
The Nightforce Mil-XT Reticle

Nightforce Mil-XT Reticle

The Nightforce Mil-XT Reticle is a modern MRAD-based reticle found on current catalog Nightforce riflescopes. These range from the entry-level SHV scope line all the way to the Australian-turned-Idahoan company’s top-of-the-line flagship ATACR “professional grade” tactical optics.

A few months ago, I reviewed the Nightforce SHV 4-14×50 F1 C694 in one of my other publications. This 30 mm first-focal plane rifle scope also continues to be one of the supporting characters in my ongoing review of the Taurus Expedition bolt-action hunting rifle. (I promise I’ll get caught up on it soon!). 

For the Christmas holiday, I traveled back to the American West to spend time with the family, and I yanked the Nightforce SHV4-14×50 F1 off the Taurus and brought it with me.   

Nightforce SHV Musical Chairs, From Brazil To Spain 

Within 48 hours of landing back West, the SHV C694 and the 30 mm Nightforce X-Treme Ultralite rings that cradled it, all found themselves torqued down atop a 6.5 mm Creedmoor Bergara BMP bolt-action target rifle. Up until this point, the Nightforce SHV had been exclusively mounted to the Taurus Expedition and zeroed at 100 yards for Federal’s timeless 168-grain Gold Medal Match factory loads. Though Sierra Matchking bullets aren’t for hunting, they showed lots of potential in that rifle a few weeks ago.

Nightforce Mil-XT Reticle 
Taurus Expedition Rifle
The Taurus Expedition Rifle with the Nightforce SHV C694 and Mil-XT reticle.

Back West, one finds not only cooler and crisper air at higher elevations but also more interesting topography. More importantly, the land seems to stretch farther in empty vastness. It’s paradise for long-distance rifle shooters.

The local county rifle range has a setup of numerous extended-distance steel targets and gongs from 300 to 1776 yards. Not only is this facility open to the public, it’s less than a 30-minute drive from where I stayed. At home back in Texas, having access to such a target array is a luxury requiring both longer drives and/or special access or exclusivity to private long-distance shooting facilities. 

Bergara BMP bolt-action rifle chambered for 6.5mm Creedmoor. It wears the Nightforce SHV 4-14×50 F1 C694 with the Mil-XT reticle. The windy and chilly high desert of the American West is in the background.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. If you have convenient access to longer distance steel (and the local outdoor big-box department store happens to have 6.5 mm Creedmoor cartridges on sale that weekend), this is also a form of making lemonade!

Zeroing Is Easy With A Built-In Ruler 

After mounting the scope to the Bergara, re-zeroing the point of impact from a 168-grain Sierra Matchking flying at 2500 fps to a soft point (they were on sale!) 6.5 mm bullet at 2760 fps was extremely easy thanks to the Mil-XT reticle itself. At 100 yards, a basic 5-shot group of 6.5 mm Creedmoor shots printed high.

Without even needing to take the gun off target, the main vertical stadia line of the Mil-XT reticle allowed me to easily determine the correction. I simply anchored the central aimpoint point on my actual point of aim and counted how many whole and partial mils the center of the new 5-shot group was. It was 1.8 mils high, which meant I needed to correct it by dialing 1.8 mils down on the SHV C694’s turret.

After dialing, confirming, and re-adjusting the SHV’s zero-locking mechanism to the new 6.5 Creedmoor zero, this scope and rifle combo were ready to ring steel. After dealing with so many other optics of a less precise nature, I felt spoiled by simply being able to correct my new zero on the fly. This is because I had enough magnification to see the center of the group and because I could use the reticle like a literal ruler. 

Nightforce Mil-XT Reticle Overview 

This is the approximate sight picture the shooter sees of the Nightforce Mil-XT reticle when looking through their scope at full magnification. Blue letters indicate different points and their respective subtensions. This image comes courtesy of Nightforce and can be found here along with more detailed information on Mil-XT subtensions.

The Mil-XT is a modern MRAD (milliradian) based target and precision shooting reticle. The Mil-XT’s principal horizontal and vertical stadia are arranged in a perpendicular cross pattern. The upper hemisphere is basically left empty, save for the short 5-mil upper limit of the vertical stadia line that sits above the 0.05-mil floating central aiming point.

On rifle scopes with illumination, this same perpendicular-cross reticle section is what lights up red. Even though Nightforce uses this reticle across three different product families, the corresponding sight picture will depend on the physical attributes of a specific scope. In the case of the Nightforce SHV 4-14×50 F1 C694, which tops out at 14x magnification, there are only 12 mils of visible horizontal or vertical stadia line.

At 10x, 15 mils on either axis will become visible. Below 10x, the extreme bounds of the horizontal stadia line give way to thick black lines on either side of the 30 mil “usable” span. The thick black line is easier to see when the scope is adjusted to lower magnification, given the shrinkage that’s part of first-focal plane optics.

With regards to the primary vertical stadia line, at the lowest setting, which is 4x magnification, I can count it spanning 40 mils starting from the aiming point down to the bottom of the reticle. 

To Be Continued In Part 2

Colt’s Safety Impact Award and the Big Game Safety Sweepstakes

Colt is launching a new Safety Impact Award to promote safe and responsible firearm ownership. The company is doing this in conjunction with some athletes from America’s favorite sport. The athletes pick their firearms-related charity, and you get to vote to help pick which charity.

I just found out about it at SHOT, and it’s been a little chaotic since I got back. So, you only have a couple of days left to vote if you haven’t already heard about the program. Voting continues right up to January 31st, so vote fast!

The Colt Safety Impact Award

Colt’s Manufacturing Company announced the launch of the”Safety Impact Award” a few weeks ago. The company did this as a means of recognizing non-profit organizations that “exemplify an exceptional commitment to safety in the firearms industry.” To help out with the program, they enlisted the help of some football celebs you may have heard of before. Let’s take a look at who’s involved and what their charities are:

Clay Matthews – Project ChildSafe: Project ChildSafe is the nation’s most comprehensive firearm safety and education program. It partners with law enforcement agencies nationwide to provide free firearm safety kits and educational resources to help families, neighborhoods, and communities store firearms safely and securely.

Adam Vinatieri – Clays For Charity: Clays for Charity is an annual event hosted by Vinatieri that brings together people of various backgrounds to enjoy a special day of sport shooting and other outdoor activities. All proceeds from the event are directed toward industry nonprofit organizations with a strong emphasis on safe and responsible gun ownership. 

Joe Thomas – Ducks Unlimited: Ducks Unlimited was founded by hunter-conservationists in 1937. It’s an organization dedicated to conserving wetlands and associated habitats for waterfowl and other wildlife.

Fletcher Cox – International Hunter Education Association: The International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) serves hunting and shooting sports educators by developing and implementing standards and resources based on research that promotes safe, responsible, and ethical practices.

Rules of the Game

So how does this work? Colt will donate one dollar per vote (up to $10,000) to the winning organization. The voting period runs between January 21-31, 2025, and the winner will be announced on Monday, Feb. 3rd. As a token of appreciation for supporting safe and responsible ownership, all fans who vote will be entered into Colt’s “Big Game Safety Sweepstakes,” in collaboration with Credova.

As a result, they will have a chance to win a portion of $100,000 if a safety occurs in the pro football championship on Sunday, February 9th. So, not only will you be helping out some great charities with your vote, but you’ll also stand a chance of winning big yourself.

To vote go to and cast your pick for who you think is most deserving of the prize. The winner gets up to $10,000 from Colt, but that doesn’t mean the other charities don’t come away with something, too. Colt made an initial donation of $5,000 to support the safety missions of each athlete’s charitable partner so they all come out ahead. But one will be even further ahead with your help.

The voting period is open until Friday, January 31 at 8 p.m. EST, with the winner announced on Monday, February 3rd. So, act fast!

For more information on the Colt “Safety Impact Award” and to cast your vote, visit

Defensive Ammo Roundup – SHOT Show 2025

SHOTs come, and SHOTs gone. The biggest firearms tradeshow in the world has shown us new guns, new optics, and new ammo! In fact, we’ve seen a flurry of new defensive ammo and give a rundown of what I think is the very best new defensive ammo at SHOT Show 2025. We’ve got a little something for everyone this year.

.32 H&R Magnum Federal Hydra-Shok Deep Loads Defensive Ammo 

I’ve become enamored by the .32 H&R Magnum and the defensive ammo designed for it. It’s a handy little snub-nose revolver round that has low recoil, but great penetration. That penetration has gotten better with the recent announcement and the pending release of the .32 H&R Magnum Federal Hydra-Shok Deep Loads. Federal specifically designed these cartridges to maximize penetration while providing an expansion factor. 

Not only that, but they are also designed to penetrate when fired from short barrels. In fact, they built the rounds around short barrel performance. According to the Federal rep I spoke with, the round penetrates up to 14 inches through ballistic gel when fired from an S&W 432UC. The round also provides an expansion factor that landed it between .40 and .47 in size, on average. 

I’m quite excited by the prospects of this round and the future of the .32 H&R Magnum round. The .32 H&R Magnum cartridge is gaining some steam and seeing a surprising revival. It’s also worth mentioning that the American Eagle brand is also releasing an affordable .32 H&R Mangum round for training, something the industry is missing. 

For more information, please visit

Fiocchi CovertX Defensive Ammo

Fiocchi, a company I will forever mispronounce, has introduced its new CovertX line of handgun cartridges. The CovertX cartridges are specifically designed for concealed carry needs. In fact, they are designed for optimum use out of short barrels. The CovertX cartridges use a copper jacket over a pre-cut lead-alloy core. 

The CovertX defensive ammo uses nickel-plated casings, which prevent corrosion. The powders used are designed to reduce muzzle rise, muzzle flash, and recoil. The cartridges are produced in 9mm, .380 ACP, .357 Magnum, .38 Special, and .45 ACP. 

For more information, please visit

Fiocchi SBR Ammo 

Got short barrels? Well, Fiocchi has the defensive ammo for you. The Fiocchi short-barreled rifle lineup is designed to function from barrels between 7.5 to 11.5 inches. It’s perfectly suited for SBRs and large-format pistols. The SBR comes in several calibers, including .300 Black subs and supers, .223 Remington, and even .308 Winchester. 

Each round is optimized to provide a 100% burn rate from short barrels. Each projectile is picked for its terminal performance through a short barrel. These firearms are popular home defense tools, and having the right ammo is key in defending your home and your family. Short barrels can be tricky, so being picky can help you get the right round for your cartridge. 

For more information, please visit

Federal Flitecontrol for the 20 Gauge 

Federal Flitecontrol is the gold standard for defensive shotgun ammo in the United States. It’s a tight patterning cartridge, and within home defense ranges, the pellets barely spread, which helps reduce the risk of errant pellets. That technology has finally come to the 20 gauge cartridge. 

To be fair, this cartridge premiered last year, but this year, it’s finally getting into the hands of consumers. The Flitecontrol wad will encapsulate a pile of Number 2 buckshot. This cartridge brings us one of the first dedicated defensive loads for the 20-gauge shotgun. It’s an effective cartridge, now backed by a purpose-built tactical round. 

For more information, please visit

Hornady Backcountry Defense 

Hornady went in another direction this year. Defensive ammo typically revolves around concealed carry and duty ammo, but what happens when you have to stop a four-legged threat? It’s still self-defense, and that guided Hornady’s Backcountry Defense cartridges. They are designed to kill bears when bears try to kill you. 

What’s interesting is that Hornady isn’t just making the typical animal threat cartridges. They are producing 9mm options with a 138-grain projectile. There are also 10mm, .44 Mag, 454 Casull, .460 S&W Magnum, and .500 S&W Magnum. Plenty of options. Each cartridge is designed to penetrate extremely deep and shoot without the smoke created by hard-cast lead rounds. 

For more information, please visit

New Defensive Ammo At SHOT 

We saw a good variety of defensive ammo released at SHOT Show 2025. There are options for handguns, both big and small, as well as shotguns and rifles. It’s a good year for defensive ammunition. Hopefully, we can get up close and personal with some of these new rounds and let you know how they perform. 

Free Firewood – Staying Warm on the Cheap

Free firewood

Even if you don’t heat your home exclusively with wood, you may have a fireplace or wood stove that serves for more than just romantic ambience. In a pinch, you could use it to stay warm in case the furnace goes out. But either way, you need to have firewood on hand. If you don’t own a woodlot yourself, that can get expensive.

Fortunately, there are a few sources for free or nearly free firewood if you know where to look.

Storm Debris

Scout your neighborhood after bad storms. If a neighbor had a tree come down, they might be willing to allow you to take care of it in exchange for keeping the wood. Be careful, though. Personally, I’d avoid making that offer if the tree is resting on their home or an outbuilding. Obviously, this sort of firewood will need to be seasoned before use.

Tree Trimmers

Watch for tree-trimming crews working in the area. Ask the homeowner if they plan to keep the wood that’s being removed. If not, they’ll probably let you have it. If so, be sure to leave the area in better condition than it was when you arrived. Clean up after yourself.

Street Department

If you live in an area that has a municipal or county street department, give them a call. Ask what they do with the trees they take down. Brush surely gets mulched, but the larger limbs and trunks have to go somewhere. In many areas, you can buy this wood for just a nominal fee. But you’ll have to transport this firewood yourself. It isn’t likely to be premium-grade hardwood, but you’re also not paying a premium price for it.

Construction Sites

If you see a new house or other building going up nearby, watch for them to start framing. When that happens, get in touch with the site foreman. Ask them if you might be able to snag on some of the cut-offs.

As they cut framing to length, scraps are typically tossed into a bin of some sort. Find out if you can get a load or two of those scraps. Most commonly, it’ll be pine 2×4 cut-offs. You may have to cut some of them smaller so they’ll fit into your wood stove.

If transportation might be a problem, you could try to strike a deal with one of the workers and offer them a 12-pack of their favorite beverage in exchange for dropping off the wood to your driveway.

Note that many people suggest avoiding using softwoods like pine exclusively for firewood due to the possibility of creosote in the chimney. If that’s a concern for you, be sure to use these cut-offs in moderation.

Farm Fields

This one involves a fair bit of work on your part. But it could prove to be worth the effort, not just in firewood but the positive relationships you can build. An awful lot of farmland is bordered by forests. If you pay attention, you’ll see that trees overhang the cropland in spots. This can be problematic for the farmer. As branches fall due to storms or whatever, the farmer needs to clear them from the field so they can plow or harvest.

Find a farm field that shows promise for harvesting firewood. Using county plat maps, which are usually accessible online, determine the owner of the field. Reach out to them and ask about working out an agreement. You’ll trim the trees back around the field, and in exchange, you’ll split the harvested firewood with them. There’s a fair chance they’ll just let you keep all of it, but it’s only fair to offer up half.

If they give you permission to cut trees, be respectful of their property. Ask them where you should pile loose brush, as they’ll probably just want to burn it in the fall. You might consider going so far as to write up a simple agreement for you both to sign, just so there are no misunderstandings about the permission being granted to you. If it works out satisfactorily for all involved, you’ll probably make a new friend in the bargain.

The Military Weapons of SHOT Show 2025

A lot of people forget that the real purpose of SHOT Show is to make sales. Sure, it’s a great place to show off new guns and gear, but that’s not the true purpose. People also forget that the military goes to the SHOT. Or at least members of the purchasing departments of military forces go to SHOT. Not just the U.S. Military, but I saw a number of uniforms and nationalities I didn’t recognize. With that in mind, let’s look at the best military weapons of SHOT Show 2025. 

Barrett Squad Support Rifle System 

Barrett teamed up with MARS Inc. to create the Squad Support Rifle System or the SSRS. This semi-automatic 30mm grenade launcher is magazine-fed and can fire a wide variety of munitions. Unlike other explosive launchers, the SSRS fires straight like a rifle and less like a lobbing grenade. The idea is to provide a longer-range squad support option for the military. 

Explosive launchers in the hands of grunts would make them a near-unstoppable force. The SSRS provides a squad with a weapon capable of reaching out to 500 meters. This a precision grenadier tool that will eliminate cover and take away any sanctuary America’s enemies may use. 

Barrett showed off the system at SHOT Show, and I immediately saw the potential in the weapon. The precision orientation will improve accuracy, eliminate the possibility of civilian casualties, and turn cover into concealment. 

For more information, please visit

The DTV Arms XR338 

Have you ever looked at a minigun and thought, well, that thing just doesn’t cause enough chaos and doesn’t offer enough firepower? Well, so did DTV Arms when they designed the XR338. The XR338 is a minigun that fires the mighty powerful .338 Norma Magnum cartridge. This cartridge has an extremely long range and lots of penetration power. 

Essentially, it can destroy vehicles, eliminate infantry behind cover, and even threaten light armored vehicles at extreme ranges. It fires at an extremely high rate of fire, delivering 800 to 2,500 rounds per minute. The barrels can even be fitted with a suppressor, but not to hide the gun, it’s to save the military on tinnitus claims.  

This minigun is based on the classic M134 and can be quickly swapped to a variety of calibers. In .338 Norma Magnum, the number of barrels is reduced to five, but I’m sure it’s still plenty of firepower. 

For more information, please visit

Ohio Ordnance REAPR

The Ohio Ordnance REAPR is currently submitted to meet a military requirement for a machine that sits between the M240 and the M2 but outperforms both of them. The REAPR provides a general-purpose machine gun that weighs less than an M240 but can reach out to 6,700 meters. 

That’s assuming it’s using the .338 Norma Magnum, a powerful cartridge that excels in long-range performance. Users can swap the REAPR to easily chamber the 7.62 NATO cartridge for those times when logistics are a mess. The REAPR can be broken down into three pieces to be easily carried into the worst environments by a team. 

The REAPR represents a new generation of general-purpose machine guns that are expanding their range and power without increasing their weight. The REAPR delivers a competent platform that might be arming the next generation of special forces soldiers. 

For more information, please visit


As a dedicated shotgun fan, I saved just one for shotguns. However, I think the ATF would classify the C-MORE M26 PDW as an AOW since it lacks a stock. This might be the smallest repeating shotgun in the world. The M26 famously served as an under-barrel shotgun for the M4. 

C-More produces a variety of configurations, but the coolest by far is the C-More M26 PDW. This micro-sized twelve gauge has a 3.25-inch barrel and weighs less than three pounds. It features a five-round detachable magazine and uses a straight pull bolt action design. 

I’m not saying it would be particularly great at anything, and it’s likely a handful to shoot, but I want one, and I want it hard. Sadly, C-More only seems intent on selling these guns to military and police forces. Why they don’t want to print money or even do a limited run of any of the M26s is beyond me. 

For more information, please visit

Bren 3

If you want to annoy the folks at the CZ booth, ask them when the new Bren 3 will be making its debut on the civilian market. It was the question on everyone’s mind in the CZ booth. The Bren 3 was at the show, but only in select fire models aimed at LEO and Military contracts. The new Bren 3 isn’t a ton different than the old Bren 3. 


It improves modularity with a removable and replaceable handguard. The bolt is much stronger, and the rifle now has three gas settings. There are several configurations for carbines, rifles, and PDWs. The Bren 3 felt like a solid rifle. It was light and ergonomic, with easy-to-reach controls that allowed you to manipulate the weapon with ease. 

CZ isn’t afraid to release guns to the civilian market, but I imagine it takes time. I think we’ll see the Bren 3 in semi-auto rifle and pistol formats sooner rather than later, and of all the guns on this list, we can own this one. 

For more information, please visit

The Military and SHOT 

Sadly, we can’t own most of these weapons, but we SHOT Show gives the opportunity to pick them up, handle them, and see what could arm the soldiers of next year. I for one, look forward to a military armed with direct-fire grenade launchers being the human A-10s of the battlefields. 

The Best Shotguns of SHOT Show 2025

I hit SHOT Show 2025 with open eyes and a mind wandering the halls for the scatterguns. Scatterguns, aka repeating claymores, aka shotguns, weren’t rare. There were plenty decorating the walls of the convention and I gathered my five favorite new shotguns here. 

Ronin Tactical Genesis 12 Shotgun 

The Genesis 12 premiered many SHOTs ago, and the company has evolved and made its way to the main floor of the Show. This year, they partnered with Tu Lam of Ronin Tactics to produce a special edition of the Genesis PDS, or Personal Defense Shotgun. This micro-sized gun has an ultra-short five-inch barrel. The Ronin Tactics model is designed to be paired with a Ventum 12K suppressor. 

The Ronin tactics model is fit with Holosun’s new Digital Reflex Sight-Thermal for a combination of red dot performance with thermal capability. The Genesis 12 Ronin model features a custom finish that looks slick. The Ronin Tactical Genesis 12 puts the short in a short barrel shotgun. 

For more information, please visit

The Benelli M4 Gen 2 

Benelli has not officially declared a Gen 2 for the Benelli, but what else do you call these new guns at SHOT? They are marked LE and MIL only, and that’s a mean tease. The new M4 addresses a lot of the problems I have with the platform. This includes the enlarged controls that are no longer ultra-small and dinky. The stock also has more than two positions and deploys straight back rather than needing a twist. 

Up front, the stock gets an M-LOK handguard that’s set up for a red dot. With a Steiner MPS, the red dot co-witnesses with the iron sights. The M4 Gen 2 looks to be the cure to my problems with the original M4, but it doesn’t seem like Benelli is keen to sell them to the average Joe.

For more information, please visit

The Bronco Spas 12 

The Spas 12 is back! Kind of. It’s being produced by a Turkish company called Bronco. The Spas 12 was a famed shotgun from Franchi. It was always a piece of crap, but it looked cool enough to become famous in movies, TV, and video games. It’s cool, and I want one, and now maybe I can own one at an affordable price point. 

This new Spas 12 is convertible from semi-auto to pump, it has the folding stock and arm hook and is apparently compatible with most Spas 12 parts. The gun has some slight differences from the original, and I couldn’t take it off the wall and handle it. But I have high hopes a cheap Spas 12 shotgun clone will be available so I can LARP as Muldoon from Jurassic Park. 

For more information, please visit

Mossberg 590RM

Mossberg threw a ton of shotguns on the wall at SHOT this year. I could make an article entirely about Mossberg. If I had to pick one that stood out to me, it had to be the 590RM. The new R series uses an AR-like safety mounted on the receiver. This is easier to use with the pistol grip and is easily accessible with the AR-style stock mounted to the gun. It also positions the shotgun to be more in line with your shoulder for less recoil. 

The M series combines the new safety with a magazine. Magazine-fed shotguns usually suck, but the M series has proven to be very capable and reliable. Mossberg’s magazine-fed shotguns tend to be more ergonomic with pistol grips, so this is a winning combination. With magazines that hold up to 20 rounds, the 590RM provides lots of firepower in a big package. 

For more information, please visit

Palmetto State Armory 570SA

Palmetto State Armory announced the 570 last year as the combination of the 870 and 500 with input from pros like Steve Fisher. This year, they’ve introduced the 570SA, the semi-auto variant. This gun will use the same receiver as the 570, making it modular. The gas-operated gun also uses the forend to press the charging handle rearward, a bit like a pump. 

The gun will use 870 stocks, is optics-ready, and uses the Mossberg 500 series safety. It felt light, looked innovative, and will be produced in a manner that allows the end user to create the shotgun they want from the ground up. PSA plans to bring the “you build it” attitude to the shotgun world.

For more information, please visit

Shotguns, Shotguns, Shotguns

I’m a big shotgun fan, and this year’s SHOT Show did not disappoint. There were plenty of repeating claymores hanging up on the walls of the convention center, and likely plenty I missed. These were my five favorites and just maybe I can get my hands on a few to test and review this year.

Woods Half/Chete: Half the Size, All the Function

The Woods Monkey Half/Chete is an excellent all-in-one tool for adventurers. It offers impressive cutting power in a compact design, featuring a 3/32-inch 1095 steel blade that chops like a machete and slices like a kitchen knife.

If you ever combined a 7-inch bladed butcher knife and a Leuko knife—you’ll get the Woods Half/Chete. Woods Monkey has done it again with another design that compliments their folders

Power & Portability

Do you wish you didn’t have to carry a full-sized machete or worry about not having one when needed? The Woods Monkey Half/Chete is the ideal one-tool solution for the modern adventurer. It perfectly balances usefulness and portability, delivering impressive cutting power in a compact size. Its 3/32-inch 1095 steel blade chops like a machete and slices like a kitchen knife. Choose between a Cerokote or stonewashed finish for your Half/Chete.

Woods Half/Chete

This versatile knife combines the best features of a machete and a belt knife, making it a must-have for outdoor people. Made from high-quality 1095 steel and rugged micarta, it offers durable construction and long-lasting performance. Choose from a Cerakote or stonewashed finish, and enjoy customizable Micarta handles for easy cleaning. 

Proudly made in Ohio, the Woods Half/Chete measures 12.25 inches overall with a 7-inch blade weighing 8.8 ounces. The standard sheath includes reclaimed firehose with leather reinforcement and a dangler attachment for versatility.

The author quickly harvested small branches, from pencil to thumb thickness, using the Half/Chete. Gripping the handle further back provided greater leverage for a powerful chop.

Meet the innovative Half/Chete, a unique addition to your collection! This cutting-edge tool comes with the stylish Firehose Sheath, a one-of-a-kind accessory. They handcrafted the first-ever sheath from a blend of premium leather and durable reclaimed firehose. Ensuring both a striking appearance and long-lasting strength. The resilient firehose is a versatile canvas, inviting you to dye, paint, or draw on it so you can truly personalize it to your taste. 

It matches the size of a Scandinavian Leuko but is lighter. The Half/Chete is perfect for splitting hardwood kindling with a baton.

Designed with simplicity in mind, the sheath includes a convenient belt loop and a versatile dangler attachment, allowing you to carry your Half/Chete in a way that perfectly fits your lifestyle. 

Winter Half/Chete Test

I took the Woods Half/Chete out during a white Christmas. While I was cooking in an Uberleben Stoker Stove and was splitting kindling for a cookfire. I easily gathered small branches ranging from pencil and finger to thumb thickness with the Half/Chete. Choking way back on the handle gave more leverage and packed a powerful chop. 

Making feather sticks in winter is essential. The Woods Half/Chete was no slouch performing tis task!

It’s sized like a Scandinavian Leuko without the thickness and weight. However, for splitting hardwood kindling with a baton, the Half/Chete fit the bill. It was thin and sharp and made feather sticks like a champ! 

What more can you want in a solid, lightweight, versatile woods knife? 

Firehose Sheath

The dangler sheath sits low, allowing easy access to the knife while keeping body heat in winter.

If you ever wanted to pimp a firehose sheath, get Spen at JRE Industries on the project. He added the upper retention trim, belt loop, and dangler for versatility.

For more information, please contact Woods Monkey


Overall Length12.25 inches
Blade Length7 inches
Blade Thickness3/32 inches
Blade FinishStonewash or Cerakote
Handle MaterialBlack Micarta
Handle Thickness3/8 inches
Weight8.8 ounces
Standard SheathReclaimed firehose with leather reinforcement, belt loop and dangler attachment.
Optional SheathHand-fit Kydex

Filling Bellies on the Trail – Checking Out Backpacker’s Pantry

Backpacker's Pantry
Photo courtesy Backpacker's Pantry.

For years, I’ve been a grocery store prepper. Meaning, I don’t invest a ton of money into freeze-dried meals and the like. Instead, I’d mostly focus on shelf-stable options found at Piggly Wiggly or Aldi, things like canned soup and pouch meats. Backpacker’s Pantry recently sent me some samples of their meals to try, and I have to say that I’m impressed.

One rule of mine that I follow is that I don’t try new-to-me foods on the trail whenever possible. The last thing anyone wants is case of the trots when the nearest actual toilet is miles away. Instead, I always make it at home first. This allows me to test drive the food in a controlled environment.

Let’s take a look at one of the Backpacker’s Pantry meals.

Mashed Potatoes & Gravy with Beef

I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for mashed potatoes and gravy. It’s one of my favorite comfort foods. Add in some chipped beef and I’m a happy guy. So when I spotted this one among the meals Backpacker’s Pantry sent, it went to the top of the list.

For those not familiar with these sorts of meals, prep is nothing more than boiling some water and dumping it into the pouch. The food is then eaten directly from the pouch. This is one of the reasons why they’re popular amongst campers, hikers, and preppers. The meals are simple and easy.

Opening the pouch revealed what looked to be a pile of standard instant potatoes with some small chunks of beef jerky here and there.

Before adding water, it looks like standard instant potatoes.

Per the instructions, I added two cups of boiling water and stirred the contents with my MSR Titan Long Spoon. It looked like watery muck at that point. I sealed the pouch and waited eight minutes.  

Side note — something I’ve learned is that if you’re going to use pouched meals like this, it pays to have a long utensil, like the aforementioned Titan Long Spoon. The pouches are deceptively deep and you need something with a long handle to reach all the corners. I like this one because it’s titanium and weighs 0.7-ounce, so it isn’t even noticeable in my kit.

At that point, I opened the pouch, stirred the contents again, and sealed it back up for another seven minutes. I did not put the pouch into any sort of insulated container while the food was rehydrating. I just left it sitting on my kitchen counter.

At the end of the wait time, I opened the pouch. The first thing I noticed was the smell of beef coming from the food inside. It smelled wonderful! I stirred it up a bit, then dug in. The taste was amazing. It was like something I’d have cooked myself on the stovetop.

Yeah, it’s instant mashed potatoes, but they were perfectly prepared. I didn’t come across any lumps or dry spots. The beef was tender and had rehydrated very well. Despite sitting on the counter for a solid 15 minutes, everything was piping hot, too.

Rehydrated and yummy!

There was quite a bit of food in the pouch and I was stuffed by the time I’d finished it all. This is a single-serving package but I could see two people sharing it and splitting a small side to make for a great meal for two. Three hours later, I still felt plenty full.

Meal Specs

The dry weight of this Backpacker’s Pantry meal is 3.1 ounces. It provides 330 calories and 16 grams of protein. It’s also gluten free, for those for whom that’s important. It is a little high in sodium with 1,570 milligrams (68% of the recommended daily value).

The package is about 7.75 inches across and 6.75 inches tall, maybe an inch thick before you open it. The pleated bottom will bellow out so that you can stand the meal upright while it rehydrates.

Overall Recommendation

While I’m not entirely sold on filling your pack with freeze-dried meals for camping or bug out purposes, due to the expense if nothing else, I’ll tell you what. You could do far worse than adding some of the Backpacker’s Pantry options to the load out. The taste is outstanding and the meal was very filling. I rate it a solid 10/10.

They have a wide variety of meals, ranging from breakfast scrambles to calorie-heavy dinners, even desserts like crème brulée and dark chocolate cheesecake. Check out all of their offerings here at

The Weird M1 Carbines


The M1 Carbine was the first and last light rifle adopted by the United States military. The weapon was initially intended to arm non-combat personnel who might be near the front lines. It would be lighter than the M1 Garand and easier to transport but more capable than the M1911.

The M1 Carbine saw massive success and became favored for its light and handy nature. Millions were produced, and the firearm was popular on the civilian market. This included some weird M1 Carbines. 

I love weird weapons, so coming across weird variants of fairly standard weapons is always interesting. The M1 Carbine’s beloved nature and mass production opened it up to all sorts of interesting modifications and designs. These weird M1 Carbines were often nothing more than experiments, but their weird nature fascinates me, and I hope they fascinate you.

For this article, we’ll count M2 and M3 variants. It’s just easier to say weird M1 Carbines versus Weird M1 or M2 or M3 carbines.

Aberdeen’s .220 Cal Experiment

People really don’t realize how many studies, trials, and experiments led to a small caliber, high-velocity round to be adopted. It took a lot to get the M16 and 5.56 cartridge adopted. One experiment dated back to 1953 gives us the first of our weird M1 carbines, or well, technically, it’s an M2. A dedicated group of engineers believed in a lightweight rifle firing a small caliber, high-velocity cartridge. 


They were granted limited equipment, funds, and ammo to produce a .220 caliber carbine using an M2 Carbine. Gerald Gustafson led the charge and created the .22 Gustafson and an M2 Carbine to fire it. The cartridge is described as bottlenecked, and the diameter of the case was greater than that of the .30 Carbine, so capacity was reduced from 15 to 10 rounds. 

The .22 M2 Carbine was fitted with a compensator, and the recoil was supposedly 50% less than the .30 Carbine. It proved to be accurate and capable of reaching 400 yards with minimal dispersion under full auto fire. However, the Army wanted a .40 Cal full-powered rifle, and we got the M14. 

Vulcan Pump Action 

Even after the big war and Korea, the M1 Carbine remained in production. The rifle was produced by a number of companies, including Universal Firearms. New production M1 Carbines were popular because they were lightweight, fun to shoot, and ammo was common. Universal Firearms began experimenting with the M1 design in an effort to produce alternative options. 

(Gun Auctions USA)

One is the odd little Vulcan .44 Magnum pump action rifle. The short-stroke gas piston system wasn’t robust enough inside an M1 carbine to handle the power of the .44 Magnum, so Universal Firearms created a pump action design. It still used the magazine and overall layout of the M1 Carbine. Albeit the magazine was slightly modified. 

The gun held four rounds instead of 15. It was designed for close-range hunting and fit with an open rear sight rather than a peep sight. The little Vuclans weren’t all that popular, but it’s the only big-bore carbine on our list of weird M1 Carbines. 

The Modernized M2 Carbine 

As Korea ended, it was clear that the M1, M2, and M3 Carbines would be phased out of service. The US was looking to create one weapon to do it all. This new weapon would replace the M1 Carbine, the M1 Garand, the BAR, and the M3 SMG. That would become the M14. However, the M2 Carbine tried its hardest to remain relevant and to modernize. 

US Airforce

This is another M2 carbine on our weird M1 carbines list. This particular prototype doesn’t have much information tied to it. In fact, outside of this photo, I’m coming up dry on information. From the photo, we can see a good bit. First, that’s an Air Force officer shooting it, which makes sense. The Air Force clung to the M1/M2 Carbine rather than go along with the M14. 

This M2 features a crazy-looking stock, but it’s an inline stock that can help reduce recoil and improve controllability. It also uses a modern vertical grip for the rear grip, which improves control as well. The gun also has a compensator and bipod, along with a metal handguard. All in all, it’s a steampunk’s wet dream, but the Air Force must not have been all that impressed.

S&W’s 40 S&W Police M1 Carbine 

The transition to the AR-15 as the chosen patrol rifle was slow. There was a time when it became clear that the rifle would be the better patrol weapon, but the AR wasn’t selected for that role just yet. Many folks liked the idea of allowing officers to carry ammo and handgun magazines with their rifle platform. 

(Legacy Collectible)

In the early 1990s, S&W’s engineers began experimenting with converting M1 Carines to .40 S&W. The new .40 S&W cartridge seemed to be hot to trot in the LEO world, and S&W wanted to get ahead of the market. There were still plenty of M1 Carbines kicking around, and it was a popular and capable platform. 

S&W utilized a stock surplus M1 Carbine and converted the gun to .40 S&W with a custom barrel. They dropped the gun in a polymer Choate stock and called it a day. S&W called the experiment a dud, and the one rifle they produced was sold at auction for a little under $3,000. 

Various Chopped Carbines 

One of my favorite weird M1 Carbines is the various chopped variants that became popular in Vietnam. Our Vietnamese allies used the M1 Carbine family, and we happily supplied piles of them. Advisors would often carry the M1 Carbine as well, sometimes choosing them to a smaller configuration. 

Norman Schwarzkopf famously carried a chopped M1 Carbine in Vietnam. Plenty of troops acquired M1 Carbines and cut the barrels, stocks, and more off of them to make them smaller and handier. I’d imagine they got awfully loud and bright with their chopped barrels. 

Additionally, the Viet Cong would chop M1 Carbines as guerilla warfare tools. They were often recovered in caches. These were likely converted battlefield pickups. These guns would inspire the civilian Advisor M1 Carbine pistols. 

The Weird M1 Carbines 

Weird M1 Carbines aren’t common these days. The gun has fallen out of favor, and the ammunition costs a small fortune. It’s sad because the rifle is lightweight, easy shooting, and quite handy. I think we need a return of the light rifle and its capabilities. 

The Walther Arms PDP And It’s Success

I’m a Walther fan. Believe it or not, I’m not a PPK or PPK/S fan, but a fan of Walther Arms P99, PPQ, and now the PDP series. I think Walther doesn’t get the credit it deserves when it comes to handguns, and they are seemingly always willing to do something a little different. The company’s newest handgun, the PDP, takes cues from the PPQ but is the first handgun I’m aware of that’s built specifically with a red dot in mind. 

The grip has been redesigned to make finding your red dot easy and simple. It’s ergonomic changes benefit shooters new to the red dot world. The PDP series is the first of Walther’s many modern firearms to acquire several American police contracts. While the Walther series saw success overseas with various firearms, the PDP has attracted local and state police contracts in the United States. 

Why? Why has the PDP succeeded where the P99 and PPQ barely made headway? I reached out to Walther and simply asked. 

Walther Arms PDP and New Priorities 

I was told by Cody Osborn, Walther’s head honcho of marketing, that Walther now has a domestic law enforcement sales team. Law enforcement agencies don’t just go to a gun store and poke around until they find something they like. They often put out invitations to bid, and law enforcement sales teams often respond by sending pistols to the Department to test and evaluate or even sending someone to give a presentation. 

Having a team actively seeking out police contracts will increase your chances of getting sales, but you still have to have a solid gun. Walther is put up against SIG and Glock, both dominating the law enforcement field and having dug themselves in. Not to mention they likely have a more experienced law enforcement sales team as a whole. 

So, why has the PDP succeeded? According to Cody Osborn, it’s down to performance. Whenever law enforcement agencies test the Walter PDP against other guns, the PDP always delivers the best performance in the hands of police officers. I’d imagine that the price point might be a stickler, but I can’t confirm. 

The Red Dot World 

I think a big reason why the PDP succeeds is the movement of police forces towards red dots. The PDP isn’t just red dot ready, it’s designed to be used with red dots. If you’re new to red dots, the PDP makes it easier to find the dot on the draw. I attended a training course conducted by Hogg Tactical that Walther and Safariland sponsored. 

We used PDPs with Aimpoint ACROs. I was the only civilian on the course and was one of the few who had used a red dot on a handgun before. Still, each officer was able to quickly and confidently find the dot and got used to shooting with the dot on the first drill. Finding the dot and not looking for irons is the first challenge you have to overcome when transitioning to a red dot. 

More Options 

Walther also produces the PDP in various configurations. Most companies do, but the PDP allows the user to mix and match slides and frames to create the gun they want. Another benefit is things like the F series. The F series was built for those with smaller hands, specifically women, but anyone with smaller hands can benefit from the F series. 

Gabby Franco was teaching police officers and noticed how many female officers had trouble reaching the trigger. This helped inspire the production of the PDP-F series. 

Most duty guns aren’t made for smaller hands, and the PDP offers an alternative to the larger grips of most guns. The Pennsylvania State Police adopted the PDP and gave their officers a choice between the standard PDP and the F series. 

The first graduating class of the Pennsylvania State Police had zero failures at the range. They had swapped from the SIG P227, a massive metal frame .45 ACP, to the slim and trim PDP. It undoubtedly makes a significant difference. Half of the class had chosen the F Series. 

The Rising Tide of the PDP 

The Pennsylvania State Police adopted the PDP, as mentioned. So did the Brevard County Sheriff’s Department in Florida. Another state police agency, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, also adopted the Walther PDP for its police forces. 

Overseas, the PDP has been chosen by various forces, including German Special Operations units. The gun appears to have a bright future ahead of it. I don’t have any stake in Walther succeeding, but I like seeing companies I like get ahead. 

For more information, please visit

Shelter 101: Tarp Pitches for Success

The author used tarps with several grommets to rig up this tarp in the desert without trees.

There are three surefire ways to pitch a tarp for success, whether it be a picnic in the woods or a hunker-down shelter. This article will teach you to master three tarp pitches for success—A-Frame, Lean-To, and Plow point tarp configurations.

Tarps For the Win

Tarps are a popular choice for shelter due to their portability and lightweight design, making them ideal for camping, hiking, and outdoor activities. Made from materials like nylon or polyester, they easily fold for transport, though heavier options like canvas are available.

A reliable tarp can protect you and your gear from wind, rain, and sun. To set up a tarp, find two trees or poles and stretch it over a ridgeline. Despite their lightness, tarps provide adequate protection, proving essential for outdoor enthusiasts. You can create a comfortable refuge from the elements with a bit of planning.

Backpacking Years

As a kid, growing up car camping, my family used tents. They were heavy and complicated. Even worse, they were terrible to put away when muddy and wet. Tents were the main reason we were cold throughout the night. They were too high and had too much airspace for us to warm.

I knew I wanted a more straightforward way to camp when I got older. That’s why these tarp pitches are so important to my style of travel and camping. 

Lean-To Tarp Pitch

A lean-to offers the ultimate visibility when there’s a strange sound in the middle of the night. This open shelter allows you to identify what it is quickly with a flashlight and return to sleep. 

The Coalcracker Bushcraft T6ZERO quickly becomes a lean-to from its self-storing bag using two tie-off points and two stakes.

Pitching a lean-to tarp shelter is a simple way to protect yourself from the elements. You need two to four stakes and some cordage for the ridgeline.

Start by finding two sturdy anchor points, like trees, and string a line between them at shoulder height. Drape the tarp over the line, ensuring one end is lower for a sloped roof—aim for about a 45-degree angle. Secure the corners with stakes or rocks and adjust the tension as needed. If your tarp is large, leave a foot of overhang for an awning, which requires extra cordage and stakes.

Alternatively, use a thick pole as a ridgepole for better stability and to save cordage. With the proper setup, you’ll stay dry and enjoy your surroundings without worry.

A-Frame Tarp Pitch

The A-frame configuration is the most popular tarp setup for hammock camping. It allows you to set the tarp high in hot and humid conditions, providing better visibility and airflow while keeping you dry.

Upgrade from the traditional ridgeline to a sturdy, wrist-thick pole as your ridge pole. This solid alternative will make your camping adventures much more exciting!

In the Eastern Sierras, the author sets up a trekking pole at a busy backpackers camp before summiting Mt. Whitney. One side ties to a tree, and the other three corners get staked down.

Setting up an A-frame tarp shelter is straightforward and involves just a few simple steps. First, find two trees or poles spaced 8-10 feet apart in a flat area without overhanging branches. Next, tie a ridgeline between the two points at a height that offers the best coverage.

Drape the tarp over the ridgeline, ensuring it hangs evenly on both sides. Secure the tarp’s corners to the ground using stakes, rocks, logs, or coral. Finally, adjust the tension of the tarp by tightening or loosening the ridgeline and corner stakes until the shelter feels taut and secure. Pitch the tarp down flush with the ground for added coverage and use debris to create a seal.

Remember to choose a tarp with adequate coverage and pack extra lines and stakes in case of unexpected weather. With some practice, you can pitch an A-frame tarp shelter quickly, providing a secure and waterproof camping shelter.

Flying Diamond Tarp Pitch

Also referred to as a plow point, this efficient and straightforward setup allows you to create a rainproof shelter in just minutes. Begin by securing one corner of the tarp to a stable object—such as a tree, pole, vehicle, or boulder—at about waist to mid-torso height. Then, pull back the opposite diagonal corner of the tarp and stake it down tightly to create a diagonal shape. Next, stake down the remaining three corners. This setup results in a shelter that is quick and easy to assemble.

The author’s Flying Diamond Tarp Shelter in Alabama includes a pull-out grommet that expands interior space with debris insulation.

One side will provide greater coverage when using a rectangular tarp, while a square tarp offers equal coverage but less overall space. Position the extra-covered side facing the prevailing wind to block blown rain and snow effectively.

Depending on the number of grommets and tie-outs on your tarp, you can add additional stakes for a more secure seal. Similar to the A-frame configuration, you can pile debris against the tarp base for added stability. 

This setup delivers more coverage than a lean-to configuration while maintaining reduced visibility. It’s the ideal choice when facing imminent wind-blown rain and snow.

Practice Your Tarp Pitches to Ensure Success 

Use tarps to experience unparalleled ease and significant weight savings on your camping trips. Whether in your backyard or exploring local parks and trails, these versatile tools are your ultimate solution for rapidly setting up camp. Don’t hesitate; give tarps a try and see for yourself. You might just become a dedicated tarp enthusiast and elevate your camping experience!

Familiarize yourself with setting up a tarp shelter before you head out into the field—it’s essential. 

An Ideal EDC – The Daily Carry from LT Wright

Daily Carry

I’ve been a fan of LT Wright’s line of knives for many years now. Earlier this year, I stumbled on the Daily Carry model and decided to check it out. And I’m glad I did, as it is all sorts of awesome.

The Daily Carry was designed by Jason Thoune, owner of DLT Trading. When I asked him about the genesis of the project, he said that he set out to do an EDC-size knife with LT Wright. Those who are familiar with the LT Wright lineup know that they produce a range of knives that are genuine workhorses. They look great, no question, but they aren’t the sorts of blades that you’re afraid to put to work.

When he put pencil to paper, Thoune focused on the mantra of “Simple is best.” What he came up with is a perfect blend of utilitarian and good looks. It’s large enough to handle just about anything you’ll run into while being small enough to comfortably carry all day long.

Daily Carry Specifications

The Daily Carry runs 6.625 inches from point to pommel, with a blade that’s 3.0 inches long. The blade is 0.125-inch thick at the spine. The knife weighs just 3.35 ounces, though I’m certain that figure changes slightly based on the handle material used. In this case, the handle is Damacarta. What’s that, you ask? We’ll get to that in a minute.

The Daily Carry has a drop point blade that’s short, but very handy. Author photo.

The steel used is CPM 3V. This is a premium steel that’s an excellent option for those who actually use their knives. To be clear, I’m not dissing on the pure collectors out there, as I straddle both sides of that particular fence. But yes, if someone is looking for a knife that’s going to go into the field and cut some stuff for real, CPM 3V will do the job very well.

As with most knives that come from the LT Wright shop, the Daily Carry comes with a well-made leather sheath equipped with a sturdy belt loop. The sheath is a deep carry model with great retention.

The sheath isn’t just an afterthought. It’s built to last. Author photo.

As the name implies, this is a knife that’s designed for daily carry and use. As such, we’re not talking about a giant Bowie knife. While fun, those aren’t exactly suited for most working environments. If you ever want to meet the folks in Human Resources, go ahead and strap one of those on your hip before you head to the office.

What is Damacarta?

Damacarta is a patterned canvas Micarta-esque type of material. I phrase it like that because Micarta is a trademarked product. Where Micarta uses resin-impregnated materials, such as canvas or linen, Damacarta uses epoxy-infused materials. The end result is a patterned material. I’ve seen some pretty striking color combinations with Damacarta knife handles.

The handle is rounded and comfortable, as well as pretty cool in appearance. Author photo.

Daily Carry Performance

I’ve owned my Daily Carry for about five months at this point. It’s gone along on hikes and spent time in the kitchen. I’ve used it to break down boxes, open packages, and whittle sticks. I love that I can get a full four-fingered grip on the handle despite the small size of the knife. Personally, I’m not fond of three-finger grips. The knife has been comfortable to use, with no hot spots.

This is my first experience with Damacarta. Overall, I like it. They left just enough texture to give it some character without being overbearing. I love the various color and pattern options. Mine is one of the more subdued combinations I’ve seen.

The knife arrives razor-sharp. The spine is only slightly less sharp, which is an LT Wright calling card. They’ve perfected the 90-degree spine, and it works great in conjunction with a ferrocerium rod to get a fire going.

Pros and Cons

The Daily Carry is an ideal choice for someone seeking a smaller fixed-blade knife to, well, carry daily. There’s enough blade to handle just about any routine chore that you’re liable to run into throughout your daily life and enough real estate on the handle to do it comfortably.

That said, I wish the knife came with a slimmer, pocket-carry sheath option. As currently equipped, it’ll easily fit into a cargo pocket on pants or shorts, but it’s a bit bulky for other pockets.

One of the things I love about LT Wright’s product line is that the knives are made to work. They aren’t loaded with a ton of bells and whistles that drive up the price. They’re simple, understated, and enormously effective while also managing to be quite eye-catching. The Daily Carry is a perfect example.

For more information, please visit DLT Trading.

Meta Tactical MX1 Handgun Conversion Kit

Meta Tactical broke ground with its Apex bullpup carbine conversion kit for Glock and other popular handguns a couple of years back. The Apex was a quick and easy conversion kit that turned your pistol into a PCC. Well, Meta is back with another pistol to PDW conversion that’s even easier to use. The new MX-1 Handgun Conversion Kit currently supports over 70 Glock models. Another version designed to fit most other pistols with a Picatinny rail is on the way.

The Meta Tactical MX1

The MX-1 is a PDW chassis that accepts Glock pistols. Unlike other systems currently in the market that require specific models for specific Glock models, the MX1 fits them all. I haven’t gotten one in hand yet to see what voodoo Meta uses to achieve this, but I like the idea of one chassis to rule them all.

Since I have a bunch of Glocks in various calibers and frame sizes, having one system I could use with any of them is appealing. I also like that no tools are needed to install your pistol in the MX1.

The chassis is made from aircraft-grade aluminum and fiber-filled impact-resistant polymer for light weight and durability. It’s completely engineered and manufactured in the USA with ISO-certified processes and backed by Meta Tactical’s warranty. The MX1 doesn’t use a plastic charging handle like other kits. It also doesn’t rely on the donor handgun’s serrations for cocking. Meta says this makes a more reliable and smoother operating system.

Meta’s MX1 is available in both aluminum stock or aluminum stabilizer configurations and will have multiple color options. The chassis is equipped with an aluminum shroud with M-LOK slots for mounting lights, spare mag holders, or forward grips. There’s also an aluminum full-length Picatinny rail for adding sights or optics.

Full specs aren’t available yet, but what we do know is that the MX1 is compact enough to fit in a backpack or range bag. Weight is just 1.6 on its own or 3 pounds with a Glock 19 installed.


Currently, the MX-1 is listed as a pre-order on Meta Tactical’s website. Prices aren’t shown just yet either but they’re saying the MX1 conversion kit is going to be an unbeatable value. I’m anxious to check them out firsthand at the SHOT Show and see how the system works.

MX1 Conversion Kit Highlights

  • All-in-One Chassis: Compatible with 70+ Glock models.
  • Advanced Charging System: AR-style design, eliminating the use of handgun serrations
  • Compact & Lightweight: Foldable stock/stabilizer for easy portability.
  • Premium Materials: Aircraft-grade aluminum rail, stock, and shroud—at a polymer price.
  • Accessory-Ready: Standard M-LOK and Picatinny rails included.
  • Force Multiplier: Enhances accuracy and lethality.
  • Quick & Secure: Patented tool-free locking system for fast handgun insertion

For more information, check out Meta Tactical.

The Tall Tales of Wood Bullets

Liberty Tree Collectors

Wooden bullets sound like a terrible idea all around. What’s the point? Can you make a Spitzer-style wooden bullet? These days, we don’t hear about them so much, but when I was a kid, it seemed like one of those things that came up fairly frequently. I blame it on the fact I watched a lot of History Channel before it was Aliens and Pawnstars. The wood bullet mythos seems to come out of World War II

Wood bullets used by German and Japanese forces were the subject of numerous modern myths. The Brits used wood bullets as well, but because they were our allies, we know they used them for training purposes to save metal. Their use by German and Japanese forces was often portrayed as a devious, deadly, and dishonorable tool. However, it’s all pretty much bunk. 

Let’s discuss the myths and truth about wood bullets. 

The Myths 

First, it seems agreed that one reason the Japanese and Germans used wood bullets is because they were running out of metal. We were kicking them across the Pacific and Europe, and boy, they couldn’t keep up! That’s the first myth: metal wasn’t the reason why wood bullets were used. 

Another myth states that these dastardly, devious devils used wood bullets because X-rays couldn’t find them. Troops would needlessly suffer! It was also said they were used because they exploded into splinters, making wounds brutal and hard to treat! 


Supposedly, Japanese Snipers used wooded rounds to cause infections. Merritt Edson, of Edson’s Raiders, assumed that when he found cartridges loaded with wooden bullets on Tulagi Island. 

The Germans were actually poisoning their wood bullets. You could tell this because some were just plain wood, but others were painted blue, black, or red. These colors signified specific poisons used. 

Myths about the enemy during wartime are nothing new. It’s a way to dehumanize and believe the very worst of your opponent. You are the righteous warrior putting down the scourge that is the enemy of America. 

The Reality 

Japanese and German forces indeed used wooden projectiles on cartridges. However, it’s tough to even call them projectiles. They were more like plugs. A wood projectile is too lightweight to travel very far or achieve a significant velocity. It would be easily deterred by wind and light brush. I’m sure they could kill someone, but like birdshot, it’s the worst tool for the job. 

(Jim Butler)

They also weren’t poisoned or intended to cause infection. They were used to launch rifle grenades. The wood bullets weren’t used, but the blanks they installed on launched rifle grenades. The actual wood bullet would be hollow and made from softwood. It shattered when fired. 

Their purpose was to ensure reliable feeding in the bolt-action rifles of the era. With a wooden bullet, the overall length of the cartridge remained the same, allowing for smooth feeding. Americans used seven petal rosette crimped blanks and previously had used paper. They had never seen wood-tipped blanks. 

Germans dyed the wood cartridge tips to differentiate which grenade the blank was meant to launch. There was no poison. That said, there is no evidence anyone had ever used these cartridges to fight, and if it happened, it was because Hans forgot to switch back to the real rounds when the fight kicked off. 

(Jim Butler)

The Wood Bullet World 

Wood bullets have come and gone. They’ve seen their fair share of mythos, but we’ve developed easier ways to launch grenades. I’m betting the fragile nature of the design made them a bit of a hassle anyway. It’s still interesting to see the different interpretations different soldiers had when finding these oddities on the battlefield. 

Prepping with Children – Talking to Kids About Preparedness

Many parents wonder how best to talk to their kids about prepping. You want to teach them skills, of course, but you don’t want to scare the daylights out of them.


As we so often say as we get older, age is just a number. That applies to youngsters as well. I mean, I’ve been asked how old a child should be before they’re given their first knife. I know 40-year-old men I wouldn’t trust with a spoon out in public.

It isn’t a matter of how many years they’ve been on the green side of the grass. It’s a matter of maturity. Only you know what your child can likely handle. Keep conversations about severe storms and other threats realistic, but you might not need to go into detail if that’s just going to send them into a panic.

If they do get scared, remind them that prepping is what we’re doing to reduce the danger.

Emulate Behavior

As that great and eminent sage Douglas Adams wrote in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Don’t panic.” If you act scared, that’s going to scare your kids. On the other hand, if you give off an air of confidence, that’s going to rub off on them. They might not develop a cocky swagger, but they’ll at least be assured that you’re handling the problem.  

What If Scenarios

These can be a great way to not only teach skills and share information but to check in with them to see what they’re thinking. Talk them through some realistic situations, such as a house fire, tornado warning, or getting lost in the woods. Give them the scenario and let them tell you what they think they should do. Gently correct them as needed.

No matter what, it’s critical that in any scenario you discuss, at the end, you describe them overcoming the problem and prevailing safely. Don’t ever, not even for a moment, let them think that the situation will be hopeless. That accomplishes nothing productive.

Make sure kids know what to do if they get lost in the woods during a hiking or camping trip.

Prep-Adjacent Extracurriculars

There are a number of groups and programs out there that help teach skills that will be helpful in a crisis. Scouting covers a range of topics like first aid, camping, and navigation.

Destination Imagination is a great program that teaches problem-solving and decision-making under pressure. Another popular one is 4-H, which covers an enormous range of topics, including agriculture, animal husbandry, healthy living, archery, and shooting sports.

4-H is a great way for kids to learn about caring for animals, as well as building confidence.

Real-World Skill Building

Take the time as your kids grow up to teach them skills that will be useful in their lives. While organizations and programs like we just discussed are great, this sort of education should begin at home. Teach them how to cook meals from scratch, how to preserve food, and how to budget money. Talk to them about self-defense and what to do about bullies. Instill into them self-confidence. Make sure they know that you have their back, no matter what.

As you discuss the skills they’re learning, both at home and elsewhere, talk about how they can use them in an emergency. Don’t overdo it, and steer every conversation into prepping. Nobody wants that. But give them a frame of reference to understand that the world doesn’t always play nice, and you should be prepared to handle problems when they arise.