With summer around the corner, many of us are likely planning to bring our loved ones to all sorts of vacation hot spots. Zoos, theme parks, water parks, and the like are prime times for summer vacation. Most are considered nonpermissive when it comes to weaponry. A local theme park/water park near me even enforce this rule with metal detectors. I’m not one to remain unarmed for long, so I sought a solution and found one from a company called Revenant Corps.

To be clear, I’m not advocating anyone violate the law. Don’t try to sneak weapons into legally prohibited places. However, if there is no legal restraint to keep me from carrying something, then I’m carrying something, anything, to give me a self-defense advantage. No one will know unless my life is on the line, and I’ll take the ban to preserve my life. Revenant Corps is a fairly small company providing fairly awesome products.
They are nonpermissive environment specialists. They produce G10 tools for self-defense, and this includes traditional knives, as well as my choice of discreet self-defense tool, a Sharpie.
The Revenant Corps Solution
Revenant Corps takes Sharpies or Sharpies looking like markers and turns them into weapons. From the outside, it looks like a marker and nothing more. Pop the cap off, and we have a pointy little piece of G10 that looks like it will dig in nice and deep in a pinch. It looks so much like a marker that my wife has picked it up more than once, popped the top off, and sighed in frustration.
The little pocket stabber fit right into my front shirt pocket, and the clip at the top held the weapon aloft without issue. I forgot it was there for most of the day and toted it around our little local park without issue. No one is the wiser. I would have preferred something that fired a projectile or a more proper blade, but you take what you can take.

Since we were dealing with lots of water rides and pools, the Revenant Corps marker poker is a nice design. It won’t rust or fail due to water. Plus, it’s so superbly light it can be supported by a pair of swim shorts or a simple shirt pocket.
The disguise is a bit of a bonus as well. Let’s say my spider sense starts tingling. I can draw and prepare the marker without drawing any attention. I could uncap it, carry it like an icepick, and no one would ever know. You could be prepared to deal with a threat without making a fuss.

Disposable Tools
A G10 poker built into the body of a marker isn’t designed to be a real durable fighting weapon. It’s something you use to save your life and fight fiercely with. It gives you a short-term advantage you will have to turn into a victory. Don’t expect to use this tool over and over, and it will likely break after a few full-force impacts.

The Revenant Corps G10 marker is about as low profile as a weapon can get these days. It’s undetectable without a very close inspection. With that said, it’s still a weapon. Carrying it where you are legally prohibited from carrying a weapon is still illegal.
Revenant Corps is a small company, and if you want to show them some love, check them out here.