
On Myths and Legends: Famous & Infamous Firearms. The Garand and the M16

“Very bright was that sword when it was made whole again; the light of the sun shone redly in it, and the light of the moon shone cold, and its edge was hard and keen. And Aragorn gave it a new name and called it Andúril, Flame of the West.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien

“In my opinion, the M1 rifle is the greatest battle implement ever devised.”
-Gen. George S. Patton, USA

This topic has always held my interest, on how a weapon attains a mythical status and why it held or holds that place. Whether famous or infamous weapons always generate a “common knowledge” legend around them that rarely holds up under scrutiny so here I am doing some digging. For each of these Myth and Legends articles, I want to take on a “pedestal” and a maligned weapon.

On the Pedestal of Legend today is the M1 Garand rifle of WWII fame (as if you couldn’t guess by Patton’s quote above). I want to delve in and compare it to a rifle that had to earn its stripes kicking and screaming against the conventional wisdom (which the Garand design was part of) and many a controversy… The M16/M4.

So what I want to get into with this and future posts are the legends and the raw reliability of the weapons.

First up is Patton’s favorite Implement of the Infantry

On Myths and Legends: Famous & Infamous Firearms. The Garand and the M16

An endless supply of anecdotes, tall tales, conventional wisdom, heroic accounts, and digital ink can be found on the rifle of John C. Garand (pronounced ɡəˈrænd) but for brevity what the 1928 design did was introduce the auto-loading/semi-automatic battle rifle platform into the mainstream military thought process. It took 8 years for the rifle to be built up and converted for the U.S. Military’s desire to keep the 30-06 round as standard alongside the massive inventory of M1903s taking the same ammunition. It was tested and evaluated, then fielded to great effect with G.I’s, cementing it into its iconic U.S. WWII weapon image, although in reality many different weapons were used.

But what did those raw numbers look like? How did the Garand stack up for real?

The November 1940 test conducted by the United States Marine Corps used to evaluate the weapon for adoption sheds some light the Garand’s real world performance.

Over 12,000 rounds, in various adverse conditions, and with 40 expert qualified riflemen they picked the Garand. The testers noted that it exhibited the best overall performance and easy of use to replace the 30 year veteran M1903’s.

The rifles themselves over those 12,000 rounds had 1,480 stoppages and 49 failures. That’s a rate of 12.3% or about 1 out of every 9 rounds.

Yes, you read that correctly the U.S. Military fielded a rifle that stopped shooting and cycling normally about every 9 shots… and this was excellent for the time.

Imagine having to clear a “jam” on your AR, AK, or Glock every 9 shots… not a picture of flawless reliability.

However, in context the 12.3% was fantastic. It really was one of the greatest battle implements designed to date because of the general increase in individual soldier firepower. You take the standard soldier or marine with an M1903 and they could engage with 10, maybe 15 rounds in a minute. The Garand pushed that number to 50 and clearing a stoppage on the Garand was neither overly difficult nor negated that vastly superior fire rate. Each U.S. GI is now, mathematically, four conventionally bolt action equipped soldiers (which describes every other country’s GI of the time period). These changes came about without significantly altering the shot to shot lethality and effective range of the GI’s either.

So was the M1 Garand the flawless master weapon? No *takes it off pedestal* but it was an exceptional upgrade to the current arsenal fielded by the U.S. at the time and fit the needs of the U.S. soldier extremely well. Even stopping 1 in every 9 shots.

Now we’ll switch gears and go to the “garbage bin”

On Myths and Legends: Famous & Infamous Firearms. The Garand and the M16

The M16 and M4 have had a checkered life in military service despite being the longest serving rifles in our history. From the stories of soldiers tossing M16’s into the swamps and jungles of Vietnam and acquiring an M14 or AK instead to the highly publicized Battle of Wanat where some blamed the M4 as a contributing factor to the high casualties suffered under that attack.

The 2007 Aberdeen rifle dust test was another allegedly terrible and more recent performance by the M4 showing it placed last by a wide margin against some newer competing weapon systems.

While Aberdeen was junk pseudo-science that men like Robert Scales (Retired Maj. Gen, US Army) used along with Wanat to try and convince the public and military that the M16 and M4 were always bad weapons. Some useable data did come out of the test.

For example the stoppage rate. The highest recorded stoppage rate was… 1.4% and that was documented to be four times higher than any previous iteration of the 6,000 round test averaged over 10 rifles (60,000 total rounds) making the prior and likely more accurate rate 0.35% right in line with the weapons it was tested against (The XM8, HK416, and SCAR)

Furthermore looking the facts from Wanat all the way back to Vietnam the M4 and M16 have performed admirably when used properly. In Wanat, the guns were stressed to the extreme and reported failures were not a significant factor in the fight nor were the M4s the only weapons systems to fail out due to extremely high fire rates. In Vietnam, the military literally instructed their soldiers to do the wrong thing with the weapons and used improper ammunition.

So for our Myth and Legend this article. The Legend of the Garand rifle is humbled to a grand piece of advancing technology great for its era but long surpassed today by advances. The Myth of the horrendous and irredeemable M16 and M4 rifles doesn’t stand up to the sniff test either with a reliability rate (at worst recorded) of nine times higher than the Garand some I’ve spoken with say we should still be fielding.

This has been fun. What guns should I dig into next?

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We Like Shooting 162 – In memory of Merlin

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 162 – tonight we’ll talk about Hatfield shotguns, lightweight 308 AR, family shooting, Kalashnikov Concern, Keltec, Faxon Firearms and more!

director at Faxon Firearms, Marine who Discovered Common Sense Again, Avid Amatuer 3-Gunner, and Good Guy with Bad Jokes

You can find more about Nathan Schueth here

Our cast for episode 162 is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Savage1r, Jeremy Pozderac, Nick Lynch! We are also joined by Ava Flanell from Elite Firearms & Training

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If you’re into guns and not listening to this show, you need to reevaluate your life choices

by emerilnut on Sep 09, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

Found this show about 2 years ago, and I listen every week. I find myself laughing more than learning when I listen, but that’s because I know everything *wink*. From Jeremy’s rants to Aaron interrupting and stopping any kind of momentum any guest or host could have with a joke or story, it’s all great in between. My favorite moment? When Jeremy asked that guest if he had just done some lines of coke or something. I almost had an accident on the highway when I heard that. Shawn, please lose some weight. We worry about you, brah. Aaron, we all lost hope for you some time ago, but we look forward to the story when you lose your feet. Savage, your hard-on for Canick is unbecoming. Just go Glock and enjoy the real thing, buddy. Jeremy, you rock. Nick, you’re weird. Seriously, though, because of this show I’m a Second Call Defense member, and I’ve had shawarma and love it. Keep up the great show, guys.


by Foreigngunperson3000 on Sep 09, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

Great podcast, but do we have to go through this again? #lilbackagain

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Browning Adds Small Gauges To 725 Line


Browning has expanded its Citori 725 Sporting and Field over/under lineup to include 28 gauge and 410 models for 2016. Both feature Browning’s Fire Lite Mechanical Trigger system that provides a light, crisp trigger pull with minimal overtravel.

Citori 725 Sporting models will be offered with 30- or 32-inch ventilated rib barrel lengths and supplied with five extended Standard Invector choke tubes. The receiver has a silver nitride finish with gold accented engraving. Stock and forearm are Grade III/IV walnut with gloss oil finish. Weight for the new Citori 725 Sporting small gauges is 7 pounds, 4 ouches to 7 pounds. 7 ounces.

The new Citori 725 Field small gauge models will feature a silver nitride finish receiver with accented, high-relief engraving. Stock and forearm are Grade II/III walnut with close radius pistol grip in gloss oil finish. Available with 26- or 28-inch ventilated rib barrels, weight is 7 pounds to 7 pounds, 3 ounces

MSRP: $2,539.99 (Field), $3,199.99 (Sport)

For more information on Browning products, please visit the website at

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US Air Force drops vicious next gen ‘smart’ missile from B-52 bomber

The US Air Force has a new weapon at its disposal that officials believe will substantially increase the lethality of the B-52 Statofortress long-range bomber.

This week the US Air Force dropped three Joint Attack Surface Standoff (JASSM) missiles from a B-52 Statofortress long-range heavy bomber demonstrating the aircraft’s ability to launch the JASSM from the Conventional Rotary Launcher (CRL) of the warplane’s internal weapons bay.

The JASSM is explained on Lockheed Martin’s website as a “long-range, conventional, air-to-ground, precision standoff missile” used by the United States and allied forces. The weapon is “designed to destroy high-value, well-defended, fixed and relocatable targets.

The weapon is unique because of its standoff range which the weapons developer says “keeps aircrews well out of danger from hostile air defense systems” allowing US forces to inflict maximum damage against enemy targets without compromising personnel security.

The missile has an operational range of over 230 miles (370km) carrying a 1000 pound (450kg) warhead towards its target a supersonic speed. The unit cost of a single Joint Attack Surface Standoff missile is $700,000 a piece suggesting that the JASSM will be reserved solely for high-value military targets.

The B-52 Statofortress currently can carry as many as 12 JASSMs on its wing pylons, but the integration of the CRL in the internal weapons bay allows the aircraft to hold an additional eight missiles increasing the deadly force of the B-52s JASSM payload by more than 60% according to the United States Air Force.

The test firing of the JASSM from a B-52 occurred near the Wright-Patterson Air Base in Ohio on Monday, August 22nd. The test required substantial upgrades to the JASSM’s software in addition to hardware updates to the B-52’s internal rotary launcher according to a USAF spokesperson who spoke with defense publication IHS Jane’s Defence.

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Mossberg Introduces 590A1, 500 Compact Cruiser

O.F. Mossberg and Sons, Inc. is pleased to offer new sub-compact NFA firearms, based on its time-proven 12-gauge 590A1 and 500 pump-actions. Classified by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) as AOWs (Any Other Weapon), the 590A1/500 Compact Cruiser AOWs require a $5 tax stamp for transfer, as well as the required NFA transfer paperwork. Two 12-gauge, 3-inch sub-compact versions are available with all of the standard features of the 590A1/500 platform that millions worldwide have selected for personal defense and in service to our country.

The Compact Cruisers are built on Mossberg’s legendary 500 action, which passed the rigorous testing required to meet or exceed U.S. Armed Services Mil-Spec 3443 requirements — the only shotgun manufacturer to pass these endurance, accuracy and quality tests. The 590A1/500 AOWs are designed for smooth, reliable operation and feature non-binding twin action bars, positive steel-to-steel lock-up, an anti-jam elevator, and dual extractors. Their lightweight, anodized aluminum receivers provide for added durability and for ease of operation, by right or left-handed shooters, the Compact Cruiser AOWs have Mossberg’s universally-recognized, ambidextrous top-mounted safety.

Both the 590A1 and 500 feature the ATI T3 pistol grip, constructed of reinforced polymer and designed to absorb recoil energy before reaching the shooter’s hand. Less felt recoil reduces shooter discomfort and the time required to get back on target. The T3’s non-slip textured finish provides for a positive grip. Adding to the shooter’s comfort and ease of cycling, the Compact Cruiser AOWs have contoured polymer foregrips with a durable, webbed strap. The foregrip can be folded down, assisting in recoil reduction, or folded up against the magazine tube. Both the stock and foregrip feature a non-reflective black finish.

The 590A1 Compact Cruiser AOW (51664) has a 10.25-inch heavy-walled, cylinder bore barrel with front bead sight; convenient cleanout mag tube with 3+1 capacity, metal trigger guard, metal safety button and anodized aluminum receiver with Parkerized steel finishes. The 500 Compact Cruiser AOW (51697) features a 7½-inch cylinder bore barrel with front bead sight, 2+1 capacity, durable anodized finish on receiver and Parkerized finish on barrel and mag tube. MSRP: $910-$980.

Now Mossberg delivers its legendary pump-action reliability in a convenient sub-compact package. For more information on the 590A1 and 500 Compact Cruiser AOWs, please visit or your local Mossberg dealer.


TANDEMKROSS Introduces New Upgrades For SW22 Victory

While the SW22 Victory stands out in the rimfire market for its out-of-the-box accuracy and light trigger pull, even good guns can be made great.

TANDEMKROSS, a top manufacturer of aftermarket accessories for rimfire pistols and rifles, is pleased to announce two new upgrades for the popular Smith & Wesson SW22 Victory.

The new TANDEMKROSS “Victory” Trigger for the SW22 Victory is the ultimate SW22 trigger upgrade — ideal for speed shooting competitors. The TANDEMKROSS “Victory” Trigger removes nearly all pre-travel upon installation, and comes with pre- and post-travel adjustment screws to allow each shooter customize their trigger pull.

The skeletonized, lightweight design of the TANDEMKROSS “Victory” trigger provides a flat face that helps the user pull straight back when firing and allows the operator to place their finger lower on the trigger, increasing leverage and providing the feel of a lower pull weight.

The textured trigger provides a no-slip surface regardless of speed or weather and allows for short, repeatable trigger pulls. The trigger is available in black or silver.

The TANDEMKROSS “VictoryPRO” Extended Base Pad for SW22 Victory offers an oversized Zytel grip to boost consistency of positive magazine changes. Should the magazine get stuck, lateral grip pulls allow for easy pulling from the magazine well.

This drop-in SW22 Victory upgrade attaches to the bottom of the factory magazine. The installation does not require glue or gunsmithing and can be done in minutes. This simple Smith & Wesson SW22 upgrade is ideal for competition shooters or any Victory owner looking to improve the firearm’s reliability.


5 weapons banned by Geneva Convention which will surprise you


Though flamethrowers aren’t entirely banned, you can’t use them to fry your enemies, according to Protocol III of the Geneva Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. This clause prohibits the use of incendiary weapons on people. You can, however, use them to clear foliage.

9Pepper Spray

You might not think of pepper spray as a weapon for warfare. But because of the Hague Convention’s ruling on aerosol chemical weapons that disrupt breathing, you can’t bring your pocket mace to the battlefield … not that you should. It’s not exactly an effective weapon, but more like an unpleasant deterrent.


Plastic land mines

Militaries are no longer allowed to set up land mines that can’t be detected by x-ray. Under Protocol I of the Geneva Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, there is a requirement that all weapons must use metallic fragments that can be seen via x-ray. In addition, mines placed outside of fenced and cordoned areas are required to use self-destruct mechanisms set to go off after a certain period of time. There is also an ongoing campaign to ban the use of land mines internationally through the Ottawa Treaty; however, it has not yet passed. China, Russia, and the United States have yet to sign it.


Fire ballons

During the 1898 Hague Convention, it was decided that militaries would no longer be able to drop bombs from balloons; however, the practice survived well into World War II. One family in Oregon — including a pregnant woman and her five children — was killed by one of these balloons while picnicking. They are the only people to be killed in the contiguous United States during World War II. The weapon itself is mostly useless as there isn’t enough impact to set the bombs off as they drift from balloons.

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Dango Products | Redefining the Wallet

the two guys behind Dango got in touch with us after seeing some of the EDC posts we have made and after speaking with them I am breaking my rule on discussing kickstarter projects.

You can see the full project here: 

Here is their intro video.

From their press release

Dango Products was started in November 2015, kicking off our first Kickstarter campaign (and successfully getting funded) with our Loop Hook and Wall Mount. We learned a lot and had a blast developing that first product and are back again, this time with our Dango Wallet. The Dango Wallet was developed to reinvent the way you store your valuables. We blended fashion, utility and function into a slim wallet that is USA made. It weighs in at just over 2oz.; rugged in construction, designed to take abuse and still retain its carefully designed aesthetics. The Dango Wallet is constructed from various materials that are bound together in a cohesive design. Two pieces of CNC’d aluminum are sandwiched together with a silicone band, allowing flexibility in storage and maintaining a minimal footprint. On top of the front plate, genuine leather pockets are bolted onto it, increasing the storage capacity further and adding warmth from the use of leather. The wallet construction also enables RFID blocking for added security. The Dango Wallet can comfortably store up to 4 cards in the leather pockets and as many as 8 cards in the rear cavity (5 if the multi-tool is being stored in the rear cavity). Cash can either be held in the pockets or banded behind the back plate. The leather pockets are lined with microfiber to assist in entering/removing your cards. We also made the pockets/cavities wide enough to store standard width business cards.

We are going to go ahead and order one and see if it lives up the hype. My trayvax wallet has given me some issues as of late and this might be the perfect solution to fill that gap. We will update you when we know more. In the meantime check out the Kickstart for this and let us know what you think 0n our FB page.

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Lone Wolf GLOCK Compatible AR-15 Review

CQB styled AR’s have taken the market by storm and have gone from a novelty to a must-have for many. Looking back over time to the early days of the western expansion carbine guns for mounted cavalry and cowboys was standard fare. In most cases, those carbines ran the same caliber ammo as their pistols. The Colt 45-70 is one of the most notable examples.

In the modern day, the submachine gun explosion of the 80’s that included the MP5 and Uzi guns, for example, revitalized the compact pistol caliber gun market. Fast forward to today and you can see the demand for 9mm, 10mm, and 45 caliber compact guns are growing again.

Lone Wolf is dominating by combining the AR CQB SBR/Pistol genre with the sub compact pistol caliber market with their new AR platform gun that accepts GLOCK magazines.

The lowers accept 9,40,357,45 GAP magazines made by GLOCK or GLOCK compatible like the Pmag GL-9 all the way up to 33 rounds as well as drum magazines.

Specs Lower:

  • Receiver accepts Glock magazines 9/40/357/45 GAPonly.
  • Dedicated magazine well for Glock magazines (most non G9 9mm carbines are made for Sten or Uzi mags)
  • Glock magazines are more reliable than the commonly used Uzi or Sten mags
  • CNC machined from Mil-spec 7075 aluminum forging.
  • Type 3 hard coat anodized, black only.
  • Accepts AR57 uppers.(you must remove the ejector before installing the upper)

Specs Upper:

  • Quad Rail Free Floating Rail System
  • A2 Style Flash Suppressor
  • Properly modified bolt for use with Glock magazines
  • 16″ barrel
  • 4150CM Ordinance Steel
  • Button rifled 1:10 twist rate
  • M4 profile exterior
  • Non-reflective black oxide finish
  • Bolt is mil-spec 8620 material heat treated to 50>55 RC
  • Bolt is black oxide exterior coated

Why a 9mm Carbine?

Lone Wolf Glock Lower

In states like Michigan having an SBR that is registered as a pistol in the state or having a pistol version (No Stock) offers several advantages for legal in car carry. With truck guns becoming a major consideration for many readers the Lone Wolf G9 allows you to have one caliber ammo with one cache of magazines that operate in a daily carry as well as an Oh SH*T carbine.

Lone Wolf GLOCK AR Performance?

We tested the complete 16inch Carbine version and found some incredible results. Not only is 9mm a soft shooter out of this platform he longer barrels will allow bullets to reach their top velocities. We consistently saw increased velocity out of all ammo tested vs a 4 or 5-inch barrel.

The standard GLOCK mags in 15 and 17 rounds, extended GLOCK 33 round magazines, PMAG GL9 in 15 and 17 rounds all performed without issue.

It should come to no surprise that this gun performed admirably out to 100 yards (the limit of our test facility, not the gun). Hitting targets at 50-100 yards with 9mm is not something I or even most people can do well with a standard pistol. However, this was not much different than my typical AR experience.


Lone Wolf Glock Magwell
Lone Wolf Glock Magwell

It accepts GLOCK magazines. It’s one thing to have a carbine in the same caliber as your EDC. It is another thing to have a carbine that accepts the exact same magazines as your EDC. It makes packing ammo, bullets, mag carriers and other items up much more streamlined and compatible.

The means of operation is inline with an AR. That means that for training and practice you can train with an AR gun but shoot much cheaper 9mm. We buy 9mm at about ½ the cost of 556. While you can shoot 22LR out of AR platform guns made for 22lr they have virtually no recoil, or bang meaning your not getting nearly as close of a comparison as you would with 9mm.

My wife has an irrational fear of rifle calibers. However, since she already shoots a 9mm pistol she was not scared to shoot this gun. It let me train her and get her to practice on an AR should the need ever arise she had to use one. It also works well for my kids who wanted to have something a step up from their 22 rifles.

For many steel targets at home ranges, are fun to shoot. Rifle’s and steel targets don’t play well. As such having a carbine in pistol caliber that can ding those home targets without fear of damage is a very nice perk.


While I am not a fan of the quad rail system, Lone Wolf is using, the G9 is compatible with most AR parts and can be changed to fit your needs. The bolt assembly needs to be modified to run properly on the G9 so you won’t want to swap that out. Most everything else, however, is configurable.

Based on the amount of parts I have rolling around here it would be nice if they sold the lowers as stripped so I could install the buffer tube, stock and grip I wanted without needing to replace these items.

The only real gripe if you can call it that is that the bolt is not last round hold open.


AR guns in pistol caliber don’t make sense for everyone. For those who do have a need or want for one, this gun is a serious contender. If you’re a GLOCK pistol shooter, then that makes this gun an easy choice for best in category. The availability of inexpensive GLOCK magazines makes the overall cost of ownership lower than many of the competitive pistol caliber carbines that rely on proprietary magazines that can go as much as $80 each.


Lone Wolf sells the lowers and uppers separately via their website here: The lowers start at $384 and uppers begin at $689.95 and can be cut to your desired length and re-threaded for $90.


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Betrayed Navy SEALs: The shocking true story of Extortion 17

If you’ve seen the recent big screen stories of US Navy SEALS in Afghanistan, in Lone Survivor and Zero Dark Thirty, you are no doubt struck by the sacrifices these elite warriors make on the modern battlefield and the impeccable examples of heroism these movies have portrayed — not propaganda but truth.

However, there is another US Navy SEAL story from Afghanistan that’s not receiving much attention, simply because its truth is an indictment of failure on the part of the Obama administration, US Congress, and senior military leadership.

It is the story of the fate that befell a CH-47D helicopter, call sign Extortion 17.

Back on August 6, 2011, six months after Navy SEALs had terminated Osama Bin Laden, America suffered the single largest one-day loss of life in the ten year combat operation in Afghanistan. It was also the largest loss of Navy Special Warfare life in their history.

The mission that fateful evening entailed US Army Rangers going into the Tangi River valley in Wardak Province in Afghanistan after Taliban leader Qari Tahir.

As the Rangers landed and executed their mission, the Aerial Weapons Team (AWT) in two US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopters observed two individuals fleeing, but permission to engage with 30mm guns was denied.
The AWT then observed these two individuals, who they assessed to be armed, link up with six others who took up positions near the proposed helicopter landing zone (HLZ) that would be used later. Again, permission to engage was denied.
Back at the Forward Operating Base, the decision was made to launch the Quick Reaction Force (QRF). But just before takeoff, seven Afghan Commandos who were listed on the manifest to accompany the mission were switched out, and the new Afghans were not manifested.

The QRF loaded onto a CH-47D Chinook aircraft headed into a hot HLZ zone where combat operations had been raging for some three hours. The lumbering CH-47D is slow and possesses less maneuver capability than the normal special operations MH-47 aircraft.

Unescorted, the CH-47D made its way to the area of operations in the Tangi River valley, a Taliban stronghold. Because of the rules of engagement, no pre-assault fires were approved on the HLZ and there were no “eyes on” the HLZ to support the QRF infiltration.

It was easy pickings for the enemy. From a prepared firing position atop a building, they launched three rocket-propelled grenades. One hit the CH-47D’s tail rotor blade and in approximately 5 seconds it broke up into three pieces and crashed into a dry creek bed in a ball of flames.

The AWT had eyes on the point of origin of the RPG shots but the AH-64s were denied approval to engage the enemy — who were seen handing down equipment and fleeing the area.

I recommend you all pick up a copy of the book, Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as told by a Navy SEAL’s father by Billy Vaughn. Billy and Karen Vaughn live just north of me in Stuart, Florida, and I came to know them as they reached out to me while I served in Congress on this matter.

I know the story in detail because I received the classified briefing on the incident. In Billy’s book, you feel his pride in his son and the moment when he learned of his son’s death. You share the emotional strain of the family as they deal with the loss of Aaron.

But you also share the anguish of a father who learns he has been lied to as he uncovers the truth. You’ll read the declassified documents and investigation report that Billy had to read to learn the massive cover-up surrounding the death of these brave men, including his only son.

I’m sure you remember President Obama’s May 2011 speech after the killing of bin Laden, but there was no speech after Extortion 17. Billy and Karen Vaughn lost their 30-year-old SEAL Team VI son, Aaron Vaughn in that helicopter shoot down. Along with Aaron there were 16 US Navy SEAL Team VI members, five US Navy SEAL Team support members and one working dog, five US Army and Army National Guard flight crewmembers, three US Air Force members of the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, seven unidentified Afghan Commandos, and one Afghan interpreter.

What is so appalling is the lack of concern from the Obama administration, Congress, and the military to lift the curtain of deceit. As well, you come to realize media hypocrisy is hiding this incident from the American people.

If this were the Bush administration, the story would have been all over the New York Times, Washington Post, and every single liberal media outlet — not that’s not the case. Remember Cindy Sheehan and attention she got? Then why are Billy and Karen Vaughn shunned?

Betrayed is a must read, you will not put the book down. It is a book that MUST be made into a film, albeit controversial. It should be mailed to President Obama, Vice President Biden, Speaker Boehner, Senator Reid, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi with one simple question, “Where is the truth for the Vaughns and all the families who lost their loved ones?” It is a book that should shame the media for not covering this dark moment in US Military history.

Never should our warriors and their families be treated in this manner. Never again should they be Betrayed

(Allen B. West)

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We Like Shooting 155 – Patent Problems

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 155 – tonight we’ll talk about Strike Industries, CZ99, Shemaghs, Modulus Arms, Wright Shooting, TacRack and more!

Our Guest is Brandon Wright from Wright Shooting

Former trooper, SWAT, DOD Firearms Instructor, inventor of the TacRack and Pro Shooter!

Full show notes here!

Swedish ‘bikini cop’ tackles mobile phone thief while sunbathing

An opportunist thief masquerading as a newspaper seller got more than he bargained for when he tried to swipe a mobile phone from under the nose of a sunbathing Swedish policewoman.
Off-duty officer Mikaela Kellner was catching some rays in a Stockholm waterside public park on Wednesday, when she leapt into action to catch a pickpocket while wearing only a bikini.

A picture of Kellner pinning down the thief in her ‘civvies’ has since gone viral after she posted it to Instagram.

Captioning the incredible snap “Beware of pickpockets,” Kellner explained how the robber had initially approached her and some friends, offering to sell them a newspaper for homeless people.

On placing the newspapers down in front the group, according to Kellner the man then tried to snatch one of their smartphones.

What happened next could not have been expected as Kellner sprinted 15 meters through the park to tackle the man.

“I did not hesitate. Had I been naked, I would have also intervened. It was a little funny that I grabbed him in a bikini,” she told Aftonbladet.

The ‘bikini arrest’ image has since garnered thousands of likes on social media.

“I am very happy that I posted the picture. The aim was to draw attention to how easy it is to be robbed,” she added.

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Brutal video shows what it’s like to be a paramedic in war-torn Syria

Terrifying video footage has been released capturing Syrian paramedics responding to yet another bombing in Aleppo. The three-minute clip was uploaded onto Facebook by Syria Charity on Wednesday and already has more than four million views. 

In it, their makeshift ambulance is peppered with debris from the explosion, but the medics continue undeterred towards the blast site where a number of bloodied civilians lay injured in the rubble.

The video opens with a huge explosion as a blast hits a building up ahead.
With debris falling from the sky, the ambulance reverses, but a huge rock smashes through the windscreen.

The paramedics then surge forward into the warzone and visibility is poor due to the dust from falling rubble. Panic-stricken civilians usher the paramedics to the injured, and the first they come across is a bloodied man clearly disorientated and unable to walk or use his legs.

As they help him onto a stretcher and carry him back to the ambulance, another casualty appears. This time, a child covered in blood.  A third victim is carried to the ambulance by five other men, again covered in blood, and appearing unable to move his limbs.

All three are loaded into the ambulance with the buildings still falling around them.


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The Real Cost of Safety & Security

By Katherine Williams

In the trying economic times the United States is facing right now, cities and municipalities across the country are facing unique challenges. In the light of federal allotment cuts and shrinking city budgets, it’s often the front line departments – like police, fire and emergency medical services – that are the hardest hit by these budgetary issues.

Public safety departments are crucial to many communities, but that hasn’t prevented budgets from being reduced in nearly a quarter of American cities, in up to a third of those cases, budget reductions in the police department specifically have been over five percent. [1] These budget reductions have led to layoffs, not replacing outdated equipment and technology, and even in some cases, municipalities contracting out public safety duties to nearby cities.[2]

One of the most crucial cuts some police departments are dealing with falls into safety equipment for police officers. In some cases, such equipment simply comes off the table when the budget axes fall[3], but more often it’s the officers themselves who have to foot the bill. Research surveys indicate approximately 53.5% of American police officers receive an allotment to pay for essential equipment, including uniforms and safety equipment[4], as opposed to the cities buying the equipment themselves or the officers simply being required to pay for their own equipment outright.

Some officers state that allotment methods are preferred, because it allows them to purchase the equipment they would prefer to use, and if it’s more expensive than what their department will provide for, they can use the allotment to make it more affordable for themselves – though other officers state that it should always be the department’s obligation to purchase all necessary equipment.

Regardless of how the costs are covered, often the best solution to these financial constraints is to look for innovative new equipment that is more cost-effective than previous options. With up to 20% of police officers being required to pay for their own body armor, and traditional armored vests costing upwards of $500, police officers need have less expensive options that are just as effective, if not more so. A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene – and paid for by non-profit association the RAND Corporation – found officers who do not routinely wear body armor are 3.4 times more likely to suffer a fatal injury from a torso shot than officers who routinely wear body armor.[5]

The author of the study, Tom LaTourrette, also noted that the armor currently available had limitations that needed to be overcome, stating, “…body armor was most often defeated when bullets entered between the side panels or struck an officer above or below the vest, but in some cases armor was penetrated by a bullet from a gun that exceeded the armor’s rating.”

LaTourrette also noted that, “Making body armor more effective will require balancing body area coverage and penetration resistance, while minimizing wearer discomfort and impeding officers’ job performance.” Fortunately those innovations are happening, and at more manageable prices than previous body armor products available, addressing two major concerns to law enforcement departments and personnel.

The Armored T-Shirt, from Legacy Safety & Security, is the most significant innovation available in body armor today. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) – who monitors and regulates body armor standards in the U.S. – states that one of the greatest challenges to wearing body armor is that it be comfortable and well-fitted – something that is particularly difficult for female officers.[6] The Armored T-Shirt provides superior protection, better overall body coverage, better fit and is far more comfortable than traditional armored vests.

The Armored T-shirt’s base garment is a compression shirt, with reinforced mesh pockets inside, to hold the armor plating tightly to the body. The plates are situated both in the front of the officer and along the sides, with careful attention paid to not leaving a gap between these two sections, where a bullet could penetrate. There are multiple benefits to using a compression garment in this manner.  Compression sportswear keeps the muscles warm to prevent muscle strain and fatigue while it wicks sweat away from the body to prevent chafing and rashes. The garment also allows the plates to be held more tightly to the body than with stiff armored vests. Most uniquely, because the plates are removable, the garment is entirely machine-washable – something which is not an option with traditional armored vests.

Another important measure of body armor is ballistic rating and Back Face Defamation (BFD). Body armor functions by spreading the impact of the bullet across the surface of the plate, causing the force to be dispersed and less life threatening. But the BFD of an armored garment must also meet careful guidelines to make sure that the pressure of the impact doesn’t cause the armor plating to intrude too significant toward the wearer’s body, increasing the risk of injury or death.

The plates used in the Armored T-shirt not only meet the ballistic and BFD standards set forth by the NIJ, they far exceed them, and at a quarter of the weight of other leading body armor plating. Plates in existing body armor can exceed 8lbs per plate, but the plates used in the Armored T-Shirt weigh only 1.25lbs each. The Armored T-shirt provides more safety and security for the wearer than traditional armored vests, better fit and body coverage, a more comfortable material and at a fraction of the cost.

Today, more than ever, we need to provide our law enforcement with protective equipment that is affordable without sacrificing safety or usability. The Armored T-shirt is an ideal solution to all these issues, providing superior wearability and safety, at a very affordable price.

For more information about the Armored T-shirt, please visit


Car Carry by G-Code The RTI Vehicle Mounting System Review

G-Code has developed an RTI based Velcro holster solution for mounting in your car. If you’re unfamiliar with the RTI system, it is a method of attaching a holster to multiple different carry platforms. They have MOLLE, war belt, tactical belt, drop leg, and more so that one holster can be easily mounted to any of your gear. In addition to G-Code other companies like Safariland also support RTI mounting.

What you get

RTI Wheel mounted on Hook pad secured to the loop backer under steering column.
RTI Wheel mounted on Hook pad secured to the loop backer under steering column.

Included in the kit is an adhesive panel that is attached to any flat surface such as a vehicle or under a desk. Next, is the hook-backed pad with RTI wheel. This combo gives you a secure yet removable mounting platform for the holster of your choice. The holster itself can be removed from the RTI wheel and secured to your belt when leaving the car or the entire hook backed pad can be pulled off and stored out of site.

Does it Stay?

Right after Shot Show we got with G-Code to send us the RTI Vehicle Mounting System for review. My goal had been to release this review months ago until I talked to a friend. In his infinite

That ATEi Blaster with Trijicon RMR sure looks good in this car kit.
That ATEi Blaster with Trijicon RMR sure looks good in this car kit.

wisdom, he told me it would never work due to the high temperatures of summer and the types of extreme heat reached inside a closed up vehicle in the sun. The review was delayed so the challenge could be accepted.

The RTI vehicle kit has been installed in my car for seven months now. My car sits in a driveway in full sun with external temperatures of 80-90 degrees regularly. In all this time I have not seen the adhesive separate at all.


The process of mounting the adhesive backed loop pad is simple. Find the desired spot, clean the spot and stick. The hardest part for most of us will be locating the perfect mounting position.

G-Code-RTI-Car-Kit- - 11I picked just below the steering column. Be careful with this area, as you will want to make sure that the firearm will easily clear the holster without hitting an obstruction like the steering wheel. I wanted to place it on the side of my center console but the shape of my console did not allow for it due to curves and grooves that would affect the adhesive’s grip.

Another thing to note is that you may need an alternate handed holster based on your mounting. While I am right handed, in my car, a left handed holster worked best to draw the pistol.

Why do I want this?

Some of us spend hours driving from location to location. Unfortunately, for many the placement of seatbelts are not conducive to an efficient handgun draw for some on the common body carry positions.

For longer drives, I also find the ability to remove the holster and mount it within reach makes for a much more comfortable trip. Lastly, for dropping my kid off at school, it’s an easy place to ditch my gun to stay compliant.

It can be pulled out without interference but has not ever become unsecured even under "evasive" driving.
It can be pulled out without interference, but has not ever become unsecured even under “evasive” driving.


You can’t go wrong with a G-code holster. My first “real” holster was a G-code Incog. That Incog has held up for years. Though the guns that have gone in it have changed and evolved my G19 Incog still has a place. G-code is made in America and is veteran owned. The people that build and sell their gear are people that know combat and carry the gear they produce.

They have developed a wide selection of holsters compatible with the RTI system. From active retention holsters to those more common in civilian markets they make holsters that cover a broad range of firearms and carry methods. Not to mention they work close with people like Travis Haley to continually evolve their product.


If off body carry in your car, office or another location is something that interests you then consider looking into the G-Code car mounting options. We tend to stay away from off body carry as a recommendation, but there can be a time and place for it. Of all the solutions that have walked through our door, this is the first we are publishing a review for. The reason is it is the first product of it’s kind that has held up to our testing and offers an actual advantage to it’s use. You can purchase the kit for your local G-code dealer or direct online here:

The kit retails for $49.99 for everything you need except the holster. OSH holsters start as low as $40.

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