SHOT Show Range Day 2019 First Impressions

Norma varmint ammo

There were some non-firearm items of interest as well.

I checked in with the Peltor ear and eye protection folks. I have an appointment with them later in the week, so I’ll have more information on their latest then.

Knife-throwing from Buck Knives – I tried out their knife-throwing challenge again this year, and stuck two-out-of-three! I won a very nice folder, which I plan to keep for my own self, rather than giving away as swag to my gun club friends – sorry guys!

Throwing knives – A new pediatric skill

I found a new insect repellent called TrueTimber Bodyguard. This tweaked my inner pediatrician, because unlike DEET, this product is safe for pregnant women and infants down to about 2 months of age. It is effective against Lyme-carrying ticks and also against Zika- carrying mosquitoes. I will definitely be looking into this more closely.

Bodyguard Insect Repellant

There was much, much more, but those were the highlights. I’ll be looking into some of these more in-depth as time goes along, so keep an eye out.

And keep your eyes turned here at GAT daily for more as SHOT Show 2019 continues!

Dr LateBloomer
Dr LateBloomer is a female general pediatrician who bought her first firearm at the age of 46. She now enjoys many different shooting disciplines including self-defense, IDPA, Steel/Rimfire Challenge, Sporting clays, and even tried 3-Gun for several years. She has gotten started in hunting and has expanded into crossbow. She is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and works to enlighten her medical colleagues whenever possible.