
Dallas Safari Club Announces Their New Convention Home, Atlanta

The Dallas Safari Club has resided in their titular town and hosted their January convention therein for 40 plus years. However after next year, 2024, Dallas has plans for the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. Those plans won’t be quick enough for 2025 so DSC needed a new spot.

They have picked it.

Atlanta, Georgia.

From DSC,

Dallas Safari Club (DSC) looks forward to hosting the upcoming 2024 DSC Convention and Sporting Expo in Dallas, TX, January 11-14, 2024. We are excited to again host the greatest exhibitor partners and attendees to our amazing Convention. The DSC Convention kicks off each year as the first major hunting and conservation show in North America. Inspired by true southern hospitality, we are proud to have delivered a world class event in Dallas for over 40 years.

The DSC Convention expects to bring together an estimated 40,000 individuals in total attendance, and approximately 900 exhibitor partners representing 72 different countries from around the globe, while spanning across 700,000-sq.-ft. of exhibit hall space inside the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center Dallas.

As we look beyond 2024, inevitable changes are in our future. The City of Dallas has announced a multi-year plan to demolish and rebuild the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, the site of our event for the last 14 years. While there is excitement about what will be a state-of-the-art facility here in Dallas, this massive project requires DSC to find a new home for our Convention for the years 2025-2029, until construction is complete.

After a comprehensive review 32 locations, spanning Texas and across the US, DSC is excited to announce that the 2025-2029 DSC Conventions will be held in Atlanta, GA at the Georgia World Congress Center. Our intense search and evaluation took into consideration convention center facilities, hotels, amenities, and international airport access, as well as regional outdoor lifestyle demographics. We are extremely confident that the Georgia World Congress Center will be the premier site to deliver successful DSC Conventions to come!

Dates for the DSC Conventions in Atlanta will not change from those previously published, and we are certain our exhibitor partners, attendees, and guests will continue to enjoy the southern hospitality, which is the hallmark of the DSC Convention. Atlanta representatives will be on hand at the 2024 Convention in Dallas to provide a wealth of information about the convention center, the city, and their commitment to delivering a world class experience.

In addition to the annual Conventions to be held in Atlanta, from 2025-2029, DSC is excited to announce that in 2025 we will begin hosting a second convention in Dallas each summer. Aligned with the DSC Foundation Gala, this Expo will feature many of our valued Exhibitor Partners, include evening events, and culminate with the annual DSC Foundation Gala on Saturday night.

While Dallas will always be home and we are very excited about the future of the new Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, DSC looks forward to the opportunity to take the greatest hunting and conservation show on the road for a few years. We look forward to seeing you in Dallas, TX, January 11-14, 2024, and encourage you to please make plans to join us in Atlanta beginning in 2025!

Atlanta is an excellent convention town, downtown has food, lodging, entertainment, and they host a revolving plethora of regular attendees. It’s an excellent choice for the show.

The AA-12 Was Always Dumb, But Awesome

If you grew up in the early 2000s and had an interest in guns, then you couldn’t escape the AA-12. The Atchisson AA-12 was a magazine-fed machine shotgun that promised to be game-changing. While it seemed to make its big premiere in 2005, the design dates back to 1972 when Maxwell Atchisson developed the original prototypes. The design we all know and love comes from modifications by Military Police Systems. 

MPS purchased the patent and developed it for 18 years to finally come up with the modern AA-12. In the early 2000s, the gun was everywhere. That’s odd for a full auto-only shotgun that couldn’t be sold to the general public, yet, somehow, it became a pretty big piece of pop culture. Like most guns, it popped up in Call of Duty. FPS Russia did a hilarious video with the AA-12 where he dual-wielded a pair of them, not to mention Future Weapons, where the gun got an entire segment and a role in the Expendables. 

The AA-12 was on fire! Then it just kind of faded away. It never received that big military contract, and it certainly wasn’t adopted by any police forces. Sol Invictus purchased the rights from MPS and have been trying to bring a semi-auto-only option to the market, but that seems to have stalled.  

The truth is, the AA-12 is kind of dumb. 

Why is the AA-12 Dumb? 

The AA-12’s main selling point is that it’s fully automatic. Not only is it full auto, ut its full auto only. Admittedly a cycling rate of 300 rounds a minute makes it easy to fire single shots. Cool, but what’s the point? Full auto fire is designed to suppress targets.

No one is suppressing with a shotgun. The limited source of ammunition certainly isn’t helping. The AA-12 used 8-round box magazines, or 20 or 32-round drums, which are absolutely massive. That’s not enough to suppress a military target. Plus, it’s a shotgun. It doesn’t have the range to suppress a target. 

What’s the point of the full auto capability at that point? In semi-auto, a shotgun can be used fast enough to fight at close quarters. Pointing and firing a shotgun in a full auto method isn’t really beneficial. If I use my imagination, it seems like the most useful a full auto shotgun can be is shooting at threats moving in the dark, but only as close range. 

Even then, it doesn’t seem that useful. That’s a very small niche and doesn’t really do with the American principle of establishing positive identification before pulling the trigger. Shotgun pellets will be flying wildly around the area. 

Not only that, but magazine-fed shotguns are ticky. Plastic shotgun ammunition will deform inside a box machine if left loaded. Deformed shells create feeding issues, and that’s not good in a combat-oriented firearm. Drums don’t deform shells but are bulky and have historically been quite finicky and difficult to use. 

The AA-12s problem was that it didn’t have a purpose. 

What Was Fascinating About It 

The AA-12 used an API Blowback system that made it extremely light recoiling. FPS Russia famously fired an AA-12 with a single hand. API Blowback is an operating principle that actually fires the round before it is fully chambered. It’s a purposeful out-of-battery detonation. It’s commonly used in cannons and full auto grenade launchers like the Mk19. 

This eliminates something like 80% of the felt recoil. That’s impressive because we all know shotguns aren’t exactly recoil-friendly firearms. Making a full auto shotgun that’s easy to handle and low recoiling is an impressive feat. 

Additionally, the AA-12 came out, and there were numerous shells for it. Most famously, the FRAG-12 rounds offered an explosive slug round. These mini explosives were seen in Future Weapons and dramatically included in the film Expendables. 

It’s also just kind of cool. A full auto shotgun is throwing waves of pellets with each magazine, and that makes it seem like a handheld Metal Storm. It looks cool, seems terrifying to face, and was reportedly reliable and well-made. It just lacked purpose. 

Where the AA-12 Could Work 

Honestly, if you eliminate the full-auto function, the AA-12 could succeed mostly because it could be sold to civilians like you and me. In the civilian realm, we have different concerns than the military, and using a box mag-fed, semi-auto shotgun isn’t a terrible idea for home defense, especially if the API Blowback system works in semi-auto. 

Full-auto shotguns are just plain silly and seemingly weapons without purpose. However, the AA-12 could be a high quality, modern, box mag fed, semi-auto 12 gauge shotgun for defensive purposes. 

Shotguns and Heat Shields in 2023

Shotgun and heat shields name a more iconic duo! Iconic as in mall ninja icon. People really like putting heat shields on shotguns and more power to you. It’s your gun, do what you want! However, today we are going to talk about heat shields and shotguns and why they are pretty useless these days. I think it’s worth mentioning no police force or modern military force rocks a heat shield on their shotgun and for a good reason. 

So we are all clear, a heat shield is an accessory that’s placed on the barrel of a shotgun. It’s often metal, but polymer ones exist, and in the past, wood ones also existed. The idea is that it will protect your hand from any accidental burns when it brushes the barrel. Shotgun barrels tend to be getty pretty toasty, so it seems like a great idea, and it was way back when they were invented. 

The Origin of the Heat Shield 

The modern shotgun heat shield is a Winchester design and premiered during World War 1 on the trench variants of the Model 12 and Model 1897. Winchester even owned the patent, and that’s why the company’s live Stevens used wood heat shields on their trench guns. Was the heat shield mall ninja-like in World War 1? 

No, not at all. It served a purpose there. This was an era where long guns were used in melee brawls. Bayonets and bayonet charges still occurred, and that might require some odd handling of the weapon. Touching a hot barrel certainly isn’t desirable, so the heat shield could help some if you went from emptying the gun to hand-to-hand fighting. 

Also, take a peek at the service rifles of the era. The handguard extended nearly the full length of the barrel and over the top. These provided the same protection. This type of wood handguard wouldn’t work on a pump action shotgun. The heat shields were a rather poor imitation of a proper handguard, to be honest. 

Why Are They Silly Now? 

Most engagements with shotguns are at short range and rarely are more than a few shots fired. In defensive situations, the barrel never has a chance to get hot. I’d love to find any evidence of a home defense scenario where the defender emptied their repeating shotgun in defense of their home. 

The same goes for police officers. If the shotgun leaves the cruiser, it’s rare that the officer is alone, and again rare they are going to fire so many rounds to warrant a heat shield. On top of all that, using your gun as a melee weapon is extremely unlikely in a self-defense scenario. It’s not like you have a bayonet on your shotgun. 

Even military forces don’t use heat shields anymore. In the United States, the military shotgun is very niche, and even when used, you’re surrounded by squad mates with rifles and machine guns. You won’t be suppressing the enemy with your Benelli M1014. If you use a shotgun, it’s close, quick, and likely brutal. We also aren’t using bayonets, and I’m sure people will point to the few examples of bayonets used during the GWOT, but let’s be real here. It’s highly unlikely. 

Also, modern soldiers and Marines are issued gloves, nice gloves, which means even if they accidentally touch the barrel, they are unlikely to notice. 

It’s a Decoration 

Heat shields are just decorations. I’m not hating on that fact. I own a Mossberg 590A1 Retrograde, and it has a heat shield, but it’s just a decoration for an old-school throwback of a shotgun. Your home defense shotgun doesn’t need a heat shield. I liken it to the battle-worn finishes that were all the rage a few years ago. 

It looks neat but ultimately just adds useless weight to your weapon and separates you from a few dollars.

My Favorite Summertime Carry Guns

So July is here. As a Floridian, I hate this time of year. It’s insufferably hot and humid, the weather changes on a dime, and the tourists are in full swing. I’ve recently accepted a few things about myself. First, I don’t mind mowing anymore. Second, New Balance shoes are pretty comfortable. Third, pocket pistols aren’t all that bad. I used to be a hardcore bigger is better. Give me a CZ P09, and let’s call it a day. As it gets hotter, I’ve come to accept lighter clothing and lighter guns. Today I figured I’d break down my favorite summertime carry guns. 

While normally I’m a P365XL man, I’ve found that it can be even difficult to carry in light shirts and pants. Call it lazy, but if it’s just me, no wife, and no kiddos, then I don’t mind carrying a smaller, lighter, easier-to-hide handgun

My Summertime Carry Guns 

Keltec P32 

A recent favorite of mine. This is the lightest sem-auto I have. At 6.6 ounces, it disappears into my pocket. The little gun holds seven rounds of .32 ACP, and I always commit to a +1 with it. The little .32 ACP isn’t much, but I can put rounds where I need to, and I’ve become selective with my ammunition and use 71-grain FMJs to ensure proper penetration. 

It’s not much, but it’s light, flat, and easy to carry. This gun rides dirty with me the majority of the time. 

Seecamp LWS 25 

The Seecamp LWS 25 is for when things get tight. I have these uber comfortable 5.11 shorts that my wife refers to as my hoochie shorts. They aren’t for the faint of heart. They are super short, super small, and the pockets are shallow. The only gun I can carry while sporting these bad boys is the micro-sized LWS 25, which is the smallest semi-auto out there. 

This gun works perfectly at water parks, summer rains, and pools. It’s stainless steel and fits into the pocket of my swim trunks. With that being said, I’m not swimming with the gun, but everyone gets a little wet at a water park. I also use 50-grain FMJs for max penetration, but admittedly 25 ACP doesn’t have excellent penetration. 

Ruger LCP 2 (In 22LR)

The Ruger LCP 2 in 22LR is my summertime yard gun. When I’m mowing, picking up sticks, and cleaning up my ten acres, it’s always at hand. It’s perfect for wild dogs, snakes, and popping pests like mice without wasting pricey .25 ACP and .32 ACP rounds. The little LCP 2 has a ten-round magazine and is super reliable. The LCP 2 is easy to shoot, and the modern design ensures it can get dirty and gross and still work reliably. 

It’s also light and small. It has real sights,   so it’s easy to aim, especially when your prey is a mean cotton mouth with ill intent. If you’ve never pulled a drive-by on a zero-turn mower on a venomous, aggressive snake, then you haven’t lived. 

Beretta 3032 Tomcat 

My summertime, lightweight, micro-sized pistol that I like to show off is the Beretta Tomcat 3032. It’s the biggest, heaviest, and thickest of these guns, but it’s also the coolest. C’mon, look at this little fella. It’s so cool, and it’s touched off by the tip-up barrel design. The Tomcat is fun to shoot but not the best shooting option. 

It bites the hand, has rough recoil, and doesn’t seem to be all that efficient in size. Still, it’s accurate, even with one of the heaviest double-action triggers I’ve ever handled. The Beretta 3032 Tomcat is my summertime BBQ gun, if you will. It’s more style than substance. 

Summertime Carry Blues 

It’s hot. Terribly hot. Humid, and if it’s not, then it’s raining. This made me choose a few alternatives to my normal carry guns and my normal carry philosophy. Sometimes it’s okay to cool it down, provided you’ve been realistic about the threats you potentially face. This is how I’ve focused on beating the what while packing some heat. 

Hi Point JXP 10mm

A bit of force I required to rack the slide.

Two big things concerning this handgun- first, it is presently for sale at for less than two hundred dollars. Second it is Hi Point’s first and only 10mm handgun. If you ask practically any retailer they will tell you that they sell more Hi Point firearms than most any other. No surprises there. And while it is easy enough to criticize a cheap pistol we don’t all have a budget for Glocks SIGs and Colts. The Hi Point is a projectile launcher and a cheap but somehow attractive one. Lets look at the JXP 10. The pistol features an extended and threaded barrel full-length accessory rail and even a red dot ready slide. The JXP 10 pistol and the 1095 carbine each use the same ten round magazine.  There were few surprises with the JXP. This is a blowback operated 10mm handgun. The frame is polymer while the frame is a type of alloy. Not aluminum alloy but a non ferrous metal slide and a heavy slide. The pistol is striker fired the trigger is single action and the magazine is a single column. Take down disassembly and safety location are the same as any other Hi Point handgun. The threaded barrel follows the .578 x 28 TPI standard.  The front sight is compatible with the Glock handgun allowing shooters to change the front out for tritium inserts if desired. I don’t think previous Hi Point pistols had this feature. A fully adjustable rear sight is a good touch.

The sights are a dual red painted dot rear sight and yellow outline front. To mount a red dot sight remove the rear sight. A short picatinny rail may be mounted. I didn’t explore this option but it seems a neat set up. I question the ability to accommodate a range of optics until we are certain of availability as concerns Hi Points adaptors. As it is you may mount an affordable red dot.

The 10mm automatic cartridge offers real power in a handgun and may be quite accurate. The loads range from 135 grain hollow points that open quickly to hard cast 200 grain deep penetrating bullets. Hikers and campers who explore the outdoors are not gunny but realize that it is a very good idea to have effective protection against man and beast. The Hi Point is as exciting as a car jack. But if you need the car jack or the pistol either is good to have. The slide is a type of crinkle finish. The slide is massive to counter 10mm recoil and function in a blow back operated handgun. There are forward and rear cocking serrations. The grip panels have been redesigned for the 10mm pistol  A balance  of adhesion and abrasion is very good to have. An accessory rail is molded into the dust cover.

The Hi  Point 10mm is no lightweight. The pistol weighs a full 49 ounces unloaded.  Hi Point firearms are covered by a lifetime warranty. The pistol is similar to the .45 ACP Hi Point but much heavier. Trigger compression is six pounds average. It may break at 5.5 pounds or it may break at 6.5 pounds. This limits consistent application of the trigger. The single supplied magazines was difficult to load after the eighth round. I managed to load to full capacity with some effort.  Most of the range evaluation was done with Fiocchi ammunition. Initial firing was done at 7 yards. Despite the blowback action and heavy slide recoil wasn’t more than a 1911 10mm, less than most 10mm polymer frame guns, all due to the heavy weight. A factor in recoil is the abrupt snap when the slide reaches the end of its travel. A Glock 10mm weighs 28 ounces for comparison. The slide requires some strength to rack.  Most will need to bring the handgun in close to the chest and rack the slide  to make ready.

At 21 feet I cut a ragged hole in the target with several magazines.  Moving to 10 yards results were much the same.  Moving to a solid bench rest firing position I settled into the MTM Caseguard K Zone firing rest. Acclimating to the trigger is difficult. A five shot group of three inches was the best I was able to register at 15 yards, some were larger. I think that I would be able to deliver meaningful fire at 25 yards with practice in the pistol. At it is the pistol is ok for cabin or tent defense against animals or home defense. I stopped at 220 rounds over a period of several weeks. There were no stoppages of any type.

Moon Clip Depot and Moon Clips

I’ll keep today’s article short and sweet. Sometimes I had this odd need for a specific accessory and found nothing but companies I’d never heard of providing that niche item. I can’t find reviews, can’t find videos, and I have no idea if the company is worth investing my hard-earned dinero into. My specific accessory this week was Moon Clips for an S&W M1917 revolver. Where to find them? In searching, I found a few options, but most seemed unnamed and sold cheaply on eBay. Moon Clip Depot came up a time or two, so I took a risk and ordered a three-pack of the M1917 moon clips. Were they worth my time? 

The Trick With Moon Clips

I really like Moon Clip-ready revolvers, and of all the revolvers I own, three are chambered in automatic calibers. I like moon clips and use them often. I’ve learned that factory moon clips are the way to go. However, S&W isn’t exactly maintaining an accessory inventory of revolvers produced over a hundred years ago. 

Bad moon clips are a real hassle. They bend too easily, rendering them useless, and they can even bind up your gun if you aren’t careful. When they bend or break, they become useless pieces of aluminum. I’m cautious about buying non-oem options. It’s really not that different from buying non-oem magazines. Moon Clip Depot offered three M1917 moon clips for less than 30 bucks, so I clicked buy and waited patiently. 

Moon Clip Depot and Me 

After just a few days, a small package arrived, and I had my moon clips. Moon CLip Depot ships fast! Inside was an envelope, and in that envelope sat a handy plastic case containing my moon clips. There were some stickers and even a pocket constitution. That is a good way to start. I loaded up my three moon clips with 45 ACP with relative ease. 

They snapped in place, and I excitedly hit the range. The M1917 is one of my grail guns, and I’ve always wanted one. Hitting the range was an event I was excited to experience. Luckily the Moon Clip Depot moon clips didn’t let me down. They dropped right in with ease, the cylinder closed with a problem, and I blasted away. 

Unloading them didn’t require a tool, but to be fair, a tool makes them last a lot longer and makes unloading them easier. It wasn’t difficult, but I carefully popped them out to preserve them. I used nothing but brass-cased ammo because steel cased tends to be difficult in revolvers. 

Overall I’m impressed with the product Moon Clip Depot puts out. They work and have worked for a couple of hundred rounds. Unloading and loading are easy. They seem durable, fit this ancient gun well, and even come with a handy carrying container. Check them out here

America is Full of Size Queens – AR-15 Barrel Length

One of the hottest topics in the gun space for solid decade now has been barrel length. Especially barrel length when it comes to 5.56 and 7.62 NATO rifles. The Soviet 5.45 and 7.62 rounds also routinely enter this discussion and .300 BLK was developed as a solution to it in several respects.

In short, we love talking about the best size. All puns intended. (Watch the video, you’ll get it)

But, to use an overused phrase, mission drives gear. What I need the carbine to do will determine what barrel and therefore what size profile I need from the rifle. It’s among the reasons I am such a fan of the X95 is that it handles ways to solve the space equation without giving up muzzle velocity.

In the video, Mike and crew take as consistent a series of rifles as they could with different barrel lengths, all well optic equipped and triggered, and compares them. The goal is to make the barrel length, and therefore the three main factors that barrel length changes, the focus of the evaluation.

What are those three factors?

  1. Length, obviously.
  2. Weight, less obvious but critical to handling characteristics and accessories.
  3. External Ballistic Performance, via muzzle velocity.

External Ballistic Performance

This is fancy talk for projectile velocity, which is fancy talk for bullet speed.

Contrary to Fuddlore, a barrel isn’t more accurate because it is longer. So let’s knock out the External Ballistics commentary first. The 5.56, and all rifle rounds, derive much of their ability to affect a target from their velocity when they leave the barrel. They immediately start slowing down and “falling” in the sense that gravity takes hold. The lower the initial velocity, the smaller the distance window of influence on the target for optimum effects.

Colloquially 2,000 feet per second is the magic number where 5.56 drops from good terminal performance to “ok” terminal performance. So the further we can keep the round above 2,000 fps by starting it faster, the longer distance I can take a shot with good effect.

Under that consideration and that one alone, the M16 (20″ barrel) would be an ideal choice. In many respects it is a very good choice still. The addition of ambi-controls, floated barrel, and an adjustable stock do balance some of the space and performance considerations. But in several use cases it is still too long.

But as we cut barrel we cut speed, and it gets more severe the shorter we go.

Weight and Length

Weight isn’t so much an issue as a standalone, it will be in a range and also accessory dependent. However the balance and mobility of smaller guns adds some endurance benefits.

The major factor in size is in space management and navigation. The worst part of having an M16 wasn’t weight or the fixed stock, although that was less than ideal, it was the fact it was a pain in the ass to get in and out of a truck with. You certainly couldn’t manage it from inside a vehicle. It was also suboptimal moving through interior spaces. You could do it, but a shorter gun (like an X95) is dramatically easier to manage.

This is why solicitations for a rifle can get so long winded and text heavy. Rifles, or any service weapon, not only need to function but fit the space they work in. There will be space restrictions, ammunition restrictions, performance envelopes, likely threat parameters, maintenance requirements, and more all wrapped up into a solicited service weapon.

Like in all things, it is a balance. What are your priorities. If the ability to get the gun into an out of a vehicle or in use while in a vehicle in the seated position is a concern, it will have sizing requirements based on your vehicle fleet. If the ability to penetrate certain materials at certain distances is a requirement, it will have an ammunition and a velocity requirement which ties directly to the barrel. If the ability to mount certain aiming modules/optics and use with NODs is a requirement, again things are changing. The same thing applies to suppressors and what type of suppressors.

The job drives the tools. Barrel length is a core component that is shaped by the job parameters.

Brilliance in Basics – Trijicon TR25 – 9-Hole

9-Hole takes on the oldie but goodie from Trijicon, the TR25 Second Focal Plane with dual illumination.

As Josh and Henry point out in the video, and I will reiterate here, the optic suffers from a bit of ‘what have you done for me lately’ and ‘keeping up with the Jones’. The Jones’ here being guys like Vortex, NightForce, and Primary Arms who are all offering more data heavy reticles.

But most of us here in meatspace do not need a data heavy reticle, we need a point of aim:point of impact solution that offers a clear magnified sight picture. Functionally we are taking what a red dot sight gives us and putting a variable magnification component to it. It also allows us to get a little more data without overcrowding the POA:POI core mission. Optics like the SIG T6T SVPS and the Vortex Razor II-E JM2 do this very well too.

The big departure from the other two optics mentioned is in the illumination. The fiber optic and tritium that made the TA31 ACOG the champion of GWOT optics is also in the TR25, with the addition that they fixed the over brightness problems the ACOG exhibits. No batteries, no battery worries. The other optics still tend towards battery hunger and faster turnover than any of the red dots, the TR25 has no such limitation.

I’m in need of one more LPVO personally, and this is high on the list. I like to diversify my optic footprint to widen my experience with the various brands and offerings. This can be counterproductive to other use cases where uniformity of application or performance matter. A department is not going to utilize ten different LPVO models, the military isn’t either. Consistency there is a strength for the unit’s interoperability. But for the marketing and communication space, a wider selection makes sense because I don’t know in any given conversation what I’m going to be discussing with whom. Wider LPVO experience covers a broader space of possible questions.

So readers, when I have more than one of an optic the chances are good I really like that optic/brand. Several Trijicons and I keep wanting a 25.

Five Nongun Home Defense Strategies

You got your gun, your bright white light, and you live in a state that recognizes your natural right to defend your home. With that in mind, you may feel pretty ready for a self-defense situation. You aren’t far off. You can certainly fight your way out of a home invasion. However, I’d prefer to avoid the situation altogether. In building my new home, I figured out that the best way to avoid going on the offensive is to have a good defense. With that in mind, I have five non-gun home defense strategies. 

Motion Sensing Lights 

Human nature makes us wary of the dark. The dulling of our main sense of sight makes it easy to feel uneasy in the dark. It also exists because bad things often happen in the dark. Predators are often nocturnal, and that includes human predators. Doing bad in the dark is a common theme. You can’t stop the sun from going down, but you can adopt a home defense strategy to bring some light to the darkness.

It’s not a modlite, though. No, it’s motion-sensing lights that provide instant and easy coverage around your home. Bad guys hate the dark, and it’s awfully hard to sneak up on a motion-sensing floodlight. Not only do these lights make it tough to be sneaky, but they also act as a visual alarm that someone is approaching your home.

Prickly Plants 

Have you watched that video of the dad encountering a random nude man climbing in his daughter’s window? It’s terrifying, and luckily no one was hurt. A good home defense strategy to prevent such an invasion and to keep people from peeping in windows, in general, is some prickly, uncomfortable, downright pokey plants. It won’t stop a psycho with a machete from chopping through, but it will discourage a variety of bad actors. Plants like berry vines, firethorn, and carissa work well. 

Get Cameras 

Bad actors don’t like to be seen in the light, and they don’t like to be seen by cameras either. This might not be the most helpful if someone is kicking down the door, but it still has merit. Obviously, when away from home, the cameras allow you to spot and identify thieves in an instant. In a more violent situation, they can be excellent testimony. How many Ring cameras spotted bad guys and were able to provide a clear picture to police later?

I have a long driveway with an outdoor, solar-powered camera point at the entrance. If you cross my driveway, I have a near-instant alert you’re coming onto the property. I always know when Fedex is heading my way. It’s a high-tech home defense strategy that isn’t nearly as expensive as it used to be. 

Readdress Your Entry Points 

What’s your lock situation like? Are they cheap Hoem Depot specials? Then they are probably easy to get through. Sad to say, but locks are not a cheap item, at least not quality locks. Locks keep honest people out, but good locks can keep dishonest folks out a little longer. A Schlage B60N and a good strike plate cost less than a hundred bucks. 

What about your windows? No one expects y’all to buy bulletproof glass, but you can put some things in place to make them tougher to break into. 3M security film is a cheap and overall excellent step to take to protect your home. It makes it tougher to break in and renders most common window breakers; IE rocks a lot less useful. 

Zip the Lips on Social Media

OPSEC, or operational security, is the final gun-free home defense strategy. While it’s tempting to let everyone know everything all the time, it’s poor security. Real Gs move in silence like lasagna. Don’t tell people you went on vacation till you get home, don’t advertise you’re home alone and lonely, and be mindful of posting picks of kids, the outside and inside of your home. Don’t check into places, etc. Zip your lips and post only what matters. Clearly, what matters is dumb gun arguments, so stick to posting that. 

Home Defense Strategies 

The gun, the light, and the plan are critical to home defense. They are your kickstand when things go wrong, so you don’t want them to let you down. With that in mind, if you can put some steps in place to make your home look undesirable, that’s even better. Hopefully, I’ve given you a few new home defense strategies to consider. 

Gunday Brunch 109: Home Defense Theories

The guys go deep today on the idea of home defense and expand the conversation past gear to include mindset and strategy.

RECC•E™ A5/SR25 Carbine Stock – Now Shipping!

Finally! Many have been waiting for the A5 length RECC-E from Reptilia since the carbine one started shipping recently. Wait is over folk!

From Reptilia,

It’s finally here: the Reptilia RECC•E Carbine Stock for A5/SR25 buffer systems!

Thank you all for your patience! The RECC•E Stock for A5/SR25 is now shipping to all dealers, distributors, and direct to customers on our website. Inventory is limited, so make sure to sign up for our email notifications if you miss the drop and we’ll shoot you a reminder next time these and our most popular products are back in stock!

As with all Reptilia products, the RECC•E is 100% designed and manufactured in the USA, and features a full lifetime warranty against manufacturer defects.

Click here to buy now.

Product Description:

Designed at the request of a military end user, the RECC·E Stock features a constant cheek weld, ambidextrous QD sling attachment points, rubber buttpad, and a modular design that allows usage of a standard AR15 carbine buffer system, or A5/SR25 carbine buffer system by replacing the receiver extension (buffer tube) and forward portion of the stock. Weighing only 12.0 ounces including the proprietary AR15-length receiver extension, the RECC·E stock is the ideal lightweight solution for the entire spectrum of AR-pattern guns from compact to precision.

Technical Specifications:

  • Receiver Extension: 7075-T6 Aluminum, Type III Milspec Anodized Finish
  • Materials: Impact Modified Glass-Filled Nylon Polymer, 7075 Type III anodized aluminum, Nitrided alloy steel hardware
  • Weight (A5/SR25): 12.8 oz.
  • Length of Pull (A5/SR25): 12.375 in. – 15.0 in.
  • Patents Pending

HK’s Innovative and Little Known Squeeze Cocker

On the firing range the Heckler and Koch 9mm exhibited excellent performance.

From the SIG-produced Mauser pistols to the Polish Radom, I find handguns that are different immensely interesting.  This has never been truer than when considering the German-built Heckler and Koch (HK) P7M8. The pistol was the product of West German police trials, but the initial ground work began as early as 1971. The PSP (Polizei Selbstlade-Pistole, or Police Self-loading Pistol) was a result of West German police doctrine. The handgun had to be simple to operate and while a manual safety was not necessarily mandated, safety features were desirable. The handgun that HK envisioned would also be relatively compact. While SIG later downsized the SIG P 220 into the P 225, the HK PSP was already compact. The overall length was 6.5 inches with a 4.1-inch barrel and a sight radius of 6.0 inches. The handgun is 5.0 inches tall and weighs a solid 30.5 ounces with its steel frame. The slide is low-profile and the 110-degree grip angle fits most hands well. The grip is about 1.4 inches wide, with a relatively modest circumference.

The pistol’s most prominent feature is the cocking lever on the front strap. This lever runs from the tip or foot of the magazine to just under the trigger guard, which is about 2.5 inches. The cocking lever is the operating mechanism. The striker is held in place by a firing pin lock until the cocking lever is pressed. The trigger is also out of battery. When pressure is exerted to cock the handgun, the striker is fully cocked and protrudes from the rear of the slide. The trigger is now set for a single-action trigger press. My personal example features a crisp, short and controllable 2.8 pound trigger compression. The original pistol featured a European-style magazine release. The P7M8 features a paddle-type release. When the pistol is loaded, the magazine is slammed home and the cocking lever is depressed to drop the slide. The pistol is fast into action and fast to reload. I estimate over 10 pounds of pressure is needed to cock the lever, however, once cocked, little  pressure is needed to keep the lever pressed, perhaps two pounds at the most. Trigger reach is less than three inches and trigger reset is rapid. If the cocking lever is released the pistol is immediately made safe. The pistol is fully ambidextrous.

The three-dot sights and grooved slide top of the P7M8 are well-done. The sights allow accurate fire well past 25 yards.  The HK 9mm pistol uses a delayed blowback or gas-retarded action, unique in my experience. The barrel is fixed, which adds to the pistol’s accuracy potential. The barrel is polygonal rifled. A good gas seal is necessary for this type of action to work. However, since lead bullets could clog the action they must never be used in this handgun.  A tiny port in the chamber bleeds gas to a piston on firing. The gas piston does not operate the action like an AR-15 rifle but rather keeps the action closed on firing.

The piston limits rearward motion of the slide. After the bullet has exited the barrel, pressure abates and the slide recoils.  Operation is then much like any other blowback pistol. I caution though that due to the gas system the front of the dust cover heats up in firing drills. . Gloves are recommended if you are firing more than 100 rounds during a range session.  While there are certain drawbacks-a prohibition against lead bullets and the heating up of the receiver-P7M8 fans will hear no complaints. The pistol is very accurate.

The P7M8 is now out of production.  A limiting factor is the time and skilled labor needed to produce such a complicated but durable design. Some have stated that the HK P7M8 is the most reliable handgun in the world. Considering the service record of first quality handguns such as the Beretta 92 and the SIG P226, not to mention the CZ 75, this is a strong statement. Just the same there is much validity to the statement. The pistol listed at well over $1,300 dollars during its last few years in production and today the handgun is bringing top dollar on the used market, with good clean examples beginning at some $1,500 dollars or more.

The test gun is a personal handgun I fired from time to time. For the purposes of this review, the handgun was field-stripped and lubricated prior to firing. Since the unique gas retarded action precludes the use of +P ammunition as well as lead bullet loads, the pistol was evaluated during several standard pressure loadings using jacketed bullets. The overall impression is one of excellent control. The pistol clears leather quickly due to the 110-degree grip design, it fits the hand well and the natural point is excellent. As the hand grasps the handle the lever is cocked as the pistol comes on target. The trigger finger does not engage the trigger until we fire. The pistol lines up on target quickly with a natural point. The first shot hit probability of the handgun is high. Once the first shot is fired, recoil is easily controlled, and the pistol settles back in for fast repeat shots. The slim eight round magazine is easily changed quickly to keep the pistol in action.

I have fired this handgun with a good selection of the standard pressure 9mm Luger loads available.  With perhaps 2,500 rounds over the course of a decade fired in the handgun, there have been no failures to feed, chamber, fire or eject.  +P loads should not be used, due to the nature of the gas retarded/blowback design.  I have fired a considerable quantity of the Fiocchi offerings in this handgun and found accuracy good. These loads have also demonstrated a clean powder burn. 

The 115-grain Extrema has proven a good performer. The 123-grain Combat FMJ load is one of my all-time favorite loads for achieving the best accuracy from service grade handguns. The Fiocchi 124-grain Extrema load is also a good performer.  I have also found the new SIG SAUER 124-grain JHP gives good accuracy and a clean powder burn.  This isn’t a handgun I am likely to experiment with but I have also worked up a practice hand-load with the Nosler 115-grain JHP and enough WW 231 for 1040 feet-per-second. Accuracy ranges from good to outstanding.

When firing the pistol on a demanding combat course the HK P7M8 leaves nothing to be desired. The handgun’s all-steel construction results in excellent control. The pistol is fast on target. The low-bore axis and excellent, crisp, short and light trigger action results in excellent hit probability. There is no handgun faster into action and more controllable in 9mm caliber, per my experience. The handgun was also designed to allow top-grade accuracy in case it was used in hostage rescue duty.  Perhaps the P7M8 is owned simply because we can, or for pride of ownership. The pistol is accurate, reliable, and if properly cared for, should last a generation or more.

Loading                              Five shot groups, 25 yards

Fiocchi 115-grain EXTREMA            2.0 inches
Fiocchi 124-grain EXTREMA            1.9 inches
Fiocchi 147-grain JHP                     2.3 inches
Nosler 115-grain JHP handload       2.25 inches

Early Model P7 accuracy groups

Fiocchi 115-grain EXTREMA            2.25 inches
Fiocchi 123-grain COMBAT FMJ       1.8 inches 

The Defender Tactical Universal Mini Shell Adapter

As shotguns become more and more popular, we are likely to see more and more niche companies popping up to support the world of shotguns. Defender Tactical is one such company, and their Highball sight has been previously reviewed. Defender Tactical produces a wide variety of shotgun goodies, and their Universal Mini shell adapter is a standout. This adapter is produced for Mossberg shotguns and is a must-have if you want to throw some mini shells downrange. 

The Universal Mini Shell Adapter 

Mini shells aren’t exactly a standardized measurement. Most shooters likely picture the 1.75-inch shells from Federal and Aguila, but that’s not all. There are also 2-inch shells, as well as 2.5-inch shells. It seems that anything shorter than 2.75 inches falls into the mini-shell title. In the past previous adapters have filled a gap and worked only with the 1.75-inch shells. 

The Defender Tactical Universal Mini Shell Adapter works with any shell, meaning no need to pop adapters in and out to cycle whatever ammo you want. They cycle everything from 1.75-inch shells to 3-inch shells without issue. The Universal Mini Shell adapter comes with a metal follower also designed to help ensure smart feeding. 

The Universal Mini Shell Adapter is essentially a rubber-like tongue that fits into your receiver. You have to remove the trigger group to install the device, but it really takes no effort to do so. This rubber-like tongue works to fill the space left by smaller shells. This keeps them from spinning or flipping as they travel from the tube to the chamber. 

This Universal Mini Shell Adapter only works with the Mossberg 500 and 590 series of shotguns. The skeletonized shell lifter seems to be why Mossberg gets adapters, and other guns do not. I could certainly see a market for the Remington 870, but this would require a custom shell lifter as well. 

At the Range 

As a shotgun nerd, I have piles of shotgun shells of various lengths from the Aguila, Federal, and Challenger 1.75-inch shells in various shot types, as well as 2-inch slugs from Ukraine and some Nobel Sport 2.5-inch shells as well as numerous 2.75 and 3-inch shells. I didn’t just try one at a time. I mismatched and loaded the tubular magazine with a variety of different-length shells. 

The Universal Mini Shell Adapter functioned without a fight. I shot a few magazines of these fixed loads without a single issue. It fed each round over and over again without complaint. The adapter kept the shells from spinning in my gun and made it easy to load and shoot whatever shells I chose to toss in that day. 

The adapter can be removed, but again, it requires the trigger to be removed to do so. It’s semi-permanent and can’t be accidentally removed, loosened, or rotated. Once it’s in, it’s in. The rubber-like material is fairly thick, and I’ve been using it for a few months now, and it’s not compromised. Defender Tactical has a few videos of machine testing of the Universal Mini Shell Adapter, and it seems to withstand some seriously heavy use. 

All Convenience 

The original mini shell adapters were great, but they weren’t always convenient. You could shoot mini shells but had to remove and try to lose the adapter if you ever wanted to shoot standard-sized shells. The Defender Tactical Universal Mini Shell Adapter makes life much easier. 

I have no need to remove the adapter when switching from mini shells to standard buckshot. While I don’t use mini shells for much, they can be fun to shoot through various guns, especially Shockwave type weapon firearms. 

The only downside comes down to admin unloading. It makes it a little more difficult because you can’t open the action and easily dump the round into your hand. You have to press it out from the bottom. That’s a minor trade-off for total reliability between various shell lengths. 

To make it even sweeter, the adapter with follower comes in at only 25 bucks, and you can find it here. 

Where do I hold this? Springfield launches the Echelon

Springfield Armory has continued their almost too hard charging advertising and naming convention with their latest offering. The new Echelon is a full sized, optics ready, striker duty pistol in the vein of an upsized Hellcat. It supports a serialized operating group ala SIG P320 esk which they call the COG (Central Operating Group) and the Variable Interface System (VIS) for the modular optic suite. The VIS replace plates with a selectable recoil boss layout to better interface with popular optics and anchor them better to the slide for energy transfer.

The Springfield XD series has been memed to hell and back for its sub-par performance in the field and the goofy marking choices in “Grip Zone” placement on the pistols. This successor may actually hold up and should be looked at with the cautious optimism if not outright enthusiasm.

Gone are the days we should be singing a gun’s praises, and if I hear the phrase Glock-killer again without it coming from Glock themselves burning their brand to the ground it will be too soon, but we can see how the larger market who like the SA name overall start picking it up and running it. We will also likely see a few trainers, independent enough from the SA sphere, run high round counts and see if this XD replacement stands up the way we’ve seen other pistol line successors successfully take on the mantels.

My opinion, this looks promising. It has my attention. There is nothing demanding that a company’s previous firearm model and any short comings it had is totally indicative of future performance. The Hellcat is a dramatic improvement on the XDS. I have no reason yet to suspect the Echelon models won’t do their job at this point. Let’s run them and see.

Do You Really need a .357 Magnum for Self Defense?

I love the old lawman revolvers. Not the Model 10s, but they are cool, or the Colt Police Positives. When I think of a Lawman revolver, I think of the Highway Patrol. They often carried big .357 Magnum revolvers. Heavy frames and big barrels. Designed to stop motorized threats. The lawman revolver is most definitely a .357 Magnum. The .357 Magnum is a caliber that’s popular with revolver carriers, and at first glance, it’s easy to see why. 

However, I’m here to say I don’t think it’s all that and a bag of chips for the average person. I believe I should qualify my statement. When I’m talking about concealed carry and self-defense, I’m talking about a gun with a barrel that is 1.87 inches to about 3 inches, backed by a compact frame and grip. If your concealed carry weapon is the big iron, then this may not all apply to you. 

I’m not referencing the old wives tale that a .357 Magnum from a short barrel is useless. It’s admittedly more powerful and more capable than any .38 Special load. Even from a snub nose barrel, the .357 Magnum moves considerably faster and hits with more energy. It often penetrates better and expands earlier and faster. That’s all true, but there are also some sacrifices you have to make to carry a magnum round in a small revolver. 

Need vs. Wants 

The 2nd Amendment isn’t about needs or wants. It’s about rights. You can carry whatever you want, shoot whatever you want, and if a .357 Magnum is for you, great. This isn’t a call out or judgment, just observations I’ve seen and how they relate to the average concealed carrier. 

.357 Magnum and Concealed Carry 

It’s worth mentioning that the .357 Magnum was never intended to be a concealed carry caliber. The cartridge came to be as a direct competitor to the .38 Super, and in a way, it all harkens back to the automatic vs. revolver argument. In the 1930s, the automobile bandit was crisscrossing state lines, raising hell, and fighting off police officers. 

The use of vehicles amped things up, and the average .38 Special cop revolver wasn’t enough to penetrate the metal of these automobiles, and if it did, it was running out of steam. The .38 Super was designed to pop right through the metal of an automobile, and the .357 Magnum was the revolver option for the same purpose. 

The .357 Magnum wasn’t designed because .38 Special wasn’t dropping bad guys. It was designed because those bad guys were hiding behind cars. With this in mind, it also wasn’t really designed for smaller guns but for police-sized duty guns, for lawman revolvers. As a concealed carrier, it’s very unlikely you’ll be in an extended gunfight where you need to punch through the steel of a 1930s automobile. 

Strengths of the .357 Magnum 

The .357 Magnum does fly fast and hit hard. It’s a capable defensive cartridge that can penetrate deeply and expand widely. It scores high in all the basics required to be a good fighting cartridge. The .357 Magnum is certainly no slouch. If you’re only carrying five to six rounds, why wouldn’t you carry a .357 Magnum and get the most out of your gun? 

Downsides to .357 Magnum 

Well, the downsides are why. A .357 Magnum cartridge generates a lot more recoil, nearly three times that of a .38 Special. That can be brutal on your hand. It’s got tons of concussion, muzzle flash, and noise. Getting fast follow-up shots on target is difficult, at least from a compact revolver. 

Anything less than a 3-inch barrel can be awfully difficult to handle. It’s not fun to train with and is expensive to train with. With .38 Special, you are still capable of getting good penetration, although you won’t get the expansion you often want. Expansion is niece, but not the end all be all for defensive ammo. While the extra expansion is good, the extra energy isn’t really useful. 

Being able to make fast and accurate follow-up shots from my handgun is more important than putting one bigger hole in a threat. I think the Georgia Arms .38 Special Snub Nose 148-grain wadcutters are best for small, ultra-light revolvers. 

It Still Shines In Some Categories 

The .357 is a fine cartridge. It’s great in medium-frame revolvers, and if you are willing to shoot and train, you can certainly make it work in a small revolver. I just don’t think that’s the best choice for most shooters and concealed carriers. I still love the round, and my current favorite handgun is a seven-shot GP-100, but it has its limitations.