
Bullet Racing with the Slo Mo Guys

Have you ever wondered what the differences in calibers really looked like?

What does muzzle velocity actually mean in the real world. What does 3,000 feet per second look like verses 1,000? These theoretical numbers inside our heads plugged into formula to generate another number about what a bullet does is all good info. But it doesn’t really mean much to me until I see it in motion

In this case slow motion

The contrast between handguns and rifles is very impressive when born out on an objectively visible scale.


A thank you to Active Self Protection for sharing.

We Like Shooting Double Tap 055 – Krieger Clones

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 55, Where we answer your questions,  talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Mr. Hogg… David… Shut Up. Just for a Second, Cool your Jets and then Speak

Mr. David Hogg,

You are sabotaging your message more effectively than any external group possibly could.

The display of ignorance, arrogance, and vehement disregard of dissent lends you no credence where you need it. You do not need the allies for gun control that you currently have. They were waiting for you or someone like you to advance a tired broken record of an agenda.

You don’t need the ‘Fudd’ folks either. Those people who have illegally converted personal rifles into SBR’s…

This is felony that can jail you for 10 years by the way.

Or those who display their ignoramus nature through lack of even a rudimentary understanding of technology.

You actually don’t need the loud masses at all.


“When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.” – David Hogg

The same could easily be said to you, young man. The message you’re spreading is, at it’s core, vague and inconsistent. The technological illiteracy here combined with a vague indefinable goal is the movement’s great deficiency and there appears to be little to no effort to bridge that gap, or any other.

I can easily say, ‘When a dumb-ass kid is like, ‘I don’t know how these guns work or the laws that are already in place.’ and you’re just like, ‘Shut up before for you hurt your argument further and let me explain the big picture’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with these protesters; these children don’t know how to use a fucking Constitutional Republic, so we have to.’


David, the allies you need are the folks you have accused of having blood on their faces. The ones accused of not caring for, not thinking of, and completely disregarding the safety of kids in the pursuit of profits. The allies you need you have shut down, shut out, and attempted to eject from the discussion entirely.

The allies you need are firearms experts.

The echo chamber around you is immutable to both relevant and irrelevant criticism. Regardless of your personal feelings on all the various topics surrounding firearms you must recognize that you are not alone nor is your opinion the sole relevant opinion. This extends to the entire movement. The movement does not exist on a pedestal of moral superiority and by taking that perspective you immediately start a fight, not a discussion.

The now nauseatingly rhetorical question of “Why can’t we have a reasonable conversation on gun control?” is very simply answered. Nobody (or very very few) anti-gun people actually want a discussion, they want an agreement to their allegedly morally superior position which pushes immediate denigration of the dissenting positions. And when anti-gun individuals do not want to come to a discussion (no matter how they title it) it mirrors on the pro-gun side. No one has a reason to come to the table of reason because reason was never offered.


David, find the experts. Learn from them. Broaden the knowledge base you are attacking this problem with so that nobody of reason can find you unreasonable whether in agreement or not.

You are angry, on fire with momentum trying for a positive change, and this makes you your own worst enemy for the end goal. Logic and problem solving are a largely dispassionate pursuit.

When you, your allies, and followers are on international media across the platform spectrum claiming that, having been on the receiving end of gunfire, you are the experts yet disregarding the entire veteran, law enforcement, and citizen community who share that experience but differ in opinion the argument looses validity entirely.

Letting accusations of evil towards anyone but the perpetrators and direct accomplices lead the discussion to a grinding cataclysmic halt.

The accusations that you were not at the school or that you were ‘a crisis actor’ are asinine. Equally absurd are the accusations that pro-gun politicians, card carrying members of firearms organizations, and the owners and employees of firearms industry companies deal solely in the blood of the innocent. But an unreasonable ignorant visage using the shock value of profanity and waving the bloody shirt gives every shred of false credence to such stories. It’s easier to believe you’re a faker because so much of what you are using to make your points is utter bullshit.

Instead of saying ‘A deranged kid came into my school with an AR-15, killed 17 people, and then left blending into the crowd. That can’t happen again. How did it happen and how do we make it to difficult or impossible to repeat?’ your message was “they could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action!” blaming a group of 6-100 million people who did not attack your school.


As you distance yourself from the extremist language on the anti-gun side so too will you find equal distance from the idiotic conspiracy nuts who happen to fall into the pro-gun camp.


David, you want real change.

Talk with real experts.

Agree or disagree on any or all points but you must grant validity to people with the data to shape real and positive change. If you can entertain a discussion to arm teachers we can entertain a discussion to ban firearms but it must be a discussion. It must problem solve and not proselytize.

Grant the position that everyone involved in this discussion wants to make the nation truly safer and you will experience a dramatic shift in how these conversations go. Grant that just because you do not like an answer does not invalidate the answer.

Grant that we are good people too and that we are actually here to help… and my being a 2nd Amendment absolutest does not change that fact in the slightest.

We Like Shooting 237 – Handmade Tobacco Pouches

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 237 – Tonight we will talk about M11 Merc, Off grid tools, We Like Shooting lowers, Southpaw Tactical and more!


We Like Shooting Double Tap 054 – Oedipal

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 54, Tonight we talk about gun tech, we’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and the latest news.


Shooting Champs are Positive Role Models for Girls

If I mention the name Kim Rhode would you know who that was? How about Ginny Thrasher? Mckenna Dahl? Even if “you” know, the likelihood is that most of the rest of American society would give you a blank look. That’s because, though these women are Olympic medal winners, their sport isn’t a politically correct one. These American Olympic champions compete in the shooting sports. In case you haven’t heard of any of these outstanding women either allow me to enlighten you.

Kim Rhode is a six-time Olympic medal winner – three of which were Gold. She is the first woman to medal in six consecutive Olympics. She is the first summer Olympian of either gender to win an individual medal at six consecutive Summer games.

With such an outstanding Olympic record, why has no one in the general public ever heard of her? Why have feminists not embraced her and trumpeted her story? Because the primary equipment of Kim Rhode’s sport isn’t a balance beam or a soccer ball – it’s a shotgun. Kim Rhode is a skeet shooter, currently using a Beretta DT11 .

Ginny Thrasher’s events are the 10m Air Rifle, and Three Position Rifle.
Thrasher was a Gold Medalist in air rifle in the 2016 Summer Olympics, and the first American gold medalist of any type in that Olympic games. That was in addition to being an NCAA individual rifle champion and a standout on the multi-time NCAA champion West Virginia University Rifle Team.

Has anyone in the general public (let alone young girls) heard of her? Probably not – because even though Thrasher’s air rifle is nothing more than a high tech pellet gun, even the small amount of coverage she got from the Washington Post at the time of her medal win characterized her air rifle as a “high-powered, German-made weapon“.

Mckenna Dahl is a 2016 Paralympic Bronze medal winner in Air Rifle, in addition to being a previous medalist in the national championships. She won her Olympic medal with an Anschutz 9003 Precise.

So why isn’t Dahl’s picture pasted on the walls of young girls’ bedrooms? Because her sports equipment has a stock, a barrel, and a trigger.

There are strong upcoming female competitors in handgun as well. In addition to all of the above Olympic glory, just this past week a 13 year-old girl named Justine Williams achieved the rank of Grand Master in the Production Division of the United States Practical Shooting Association. This teenage phenomenon already holds Master Rankings in three other divisions. If this were any other sport but shooting, this girl would have news media crawling all over her. And Feminists. And talk show hosts.

But nope. Because even worse than shotguns and air rifles, Williams used a semi-automatic handgun for her achievement.

If ever there were strong female role models in sport, it is these female competitors. In fact, I would argue that these women are BETTER role models.

Other sports “heroes” can be arrested or be involved with drugs, alcohol, and violence yet are still eligible to play their sport. Pro football and pro basketball have especially egregious records in this regard. The shooting sports however involve owning and using firearms. Criminal behavior is, of necessity, disqualifying in the shooting sports. If you want to find a sports competition with sparkling athlete records – follow competitive shooters.

Female shooting champs provide young girls with excellent positive role models. Unlike dance or cheer or gymnastics, or other “traditional” women’s sports, the shooting sports do NOT promote an unhealthy body image, or subtly reinforce disordered eating. Unlike some other women’s sports, there is no advantage to be gained by the use of performance-enhancing substances, hormones, etc. (Does anyone else remember the East German Women’s swim team in the 1970’s and wondering how often they had to shave their mustaches?)

Also, unlike other sports where children are often pushed beyond their physical limitations to the point of injury, the shooting sports have a fantastic safety record.

In fact, because of their nature, the shooting sports stress concentration, safety, and personal responsibility far beyond what most other children are exposed to. There aren’t any consequences to misusing a soccer ball. But misuse of a competition shotgun, rifle or pistol, in addition to endangering one’s fellow competitors, can break any one of a myriad of local, national and (in the case of world stage competition) international laws. There is no screwing around with the equipment when you are on a shooting team.

In an era when feminists are clamoring for attention to be paid to positive female role models in sports and everywhere else, why aren’t these female Olympic medal winners getting the attention they deserve? And why aren’t the shooting sports promoted to young women as the wholesome, responsibility-filled, body-image-friendly competition sports that they are?

Because “Guns are Evil”, that’s why.

The Fix NICS QB Sneak, President vs. Bumpstocks, and a 17 Year Old who can’t vote teaches you how to Democracy… in a Republic.

What a weekend.

With the spending omnibus passed the Fix NICS language of Senator John Cornyn’s bill is now law and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is getting money for gun violence research. The effects of both of these additions to the budget extension could be catastrophic if other policy shifts along with them.

In short. Fix NICS is largely an internal accountability action within the Department of Justice and local LE Organizations and the CDC researching gun violence is like the CDC researching traffic fatalities. It’s the next legal actions that occur that will either benefit or harm firearm rights in a more drastic fashion.

Most notably keep an eye on action against the Dickie Amendment. While I’m supportive of any objective research on violence, removal or nullification of the Dickie Amendment is the only thing preventing the CDC from spending money on Gun Control Advocacy. Not research, advocacy.

The CDC was never prohibited from researching gun violence only spending the money on advocacy. Research would be available and cite-able by anyone with any reason to utilize it in support of their position but the CDC themselves couldn’t push gun control, a valid concern under the Clinton Administration.

We are starting to see the ground shift on these provisions. Be very aware of the directions they’re being pushed and be ready to push back by phone, email, and fax with the facts.


Image from CNN coverage of the speech

“Obama Administration legalized bump stocks. BAD IDEA. As I promised, today the Department of Justice will issue the rule banning BUMP STOCKS with a mandated comment period,” Trump wrote. “We will BAN all devices that turn legal weapons into illegal machine guns.” – Donald J. Trump, POTUS

Bump stocks and many other devices like binary triggers are at risk of becoming illegal. Despite their mechanical compliance with the law. Despite being able to bump fire without the aid of a device. Despite no actionable evidence that moving these devices under control of the NFA and the Hughes Amendment will result in reduced casualties.

The administration is making moves to “do something” that will do nothing by giving up the low hanging fruit of a gun gimmick. When these moves do nothing more rules and regulations will be demanded, more infringement will be demanded.

How far do we let things shift with demonstrably ineffective policy in order to placate groups, many that would gladly see firearms removed from civilian hands entirely? These same people who possess a working knowledge of the technology and current laws involved that can only be described as total ignorance. These same people who have no will to form an informed and structured opinion, but act emotively and blame those of differing opinion of approving of mass killings.


“When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.” – David Hogg

Let the 17 year old teen who cannot and has never voted educate you on how to use a democracy while not knowing he is in a Republic.

Let this clear and articulate individual, whose polite prose and entirely rational non-accusatory arguments are irrefutable, explain how stupid we are and how bought the politicians are by the gun lobby.

Let him additionally explain

“I think after we come back from spring break, they’re requiring all of us to have clear backpacks,” Hogg said. “I think one of the most important, one of the other important things to realize is, many students want their privacy.”

“There are many, for example, females at our school.” Hogg continued. “When they go through their menstrual cycle, they don’t want people to see their tampons and stuff. And it’s just unnecessary and it’s embarrassing for a lot of the students and it makes them feel isolated and separated from the rest of American school culture when they’re having essentially their First Amendment rights infringed upon because they can’t freely wear whatever backpack they want…”

“What we should have is just more policies that make sure that these students are feeling safe and secure in their schools,”

Yes. Infringement of civil rights now but don’t infringe my civil rights.

Would clear backpacks so officers can more easily check the contents not make students feel safer and more secure in school? Would making it harder to carry a weapon concealed in a bag not make the students and faculty feel safer that another incident will now be that much more difficult to accomplish?

But what about privacy?

What about it? This is about the safety of children so we can disregard civil rights… right?

Be certain we listen to him and disregard any physical security expert who advocates anything other than ‘Nobody needs an fully semi-automatic assault weapon because do you know the devastating wounds they cause?’.

Why would we listen to trained soldiers, law enforcement, or anyone who has a background in dealing with violence when we have David Hogg?


Skallywag Tactical Privateer Folder

This week, Brian takes a look at Skallywag Tactical’s Privateer EDC Folder. If you are a fan of folding knives, keep reading and let us know what you think? Folder? Fixed? Both?

If you’re not familiar with Skallywag Tactical then you need to educate yourself. Admittedly I am a fan and have been for some years now. It is hard not to be a fan of a pirate themed company that makes no nonsense high quality defensive blades. The Privateer is the first folder in their line up and the first that did not have a combat focused design. The knife is decidedly an EDC focused folder. Which is just fine in my opinion because with very few exceptions I do not consider a folding knife a viable option for defensive purposes. That’s a job for fixed blades.

Getting the boring stats out of the way, The Privateer weights in at 6 ounces. The blade is 3.5 inches of D2 tool steel coated in a durable black titanium coating. Everything else but the bearings are gray titanium coated D2 steel, even the reversible pocket clip. The flipper style deployment is smooth as silk and the frame lock is solid. The blade is a drop point design with a mostly full flat grind.

Skallywag Tactical’s stated goal was to provide a high end folder experience at a mid-tier price. Value is always subjective but for the $165 MSRP you get a nicely styled display case and a well built folding knife. The big compromise to provide that lower price point seems to be the choice of D2 tool steel over something more exotic like S35vn or Elmax. The heat treatment given to the D2 I am told has it between 58 and 60 on the Rockwell scale. Personally I think it’s a smart choice. The drop point and full flat grind is my favorite choice for an EDC blade. The geometry provides great cutting ability for slicing rope, fruit, or opening boxes. In my testing it made it through a surprising amount of feed bags and cardboard boxes before the edge needed touching up. I was also pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to restore that edge. Through smart design and good heat treatment Skallywag Tactical was able to take the big compromise point and turn it into something of an advantage for an EDC focused blade.

The very ergonomically designed steel body gives the knife presence. That is a nice way of saying it is a bit on the heavy side. I know a few popular blade reviewers obsess about ounces when it comes to EDC blades but that is not me. Granted I love my SOG Aegis with the minimalist design and barely there 3 ounces. I keep it with my backpack where I am much more weight sensitive. In my pocket for daily activities, 6 ounces is completely doable but you do not forget it is there.

My one complaint comes is with the pocket clip. The D2 steel used was probably not the right choice for materials there. I get it as a cost savings measure. The stock is already being cut and there is probably enough spare material that would be discarded anyways to turn into a pocket clip. The problem is that particular steel is not exactly flexible. A trait, at least in a certain amount, that is desired in a pocket clip. The result is a clip that is a little too difficult to clip in and out of your pocket. It also accelerates wear on that part of the pocket.

That one relatively minor complaint aside the system for reversing the pocket clip and the placement of it is well executed. A counter argument a friend made while discussing this review was that it will not fall out. If that is a concern you have then you may appreciate the pocket clip as is.

In conclusion I think Skallywag Tactical should be proud of their first entry into folders. They achieved their goal of creating a premium knife experience for a mid market price. Those in the market for an EDC blade should give it some serious thought. Especially since at the time of this writing the Privateer is on sale for $100. No promises for the future though at the MSRP of $165, in my opinion it is still a solid value.

Skallywag Tactical Privateer Folder, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Geissele’s Super Precision PRO

Rifle optics are an immense and diverse subject.

I’m adding an additional consideration. This may make the decision more complex. This may make the decision simpler. I hope it better informs the decision.

When picking an optic you must also pick a mounting interface. Certain optics come with one integrated, others have an included but non-integral mount, the remainder require the user to select a compatible one.

30mm reflex rifle optics are a recognized standard. They sit atop service and patrol rifles worldwide. Mirco optics have gained popularity in recent years as have LPVO’s but the standard in most places continues to be filled by optics like the Aimpoint PRO and the US Army’s CCO M2 and M3 variants.


CompM3 on a G36. Image via Aimpoint

The speed, ruggedness, and usability of these sights has been well documented by end users. The availability and cost of quality 30mm CCO style optics is excellent today.

But back to the mount, a largely overlooked component especially when one is included from the factory.

A quality mount will make or break the system (sometimes literally break). It will keep everything tight and accurate or it won’t depending on the attention to detail in the manufacturing process. It’s durability will be largely dependent on these details as well.

Included mounts are usually done for the convenience of the buyer. The money is all in the sight, not the mount. Using an included mount isn’t wrong but you’re making a decision, with few exceptions, that is putting a critical piece of equipment on the cheapest piece a manufacturer could get away with to make the optic more appealing as an “all-in-one” purchase. There is a drastic disparity between the quality of the sight and the mount keeping it on the rifle properly.

If you want to see how much, look at what the sight sells for without a mount or the mount sells for alone. I recommend selecting and purchasing an upgraded mount.

There are few companies I trust as highly as Geissele to provide an eminently well designed product to fulfill a need.

The Super Precision series of mounts is offered for a variety of optic designs. The Super Precision PRO is specifically for the CCO/PRO style 30mm optics.

Super Precision PRO holding a Vortex Strikefire II OPMOD

The 7075-T6 aluminum mounts come in black or their patented DDC (Desert Dirt Color) anodized Type III hard coat. Rigid, durable, and quality material. Machining has reduced the weight while removing sharp edges and maintaining optimal strength.

6 Torx screws hold pressure on the single large ring holding the optic in position. It has a forward swept design that assists in optic offset and provides space for a magnifier or night vision behind if the user desires. It will easily cowitness any AR height iron sights.

Mounting it anywhere on an AR flattop will give usable positioning. I generally forward bias my optics toward the first few 1913 slots in the upper.

Aluminium 6 screw mounts are actually fairly standard, so what sets the Geissele as exceptional? Beyond the impossible to type properly name and sterling reputation.

Mount interface design.

Where many mounts interface well with the optic the weakness comes where it interfaces with the firearm.

All of these mounts utilize a cross-bolt of some sort. The bolt, sometimes a washer, and a clamping piece provide lateral pressure to hold the optic in place. The components selected by Geissele can provide 1,400lbs of lateral force. In addition the anti-sheer cross bolt design and two additional anti sheer lugs keep the optic from moving forward or backward on the 1913 flattop.

Most mounts do not offer this level of recoil induced motion control in the design. The Super Precision PRO requires a cleanly cut and in spec 1913 rail but it eliminates forward and rear sheering almost entirely. The optic will not move under recoil, even if the lateral clamping force is low. This is critical for accuracy and ease of return to zero.

Other mounts recommend that you forward bias the optic in the slot. It will slide forward and backward dependent on how close the anti-sheer lug is to 1913 Picatinny specification. Many lugs are Weaver rail slot specification to allow mounting on a greater variety of rails and this leaves a lot of space for possible movement.

Midwest Industries QD Mini ACOG Mount

The Midwest Industries mount in the picture has one anti-sheer lug and a large lateral clamping surface. It’s a fantastic mount but requires the forward bias mounting method and with too little lateral clamping force the optic will slide forward and backward. It’s quite easy to to set correctly and once done the mount works exceptionally.

The Geissele eschews all those considerations through added precision and attention to detail of the mounting interface engineering. The trade off is that it is not a tool-less quick release, a few seconds with a multi-tool screw driver or a wrench though and you’re done. No setting, adjusting, and resetting the mount. Loosen the nut, mount to flattop, tighten the nut a little beyond hand tight and the Geissele is set.

Removing the Super Precision PRO and remounting produces exceptional return to zero on Point of Aim/Point of Impact. There is nothing to bump out of adjustment and applying a different lateral force (either tighter or looser) will have less effect on zero shift due to the anti-sheer design.

Mounted and Zeroed. 3 Shots. Remounted. 3 Shots. Not bad with a 4MOA dot.

Nothing rezeros perfectly. The Geissele is a less complicated mechanism than many designs due to the engineering. No springs or levers. Properly sized and spaced static anti-sheer lugs. All these details have the Geissele almost click into place.

The Super Precision PRO is quite obviously named after Aimpoint’s Patrol Rifle Optic but is compatible with several sights across a variety of price ranges:

Primary Arms Advanced 30mm

Holosun’s 406 & 506 series

Vortex Stikefire II (Pictured OPMOD)

Sig Sauer ROMEO6

And any other in the CCO 30mm format.


If your looking for a rifle optic you will need a good mount. Do not under invest in your equipment. Optic mounting interface is critical and Geissele’s Super Precision PRO was designed with that critical eye.

Bushnell Aggressor Wireless Trophy Cam HD – The Game Cam Learning Curve

I am a novice hunter. So far, I’ve enjoyed a few guided experiences with pheasant hunting, one with ducks, and have been in the woods several times for deer – unfortunately with no venison in my freezer so far. My goal this spring is a Turkey Hunt.

In the interest of expanding my horizons, improving my luck, and getting to know a piece of family property better, I decided to invest in a game camera. The problem is that the property I want to put it on is two hours away. I can’t just run up there every week to pull SD cards. So I did some research.

Technology is advancing and there are now some cameras on the market which use cell phone technology to send the photos remotely in addition to storing images on an SD card. I chose the Bushnell Aggressor Wireless Trophy Cam HD.

Though I did see this model at SHOT Show and talk to a rep I decided to buy my first cam with my own pocket change. Being the cheapskate, I mean frugal person that I try to be, I found one “used” from the Amazon Warehouse for about 30 dollars cheaper than new. A trail cam with cellular capability still isn’t “cheap”, but due to the distance involved between where I live and the property in question, it suited my needs much better than a traditional trail camera would.

The box arrived from Amazon within a few days. The camera was in its original packaging which had been opened and resealed. It otherwise appeared to be in good shape. The owner’s manual was creased as if opened, but the plastic cling film was still on the interior viewer window and the strap was still factory rolled. Apparently this model was opened but not not actually “used”. Maybe it was a store display model or something – who knows. But since I got it cheaper, I win.

The set-up for the Bushnell Wireless Trophy Cam was much easier than I anticipated. In addition to the owner’s manual there was a “Quick set-up card”, which has very clear concise directions. Set-up required 12 lithium or alkaline batteries and a 32 GB SD card, which I purchased on a quick run to Walmart.

The only criticism I have for the camera set-up process is that entering information and choices was a bit awkward. Because I opted for the camera to send images to my email, rather than by text, entering the longish email via the little left/right, up/down arrow keys was a bit tedious. I recommend doing the set-up when you don’t have any other distractions. Still this was at least semi-intuitive. My car Bluetooth set-up was MUCH more exasperating than this.

After making sure the camera was running the next step was registering the unit on the Bushnell website – After entering my information and setting up an account on the website, I then entered the serial number of my camera. This was the only hitch in the process. Since my cam was “used”, it was already registered on the Bushnell site. This however was uneventfully resolved by a quick call to the Bushnell customer service line. It took 30 seconds for the rep to reset the number and I was good to go!

Once I had an account and registered the serial number I had to give the camera a name. I suppose normal people would name such a camera “back field” or “food plot”. But I just pulled something out of the air to get started. I named it “Matilda”. In retrospect I should have named it “Prince Charming” or “Hot Guy”, because when messages arrive they are labeled with the camera name. Thus my messages would arrive saying “Prince Charming uploaded a new photo”. Hmmmm, I’ll have to go back and see if I can change that setting. Yes, I’m easily entertained!

After the camera was registered and named I set up an AT&T data plan for the camera right through the Bushnell website. This is a month-by-month service offered by Bushnell and has nothing to do with my own cell service plan. I happen to already use AT&T but if I had Verizon instead it would make no difference. As long as there is a strong AT&T signal where one chooses to place the camera it matters not what one’s personal carrier is. I chose the option giving me 1500 thumbnail images per month for $9.99, but there are larger packages available.

Some of the features of the Bushnell Aggressor Wireless Trophy Cam HD include:
– 80 ft passive infrared motion sensor
– 48 No Glow LEDs
– 80 ft NV flash
– 720p HD video
– Field scan
– Solar panel compatible

The Field Scan option is interesting but I haven’t used it yet. This feature allows the user to set two times of day when the camera will take several time lapse photos of the area without being triggered. This allows views of a food plot or larger field – to perhaps see game that is too far away to trigger the sensor.

I also have not opted to use the video function yet. Video files are too large to upload reasonably. The camera will only record them to the SD card. Since I can’t check the card regularly once I have the camera permanently settled, I haven’t used the video setting.

I set up the camera for a one week trial-run on my porch. I wanted to be sure I understood how the whole thing worked before I stationed it two hours away, where I couldn’t easily adjust it. I chose my front porch because there is a crabapple tree in the front yard which is known to be frequented by four-hooved bird feeder thieves. This trial run ended-up being a very a good move because it highlighted a few things I hadn’t taken into account.

Lesson One: I initially had the camera mounted too high. Though it was aimed AT the bird feeder, it only caught feeder thieves whose snouts were actively IN the feeder, not ones which were on all fours closer to the ground. So in the morning I moved the camera lower.

Lesson Two: Random twigs that one barely notices during the day really obscure the camera’s view at night in the IR flash. Lowering the camera put it behind some bush twigs which looked very large and brightly lit. So I got out the clippers and did a little early spring pruning the next morning.

Lesson Three: I chose wisely when deciding to have the camera notify me by email rather than text message. I keep my phone on the nightstand due to being on-call. Given the party-hours of the feeder thieves I was quite happy to find out about said party at 7 AM when I checked my mail rather than at 02:35 when it actually happened.

Lesson Four: There is a lot more activity in my neighborhood during the day than I had previously realized. Every time I checked my email during the day there were messages from “Matilda” informing me about passing neighborhood cars. She even caught views of the U.S. Postal Service in the wild, The Big Brown Truck of Happiness and the FedEx Truck of Dreams. It was like having Gladys Kravitz installed on my front porch. Considering this, I may have to get a second unit and keep it as a security camera!

The photos posted here are merely screen captures of what appeared on my email. Higher resolution images are available for purchase from the Wireless Trophy Cam website, or from the SD card in the camera.
You’ll notice that photos are stamped with date/time, temperature, and phase of the moon – all useful information to have whether one is tracking wildlife or trespassers of a different species.

In addition to being available by either email or text message, the thumbnail photos from the camera are viewable on the Wireless trophy cam website or on the app for either iPhone or Android. The apps are available free of charge in the App Store of your device of choice.

The app does not offer quite as many options as the website does but it is still quite useful. The webpage allows you to manage photos, clear the ones you don’t want, order high resolution images, order more air time, add more cameras, check the battery status, and also make some camera adjustments – like sensitivity of sensor, time lag between captures, and night time shutter speed – REMOTELY. No driving up to the site if you decide you want a 3-photo burst instead of one. The camera also notes its own GPS position nightly and uploads that at well so you can see it as a pin on a map. The webpage/app sends a notification if the camera does not “check-in” in this manner.

An important thing to note is that if there isn’t a strong enough cell signal where you place the camera it may not transmit properly. Before purchase it might be wise to check the signal strength at the location under consideration. I have also found that if the signal fluctuates and the photo doesn’t upload immediately the camera will send it later when the signal is stronger.

I am extremely pleased with the features and function of the Bushnell Aggressor Wireless Trophy Cam HD However the proof in the pudding will be how it operates 2 hours away, and how long the lithium batteries last in the cold. Nonetheless I am excited to see what kind of activity there is on that family property.

Now, if it will just stop snowing up there long enough to get this fun new toy installed!

We Like Shooting Double Tap 054 – Oedipal

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 54, Tonight we talk about gun tech, we’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and the latest news.


We Like Shooting 237 – Handmade Tobacco Pouches

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 237 – Tonight we will talk about M11 Merc, Off grid tools, We Like Shooting lowers, Southpaw Tactical and more!


Bucket List Firearms: The Legendary M1A

When it comes to bucket list firearms, some you want just because you want them. The M1A/M14 is one of those items. Everyone has an opinion and they vary on Springfield Armory right now… but I love this rifle.

I don’t need one. I have an empirically more capable SCAR17. But that doesn’t matter. I just want my M14. I know many of you do too.

We Like Shooting Double Tap 053 – Burp, belch, Jeremys drunk

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 53, Tonight we talk about gun tech, we’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and the latest news.


ASP Turbo: EDC+ Handheld Flashlight

I’ve been carrying the Armament Systems and Procedures Tungsten. It’s an exceptional handheld flashlight that carries well, an ergonomic 450 lumen package. Check the link for my full review.

But what if you need to see further? What if you require a brighter light? What are the options then?

ASP Turbo Handheld Flashlight

ASP’s Turbo DF has the same control layout of it’s little brother, the Tungsten. It uses the same battery and holds a very similar profile.

ASP Turbo and Tungsten handheld fliashlight

The Turbo has a 780 Lumen rating with it’s included 18650 rechargeable battery. Like the Tungsten it gets a 10-15% lumen boost when used with CR123A Li-Ion batteries.

The Turbo is an inch longer at 6.75″, a half an inch wider at 1.4″ at the reflector, and a little over an ounce heavier at 5.4 oz over the 4.2 oz of the Tungsten. It’s not so much an easy EDC handheld flashlight as it is a compact tactical handheld.

It’s small enough and plenty comfortable to carry in a belt pouch or on a vest. The length and reflector size make it a little large for convenient conventional EDC but it is doable depending on how you’re dressed.

ASP Turbo handheld flashlight bezel

The high polish bezel is conventionally crenelated with the stand off/glass breaker on the housing. It’s reflector provides three distinct illumination zones with a bright concentrated center, a semi-bright middle ring, and a low lumen outer ring that approximately doubles the diameter of the other two. The listed range of illumination is 233 meters before diffusion is beyond usefulness.

A quarter kilometer of light.

ASP Turbo handheld flashlight body

The mildly thicker grip is padded with a soft pliant foam. Comfortable, works very well with gloves, and allows for a much less slippery grip if wetness is introduced from rain, sweat, or another source.

ASP Turbo rechargeable handheld flashlight

In keeping with the “Dual Fuel” concept ASP is integrating into many of their lights the Turbo is USB rechargeable and has an impressive 2 hour battery life.

If you suspect the light is getting low on power just plug it in. If it goes out and you need an immediate light, add two CR123A batteries.

ASP Turbo handheld flashlight recharge package

The Turbo has exhibited every quality I found in the Tungsten. The differences in size and capability are more relevant to you readers than a repeat of facets from a similar product that Armament Systems and Procedures offers.

Now the only question is which would fit your needs closest. I carry the Tungsten daily and have the Turbo as a kit light.

ASP continues to provide products that fit my requirements and requests when it comes to illumination.