
GC-126 Andy Brown Part 1 | Mass Murder and Warnings Unheeded

In Gunfighter Cast episode number GC-126, I spoke with Andy Brown about the events and unheeded warnings that led to the mass murder incident at the Fairchild Air Force Base hospital that Andy ultimately ended. We focus heavily on the mental health aspects of how the incident could have been prevented and the take aways therein.

Order Warnings Unheeded

Warnings Unheeded Official Website containing radio traffic and pictures is here. 

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Bravo Concealment Holsters. Use our coupon code “Gunfighter” at checkout for 10% off your entire purchase Bravo Concealment.

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FightLite® Introducing New Rifles at SHOT Show

(Melbourne, FL) January 11, 2017 – FightLite® Industries, the country’s leading manufacturer of innovative, mission-configurable firearms, parts and accessories announces that it will be introducing several new groundbreaking products at SHOT Show Booth #7406 in the Law Enforcement section of the show.

The annual SHOT Show is being hosted at the Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas January 17-20, 2016.

“We’re really excited to bring these new products to market and topping the list is our new patent-pending MXR™, a multi-caliber sub gun that is primarily chambered in 9mm and is caliber convertible at the user level without tools to include .22LR, .45ACP and other popular pistol calibers.” said Geoffrey Herring, President-CEO. “The compact MXR™ is suppressor capable and will also convert to accept a variety of pistol magazine types including Glock, Beretta, CZ, SIG and many others. We originally developed the MXR™ as a select-fire submachine gun in response to an international L/E requirement, but we look forward to bringing the semi-auto pistol and rifle versions of this excellent design to the US civilian market through our Distributor and Dealer network.”

To learn more about the innovative and patent-pending MXR™ from FightLite® Industries, visit Booth #7406 at this year’s SHOT Show.

About FightLite® Industries

FightLite® Industries is a privately held company that designs and manufactures lightweight and technologically advanced firearms and firearm accessories for Military, Law Enforcement, US civilian shooters and Foreign Governments.

Headquartered on the USA’s Space Coast in Melbourne, Florida, FightLite® Industries is equipped with state-of-the-art CNC machining centers, 3-D solid-modeling and manufacturing CAD/CAM systems, a dedicated quality control department and an experienced manufacturing team that is committed to developing and manufacturing superior products for its customers.  Engineered and manufactured with the highest quality American-made materials, FightLite® products are produced on state-of-the-art CNC machining centers in an ultra modern facility by a highly skilled workforce.

To learn more about FightLite® Industries visit  Follow FightLite® Industries on Facebook at , on Twitter @FightLite and on Instagram @FightLite.Industries.

FightLite® Industries is partnered with Defense Marketing Group who assists with promotion of the FightLite® brand through various channels of social media. For social media inquiries, please contact Ben Wentzel at
Notice: FightLite® is a registered trademark of ARES Defense Systems, Inc.


GC-128 Andy Brown Part 3 | The Smell of Freshly Cut Grass

In Gunfighter Cast Episode GC-128 Andy and I finish up the 3 part series on his book Warnings Unheeded and the events that took place on June 20th 1994 at Fairchild Air Force Base.  In this third and final part, Andy and I talked about the psychological effects of violence and ways to deal and overcome.

Order Warnings Unheeded

Warnings Unheeded Official Website containing radio traffic and pictures is here. 

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Nighthawk Custom Predator 2 giveaway | Register Here.

Primary Weapons Systems Top quality long stroke piston ARs and innovative accessories.

Bootleg Inc Searchable Database and top quality products for your net AR build.

Bravo Concealment Holsters. Use our coupon code “Gunfighter” at checkout for 10% off your entire purchase Bravo Concealment.

If you enjoy podcasts, you should try audio books. To get two free audio books, start a trial at today.

If Gunfighter Cast is worth $1 or $2 per episode to you, why not pledge that amount per episode through Patreon and get access to episodes as soon as they are ready instead of waiting for the scheduled releases.  Your pledge is only paid when new episodes are delivered.

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We Like Shooting 184 – Stand-up Comedy

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 184 – tonight we’ll talk about Dara holsters, faxon barrels, vortex, trigger tech, powder river precision, hickok45 and more!

Full show notes here!

GC-127 Andy Brown Part 2 | The Rampage and the Reasons Why So Many Survived

In Gunfighter Cast Episode GC-127, Andy explains the events that took place on June 20th 1994 at Fairchild Air Force Base. Andy made an amazing shot to take the murderer down, but the most profound actions were taken by every day men and women who risked everything to save lives and were successful in doing so. There is a lot to be learned here from the inspiration to get training and taking action to recognizing opportunities to take action and save lives.

Order Warnings Unheeded

Warnings Unheeded Official Website containing radio traffic and pictures is here. 

Nighthawk Custom Predator 2 giveaway | Register Here.

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Nighthawk Custom Predator 2 giveaway | Register Here.

Primary Weapons Systems Top quality long stroke piston ARs and innovative accessories.

Bootleg Inc Searchable Database and top quality products for your net AR build.

Bravo Concealment Holsters. Use our coupon code “Gunfighter” at checkout for 10% off your entire purchase Bravo Concealment.

If you enjoy podcasts, you should try audio books. To get two free audio books, start a trial at today.

If Gunfighter Cast is worth $1 or $2 per episode to you, why not pledge that amount per episode through Patreon and get access to episodes as soon as they are ready instead of waiting for the scheduled releases.  Your pledge is only paid when new episodes are delivered.

Please leave a super awesome 5 star review on iTunes so other people can find Gunfighter Cast.

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WLS Double Tap 003 – Ninja Training

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 3, Tonight we’ll roast a tactical ninja. We’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and revisit past gear!

Full show notes here

Nighthawk Custom’s NRA Double Play: AGENT1 and Double Stack

Nighthawk Custom, manufacturer of premium tier hand crafted 1911s, launched two new designs last weekend at NRAAM 2017. One new pistol and a long awaited and asked for upgrade to select existing models


Through a collaboration with Agency Arms the Agent 1 was forged. A blend of the best aspects from both companies’ work the Agent 1 fused the modern aesthetic and pragmatic machining Agency has been known for doing with Glock pistols and the meticulous attention to detail of the NHC gunsmiths.

The Agent 1 has a modernized feel but is a classic 9mm commander series 1911 at its core. Flat trigger with a superior pull and break, 4.25″ barrel, and a slide the you’re convinced rides on ball bearings in place of rails.

The Railscale 1911 panels are unique to this pistol, although I hear rumors that a different production grip panel set may surface, the panels are within thousands of an inch of the frame edges making for a near seamless blended wrap around.

The Railscale Grips are curious, you’re not quite sure if you’re going to like it on first look. It clashes with preconceived notions of what comfortable grips should be, looking far sharper and nearly jagged. It elicits images of torn up hands after a day at the range.

Hands on with the Agent 1 001 Photo Credit Jack Clemons

That initial impression vanishes once the Agent 1 is held. The grips feel like they contour under your hand while you grab the pistol and lock your hand in the proper place, no sharp edges.

The muzzle is crowned with a bull barrel style lockup and a flush guide rod. The front sight is a narrow diameter red fiber optic allowing very precise sight picture acquisition with easy to find contrast. A single squared off light rail allows your favorite WML to ride shotgun on the Agent 1.

Both the front strap and mainspring feature a high detail horizontal checkering and the magazine well has a clear clean bevel to aid reloading.

The Agent 1 is an exciting piece of firearms artistry but sadly the run is limited to 50 pistols.

May the odds be ever in your favor (acquiring one)

For their production release however…

All of their government/fullsize 9mm pistols can be ordered as double stack models. There isn’t just one new double stack pistol model they gave the option to them all.

The smooth shooting NHC 9’s can carry 18 rounds on deck. Nighthawk was very precise integrating this new option and the frames themselves don’t change the aesthetic feel of the 1911. Despite having 18 rounds on board the guns don’t feel big, they feel like 1911s… just now with half the necessary reloads.

Unlike the AGENT 1 there is no limit to this feature but check them both out at NHC’s Webpage

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to apologize to my checking account.. I’m not that sorry though

2017-2018 Guide to Michigan’s Constitutional Carry Legislation

We frequently receive requests for a status update on the “Constitutional Carry Bill”. Well here’s the thing, there are actually 13 bills, they are spread out over three different competing packages, and each package does something different. That’s a lot to keep straight, let alone explain, so we wrote this guide to help everyone out.

“Constitutional Carry”, or “Con Carry” for short, is a very hot topic in the gun community both nationally and in Michigan. It can mean different things to different people, but at its heart it involves allowing people to carry a pistol, open or concealed, without a license.

As of May 2017, 13 states already have some form of it and the question everyone keeps asking is “Who’s next?”.

We’re only a few months into the 2016-2017 Michigan legislative session, and already three different bill packages have been introduced to enact Con Carry in Michigan. Each package is unique and approaches the topic in its own way. This article will break down the pros and cons of each one from our perspective to help you understand what’s going on and keep it all straight.

While all of the bills listed have only been introduced as of the writting of this article, we do expect at least one of the packages to come up and hopefully make it out of committee. Michigan Open Carry‘s Legislative Team will closely follow all three packages and will publish updates via our email list. If you would like more information, please sign up for that list and/or contact the team at

Package #1 – HB 4003, 4004, 4005, & 4006 (Rep. Peter Lucido)


– Anyone who is 21 years of age or older, and who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm, is exempt from the need to have a CPL to carry a concealed pistol.
– The prohibition on carrying a concealed pistol, or a pistol in a vehicle, is narrowed to no longer apply to a concealed pistol or a pistol in a vehicle.


– Anyone carrying under the above mentioned exemption would be required to immediately disclose they are carrying a concealed pistol to a peace officer when stopped.
– Anyone carrying under the above mentioned exemption would be subject to temporary detainment by a peace officer for the purpose of determining if the person is prohibited from possessing a firearm.


Rep. Lucido expressed to us that he would very much like to pass Constitutional Carry (permitless concealed carry) legislation in this state. However, like us, he understands that there are certain hurdles, Governor Snyder chief among them, that will be difficult to get over. Rep. Lucido’s strategy was to ask the law enforcement community what they would like to see to not oppose the legislation, and the disclosure and detainment provisions were supposedly their response.  While the compromises in this package may be unpalatable to some, they do increase the odds of success for this package and therefore warrant legitimate consideration.

Package #2 – HB 4416, 4417, 4418, & 4419 (Reps. Michele Hoitenga, Pamela Hornberger, Sue Allor, and Triston Cole)


– Anyone who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law would no longer need a CPL to carry a concealed pistol, or a pistol in a vehicle.


– No restricted zones are addressed.


The goal of this package is singular and focused, which has lead it to be the cleanest and most straightforward of the group. The goal is simply to remove the requirement that otherwise responsible and law-abiding people get a government permission slip in order to exercise a Constitutional right for their own self-protection. Nothing more, nothing less.

While the package does not address any of the restricted zones that are high on every CPL holder’s list of things to fix, this is likely a strategically wise move. The more a piece of legislation attempts to accomplish, the more opportunity for opposition it creates. By narrowly tailoring their goal, the sponsors are able to shine a spotlight on the disparity between open and concealed carry by referring to a CPL as a “coat tax”. Essentially, if one can already open carry without a CPL, then the only thing a CPL really does for the person, outside of a restricted zone, is it allows them to put a coat on, something that is very relevant in a northern state like Michigan. This focused argument is very compelling while being relatively immune to the usual “guns everywhere for everyone” hyperbole such legislation typically faces.

Package #3 – HB 4565, 4566, 45674568, & 4542 (Reps. Gary Glenn, Pamela Hornberger, Beau LaFaveSteve Johnson, and Scott Dianda)


– Repeals the prohibition on carrying a concealed pistol, or a pistol in a vehicle, without a license.
– Repeals the prohibition on carrying “scary knives” concealed.
– Drastically reduces restricted zones (for both firearm possession and concealed pistols), except for schools and bars.
– Repeals related prohibitions on firearm possession in the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.
– Cleans up various useless sections in the penal code.
– Bipartisan sponsors and cosponsors.


– Far reaching legislation can be difficult to get off the ground, let alone over the finish line.


Where the other packages take a tempered approach to the subject, this one does the opposite. Rep. Glenn has stated that this package will make others look mild in comparison, and there is no disputing it accomplishes just that. HB 4565-4568 is an omnibus package that checks off a significant portion of the average Michigan gun owner’s wish list. From licensing, to restricted zones, this legislation holds true to the notion of “Constitutional Carry” more than any of the others.

At the same time, while gun owners are sure to applaud this bold proposal, actually seeing the legislation through to completion will be a very heavy lift at every step of the process. It’s clear that these sponsors are dedicated to supporting the Second Amendment, but unfortunately that doesn’t always hold true when it comes to the rest of the Michigan Legislature, let alone the Governor.

This article was first published at

WLS Double Tap 004 – Bad Memories

Tonight we’ll roast a a clueless jeep owner. We’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and revisit past gear on gear chat revisited!

Full show notes and videos here!

PR: Magpul GL Enhanced Magazine Well

The Magpul GL Enhanced Magazine Well is a high-performance purpose built Glock frame magazine well. Designed to fully enhance and ensure positive magazine insertion in high stress scenarios. Sleek and ergonomic design features also provide excellent concealment while ensuring minimal printing to the users clothing. Ramp and edge geometry allow for, should it be needed, positive and flawless removal of a faulty or stuck magazine during reloading or immediate action events.
• Large ramp area for easier reloading
• External dimensions ensure minimal printing when carrying concealed
• Reinforced polymer construction
• Compatible with Magpul, OEM and most aftermarket magazine floor plates
• Compatible with most common after-market magazine extensions
• Easy installation


The Release Page

The MOSSBERG 590 Shockwave Firearm “Not a Shotgun”

Mossberg 590 Shockwave

From Travis Pike

This is Not a shotgun

Not a shotgun


This is a shotgun



So what’s the difference? Both are 12 gauge, pump action guns that fire shot shells. So why is one a shotgun and one not? Well the classification of a shotgun in the United States, as confirmed by the ATF, is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder. A firearm like the Mossberg 590 Shockwave you see here is made from a receiver that has never had a stock attached, so it has never been a shotgun. In accordance with the law, the Mossberg 590 Shockwave is a firearm, or other, and not a shotgun.

It’s a Firearm (Totally not a Shotgun)

Since it’s a firearm it doesn’t have the same rules as a normal shotgun. Normally, in accordance with the ATF, a shotgun has to have an 18-inch barrel or it is a short barreled shotgun. An SBS is a title 2 firearm and has all the normal NFA restrictions. The Mossberg 590 Shockwave is a firearm so isn’t restricted to an 18-inch barrel.

In fact, it’s not restricted to any particular barrel length. It is restricted to an OAL, or overall length. The OAL of this type of firearm must be over 26 inches long. If it’s shorter than 26 inches it becomes an AOW or any other weapon. An AOW is a broad category, but they are NFA weapons and are Title 2 firearms. So like an SBS you have to go through the NFA procedure.


The Shockwave


Mossberg 590 Shockwave


The Mossberg 590 Shockwave has a 14-inch barrel and with the Shockwave Raptor grip is over 26 inches long. With a normal, 90 degreeish pistol grips it is too short and considered an AOW. So you got to stick with the Raptor grip or add an 18-inch barrel. You can add an 18-inch barrel and a pistol grip and this would still be a firearm, capable of being converted between barrel lengths and grips. If you put a stock on it with an 18-inch barrel you are also still legal, however, it cannot go back to its firearm configuration.

Different Options

The Mossberg Shockwave is the first of these firearms designed and manufactured by a major firearms company. Mossberg was not the first company to come forward with one of these ‘not a shotguns’. There are configurations by multiple companies with both Remington and Mossberg variants.


Companies like Asylum make what they call the Gatekeeper, their Mossberg ‘firearm’. The Gatekeeper was one of the first on the scene, and the Mossberg Shockwave and Gatekeeper are basically identical. The Gatekeeper was just around first.


The Gatekeeper


There are even unique models like the Black Aces firearm. It’s a Mossberg 590 with an 8.5-inch barrel, and a folding Sig brace and pistol grip. It is completely legal, and not an NFA firearm, and can be transferred with nothing more than a 4473.


Are they even practical?

I’ll tell you right now a shotgun with a stock is a lot more practical than a firearm with a pistol grip. These bad boys have some heavy recoil and aiming one isn’t exactly easy. The bead sight and short sight radius also makes thing challenging. This wouldn’t be my first choice for a home defense firearm, but it wouldn’t be my last one either.

It’s super maneuverable and easy to handle. Like a pistol, it can be tucked inwards to your body for better retention to keep someone from grabbing it. It also has the firepower of a shotgun, which is great for first shot hits. If you miss in a home defense scenario it is going to take a minute to get back on target. A stocked shotgun is going to be a lot more effective for follow up shots.

Where they Shine

These 12 gauge, pump action firearms are great for the range, and a blast to shoot. They are also good stopgaps on the way to making a short barreled shotgun or an AOW. If you want to go the NFA route you have to file some paperwork and wait several months for approval. Firearms like the Mossberg 590 Shockwave allow for a cheaper and easier route to build your own SBS (with ATF approval).

Much like an AR pistol one of these firearms allows you to have a shootable, and fun firearm while you wait for approval from the ATF. Plus, you already got a short barrel, all you have to do is add the stock when your Tax stamp comes in. It’s a lot cheaper to add a stock than to buy a short barrel and shortened magazine tube.

NFA Hacks

A lot of people like to call this an NFA hack and it’s simply not true. The SIG brace was an NFA hack, these 12 gauge firearms simply aren’t regulated by the NFA and never have been. It just took some time, and some intelligent individuals to figure it out. It also opens a completely new market for firearms companies to produce new and interesting firearms.


Take a 360° ride on a Norweigan tank turret in this epic video

Go on an epic 360° journey from the turret of a tank. If you can watch this one in VR, it’s worth taking the time to do it.

Ever wanted to see a 360° video from the turret of a tank? Well, now you can. If you’re using a mobile device, you can control the perspective of the camera by moving your phone, or swipe your finger around during the video. If you are viewing from a computer, you can control the camera with your mouse by clicking anywhere inside of the video, and drag your cursor.

Source Article from

We Like Shooting 185 – Throw me to the wolves, and I’ll come back leading the pack

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 185 – tonight we’ll talk about Howling Raven, Magpul AK parts, F-1 Firearms, AR assembling, Brethren Armament and more!

Full show notes here!

NRAAM 2017: AAR Round Up

Nighthawk Custom Shotgun

Here we are folks on the 2nd of May and GAT Daily is recovering from the acres of touring the NRAAM 2017 held for all to see.

NEW! Nighthawk Double Stacks!

Evolution was the name of the game this year. Product refinements from manufacturers across the industry drove most of the momentum at the show. Our live stream videos and posts showed the industry embracing lighter, faster, smoother, and more robust systems.

EOTech Vudu

Competition is growing in the magnified optics and micro reflex markets as more shooters embrace them. The 1-6x Vudu from EOTech, the 1-8x Accupower from Trijicon, and all the competing scopes in that category were hot hands on commodities.

Tactical Walls

Furniture and storage are changing too. A number of companies have display wall build kits on the market and tactical man caving is increasingly a thing.


FN Ballista

Despite three days we couldn’t see everything… that said what we saw says this is going to be a fun year.

We Like Shooting Double Tap 005 – Africa

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 5, Tonight we’ll roast a Russian who almost roasts himself. We’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and revisit past gear on gear chat revisited!

Full show notes here!