
Gone Shooting: IWI Academy

GAT is out of the office and down with IWI Academy learning from the Tavor masters themselves how to run this uniquely exceptional rifle.

So while we’re out shooting here’s what were shooting

Gun Clutter

I’ve been reading a lot lately about cleaning and organizing one’s life. One trendy method is some Asian thing where you hold your possessions and commune with them before deciding whether to keep or pitch them. There’s another one out there called “Swedish Death Cleaning”.

That last one sounds a bit morbid, but it stems from a basic reality. My personal interest in these things stems from being a member of the generation whose parents are down-sizing or dying. Having been through the death of my father, and the moving of my mother through three successive downsizes in eleven years, I can tell you how much “stuff” people accumulate over the course of a lifetime. It’s made me think about my own stuff. Especially my shooting-related gear.

When my father died, it was relatively unexpected. We had a lifetime of hunting and fishing gear to go through, and at the time I knew nothing about his firearms. There were things I’d have kept if I had known what they were. There were things I didn’t know he had until they came up on the block at auction. There was even a paper bag of what I know now were antique brass shotgun hulls. I’d have kept a couple if I knew what they were. If he’d been a little more organized maybe we wouldn’t have lost so many potential keepsakes. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Dad was not only a lifetime hunter, he was also a fly fisherman, who tied his own flies. So, in addition to all of the hunting gear there were boxes and cans of feathers and furs, and hooks, and thread, and all of that detritus to go through along with the hunting gear. Dad had taught fly-tying classes a few times at the public library, so Mom had the brilliant idea of letting his students go through all of his fly-tying stuff and take it with them. That helped a good bit.

I’ve only been at this gun-nut thing for nine years now. But I’ve accumulated more “stuff” than I ever thought possible. I’m not actually planning on kicking the proverbial bucket anytime soon, but I recognize that sometimes the universe has other plans. I commute to work on the Interstate and I’ve often wondered what my adult children would do with all my crap if I got taken out by an 18-wheeler on the way to work one day. As an aside, I also wonder what the funeral attendees would say about my housekeeping. You could probably measure my dust layers with drill core samples, but hey I’d rather be remembered for the interesting life I’ve led than be judged upon the quality of my janitorial skills.

I’ve written about my slow accumulation of gun-related stuff on my blog in the past, but the accumulation has continued in the interim. I’m starting to think that I need to readdress my organization and let a few things go.

It’s not that I have a “complete” mess, but things do need to be sorted again. A few years ago I decide to make use of all of my saved zipper bags that various bedding has come in over the years. I’m not exactly a hoarder, but I could never bring myself to get rid of those nice heavy-walled plastic bags with actual zippers, so I put them to use in keeping my accessories organized for the different firearms I own.

I also started organizing my ammo a few years ago. As the kids started growing up and moving out, I found there was an unused bookcase in someone’s room, and also plastic storage tubs that used to contain a variety of old Happy Meal toys and action figures. I moved those down into the basement to my gun corner, and turned that into my ammo center. I have no intention of giving away my ammo in some crazed cleaning frenzy, but at least this way, if I accidentally become road pizza, my kids have some way of knowing what all those “bullets” are.

I’m also thinking of picking up an old used filing cabinet from the Habitat ReStore to better organize my accessories and spare parts. I’m a ziploc bag addict anyhow, and that would give me some place to store all those bags of random parts. One drawer for semi-auto pistol parts, one drawer for revolver parts, one drawer for shotgun parts, and one drawer for rifle parts – sounds good in theory anyhow. At least when I die, the estate auction people can dump it all in the same box lot. I’d really like to do better than that, but I’m not sure what one does with all of these extra parts and pieces.

What DOES one do with all the little bits of metal and springs, and levers, and old front sights, and old grips, and, and, and? I’m open to suggestions. Anybody? Bueller?


Note: Those who are pregnant or moms of infant children should always seek the advice from their doctors and take into consideration any special circumstances that may exist.

Shooting is a perishable skill, so 9 months to 3 years is a long time to go without pressing the trigger. If you don’t practice, you can lose your proficiency. Fortunately you don’t have to avoid shooting, but you do have to pay close attention at how to shoot safely during pregnancy and beyond, as well as other options to keep your skill sets strong.

The two biggest concerns for the baby when shooting are lead poisoning and noise exposure. There are many articles by medical professionals that go into great detail on these topics, giving worst case scenarios and many guidelines if you work in an environment that puts you at a higher risk for injury to the baby. While all of that information is extremely important, it muddies the water on the simple question of “can I shoot while pregnant and/or breast feeding?”

Lead Poisoning

Lead enters your body in two ways: ingestion, such as touching your food with your hands containing gun powder residue; or inhalation if you are shooting at a range with poor ventilation, as opposed to facilities with state-of-the-art systems to remove contaminants from the shooting area. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Young children are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. High levels of lead may cause vomiting, staggering walk, muscle weakness, seizures, or coma. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal.

In most ammo brands, the primer inside the bullet contains lead that is released into the air every time you shoot your gun. The lead gets on your hands, arms, face, and in your hair, and also lingers in the air and you inhale it. In addition, the projectile of the round is usually made out of lead, which increases your exposure. Xavier, a Registered Nurse, admits that: A pregnant mother does transfers lead to her unborn child; however, doctors do not know what are safe levels of lead for a baby. Exposure to lead has proven to cause decreased birth weight in babies, affect the baby’s head circumference, cause miscarriage, premature delivery, and preeclampisa.

Noise Exposure

Noise not only damages your hearing, but has greater adverse effects. Just like lead exposure, noise exposure can cause decreased birth weight, premature delivery, and developmental problems. In addition, increased noise levels can cause stress, resulting in high blood pressure and anxiety.

Some pregnant women have had to leave a shooting range because their babies kicked and moved so much because of the noise. Xavier says: Your baby will start responding to sound as early as 16 weeks into pregnancy, and at 24 weeks the baby’s cochlea is completely developed. Studies have shown that continuous loud noise may be harmful to a baby. In women that were exposed to a continuous loud noise at 80dB daily for 8 hours (a normal work shift) babies were born with hearing loss, decreased birth weight, and even suffered a risk of early birth. A gunshot is 140dB. Repeated exposure for long periods can damage a baby’s hearing; however, if you may feel that your baby can tolerate a little range time. Some doctors advise to avoid shooting during the third trimester of your pregnancy. If you want to be extra cautious, shoot .22 Long Rifle or use a suppressor.

Shooting While Pregnant

Can I shoot during my pregnancy? This is a wonderful question that we love to get! There is not a simple yes or no answer, but we have several resources that will help you make the best decision for you while pregnant and/or breastfeeding. A similar question is: can I exercise while pregnant? The professional answer on that is if you already are physically active, continue your normal workouts as usual. If you are not someone who exercises regularly, pregnancy is not the time to start training for a marathon. The same can be said for shooting sports, but all things should be kept in moderation.

The easy answer is yes you can. The complicated answer is: there are rules that you MUST follow to stay safe. No use of indoor ranges while pregnant. Period. No exceptions. A Girl & A Gun prohibits our pregnant moms from participating in events at an indoor range. Indoor ranges, even state-of-the-art facilities with high-end air filtration systems and noise-reduction construction still pose a risk for lead poisoning and noise irritation. Indoor ranges are a no-go zone during pregnancy.

Shooting While Breastfeeding

Lead contaminants exist in the residue left on your clothes and body while shooting. Anytime you use a firearm or handle ammunition, you must clean your body/face and change your clothing before feeding your baby. A Girl & A Gun’s policy is that breastfeeding moms (and really All Moms or ANY PERSON that comes in contact with infants and young children) follow this important guideline.

What about “pump and dump”? Studies indicate there is no benefit to pumping and dumping after drinking alcohol, but what about shooting guns? Melody Lauer has a wonderful article for nursing moms. She says: A quick note on lead exposure and breastmilk: What you ingest will make it into your milk supply. You will inhale or otherwise absorb lead particles throughout your time at a gun class. That lead has potential to make it into your milk. Try though I may I have found no reliable source of information to indicate that that exposure is enough to harm your baby through your milk. Even so, some mothers choose to pump and dump the milk they express during and immediately after gun classes. That is your choice. Personally, I have not had an issue giving the milk I have expressed during gun classes to my children and the lead tests they have had in their childhood have all come back normal.

Another way to think about this is that whatever your blood level lead content is your baby can receive 5%. If you spend a significant amount of time on the range or work in an area that may be of concern, you can have your blood tested every 6 months and monitor your levels. Julie Golob has a wonderful guide that dives deeper into issues of lead and noise exposure during pregnancy.

Reducing Lead, Noise, and Contaminants

Good news, you get to slack off! That’s right — you don’t have to pick up brass, you don’t have to clean your guns, and really shouldn’t be loading your mags. If you have latex gloves you can at least handle ammo.

  • Use firearms with suppressors to limit noise exposure. This is a dream for any shooter. A very expensive dream, but if you have access why not?
  • Shoot lead-free ammunition. Brands like GECO use lead-free bullets AND primer.
  • Only hunt with lead-free ammo so that you do not contaminate your meat.
  • Use a face mask to limit inhaling lead dust.
  • You may want to use gloves while shooting and always wash your hands and arms with a de-lead soap or wipes.
  • Immediately wash all exposed skin with COLD and soapy water. Cold water keeps the pores of your skin closed and small, while hot water opens the pores and may encourage toxins to absorb into your skin rather than washing off.
  • Shower as soon as possible. Clean your hair and body, head to toe.
  • Remove range clothes as soon as possible and wash them separately. If possible, use a de-lead detergent designed to remove heavy metals. Keep in mind that if you get into your car and are wearing the same clothes you wore at the range, there is always a possibility for those toxins to leave a residue.
  • Do not collect spent brass.
  • Ask someone you trust to clean your firearm to avoid exposing yourself to lead, solvents, and other contaminants.
  • Only eat and/or drink in areas where lead or lead-containing products are not being handled or processed AND after you have washed your hands and face thoroughly.

Safe Options for Pregnant Shooters

Many competitors and law enforcement officers are unable to wait 10 months or longer without a decrease in muscle memory. If you choose to live-fire during your pregnancy, shoot in an outdoor, well-ventilated area. Ensure that you’re using lead-free ammo (with lead-free primer). Follow the tips listed, above. Be aware of risks of lead and noise exposure, and participate in moderation.

If you want more safeguards, you have many dry-fire options. Dry-fire practice with a clean, decontaminated gun is a great way to continue to keep your skills sharp and work on trigger press, target acquisition, and more. You can find a lot of drills in our Shooting Journal or you can buy dry-fire cards. Similarly, you can use a SIRT pistol, alone or in conjunction with target or laser-shot software. You can still stay ahead professionally or defensively, have fun with your friends and family, and keep your baby safe.



The terms may be confusing to some people, but semi-auto and full-auto firearms are very different from each other.

What is the difference between a semi-automatic and a fully automatic firearm?

Semi-automatic means that once you have a round in the firing chamber, when you pull the trigger, that round will fire. It’s referred to as “semi-automatic” because the next round will automatically cycle into the chamber from either an internal or external magazine.

Fully automatic means that once a round is loaded into the chamber, if you pull and hold the trigger, the firearm will continue to fire until you let go of the trigger or run out of ammunition. Fully automatic firearms are sometimes called “machine guns.”

Can I buy a semi-automatic rifle?

Semi-auto rifles are commercially available in a variety of makes, models, and calibers at thousands of gun and sporting stores. In most cases, a person can buy an AR-15 in the same manner as buying a handgun.

Is an AR-15 an automatic rifle or “assault rifle”?

No, “AR” stands for ArmaLite Rifle after the company that first developed the firearm 60 years ago. ArmaLite sold the rights to Colt, which modified the rifle and sold it to the military as the M-16. The M-16 can be fully automatic, but an AR-15 is only semi-automatic.

The term “assault rifle” is technically referring to military rifles, which have a switch on the side that allows the user to select semi-automatic, fully automatic, or three-shot burst.  These rifles have not been used in mass shootings; semi-automatic rifles were used in the shootings in Orlando, Newtown, and San Bernardino.

How many bullets are shot from a semi-automatic firearm per second?

The user can shoot as fast as his or her finger can press the trigger. One trigger pull = One bullet fired.

Can I buy a full-auto weapon?

Not likely. Fully automatic firearms are available only to the military or law enforcement. The only automatic weapons legal to purchase for civilians in the United States are the ones that have been registered between 1934 and 1986. Taking possession of them requires paying a $200 federal transfer tax, filling out an application to register the weapon, submitting passport photos, getting your chief law enforcement official to sign your application, and submitting to an FBI background and fingerprint check; or obtaining an NFA Trust, which has different requirements. Those firearms (and specialized kits to convert semi-autos to full-autos) are difficult to obtain and very expensive.


We Like Shooting Double Tap 061 – Bamp Bump Ding Do

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 61, Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.

WLS Double Tap 061 – Bamp Bump Ding Do

A Precedent Win for the Second Amendment: Cody Wilson, DefCAD, and 3D Printed Guns

You may have missed this. It was very quietly done yesterday.

Do you remember the explosion on the internet of 3D printing and the storm around Liberator pistol (pictured above)?

Cody Wilson and his DefCAD website were the pioneers in the space of 3D firearms printing and the DOJ under the Obama Administration took him to the woodshed to shut him down using every regulation they could think of.

5 years later the Federal Government has settled.


For Immediate Release                                      Contact:  Alan Gottlieb (425) 454-7012

BELLEVUE, WA – The Department of Justice and Second Amendment Foundation have reached a settlement in SAF’s lawsuit on behalf of Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed over free speech issues related to 3-D files and other information that may be used to manufacture lawful firearms.

SAF and Defense Distributed had filed suit against the State Department under the Obama administration, challenging a May 2013 attempt to control public speech as an export under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), a Cold War-era law intended to control exports of military articles.

Under terms of the settlement, the government has agreed to waive its prior restraint against the plaintiffs, allowing them to freely publish the 3-D files and other information at issue. The government has also agreed to pay a significant portion of the plaintiffs’ attorney’s fees, and to return $10,000 in State Department registration dues paid by Defense Distributed as a result of the prior restraint.

Significantly, the government expressly acknowledges that non-automatic firearms up to .50-caliber – including modern semi-auto sporting rifles such as the popular AR-15 and similar firearms – are not inherently military.

“Not only is this a First Amendment victory for free speech, it also is a devastating blow to the gun prohibition lobby,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “For years, anti-gunners have contended that modern semi-automatic sport-utility rifles are so-called ‘weapons of war,’ and with this settlement, the government has acknowledged they are nothing of the sort.

“Under this settlement,” he continued, “the government will draft and pursue regulatory amendments that eliminate ITAR control over the technical information at the center of this case. They will transfer export jurisdiction to the Commerce Department, which does not impose prior restraint on public speech. That will allow Defense Distributed and SAF to publish information about 3-D technology.”

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms.  Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 600,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. – From Josh Blackman

This is certainly a personal win for Cody Wilson and an evolution in technology but here is the 2A win

Significantly, the government expressly acknowledges that non-automatic firearms up to .50-caliber – including modern semi-auto sporting rifles such as the popular AR-15 and similar firearms – are not inherently military.

If you’re interested you can see the whole series of legal actions here starting back in 2015.

Government acknowledgement that semi-automatics aren’t inherently military arms is a significant gain in the constant argument about whether the Second Amendment protects rifles like the AR-15.

Congratulations to Cody Wilson and good job SAF.


You’re finally ready to take a step. You’ve been curious about shooting for a while, whether it’s for self-defense or fun, but haven’t been sure how to get started. The first step to learning to shoot a firearm is to find a good instructor. Learning correct marksmanship skills and creating good habits from the start will give you a solid foundation for success and confidence at the range.

If you’re interested in learning to shoot a gun, follow these steps:

1. Talk to others. Many women are curious about shooting a firearm, but don’t know where to start. If you’re curious, others may help point you in the right direction to a recommended instructor or range. If you’re afraid, talking to others about their experiences will help normalize what you are thinking and feeling. Often times we think that we are alone, that no one else has ever felt the way we feel.

2. Find a reputable Instructor. Take time to research instructors in your area. You can find women who are certified instructors through, or other men and women instructors certified through the NRA or USCCA. Talk to family and friends to find out if they have a favorite instructor. Ask if they would send their daughter or mother to the same trainer and why.

3. Ask to attend a portion of a class. Some instructors will allow you to observe a class before you actually attend. This gives you the opportunity to see how the instructor interacts with others and if you will be comfortable in his/her presence. You have the chance to experience his/her teaching philosophy and quality of the curriculum. Other instructors may not be accustomed to letting non-paying people observe a class, so make sure you say that you will limit your time to about 20 minutes and will not interfere with the class in progress.

4. Observe the instructor’s demeanor. The instructor should be able to teach to your level to ensure the class is appropriate for you. Make sure your instructor is open minded to make physical adjustments as you need them, won’t yell if you aren’t doing it right, and will make sure you are ready for the curriculum. Any safety violations will result in extremely firm tones and statements as the instructor’s job is to keep you safe, but at all times the instructor should have the students’ respect.

5. Schedule a private lesson. The ideal learning environment is 1:1, especially if you are feeling any level of anxiety. This will allow time and space to ask your questions and work at your own pace. One hour is sufficient time for a private lesson to learn the basics of marksmanship. After the initial lesson you can decide if you want to join a group class or continue with private lessons through more advanced material.

6. Tell the instructor your story. Let the instructor know your goals for the session, why you are interested in learning now, etc. Your story is unique, but your instructor has probably met someone in your situation before. If you are fearful of the noise or sensation of the recoil because you have been a victim of gun violence or been affected by a traumatic incident, telling the instructor will help him/her to be prepared to appropriately deal with your specific needs during class and be better able to address your physical and psychological reactions.

7. Bring a friend. When women are stressed about everyday life they often turn to girlfriends to vent, talk, problem solve, and get support. You know that they won’t judge you and you can feel safe being vulnerable. Encourage a friend to sign up for the lesson with you. This shared experience can make learning a lot more fun.


I Need Trauma Training (And So Do YOU!)

I missed being in a car accident this weekend – by about five feet.

I was on a two lane suburban road in stopped traffic, when a vehicle two cars behind me tried to make a left turn – right into the path of an oncoming pickup, which not only hit him, but also took out the car behind me. At least I think that’s what happened – because it happened so fast, and it happened behind me. All I witnessed were squealing brakes, a smashing noise, and flying glass.

After a second or so of WTF?, I pulled ahead into a wide spot, got out of the car, and called 911. Before that moment I never realized that Siri could dial it for me, but it worked. I gave the name of the road and how many cars were involved as I hurried back to the scene. Apparently several other bystanders called as well. I checked on the first driver I came to – he was out of the vehicle and okay. The second driver was banged up a little but his airbags had deployed. He had a little rib pain but was alert and stable. The third vehicle had a passenger who was already being assessed by two other women who were EMTs, one of whom was stabilizing the passenger’s neck. Nobody was bleeding so I didn’t need the aid bag I keep in my car.

EMS, VFD, and the PD were all coming. The two ladies had that passenger in hand so I went back through the broken glass and leaking engine fluid in my plastic sandals to the second driver. I talked to him, tried to calm him down, periodically assessed him, and stayed with him until organized help arrived. Fortunately there was nothing else I needed to do. Everyone was very lucky. 

Despite the fact that I am “only” a pediatrician and not a trauma trained medic, I keep an aid bag in my car. The only reason I do THAT is because several years ago I was “first responder” when someone down the line from me on the range put a round into their own foot. That was an “apply pressure with bare hands and a sock until an aid bag arrived” sort of deal.

This MVA was the second emergency incident in my direct proximity in about 5 years. I think the Man Upstairs is trying to tell me something. I keep meaning to get some more formal trauma training but life has always gotten in the way. I need to get serious about it now. I am promising myself that before I take any more shooting classes my next class will be a trauma class.

People may wonder – “But aren’t you already a doctor? Why do you need more training?” So let me educate you. Nowhere in any of my formal medical training was I taught to respond to trauma.  Especially trauma out in the real world where the only tools you have are what you brought with you or can improvise. My training took place in the Pediatric ICU, the Neonatal ICU, and the General Pediatrics floor. There are lots of trained people there who have lots of equipment. 

When there is an emergency in the hospital about twelve people show up with crash carts. I have intubated infants and placed chest tubes in my training. I have done lumbar punctures on small children. But I had all of the proper equipment available along with trained people to hand it to me. Add to all of that the fact that small children are not treated the same way as adults are. I have almost zero adult training. Gunshot wounds, arterial bleeds, compound fractures, etc are not in my realm of experience. With these two incidents in five years I realize that I now need to put it in my realm of experience. 

Given the fact that mass casualty events are now in the public eye and the reality that professional first responders cannot treat victims until the scene is secure, there has a been a push to educate lay people about how to stop serious bleeding. Programs like “Stop the Bleed” have sprung up.

Pre-hospital trauma medicine has changed dramatically as a result of lessons learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of all the military medics returned from those wars, we now have a plethora of resources and skilled trainers available to us – from your local EMS and Red Cross to businesses who cater specifically to the shooting community, such as Lone Star Medics, who have given classes at the A Girl and A Gun National Conferences.

Not everybody is a first responder. Not everybody has had to care for injuries in a war zone. But ALL of us attend shooting events. ALL of us drive a car. ALL of us work someplace that might experience a mass casualty event. That’s why I need to get some training in how to assess and stabilize those kind of injuries until help arrives. And unless you were already a trauma medic in the military – so do you. Because sometimes “you” are the only help there is.

“Nobody is coming to save you. It is up to you”


By Barb Lucas

Recently I have taken classes, Defensive Pistol 1 & 2 and a private lesson to learn how to use the new Smith and Wesson 15-22 rifle I bought to do the quarterly match among other things. I also went to our annual training conference this year. While our sister shooters are great at helping us get started shooting, there is nothing quite like having the individual attention of a trained instructor to fine tune your skills.

My adventure into shooting started three years ago in Poteet, TX, when a friend who was a deputy sheriff asked if I had a gun and knew how to use it because I lived out on a dirt road where they often were chasing illegals, drug runners, and stolen vehicles. My answer was ‘no’.

Lesson 1 was Intro to Handguns at Nardis Gun Club. I did that and didn’t shoot again for several months. Then I joined the San Antonio Chapter of AG & AG and got lots of helpful tips from other shooters but the real next step was a private lesson with Bobbi, our then-facilitator. Individual attention to the details of my stance, grip, and discussion of gun choice (I was still shooting my husband’s compact Baby Desert Eagle) took me to another level of skill and enjoyment. It’s always more fun to be successful!

Conference #2 in the purple track gave me more fundamentals. I started shooting at local competitions which taught me something each time. After some shotgun group sessions with our chapter I decided to focus on my pistol skills. Classes with Karl Rehn and Randi Rogers at conference gave me more confidence in my pistol shooting, but until I took what turned out to be a private lesson with Tammy Hunter for Defensive Pistol 1, I didn’t realize what a difference all that training had made. Not the kind of intensive training to be a serious competitor, but the kind to make me a safe, competent shooter. Defensive pistol 2 gave me a set of skills to practice and build on what I had already learned.

At this point I have moved from the San Antonio area to Chappell Hill, TX, which is between the Snook chapterand the Cypress chapter. Lucky me, lots of choices. Which brings me to the new rifle. I could have figured it out, what button does what, etc. My husband was more than willing to tell me and I had had some instruction from Tabby Baron, who is now the Tampa Bay chapter facilitator. The main factor I have heard from various instructors is that it is not enough to practice, you have to practice good habits.

So with my new gun, I wanted to start with good habits and if I had to pay an instructor to help me start well, it was better than having to pay someone later on to help me overcome bad habits. This is my main point: if you are not shooting as well as you would like to, you are probably not having as much fun as you could be having. Find an instructor to help you; it’s worth the money!


Ballistics Best: The Nighthawk AGENT 2


Nighthawk Custom Firearms is a nearly peerless name in 1911’s. They have a premium world tier selection that covers the aesthetic tastes from the classical to futuristic

This year, post NRAAM now their AGENT 2 took home prize of the Ballistic’s Best.

The unique modernist 1911 impressed the evaluator as it has impressed many, including myself. Agency and Nighthawk’s collaboration on this with their industry partners has produced a gun in a unique class all its own that continues to turn heads.

Sunday Sermon: Plan.. Then Have a Back Up

“A good plan never survives contact with the enemy…”

“Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.”

“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”


There are a myriad of one liner wonder quotes that are supposed to encompass how important (and how unimportant) planning is when it comes to violent interactions.

The long and short of it is that planning is vitally important but your plan must be flexible enough to work with the variables you are presented in the unique circumstances of the fight.

Every fight will have elements that are the same. You can plan around these elements.

  • The fight will have a primary threat.
  • The fight will have environmental obstacles, these can help or hinder you
  • The fight will be fluid, it can and will move up and down the force scale and distances will vary.

But the things you won’t know until the threat is present will be extensive

  • Indoors?
  • Outdoors?
  • Home?
  • Car? Inside or Outside? Driver or Passenger?
  • Store? Gas Station? Front? Back?
  • Daytime?
  • Nighttime? Lit? Unlit?
  • One threat?
  • Multiple threats?
  • Threat motivation?
  • Bystanders?
  • Protecting yourself?
  • Protecting more than yourself?
  • Available cover or concealment?
  • Approaches and escape routes?
  • Available weapons?
  • Injuries?

It’s an extensive list but you can plan around these just as effectively so that you can react appropriately to both the threat and the environment. Making continuous observations about your physical and social environment will answer a lot of these questions for you.

Your greatest tool for developing practice techniques and solidifying your plans is visualization. Visualize the fight changing each of the variables above and brainstorm how you would finish the fight. Then envelope the necessary practices into your daily, weekly, and continuing self defense routines and education.

A bad plan is one that only works with certain fixed variables. Your plan to take on bad guys kicking down your front door in the middle of the afternoon while you’re watching TV does you no good asleep at 2:00 a.m. as they come in a window and vice versa.

A good plan quickly reacts off of available information. In the same home invasion scenario, regardless of time or entry point, if you’ve thought your reaction through with a multitude of variables your actions will be more consistently productive. Especially if they are practiced actions. Instead of either fitting or not fitting your pre-planned scenario the defense response becomes a series of QAA’s (Question-Answer-Action)

  • Someone is entering the house
    • Where are they?
      • Where am I? Are there others involved?
        • Can I deal with this here (armed, position of advantage) or do I need to move (unarmed, no cover, etc.)?
          • Method of engagement, Escalation of Force
            • QAA
              • QAA
                • OODA Loop again and again and again until the threat is eliminated, controlled, or removed.

Rapidly taking in the information and deciding what you need and having the knowledge and skills to make those decisions effective, that is good planning. You should never run into a question you cannot generate a workable answer for.

Find courses to hone skills you are weaker on and always be working to make your preparations better than they were yesterday. Invest in your survival.


Do you have a spouse that sneaks guns and ammo into the house before you can see it? Kind of like when you go on a shopping spree and don’t want him to see all your new shoes and outfits? Or have you become that woman that can’t resist buying a new firearm just because it is pretty or a sweet shooter, and you have to explain the new addition in the safe? Why do we find it necessary to own so many guns? Ask any firearms enthusiast and the answer is, “because I want too, and I can.”

Seriously, though, there are many reasons to own a variety of guns. They are a great investment; rarely do they lose value. It is common to have different guns for hunting, recreation, competition and self-defense. There is a certain sense of accomplishment building different caliber rifles, tricking out your shotgun, mastering various handguns, and just having a collection of prized possessions to gaze at.

To some people, owning more than 2 – 3 guns and having a supply of ammunition indicates you are crazy or up to no good… a gun nut! The term Gun Nut is insulting, implying there is something wrong with a person who collects and enjoys shooting firearms, as well as exercising their 2A rights. Unfortunately, there is a separation of understanding between non-gun owners and enthusiasts. Education is the key and it is extremely important that we as responsible gun owners are doing our part to model safe handling and storage, advocate professional education, engage conversation on benefits of recreational shooting, hunting and conversation, and the importance of self reliance. We also have to accept that some will never understand our passion.

So it is okay to say yes, it is necessary to own so many guns! Invite the person questioning you to the range and let him or her experience it!



When it comes to maintaining firearms, Swab-its’ Bore-tips offer improved barrel cleaning and lubrication while the Gun-tips line offers four distinct sizes and lengths of swabs to ensure cleaning and lubrication of the harder to reach areas that are often neglected. Reusable and easy to clean with soap and water or mineral spirits, Swab-its products are more thorough, quicker and easier to use than traditional methods of firearms cleaning and do not leave the residue or lint left behind by patches, mops and cotton swabs. In this article, we will tackle the Semi-Automatic Pistol. To demonstrate, we will be cleaning a Sig Sauer Spartan 1911, a beautiful piece with a stainless steel slide and frame and a custom Oil Rubbed Bronze finish.

Before Cleaning Your Pistol

Remove the magazine and ensure that your firearm is unloaded by visually and physically inspecting the chamber and magazine well. No ammunition should be present while cleaning. It is advisable to have your manufacturer’s owner’s manual handy for reference for proper disassembly and maintenance procedures. If you purchased your gun used, many manuals can be downloaded by accessing the manufacturer’s website.

Once disassembled, it is helpful to group some of the smaller parts together, using various Gun-tips to apply solvent to the fowled areas.

A. Frame
B. 3” precision tip swab
C. 3” mini tip swab
D. 5” large surface swab
E. Slide Stop
F. Magazine
G. Barrel Bushing
H. Recoil spring and guide
I. Barrel
J. Slide
K. .45 caliber Bore-tips
L. Cleaning rod
M. Individual .45 caliber Bore-tip attached

Gun-tips 5” large surface swabs fit nicely along the slide and into the frame, allowing one to reach into the mag well, as well as the dust cover. It is also a good choice for the recoil spring. By placing the swab sideways between the coils, the spring can be rotated for full coverage. (The same can be done for cleaning the magazine spring.)

The slide rail, barrel lug recess, recoil spring guide, barrel bushing and barrel link are some of the smaller places where the 3” precision or 3” mini-tip is helpful.

A common mistake is not allowing the solvent to do its work. Waiting 10 to 15 minutes before using a bristle brush, such as a tooth brush to loosen the fowling, will yield the best results. Depending on the degree of buildup, it may be necessary to repeat the process until the fowling is suspended in the solvent. Once satisfied that the debris has been sufficiently loosened, use clean and dry Gun-tips to swab the slide and frame and remove the loosened solvent and fowling. Use another Gun-tip to apply the manufacturer recommended amount of lubrication as directed. Remember: less is more. Hint: when looking to see where lubrication is necessary, focus on the wear marks on the metal.

Cleaning the Barrel

Attach the appropriate caliber Bore-tip, in this case, .45 caliber, to a standard 8/32 cleaning rod. Bore-tips are caliber specific and self-centering. They are also color coded, so that all 9 sizes are easily recognizable. Due the absorbency of the foam, less solvent is required than you may generally be accustomed to using. An application of solvent should be made and, like the parts that we just applied solvent to above, the solvent should be allowed to set. Then, use a bore brush, and follow with the Bore-tip you applied the solvent with, blotting off on a rag or paper towel to remove fowling. Use a clean Bore-tip for drying and, if storing your gun, another clean swab for applying lubrication.

Remember: if you are storing your firearm and coat the barrel with light lubrication, this lubrication MUST be removed prior to shooting your gun. Swab-its products are washable and reusable. If you used a bio-based CLP, such as FrogLube, the swabs can best be cleaned by washing in a degreasing dish soap, rinsing thoroughly and allowing to dry completely before the next use. If you prefer a petroleum based solvent or CLP, cleaning the swabs can best be achieved by dipping in mineral spirits, blotting debris and air drying.

By Michele Makucevich, Firearms Products Territory Manager of Swab-its. She oversees the Rhode Island CMP and is a long-time youth coach and competitive shooter.


Review: IWI Galil ACE Pistol, An Epitome in EDC Carbines

I’m often pleased by the performance of a firearm. It’s been a rare occurrence, only once in just over a year, that a firearm has given me trouble. That incident was remedied by a part swap and the rifle itself continued on to success in its trials.

It is far rarer I’m surprised by a firearm. Where picking it up and running it produces the expected reliability and performance but the experience feels natural, like the firearm itself was built to be precisely where it is, in your hands.

The Galil ACE was just this sort of rarely melded firearm. Not only did it work it filled the requested role so phenomenally it was intrinsically pleasurable to work with.

So for anyone who wants the short version, I recommend the ACE. Highly.


Breaking Down the ACE

This updated Galil is a carbine derived from a Finnish AK variant and AR15 platforms. It merges many of the positive characteristics of both. For more on this check my first impressions article.

The ACE dresses out with

  • 8.3″ barrel, cold hammer forged (5.56x45mm)
  • Left side charging handle, reciprocating
  • Last round bolt hold open
  • Left and right side safety levers, non mirrored
  • Ambidextrous magazine release
  • STANAG/AR15 Magazine compatible including Magpul D60
  • Folding adapter for stock/brace.
  • Tritium iron night sights
  • Picatinny rails/shielded quad rail

With a growing list of upgrades the little carbine holds its own feature wise against the competition, even IWI’s own X95.

Tear Down/Maintenance

To understand the Galil ACE and see how its feature set compliments its intended role we need to get into the mechanics

The ACE is essentially an AK someone went over with an ergonomic wish list without throwing out the core rifle. It’s break down is in most ways simpler while the feature set lends itself to more modern rifle technique than the evolving conscripts coming from bolt actions to the Kalashnikov back in the 1940’s and 50’s.

As with any weapon, the breakdown starts with clearing the rifle and then, like its AK progenitor, you press the take down tab. The button on the base of the recoil spring assembly is longer than the AK and has a recoil buffer so instead of just pushing it and popping the cover you push the button all the way inside the receiver cover and then down which will brace it on the receiver.

You can see the single point sling and folding brace/stock mechanism in the picture above. I ran it with a Blue Force Gear Single Point.

The receiver top cover is all AK until you hit the top rail. Fit to the receiver is very precise and it does not willingly separate even when the take down button is pushed, hence bracing the recoil spring on the receiver.

The dual axis rounded tab you see on the front helps index and align the cover properly on reassembly and the rear of the cover is additionally reinforced for rigidity. Putting it back in place for reassembly required bracing the recoil spring assembly in the receiver again, placing the plate, and then charging the weapon pops the assembly into place and locks the cover.

Unlike the AK the Galil ACE uses a peep sight. The aperture is adjustable for windage and with tritium inserts for night time use. The full length rail supports a modern optics suite however you will want to avoid bridging the gap between the cover and the gas tube to keep take down simple.

While I have not used a precision optic on this little carbine I did not notice any shift in point of aim/point of impact from disassembly and reassembly confirming the indexing process does its job correctly.

This has always been a system built on well engineered simplicity and this is a well executed iteration of that system.

Pull out the recoil spring and buffer and the bolt carrier can now retract and lift free.

Like the AK the Galil ACE bolt carrier group and piston mate up with cuts in the receiver to allow it free, these are the end of its travel track rails. The full stroke piston and carrier are a little heavier than the Kalashnikov design.

Galil ACE and AK 5.56 BCG’s

The charging handle is pinned to the carriers left side. The carrier has a few minor machining changes from the AK original.

The bolt assemblies are also similar and remove from the carriers identically. The Galil’s extractor claw is shrouded and the firing pin is spring braced to minimize the chance of a slam fire on lighter primers.

With the Galil ACE the gas tube gives a wonderful take on the benefits of modern machining. Instead of a tab that rotates to retain the stamped steel gas tube assembly of the old AK the Galil’s gas tube slides into place on machined cuts.

It self aligns off of the gas block and is braced by the receiver cover to hold it in place. This is undoubtedly my favorite aspect of the carbine from a maintenance perspective. The picatinny rail from the receiver cover continues to the front of the gas tube.

With the major components removed the interior of the Galil ACE has that familiar AK layout. The differences here include the safety lever, shortened and more ergonomic with a control switch for the thumb and index finger for right hand shooters.

Note: I wouldn’t call the fire controls an ambidextrous feature, it favors right handed shooters. The safety control is not a mirrored system. It is comfortable to shoot left handed but the controls are designed to take someone familiar with an AK or AR style firearm and transition them to this easily. Ambidexterity was a secondary design concern.

You can see the bolt catch control just forward of the safety lever. This placement makes it very easy to lock the bolt to the rear and gives you a release method via your index finger (or right hand thumb while shooting left side). I found that I preferred reloading with the charging handle but locking the bolt open with the control was a much smoother operation than you get with most rifles.

Five assemblies, most of which you do not have to break down any further for good maintenance.

From muzzle to brace the Galil ACE is an intrinsically fit firearm for the EDC Carbine role that this pistol fills. Out of the box ready in all lighting conditions.

Adding a good flashlight like the INFORCE WML in the photo, a Streamlight HL-X, or a Surefire 300 or 600 series Scout light is the only necessary addition in my opinion. With the sights as good as the are, and tritium inserted for night time, an optic becomes a value added addition instead of a necessity. An RMR on a SCALARWORKS mount kept iron sights as an option even though they are not co witnessed. The raised optic set up worked very well and using iron sights was just a matter of rolling your cheek further down on the brace.

On The Range

With the RMR on the ACE I grabbed my PSD for a baseline and I hit the indoor range to zero.

The Galil’s trigger is a smooth AK grade trigger, steady pressure until a soft wall and then a pull through break. It is no Geissele SSA, not remotely. It is capable of dependable accuracy. My PSD does have an SSA-E inside it, but my groupings were only marginally improved and only while supported. Granted too the zeroing was using 55gr ammo out of 8.5″ 1/7 twist CHF barrels so that was also likely a contributor. In short the trigger is more than a match to the task asked of it.

Shooting the the little carbines side by side highlighted the live fire capability of the stock Galil ACE.

My PSD is my go to EDC Carbine, it’s an AR15 and it moves and shoots like an AR15. The ACE shoots like its AK ancestry would imply, the bolt carrier movement gives it a smooth lateral recoil impulse that combined with the weight of the gun keeps it tracking on target easily. The chin and cheek welds are lower with the iron sights but with optics can be higher than normal on an AR. The similarities are there and fundamentals are fundamentals, but ergonomically working the Galil ACE is a different animal and it was a pleasure to learn.

Going LFAM (Live Fire and Maneuver) a friend and I brought out some of our best to give the gun a run.

Running the ACE right handed is its ergonomic sweet spot. The left side safety lever and charging handle combined with the bolt lock are all precision placed for superior control as a righty.

I found running reloads off the charging handle felt more natural than trying to drop the bolt lock shooting right handed. That changed offhand where the bolt lock is in an AR like place from that orientation.

Working the safety off hand shooting is a right hand job. There is no easy was to push forward on the thumb lever or down on the more traditional right hand side ‘AK’ safety switch with the left hand. Off my left side I ran the Galil ACE much more like a run an AK with the exception of reloads, the ambidextrous magazine release and the bolt lock make that a quick process either side.

All that being said it was still a wonderfully smooth gun to run offhand. Spent casings are sent away with typical AK suborbital speed off of the fixed ejector. They kick off in a 2 o’clock direction and keeping your arm out of the path is no issue.

Now with a couple of cases of a variety of ammo through it and I can happily report no stoppages of any variety. Being a short 1/7 twist barrel it will favor heavy grain loads but it functioned and grouped with every commercial brass and steel case variety I put through, 7 in total if I recall correctly.


Considering it as an EDC Carbine option: The Galil hits both needs and desirable features time and time again.

  1. Reliability
    • No stoppages
    • Variety of ammo consumed
  2. Capability
    • Night sights, standard
    • Smooth controllable recoil
    • Accurate
  3. Ergonomic
    • Intuitive control scheme
    • Off hand usability
    • Picatinny rail suite for optics, lights, and other mission essential equipment.
  4. Compact

The Galil ACE can fold away into my Sentinel Concepts Revelation 2.0 by Tuff Products with a Magpul D60, a light, and optic without issue. It’s fireable folded too although the safety rubs on the brace so it must be pushed with intent (it will push the brace out slightly on the hinge). It is easier to pull and lock the brace solidly open before working the safety.

IWI’s Galil SAP556SB was built as a part of a modern upgrade to a phenomenal rifle series. It and it’s brethren are shining examples of firearms design excellence.

As for filling the role of EDC Carbine, truck gun, or any other close quarters personal defense weapon?

It’s an ACE of Spades.

The Range Injuries You Really Should Expect

Can you count all of the different ways this range equipment can lead to injuries? Do you know what to do about it when they do?
While everyone is worried about gunshot wounds, these are what will really injure you out on the range.

Many people are focused on gunshot wounds when they think about range injuries. They’re certainly serious and you should know how to treat them, but they’re not the most common injury you might see. To be truly prepared for a day of shooting, here are some of the range injuries you’re much more likely to see and need to know how to treat.

Long, sunny summer days practically demand at least one trip to an outdoor range. Unfortunately, they often also come with hot and humid weather. Very high temperatures are most commonly associated with heat exhaustion and heat stroke, but you can also suffer heat injuries if you’re physically active, not used to hot weather, get dehydrated, or have certain health conditions. Dehydration can be sneaky if you aren’t drinking enough water and getting enough electrolytes either through sports drinks, supplements, or food. It’s important to learn the signs and symptoms of heat stroke and how to prevent and treat it because heat injuries are not just uncomfortable – they can be deadly.

If you’re doing something more active at the range like participating in a practical shooting match, you might find yourself catching a toe or landing a little wonky on an uneven bit of ground or piece of brass. Keeping your muzzle in a safe direction and your finger off the trigger when you’re not actively shooting can help prevent a gunshot wound when you lose your balance, but you can still end up with a rolled ankle or even a broken bone if you fall. Do you know how to recognize when all that’s needed is a little ice and rest, or when you need to see a doctor? For more serious injuries, do you know how to safely get someone to the hospital?

If, when you trip or fall, you end up with a little blood dripping, you might not need to break out your trauma kit, but an injury worth treating might still have occurred. As any child can tell you, taking the skin off your shin or knee is not a pleasant experience. For the average shooter, a “boo boo kit” is more valuable than any other injury treatment skill or supply. Being able to clean out and cover a cut or scrape can make a day at the range much more pleasant.

And don’t forget, it’s not always the ground that’s out to get you. The targets you’re shooting at can exact a little of their own revenge too.

Steel targets or target stands can bounce bullet fragments back up range even if they’re in good condition and set up properly. Chunks of copper jacket hitting a shooter or spectator might just be an odd surprise – or might cause a cut on the delicate skin of the face or even an eye injury if luck is bad or someone isn’t wearing good eye protection. Steel is heavy too. Having a piece land on a shin or a foot, or getting your fingers caught underneath a piece can break bones or cause painful scrapes and bruises that need to be treated.

If you use wooden sticks to hold up targets, they will acquire sharp edges as bullets start going through them (and they will). It’s not just the scrapes and cuts as you walk too close to one or when you have to move them around, it’s also the splinters that inevitably bury themselves in your hands. Do you know how to get them out?

For that matter, the lowly stapler you use to hang up targets is the cause of perhaps the most common range injury out there: a staple into a finger. No matter how careful you are, it’s bound to happen one day. The tiny puncture wound made by that staple can be incredibly painful. Do you know how to tell if it’s become infected? You’ll wish you did after you nail your finger with that stapler.

Last, but not least (and back to heat): burns. Whether it’s sunburn or brass burns, mild burns are range injuries that every shooter will see. Don’t succumb to the myths, and make sure you know how to treat them properly.

Shooting can be risky in unexpected ways. It’s vital to learn how to treat the obvious dangers, but it’s equally important to be able to treat other range injuries. They can be just as serious at times and when they are not, fixing them can still save your day at the range.