
Tactical Medical Solutions Offers the SOF Tourniquet GEN 4

Several hours at SHOT this week were devoted to checking out Tac-Med companies and equipment. I am a lowly General Pediatrician, but due to this thing that we all do in the Gun Industry we expose ourselves to the possibility of trauma and death on a fairly regular basis. Thus, we owe it to ourselves to be the best-prepared and equipped that we can be.

The highlight of my search was my visit with Tactical Medical Solutions. I spent a phenomenal 20 minutes or so with Dan at the booth, where he told me about some new developments and cool items that someone like me wouldn’t ordinarily know about.

 Tactical Medical Solutions is the maker of the well-known SOF Tourniquet. As Dan discussed, there were some design tweaks that needed to happen in order for this tourniquet to function better – especially in self-application. Those tweaks have been made, and the SOF Tourniquet GEN 4 (SOFTT-W) will be coming out in a few weeks.

The new modifications address the currently model’s difficulty with securing the windlass one-handed. There is now a retention clip to hold the windlass while securing it in place. The windlass itself has been lengthened and redesigned. Both of these changes were aimed to help with one-handed manipulation – for situations where one is applying the tourniquet to one’s own arm and may not have the finger dexterity and fine motor control needed to manage the manipulations previously necessary to secure the device.

The SOF Tourniquet GEN 4

Women’s Camo Rant

I thought I was going to make my Thursday SHOT rounds be about hunting. But I ended up getting all wrapped up in trying to find women’s camo to report on or review.

I need to rant a minute  about camo in “plus sizes” – or rather the lack of it.  Virtually every camo company I have checked out here is lacking in larger women’s sizes, or lacking in women’s camo period.

I eagerly checked out the women’s line in an (unnamed) camo company I saw on Tuesday, only to be disappointed that the company apparently thinks that female hunters don’t come in any sizes bigger than 14. I discussed with the rep (and she agreed with me) that this was unrealistic given what the average size of U.S. women really is. Last I read, the average American woman was now size 16-18. 

There are a handful of companies that make camo “for women”, but what I have found so far is that they are still not sized realistically. One “women’s” company line had a rise that was so short that crouching down presented the gluteal cleft to the world. Plumber’s butt isn’t something I want to happen in the snow during deer season – sorry.

The vast majority of “women’s camo” that I have seen still only goes up to a size 14. OR it goes to “extra-large”  – but for many of them that is still only the equivalent of a 14. 

That leaves alone my additional complaint that every attempt at camo for women seems to need cute pink or purple (or now teal) stitching and accents on it. Do I want the turkeys I am hunting (who have very good eyesight) to admire my cute pink accents?

One women’s camo line here at SHOT (which shall also go unnamed) tried to explain away the lack of upper sizes by saying “But look how stretchy the fabric is”. This merely demonstrates the industry-wide fundamental lack of understanding of the problem.

The icing on the cake was yet another company (first name rhymes with “blunder” ) whose women’s line – if the tag on the female mannequin was to be believed – actually went to size 20! I was excited! The booth was not busy, but it was like pulling teeth to get any of the older male reps to recognize my existence. Once that finally happened, I introduced myself and said I was a writer interested in their women’s camo line, and asked if they had any brochures or press kits that I could go over. The rather curt reply was “No, but you can look online.” Wow. Just. Wow. So much for promoting your product, guys. Why are you here again?

Your friendly writer here is a size 16-18. Middle-age/ menopausal spread is a real thing. IF the average American woman is a 16-18 then I am not some land-whale – I am AVERAGE. So what is the problem?

The press conferences from NSSF and NWTF this week reinforced that we NEED to bring more hunters and shooters into the fold. Sooooo, we want to attract more women hunters – in fact we NEED to do this in order to keep the tradition and conservation model alive.

Many women are not runway model sizes. Yet camo companies are refusing to attempt to clothe these newly-recruited women properly. How does that make sense? I know that it becomes a chicken and egg thing – companies don’t see women hunters, so they don’t think there is a market for reasonably priced, large-enough sized women’s camo. 

But if we don’t demand it – will they EVER make it?

Magpul’s New SMG and PCC Gear

Magpul famed creators of the beloved P-MAG has never been afraid to extend into new territory. They went from a simple device called a Magpul into a behemoth of the firearm’s industry. They prohduce a little bit of everything from the expected AR-15 Parts to the exciting like AICS magazines. Their latest jump is into creating SMG and PCC Gear. They are now proudly developing gear for the CZ Scorpion and the MP5 platform.

Feeling the Sting of PCC Gear

The Scorpion carbine in the United States has been widely accepted in the civilian world as a PCC and way too big to be a pistol but technically cause reasons. This little PCC has already had a massive aftermarket spring up around it and the design of the gun makes it easy to modify and improve. The rifle variants, and many of the pistols, are already outfitted with an M-LOK handguard so Magpul couldn’t improve there. So what they do was go back to their roots.

In true Magpul fashion, we now have a Magpul Scorpion P-MAG. The Scorpion magazines are already solid, so Magpul had to offer more than just a new polymer magazine. They went with a black magazine that holds 35 rounds vs CZ’s standard 30. The magazine has viewing slots at the 10, 20, 30, and 35 round positions. The high vis follower is designed to be easily tracked up and down these viewing slots.

Prepping Items of Interest at SHOT Pop-up

On Wednesday SHOT Show offered what they called a “Pop-up” – a separate floor/ballroom of products/companies making only a one-day appearance. I think it’s a cheaper option for smaller companies which can’t afford a full-week position on the regular show floor.

I only had about forty minutes in between appointments but I made a quick pass-through. The main items that caught my eye fall roughly into the “Prepper” category. 

The first table that caught my eye was an MRE provider called MRE Star out of Sarasota Florida. They offer cases of “military grade” meals – both with and without heaters, and “civilian” packaging of the same components. They also offer microwaveable tray meals. Their brochure states that they can customize large orders and can also do full day ration units. The rep said he could send me some meals to taste-test, so stand-by on that one.

The next table that grabbed my attention was a company called SilverFire. They provide biomass-burning gasifier backpacker stoves, all the way up to base camp level chimney stoves, pizza ovens, and a variety of off-grid cooking options. 

Adventure Medical Brings Preparedness to SHOT Show

When most people think of the company Adventure Medical Kits, they usually think of small first aid pouches that are found in the camping supplies section of the local big box store.

In reality, Adventure Medical offers much more than pocket boo-boo kits. The brand actually falls under a larger umbrella which offers a variety of products to suit many outdoor emergency needs.

I had the opportunity to spend some time one-on-one with a rep at the Adventure Medical Kits booth on Wednesday to see the true variety of products they offer.

While Adventure Medical does make small boo-boo kits, their line runs through several series of kits, all the way up to fully-stocked guide-level medical bags suitable for professional mountaineering-type expeditions.

The first item that I was shown was the new redesign of the largest of their Sportsman Series. It offers improved labeling of the separate compartments to speed access to exactly what you need – whether it’s a splint and triangular bandage, actual trauma supplies, or just some benedryl for a bee sting. The trauma kit portion is removable so it can accompany you from base camp out into the hunting field for the day.

The Growing CZ P-10 Family

The CZ P-10C has proven to be a very popular little striker fired gun. It’s priced well, easy to find and offers an outstanding trigger. The key thing to remember is the C in P-10C stands for compact. This was an immediate clue that the P-10 wouldn’t be a single unit. The P-10 family has grown and at SHOT we are seeing not only a subcompact and full-sized P-10, but optic’s ready models.

The new models keep the outstanding P-10 trigger, the great price point, and utilize backward compatible magazines to an extent. The magazines from the full size will fit all three guns, the magazines from the compact will fit the subcompact too. The full sized magazines if essentially a modified CZ P09 magazine that offers 19 rounds of 9mm on tap. The subcompact offers 12 rounds of 9mm.

The CZ P-10 Optics Ready?

Each model of the CZ P-10 series will have an optic’s ready variant on the market as well. The optic’s ready models are going to be using a modular plate system similar to the Glock MOS models. This allows you to use a multitude of red dot optics that allow you to shoot straight and fast. Optics Ready models will have an OR designation behind the normal designation. So A P10C will be a P-10C OR.

Rocking Out With Aero Precision SHOT Show 2019

After a hike up a mountain, around a curve and through the hellacious Las Vegas traffic I attended a fun little event hosted by Agency Arms, Nighthawk, and Aero Precision. This invite-only range day was an opportunity for media to get intimate with the guns from each brand. It was a busy and interesting party, but intimate enough to chat with the guys and gals from each brand and learn a bit more about the weapons. Aero Precision, in general, brought ou a ton of new guns, most of them being fully automatic, some suppressed and of course several SBRs. Needles to stay they were my first stop.

Aero Precision and How I learned to Love the 20 inch barrel

The first gun I grabbed was a replica of the famed M16A4 rifle. A rifle I used in the Corps. As I loaded a magazine into the weapon I was greeted by a wave of nostalgia. It has been at least 7 years since I handled a full-length AR 15 and I really forgot how buttery smooth these rifles are.

The 5.56 round was made for a 20-inch barrel and it shows. From the recoil to the muzzle blast and even noise the 20 inch AR just does it better.

I had issues ringing steel silhouettes out to even 75 yards in full auto. The gun barely moved when you took your time with proper bursts. I’ve now committed to building a full-length AR 15, and Aero seems like a great brand to go with. I wonder if I can get an 80 lower with USMC markings.

New Electronics at SHOT

Wednesday of SHOT Show 2019 has turned into “electronics” day for this writer, because many of the things I have on tap are technology-related. 

Today’s first stop was the “New Product Center”, where I saw several new models of wireless/cellular trail cams. There is a burgeoning market for cellular-capable remote cameras, so new ones are entering the fray this year. These can also crossover into the property security/surveillance arena, so hunting isn’t the only application for this technology. 

I also checked in with with Bushnell because they have a new and improved wireless trail cam model called the Impulse. According to the rep there are now TWO processors so that the cam can upload images and continue to take pictures all at the same time. (The previous model could do one or the other at any given moment, but not both). Bushnell has improved the antenna, and upgraded the modem to 4G LTE, so this might solve some of the issues I had with the previous model.

In addition to the above, I checked with an outfit called CuddleLink, which has cameras which communicate with each other. There is one “home” camera which transmits the images and keeps the card, but it collects and sends images from its own network of up to 15 cameras. If you have a very large property, that would definitely cut down on the card-pulling and camera checking.

I visited with Peltor this morning and got a chance to try their Tactical 500 electronic muffs, which are Bluetooth compatible. I tried them in the sound booth on the show floor at Peltor, and even the recorded .50 cal and full auto AK noises didn’t bother me. I could feel the concussion in my chest, but it did not affect my ears. The electronic suppression was great. They will be sending me a set to try in the real world, so stay tuned.

On the same pass on the show floor, I ran into  AXIL (the SportEar people) where I got fitted for custom hearing aid-quality earplugs for hunting – for when wearing muffs around in the woods is not the best option. I will be writing up my impressions of those as well. This company also makes hearing aids, so they know exactly what they’re doing with enhancement and suppression. I can’t afford to lose ANY of my hearing – I need to be able to use a stethoscope for at least ten more years. I’d also like to not have my shooting and hunting habits impact my ability to hear the beautiful high frequencies of eventual grandchildren. Both of the above products should go a long way in that regard.

I’ll keep the updates coming.

Women at SHOT Represent the DC Project

Not everyone at SHOT Show is in town to sell a product or write about a new widget. There are some women present for the event who want to sell an IDEA.

The idea is that women have the right to defend themselves with firearms. The people these women want to sell to are their legislators in Washington DC.

Started almost four years ago by champion shooter and former police officer Dianna Mueller and the A Girl and A Gun women’s shooting organization, the DC Project organizes a group of fifty women (one for each state) to descend on The District of Columbia for a long weekend in order for the female firearms owners to meet with their individual Congress critters.

The ongoing plan is to meet with and enlighten Congress – one member at a time – in order to put a female face on the firearms issues that these legislators are often ignorant of. The non-partisan, grassroots, Pro-Second Amendment movement will sponsor its fourth trip to Washington D.C. this summer.

While at SHOT, the women of the DC Project are hoping to gain continued support to help defray the travel costs for the 50 women who participate yearly. To that end, there is a gun raffle and also a Team Match match fundraiser for the project.

Here is a powerful video of the “faces” of the DC Project, and why they do what they do.

A Visit with Aero Precision and Clint Smith

I started off my first official day of SHOT Show 2019 with quite the metaphorical bang. I had a GREAT visit with Aero Precision and Ballistic Advantage.

I  have been so impressed with the finish and performance of my Aero AR pistol for the past few months, that I’m now interested in learning how to build my OWN rifle in a hunting caliber. I went to the Aero booth with the intent of looking over the possibilities.

So no kidding, there I was, minding my own business looking over the wall display of completed rifles, when who should address me and offer to help, but Clint Smith! (Yes – Thunder Ranch’s Clint Smith!)

I told him what I was interested in doing, and that I was considering the AR-10/M5/.308 platform for hunting (among others). Well didn’t THE Clint Smith proceed to take me under his wing, offer his own advice about weight and barrel length, and then guide me to the barrel guys across the booth at Ballistic Advantage and ask them which .308 barrel would suit this young lady’s needs best.

I was then treated to an explanation of the various lengths and flutings etc, the advantages/disadvantages of stainless vs chromoly, and other details. I freely admitted that I am not a subject matter expert in the rifle-building department and I am currently quite low on the learning curve. But nobody batted an eye or made me feel as if they shouldn’t be bothering with me. They actually cater to the home builder’s market.

In fact, it was pointed out to me that Aero Precision has a whole YouTube channel “Builder Series” which I could take advantage of during my learning process! I’m actually quite excited about this prospect now. I’m hoping that this process is so-easy-a-pediatrician-can-do-it. Maybe not quite “easy”, but I’m optimistic about “do-able”.

Between Aero Precision and Ballistic Advantage, they’ve got upper receivers, lower receivers, barrels, and Magpul components – a large chunk of what I would need for a build-it-myself gun. As I thanked the rep and started to walk away, Clint Smith called me back to make sure that I had gotten my questions answered. I was impressed that such a fellow was genuinely interested that someone like me had gotten what I needed.

If Aero’s customer service is anything like the service I received in the booth, then this should be an enjoyable process, and I would recommend them to anyone.

CMC and Troy Media Event

SHOT Show Range Day 2019 was not the only shooting opportunity in Vegas Yesterday. CMC and Troy held their own media event at the popular Las Vegas indoor shooting venue called The Range 702.

CMC, a  Texas-based company, manufactures drop-in AR trigger groups. CMC offers a wide selection – including Flat bow and curved bow, single stage and two stage, in pull weights from 3.5 to 6.5 pounds. There are even some color choices for those looking for fun color-coordination of their firearm. CMC also offers AK47 triggers and Glock triggers. 

I personally installed a CMC trigger in my S&W AR a few years ago, and have gotten hours of fun and increased accuracy out of it, because of not having to man-handle (woman-handle?) the original trigger weight.

Troy Industries, founded by namesake Steve Troy, offers a wide variety of  firearms accessories – from rails, to muzzle breaks, to magazines and everything in between – all made in the USA. Many industry-leading firearms manufacturers trust Troy components for their new product lines.

Media had the opportunity to test-shoot several such firearms utilizing Troy components. My personal favorite was a suppressed .300 BLK. Hmmmm…. I AM looking for a new build…

More from SHOT Week coming soon!

SHOT Show Range Day 2019 First Impressions

SHOT RANGE DAY is the day we wait for every year – the day that those of us who type for a living get to fondle and test shoot the new toys for the year – on someone else’s dime. Here is a quick overview of my very windy day on the range.

First impressions on what I got to shoot:

Colt King Cobra – my first impression is that this gun is a fairly easy shooter for a .357. I often shoot a revolver in IDPA, so six-shooters are not unfamiliar to me. The King Cobra had a nice trigger pull, and was a pretty smooth operator. I was impressed.

Colt King Cobra .357

Mossberg’s new MC1 pistol – was small, concealable, handled nicely and pointed naturally for me. I was able to hit the reactive paddle on the steel silhouette easily and repeatedly, and the clear 9 mm magazine made an interesting addition.

Welcome to the IOS: The Interchangeable Optic System from Nighthawk Custom

Everything you want in an optic solution. The IOS is adaptable to your needs and allows for a low profile RMR mount with the versatility to switch rear sight in a matter of seconds. With the dovetail cut in the slide each plate can be removed and still return to zero, allowing for quick and easy switching of rear sight without sacrificing aesthetic or function. 
     -Plate returns to zero
     -Rear sight alignment between plates
     -Fully machined from prehard material
     -Standard Novak sight cut
     -Low profile
     -Quick and easy plate removal
     -Standard Hight front sight for either iron sight or red dot use

Nighthawk Custom has always been known for their craftsmanship and with the release of our optics system we craft our optics mount with the same attention to detail. Without sacrificing any fit or function, we are able to give your 1911 sight options that you can change. Our goal was to create a system that is adaptable, diverse, easy, reliable, and blended seamlessly with the gun. As if it always belonged there. With all this in mind, Nighthawk Custom has created the most revolutionary sighting system ever conceived;  the Interchangeable Optic System, or Nighthawk IOS for short.

The Firehawk, The New Compensated 1911 from Nighthawk Custom

BERRYVILLE, AR, JAN 22, 2019 — Nighthawk Custom, manufacturer of the world’s finest custom made 1911’s, is proud to introduce the newest model in their lineup, the Firehawk.

This cutting edge offering from Nighthawk Custom offers the latest advancements in the company’s long line of purpose-built innovation. Nighthawk Custom has utilized a recoil-taming single port compensator, a Bull Barrel and a full-length guide rod that adds weight to the front of the pistol to reduce muzzle rise. In addition, the Firehawk has a modified government length slide that has been shortened from 5” to 3.9”. A newly designed commander length spring and reverse plug system maintains the standard recoil impulse of a 5-inch 1911 for reliability.

“We set out to create a compensated pistol model, starting with the idea that we could use innovative engineering to build a 1911 that fit the profile of a standard government model but would benefit from the effects of a compensator,” stated Mark Stone, Owner and CEO. “We decided the traditional methods weren’t enough and built the entire compensator system from scratch.”

As part of its functional design, the Firehawk features a full Nighthawk Custom prep that incorporates a French Border to showcase the craftsmanship involved in blending the compensator and slide together. The closed front end of the compensator has been bull nosed for an easy draw and a custom touch. Nighthawk Custom has built a stunning custom pistol that has the functional benefits of a compensator, allowing for minimal movement of the front sight while shooting and allows for much faster follow up shots, while maintaining a classic appearance that will impress classic 1911 aficionados.

The Firehawk has an MSRP of $4199.00 and is available with a nitride or stainless-steel finish in 9mm and .45 ACP.

For more details, visit to see the Firehawk, or you can call a Nighthawk Custom Account Manager at 877-268-4867 to place your order today.

Follow us on Facebook Instagram and YouTube for social media and corporate news.

The Troy GAU-5 SHOT 2019

To say the M16’s history isn’t storied would be an absolute lie. We all know the teething issues and most of us know the M16 and M4 family. In between the M16 and M4 is a long line of very interesting, rarely ever mass produced, carbines. One is the GAU-5/A , or for brevity’s sake the GAU-5.

The GAU-5 is a by-product of the Colt Commando and the XM177E2 series of carbines. This particular model was adopted by the Air Force and this is where it earned its odd name. GAU stands for Gun, Aircraft, Unit. Like the M4 the design was intended to be a smaller and lighter variant of the M16. The weapon was quite successful and would serve on the famed Son Tay prison camp in the hands of 45 out of 56 Special Forces commandos.

The Troy GAU-5

The Troy GAU-5 is as faithful of a replica as you can get without being an NFA weapon. Obviously, it’s not a full auto weapon, it’s also not a short barreled rifle. The original GAU-5 rifle had a 10-inch barrel with a 4.2-inch moderator. That would make it a few inches too short to be a non-NFA weapon. Additionally, the Moderator was found to be a sound suppressor, even though it contained no baffles.

So this system is entirely NFA free and the closest you can get to the original GAU-5. Today was the first time I’d ever fired and handled one of the Troy GAU-5 rifles. Immediately my first thought was how light this damn rifle was. We’ve attached so much lightweight garbage to rifles these days that the weight gets away from us. The GAU-5 is easily one of the lightest rifles I’ve ever handled. Lighter than most AR 15 pistols.

The flash and noise are quite substantial. It is still a round designed for a 20-inch barrel in a much shorter platform. It’s loud but fun. The sights bring me back to my iron sight M16A2 days. Of course, this is an odd school rifle. We aren’t strapping M-LOK handguards and ACOGs to it.

The Service Rifle Collection

The Service Rifle collection is one of my favorite line of AR 15 rifles. They are realistic and retro in a day and age where I can basically get an MP5 sized AR 15 slammed down with lasers, lights, and optics until my face is blue. Something about these old rifles makes them absolutely gorgeous. To me, they are on par with rifles like the M1 Garand, the 1903 Springfield, and even the classic 1911.

The AR 15 clone market is massive, but to get legitimate markings and designs you had to use an 80% lower. This allows you to avoid all that.

These are a fascinating, if small, piece of American service rifle history and the fact you can own a well-priced, and well made piece of history is an amazing feat of capitalism.