Mossberg’s “Nightstick” version of the 590 Shockwave – I’ve never shot any version of the Shockwave before. It was kinda fun just for giggles, but it had a good bit of recoil for a hip-fired weapon. For those who can control it, it’s cool. But I think I’ll personally stick to shoulder-fired shotguns.
New Glocks – the G43X and G48 –I take back the eyerolls that I made when I first heard about these tweaks. They are VERY GOOD tweaks. The G43X basically eliminates the need for the +2 magazine extensions that I have installed on my base G43 mags. The G48 is as fun and controllable as my G19, but slimmer and somewhat easier to conceal. Contrary to what I may have thought previously, these definitely fill previously unoccupied niches.

I also spent some time with the Norma ammunition folks. I shot just about every caliber they brought. But I had particular fun with their .17HMR varmint round. This little powerhouse was very flat-shooting and accurate out to the 150- ish yard steel even in stiff wind gusts. Me likey. But now I have to buy a .17HMR gun in order to play with that round some more. Hmmm… maybe for squirrels?