and that is true even when we limit ourselves to just the Times’ survey questions.

One possibility for these different results might be the different political views in these different fields of study. Democrats are generally in favor of gun control, but academics in all of these fields are overwhelmingly Democrats. Indeed, Democratic economists outnumber their Republican counterparts by almost five to one, while in sociology (of which criminology is a subfield) there are about 37 Democratic faculty members for every Republican. No similar numbers are available for the field of public health, but political campaign donations indicate that few medical school faculty members make donations to Republicans.



Robert B Young, MD

— DRGO Editor Robert B. Young, MD is a psychiatrist practicing in Pittsford, NY, an associate clinical professor at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, and a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

All DRGO articles by Robert B. Young, MD

Mass Casualty Attack in Fresno California

Image via CBS News

An attack on a crowded backyard party has left 4 dead and 6 wounded, all adult males, in Fresno California.

About 35 friends and family at the home were watching a football game in the backyard when an unknown number of gunmen opened fire into the crowd, said Michael Reed, a deputy chief of the Fresno Police Department. The authorities received reports of the shooting around 8 p.m. local time.

The number of assailants and their motive are unknown at this time and no arrests have been made. Police are looking for surveillance video from the neighborhood and witnesses to try and establish suspects and gather details.

Three of the victims were declared dead on the scene and the fourth died at the hospital. The six injured were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.

This is the second high profile shooting in California in less than a week. The highschool shooting last week Thursday that left two students dead, two injured, and the suspect committing suicide with the .45 caliber handgun the 16 year old brought in his backpack made national headlines with its suddenness and no obvious motive.

California holds arguably the strictest gun control policies in the nation, but that legislation is ineffective in curbing motivated violence or preventing effective access to means. California’s violent crime rate was 16th in the nation in 2017 at 451:100,000 and above the national average of 394:100,000. 59% of those were aggravated assaults, 8% sexual assaults, and 1% homicides. Remember that the difference between aggravated assault and homicide is, mostly, surviving.

And even as I finish writing this, another shooting is being reported at an Oklahoma Walmart. Three dead reported. Motive and Suspect status unknown.

On Active Shooters And Risk Management: Framing The Problem And Assessing Potential Strategies

CBP Office of Air and Marine Pilots participate in an Active Shooter Scenario at an NATC facility to learn how to safely interact with other law enforcement communities in a dynamic enviroment to protect citizens and neutralize threats in a school based situation. Students and instructors move thru an abandoned school checking the role playing bad guy while training for the Active Shooter Scenario making sure to wear important safety equipment. Photo by James Tourtellotte

In my day job, I work with leaders in high risk industries to figure out how and why their systems and processes are going wrong and leading to negative outcomes, and how they can redesign said systems and processes to fix those identified problems. We consult in health care (patient safety, quality, and risk management), in transportation (accident avoidance, maintenance quality control), in gas and electric (employee safety, system reliability), in manufacturing (workplace safety, process improvement), and more. The reason we can work with such a wide variety of industries is that our reliability and risk management principles aren’t specific to any process or procedure, or even any desired outcome, but are universal concepts that can be applied to any problem, to help avoid any negative outcome of concern. In fact, one of my colleagues has demonstrated this universality to clients by building a model oriented around preventing the “negative outcome” of his son’s dog scratching his hardwood floors.


If you model any risk management problem as a line, beginning with the initiating action and ending with the negative outcome, there are essentially three potential places along that line you can attempt to intervene. First, you can try to prevent the initiating action itself. Second, you can try to put defenses in place between the initiating action and the negative outcome, so that even if the initiating action occurs it doesn’t cause a negative outcome. And third, you can accept that, despite your best efforts, sometimes the negative outcome will occur, and you can seek to mitigate the harm it causes. The best, most reliable systems will seek to do all three: they will include precursor strategies to reduce the likelihood of the initiating action, layered defensive strategies to stop or catch the initiating action before it can result in harm, and mitigation strategies to reduce the harm when a negative outcome does slip through the cracks. But in general terms, those are the three options available.

I’ve recently had several discussions on the topic of school shootings and other mass killer events, and it got me thinking of problem solving in the terms of these risk management principles. There are three types of strategies to solve the problem of active killer attacks.


First, we can seek to prevent people from attempting such attacks in the first place. There are three elements that must align for this initiating action—someone planning and attempting an attack—to occur.  Someone must want to conduct an attack.  They must have access to the means to conduct an attack.  And they must have the opportunity to conduct an attack.  Without all three elements (the will, the means, and the opportunity), an attack cannot occur.  Thus, strategies that seek to prevent the initiating action do not have to address all three elements, but rather must only strive to ensure the three do not align. 

Potential strategies may include efforts to reduce the root causes of such violence through early identification and intervention: mental health reform, outreach efforts to disaffected youth and immigrants, etc.  These attempt to reduce the likelihood someone will want to conduct an attack in the first place. 

Other potential strategies may instead focus on preventing those who want to do harm from accessing the means to do so.  Gun control efforts usually fall under this category, under the belief that if only we could control access to firearms better, people wouldn’t have the means to conduct such attacks.

The problem is that there’s no evidence that’s true–the UK and Australia have still experienced multiple mass killer attacks despite outright gun bans, and France and Belgium have had multiple mass killer attacks despite relatively strict gun control compared to the US.  The third deadliest mass shooting in American history was conducted with two small caliber handguns, rather than scary “assault weapons.”  In fact, of the 23 mass shootings in America since 1949 that have claimed at least ten lives, 9 of them (~40%) involved no rifles whatsoever, only handguns and shotguns.  

Committed attackers will still conduct such attacks even without guns—the Nice attacker (who claimed more lives than any mass shooting in American history) used a truck, as did the recent New York City attacker; Chinese and British terrorists have killed dozens with knives; attackers in Belgium and Boston and France and elsewhere have used homemade explosives and other improvised weapons.

If someone is committed to attacking, gun control does not stop them, because there are simply too many different means to conduct an attack to prevent a committed attacker from getting access to them. No matter how good such efforts may be, they will never stop someone like the attacker in Las Vegas who had no identifiable motive and was clearly committed to his efforts—given his level of planning, if it weren’t a gun, he was just as likely to use something else.  And more problematically, while removing or limiting access to guns or certain types of guns demonstrably does not effectively stop mass shootings and other mass killing attacks, what it DOES do is severely limit other strategies to mitigate the harm from such attacks, as we’ll discuss later.

All of that said, that does not mean there isn’t anything that can be done to limit access.  Those clearly identified as potential attackers, generally through their personal histories of actual violence and/or violent mental health tendencies, can be denied easy access to the various means of attack, and this we already do.  Legal firearms purchases in the United States (with the sole exception of in-person private transfers between residents of the same state) require background checks—this process manifestly has flaws, given the Texas church shooter who was a legally prohibited person given his domestic abuse conviction but still passed the background check due to a communication failure in reporting said conviction to the database.  That’s certainly a potential area for improvement.  Similarly, explosives and chemicals that can be easily made into explosives are generally tightly controlled, to inhibit access to those who would do harm with them.  And so forth.  But, to reiterate, this is a difficult point at which to intervene, because most strategies to do so will be very resource intensive and not terribly effective.  There are just too many means to conduct a successful attack to prevent access to all of them.  Ask the Brits.

The third necessary element is the opportunity to conduct an attack.  This one is the most difficult to address.  There is little realistic way to get rid of schools, or churches, or sporting events, or crowded parks, or any other public gathering that presents an opportunity for an attack.

As we can see, our ability to effectively intervene and prevent the initiating action is extremely limited by the nature of the problem, so we must not limit our efforts and focus all our resources to such strategies.  Instead, we need to look and see where and how else we can reduce the risk of such events.


Because there is no way to prevent ALL such attacks, the next strategy is to put defenses in place between the attacker and his intended victims. The first opportunity to do so consists of early efforts to catch them in the planning stages (such as the multiple school shootings which have been foiled pre-attack by alert parents and citizens reporting concerns to the police, who investigated and stopped the attacker before he ever fired a shot). Such efforts can fail (and did in the Parkland shooter’s case, due to the FBI not following up on the report they received), but they’re a viable option in general. We want multiple layers of defense precisely because any one intervention strategy can and will sometimes fail.

Next, if we can’t prevent the attack before it starts, we can seek to stop it before it reaches its intended victims through robust security measures.  In general, security for public sites and events in the United States is a joke, known among security and risk experts as “security theater.”  Things like barely-trained, underpaid, and unarmed staffers waving metal detecting wands over torsos and glancing into purses does absolutely nothing to stop a committed attacker, but it makes the ignorant feel better and more secure for a relatively low cost.  Even the TSA fails on most every test of their process.  If we instead want real security, it requires a legitimate investment of time, money, and resources.

There is, of course, a tradeoff that often makes good security less of a viable plan: no one wants to feel like they’re living or working or watching sports in a prison.  But there are ways to achieve reliable security that will stop most attackers from reaching their targets without being oppressive; we can learn quite a bit from Israeli airport and high threat site security practices, for example.  At schools, simple things like reinforced doors and windows, and actually locking them to ensure only one easily monitored entry point, can dramatically reduce an attacker’s ability to reach his target.  Armed security at the door, if well done, can keep the attacker outside and away from the vulnerable target—see the incident in Garland, Texas.

But even the best systems sometimes fail.  What happens when an individual with the will, the means, and the opportunity to conduct an attack manages to avoid early detection and gets past our security measures and other defenses?


Sometimes the shooter gets to the target.  Whether that’s a school, a mall, a church, or a sporting event, there are just too many opportunities to secure them all.  So in anticipation of such events, we need to seek to minimize the harm when an active killer reaches his intended victims. And, quite frankly, statistically the best way to limit deaths and injuries in active killer incidents is to confront the attacker with armed resistance. Greg Ellifritz over at Active Response Training has spent decades studying this very issue, and in his words,

“Statistically, the absolute best way to survive an active shooter event is not by running, hiding, or fighting with chairs and fire extinguishers. The best survival results for everyone involved occur when an armed citizen or police officer kills the active shooter…Active killers have historically stopped their attack as soon as they have been met with EFFECTIVE resistance. Although many folks have effectively resisted while unarmed, the most effective way to target an armed killer is to use a firearm.  [There have been] numerous incidents when armed citizens have stopped active killers…In each of these cases, the armed citizen was not harmed by the killer. Also, in each [case] the killer stopped his rampage without shooting another round as soon as he was confronted by the armed citizen. Having an uninjured citizen responder combined with no further casualties among the killer’s intended victim pool is the best possible outcome during a mass murder event. That rarely happens unless the courageous resisting citizen is carrying a firearm.”

There are multiple ways to achieve this goal, of confronting the active killer with effective armed resistance at the earliest opportunity.  One is to rely on the police.  However, police are rarely on site at the start of the shooting (and even when they are they cannot be relied upon as the only option—see the inaction of the Sheriff’s Deputies at Parkland for a reminder of why it’s better to have more than one option).  As of 2012, the average number of deaths in active shooter events when the shooter was stopped by law enforcement was 14. When the shooter was stopped by armed civilians, that number dropped to 2.5. The difference isn’t because armed civilians are better at stopping shooters. It’s because they’re faster, because they’re already there to confront the shooter with effective resistance, while the average police response time to an active shooter event is three minutes—longer than the time most shooters spend actually shooting.  Thus, to best mitigate active shooters and keep casualties as low as possible, a viable and effective strategy is to ensure there is a rapid armed response on site, ready to confront the shooter. 

Given the relatively high cost of armed security beyond a single School Resource Officer, one much more affordable option for schools would be to allow qualified, trained teachers and staff to carry concealed weapons (voluntarily, not mandatorily) as part of a school active shooter response plan.  Having teachers as auxiliary armed first responders who can protect their student bodies, even if only a handful of volunteers in any given school, means not having to wait three or more minutes for the police to arrive, and thus means fewer deaths and injuries.

This, by the way, is the other downside to gun control efforts that I mentioned earlier.  Beyond their inherent ineffectiveness at solving the “initiating action” problem, such laws and regulations also greatly limit the single best proven mitigation strategy to end a mass shooting with the fewest number of casualties, by disarming those who could otherwise respond and forcing victims to rely on the police response to end the shooting.  Even beyond mass shootings, estimates of lawful defensive gun uses in the United States range between 100,000 and 2.5 million events every year—people do effectively use guns to defend themselves from attackers every day.  Even those scary so-called “assault weapons” have a legitimate defensive purpose, as many expert defensive firearms trainers will readily state that a rifle is a far better choice for defending against home invaders than a handgun—a much more common occurrence than the still extremely rare mass shooting events that make the news.  Taking away that proven personal mitigation strategy in the name of reducing a committed attacker’s access to only one of many different potential means of conducting a successful attack makes no sense from a risk management perspective—it’s cutting off your nose to spite your face.

All of that said, using teachers to supplement response plans isn’t limited to using them as armed auxiliaries. A very easy strategy to implement, that wouldn’t cost very much money, would be to ensure every teacher and school staffer is trained in immediate trauma casualty care, and there is a basic trauma kit in every classroom with a tourniquet, a compression bandage, gauze, medical tape, and chest seals. We already teach CPR. The American College of Surgeons’ “Stop the Bleed” campaign recommends that basic first aid training be supplemented with bleeding control training for trauma (and they offer Bleeding Control certifications), because rapidly controlling hemorrhagic bleeding can keep victims alive long enough for them to be treated and saved at the hospital. This has the added benefit that it doesn’t just apply to active shooter events–the same training can apply for any traumatic injury, regardless of the cause. We will reduce casualties if the teachers and staff know how to keep the victims alive until the ambulances can arrive.


Like I said before, the best risk management systems implement strategies in all three areas: seeking to prevent the initiating action, adding layers of defense between the action and the outcome, and mitigating the harm associated with the outcome when it occurs. There is no reason our approach to school shootings and other active shooter events should not follow the same principles. We absolutely should seek to prevent attacks in the first place, sure. But we can’t prevent them all, so we also need to defend against them reaching their intended victims as much as possible, and mitigate the harm when those efforts are unsuccessful.

Henry Pays Homage to the Lone Star State

The Henry Texas Tribute Edition rifle features a deep black stain on the wood stocks and inlaid metal stars.

BAYONNE, NJ – November 15, 2019 – Henry Repeating Arms recently unveiled their Texas Tribute Edition rifle with a surprise appearance at the Texas Motor Speedway, where it was presented to NASCAR Cup Series driver Kevin Harvick for his pole qualifying win before the AAA Texas 500. Now available nationwide, the new rifle is the latest addition to Henry’s diverse Tribute Edition product line and the only edition dedicated to a specific state.

Anthony Imperato, President, and Owner of Henry Repeating Arms, explains, “The idea of making a special gun for Texas is something that we’ve been working at for quite some time, and we have looked at so many different designs in the process.” Imperato continues, “Texas loves guns, and we wanted to make sure that this rifle captures that unique Texas magic with a look that no one has ever seen before on a Henry. I think we nailed it.”

NASCAR Cup Series driver, Kevin Harvick was awarded with a Henry Texas Tribute Edition rifle for his pole qualifying win at Texas Motor Speedway on November 2, 2019.

NASCAR Cup Series driver, Kevin Harvick was awarded with a Henry Texas Tribute Edition rifle for his pole qualifying win at Texas Motor Speedway on November 2, 2019.

The Henry Texas Tribute Edition is a .22 S/L/LR caliber lever action rifle built on Henry’s Golden Boy platform, which features a 20” blued steel octagon barrel, a Brasslite receiver cover, a brass buttplate and barrel band, and fully adjustable sights. Most notably, the wood furniture is finished with a deep black stain to provide a stark contrast to the gold highlights throughout the gun. Both sides of the rifle are studded with inlaid metal 5-pointed stars, with 4 on the right side of the buttstock, and a lone star on the right side of the buttstock. The forestock is further embellished with the word “TEXAS” engraved in a classic Western typeface and filled by hand with gold paint. The buttstock engraving depicts the state of Texas filled with a “Lone Star Flag” motif, which is also hand-painted in gold.

The new Texas Tribute Edition rifle has a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $960. For more information, visit

ReSpEct MA AuTHOritY! – The Lesson of Colorado

“Bad” laws do many things, but perhaps their most egregious offense is their erosion of overall respect for authority. Bad laws prove that a governing body doesn’t know what they’re doing. It proves that they’re inept in their positions and that anything they say, any judgment they make, and any rule they create is suspect.

The Colorado High Capacity Magazine ban is a perfect example of a rule that has eroded the respect for authority to the point that quite literally nobody gives a flying…

Colorado’s Large-Capacity Magazine Ban Is a Colossal Failure – Reason

In 2013, the Colorado legislature passed House Bill 13-1224, which prohibits the “sale, transfer, or possession of an ammunition feeding device that is capable of accepting, or that can be readily converted to accept, more than [15] rounds of ammunition or more than [8] shotgun shells (large-capacity magazine).” This was a year after James Holmes used a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a 100-round drum magazine (among other weapons) to kill 12 people in a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. The bill grandfathered in old large-capacity magazines that gun owners already had in their possession but forbade new sales or transfers. Then-Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) signed the bill into law on July 1. The law was intended to erase the market for new large-capacity magazines.

This caused Magpul to leave their beloved Colorado homes, along with several other firearm related businesses, and has done both ‘jack’ and ‘shit’ for the safety of Colorado regarding the risk of mass killers. Some areas honor the letter of the rule but sell standard capacity magazine “kits” instead of magazines, a magazine like a PMAG is 5 pieces. Others just ignore the feckless rule altogether based on the opinion of their elected Sheriff.

“I’m a little stunned about how open it is and how blatantly they’re saying, ‘You know, this is a stupid law, but this is the way you can get around it,'” state Sen. Rhonda Fields (D–Aurora), one of the bill’s sponsors, told 9News. “The whole goal, when I ran the bill in 2013, was to limit that capacity.”

And you failed, Rhonda. You totally, completely, and utterly failed to heed the reality that magazines are durable goods, like the firearms that use them, and already exist in the hundreds of millions. You failed to exercise good judgement in either crafting the rule effectively (if entirely unconstitutionally) to ban magazines outright (which would still leave the hundreds of millions in circulation and how to remove them) or realizing just what a waste of effort this was. You expected, because “mA AuThOrity!!”, that 2A supporters, who are tired of being the scapegoat for every mentally deranged, unhinged, or distraught individual who uses violence as their outlet, would just take the turd sandwich again and eat it because you claimed it was their responsibility to do so.

The longer preposterous half measures are allowed to stand the further the erosion of legitimate authority will slip. The more these rules pass the more they will be ignored. Bump stocks aren’t gone. High capacity magazines exist in every locale where they are prohibited. The banned features on “assault weapons” are just as likely to be ignored now as the rest of these in regions where they are illegal.

Bad laws, in violation of the second amendment, have gone and irreparably harmed the authority of these legislative and governing bodies. Every rule is under the highest scrutiny because no faith is to be found in them to make well reasoned decisions. Second Amendment supports are rightly well and done with the nonsense. Internationally even, things aren’t looking good. New Zealand is set to illustrate what a ban and heavy handed treatment of firearms ownership looks like. They’re failing. And with tools of communication that is the internet we can watch these failures in real time, we can compile the data, we can cross reference what is said in comparison to plausible reality and find out just how wanting prohibition is as a solution.

Because we didn’t learn that constitutional lesson last time apparently.

Santa Clarita CA, What we know…

Image via CBS People wait for students and updates outside of Saugus High School after reports of a shooting on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ/AP

We know that at approximately 7:40 am local time at Saugus High School, Santa Clarita California, a student open fired on his classmates.

We know that the student, who turned 16 that morning, brought a .45 caliber handgun in his backpack to the school where he pulled it and fired at five other students, killing two and injuring three, before putting the final round into his own head. Last reported, the teen was on life support, possibly until his organs could be harvested as a registered donor. That report seems to indicate the self inflicted wound was catastrophic.

We know the attack lasted a total of 16 seconds.

What we don’t know…

We don’t know why.

We can speculate on several probable motives. The obvious one is bullying, but quite simply we do not know. Any number of factors could have motivated the teen to so violently put his suicide on display and take school mates with him. This was a statement, but for what purpose? It was a murder suicide and was pretty clearly intended to be from the offset, not a suicide of convenience at the end of an attack or killed in a gun battle.

If the students killed and injured were deliberate targets, which as of now they do not appear to be, this could be a statement against a specific bully or a response to a specific perceived offense. If the five students shot were just the closest this is much more likely a general statement of anguish against the high school, or maybe the high school was just the medium of outlet.

But ultimately, again and still, we do not know. The complicated emotive and rationale process the sixteen year old went through is ultimately only known to him, and he is in critical condition from the self inflicted GSW to the head.

It’s a long series of questions that may remain forever unanswered. Why? Did someone say something to him? Did he watch something? Was it social media? Was it his classmates? Was it teachers or the school in general? Was it depression? Was it medication? Was it any of these at all? Was it mom or his deceased father? Was it…?

The one who knows doesn’t look likely to live… and sadly violence rarely requires a rational motivation. It doesn’t require logical reasoning. It just requires ‘a’ motive, not a ‘good’ motive or an ‘understandable’ one.


EAGLEVILLE, PA, November 15, 2019 – Streamlight® Inc., a leading provider of high-performance lighting and weapon light/laser sighting devices, has introduced the TLR-7® A with ergonomic rear switches featuring a low or high position to match users’ shooting styles. The exceptionally lightweight and compact new light delivers 500 lumens for a variety of tactical uses.

“Our newest weapon light features ambidextrous on/off rear switches with low and high positions to suit user preference, and a rail clamp that attaches and detaches easily from the side of compact and full frame weapons,” said Streamlight President and Chief Executive Officer Ray Sharrah. “Like the original TLR-7, it is designed to maximize visibility and targeting capability in a variety of home defense and tactical applications.”

The TLR-7 A features a power LED that delivers 5,000 candela and 500 lumens over a beam distance of 140 meters. It offers two lighting modes, LED only or LED strobe, each with a run time of 1.5 hours. The light is energized by a single 3 Volt CR2 lithium battery.

Securely fitting to a broad range of weapons, the new TLR-7 A features a one-handed, snap on and tighten interface that keeps hands away from gun muzzles when attaching or detaching them. The light also includes a Safe Off feature, locking it so it cannot be turned on accidentally. A key kit is included to securely fit the light to the broadest array of hand guns of any light on the market.

Constructed with 6000 Series machined aircraft aluminum with a black anodized finish, the TLR-7 A weighs 2.40 ounces and measures 2.58 inches in length. 

With extensively live-fire tested, impact-resistant construction, the new model features an IPX7 rated design, making it waterproof to 1 meter for 30 minutes.

The new light is packaged as the TLR-7 A FLEX that comes with a High switch mounted on the light plus an included Low switch. It has an MSRP of $225.75, and comes with Streamlight’s Limited Lifetime Warranty.  

About Streamlight

Based in Eagleville, PA, Streamlight, Inc. has more than 45 years of experience making tough, durable, long-lasting flashlights designed to serve the specialized needs of professionals and consumers alike. Since 1973, the company has designed, manufactured and marketed high-performance flashlights, and today offers a broad array of lights, lanterns, weapon light/laser sighting devices, and scene lighting solutions for professional law enforcement, military, firefighting, industrial, automotive, and outdoor applications. Streamlight is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. For additional information, please call 800-523-7488, visit or connect with us on;;; and          

Mossberg and DeSantis GEAR UP

North Haven, CT – Consumers can “gear up” with Mossberg’s MC1sc pistol promotion. Subject to promotion details outlined below, purchase any Mossberg MC1sc (subcompact) 9mm pistol and receive a DeSantis® Slim-Tuk holster FREE! This limited time offer is for qualifying purchases on MC1sc 9mm pistols made between 11/15/19 and 3/31/20 with redemption postmarked or submitted online by 4/30/20. The value of the free DeSantis Slim-Tuk holster is $39.99.

Mossberg introduced the MC1sc pistol, earlier this year, in celebration of the company’s 100th anniversary. Encompassing three years of research and development, the MC1sc combines superior ergonomics, innovation and engineering expertise. These subcompacts feature a stainless-steel slide (bead-blasted or DLC coated) over a matte-black polymer, glass-reinforced frame and have aggressive multi-angle serrations; are equipped with dovetail-mounted, low-profile white 3-dot sights; and 3.4-inch barrel. Optional cross-bolt safety is available on select models and is reversible for right or left-handed shooters as well as optional sighting systems – VIRIDIAN® Laser-Equipped and TRUGLO® Tritium PRO Sights.

Other standard features include a flat-profile trigger with integrated blade safety; short, tactile reset; reduced overtravel; and a 5 to 6-pound trigger pull weight; oversized trigger guards; reversible magazine release; and flush 6-round and an extended 7-round single-stack Clear-Count magazines. And completing the MC1sc is our exclusive, patent-pending Mossberg STS (Safe Takedown System), which unlike competitive products, does not require the user to pull the trigger to disassemble for routine cleaning or maintenance. 

Promotion Details: Offers are limited to stock on hand; no rain checks are available. Offer is only valid for MC1sc 9mm pistols. Qualifying purchases must be made between 11/15/19 and 3/31/20, and redemption must be made by 4/30/20 to qualify. Offer may not be combined with any other sale, promotion, discount, code, coupon and/or offer. Promotions have no cash value. Offer cannot be sold, transferred, or otherwise bartered. Some qualifying models may not be available in all jurisdictions. This promotion is subject to any and all applicable laws, including but not limited to federal, state, and local laws. Void where prohibited, taxed or otherwise restricted. Returns of any portion of the qualifying purchase will require equal forfeiture of offer or amount equal to offer. Mossberg reserves the right to end or modify any promotion at any time. Other restrictions may apply. Offer valid in United States only.  Further, CA residents are not eligible for this promotion. All submissions subject to review and approval by O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. If submission is incomplete or unclear, additional proof of purchase may be requested. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery from time of confirmation email. 

TO REDEEM BY MAIL: Send your name and mailing address to: Mossberg MC1sc Offer; 7 Grasso Avenue; North Haven, CT; 06473-9844.  You MUST include your store sales receipt and gun box end panel label which displays the product serial number and SKU number as your proof of purchase.  TO REDEEM ONLINE: please visit  

DeSantis® is a registered trademark of Gunhide Properties, LLC. Viridian® is a trademark of Laser Aiming Systems Corporation. TRUGLO® and Tritium Pro are trademarks of TRUGLO, Inc.

About O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc.

Founded in 1919, O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc., is the oldest family-owned firearms manufacturer in America, and is the largest pump-action shotgun manufacturer in the world. Celebrating 100 years of innovation, Mossberg leads the industry with over 100 design and utility patents to its credit and stands as the first ISO 9001 Certified long-gun manufacturer. Complete information on commercial, special purpose, law enforcement and military shotguns, rifles, handguns and accessories are available at or by calling 1-800-363-3555. Mossberg can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

5.11 Norris boots – Tactical Style

I’m not sure when the tactical community decided to stop looking like Operators from the 1990s with their big baggy button shirts, cargo pants, hat with the American flag patch, and combat boots but it’s a welcome change. Not only has the tactical world integrated into fashion, but the fashion world has integrated with the tactical world. From the useless Black Multicam to plate carriers becoming part of streetwear we’ve seen a mix of cool, useful, and… questionable. The Norris Sneaker from 5.11 are trying to be both cool and useful.

The Norris sneakers are what happens when you take a pair of Chuck Taylors and give them to a tactical company. The name alone is one of the better puns. Think about it, they take the classic high top sneaker design that was popularized by Chuck Taylors, improved them, and called the Norris sneakers. Chuck freakin Norris lives on as a meme.

The Norris Sneakers do have a very classic look to them, and they certainly don’t look outwardly tactical in any way. By tactical looking I mean they don’t look like a pair of Bates boots, or MOABs. They look like shoes, but they pack a ton of features you’d find in boots.

The Norris Sneakers – Feature Filled

The Norris Sneakers come equipped with a Vibram Marbrani outsole with XS Trek built-in. XS Trek is a no marking compound that helps prevent scuffing when working indoors or over nautical environments. The material also helps provide low profile traction. Vibram soles are known for their extreme durability and are the go-to standard for high-quality boots.

The Norris sneakers have climbing grade rubber toe protection for increased traction. On top of that, the sole is ASTM certified for puncture resistance. You can cruise the streets of San Francisco and not fear the syringes laying everywhere.

The Ortholite upper cuff gives an excellent fit and keeps the shoe in place. It also provides excellent ankle support.

While these are still just sneakers they have enough boot like features to make them an excellent hybrid design. If sneakers are cars and boots are SUVs then these are a crossover.

On the Streets

Admittedly the only downside to the Norris Sneakers is that they a while to break in. For the first week or so they rubbed my pinky toe on either foot. Not enough to blister but enough to feel relief when you weren’t wearing them. After a good break-in period, they comfied right up.

The Norris Sneakers are slightly tighter than normal boots, but it’s more of the way a glove embraces a hand than a set of tight shoes. They don’t slip on and off by any means and like boots they are best worn tightened down.

Impressively enough the tread is great with wet terrain, including mud, concrete and yes boats. While it might be Fall in the rest of the world it’s currently cooler summer in Florida so boats are part of my equation.

Speaking of boats, there isn’t much water protection. They will shed gentle splashes and resist it okay. Should you submerge your Norris sneakers don’t expect much water resistance.

What you can expect is a comfortable and very lightweight option. They give most of the protection of boots with the weight of shoes. It’s hard to beat the overall design and the blend of both boot and sneaker.

I’ve put many a mile on these shoes in various circumstances. This includes running sprints, weightlifting(especially deadlifting), walking on trails, in the wild, and just normal life. The shoes hold up and the 5.11 design is rock solid. The quality is evident and 5.11 used some beefy stitching and thick materials.

The Norris Sneakers are robust and discrete. I loved the 5.11 jeans and these sneakers are the shoe variant of that. They are light, discrete, comfortable and rugged. Perfect for daily wear with all support you need without the distinct boot-like appearance.

“It’s the way we’ve always done it.”

Probably not actually.

Bloke on the Range and British Muzzleloaders go over some of the evolving equipment of the late 19th century and early 20th century British soldiers and how, based on experiences in the conflicts they had learned hard lessons within, equipment decisions and technologies were adapted and adopted.

For instance. Despite having internal magazine fed rifles prior to 1900, the design didn’t lend itself to high volumes of fire outside of “emergency” situations. The rifles were fed with loose cartridges over top the full magazine which would not be initiated to feed until that emergency. Compared with stripper clip fed designs, which would remain as primary arms through WWII, the rifles exhibited slower rates of fire, clumsier handling, and overall were less than ideal.

This was part of the slow evolution into modern arms away from musketry. While soldiers weren’t lining up in neat little rows to be cut down by machine guns, the rifles were still functionally the single shot of that era combined with a self contained cartridge. The interesting thing is there was plenty of evidence starting to accumulate that fire rate mattered a lot, and there was tech around to support higher fire rates.

Perhaps the most poignant example of that was the M1 Garand, from a practical standpoint the bolt actions it was put up against were peer rifles if you base the comparison on caliber. Everyone was using a “.30” caliber, roughly, during WWII. But the Garand’s rate of accurate fire was astronomically higher, and that was highly effective given its peer group.

But anyway, I am blathering on. Enjoy the video of the arms period evolution. Give the Bloke and BML likes and subscribes too.