
5.11’s New Blazer: The Founder’s Jacket

5.11 Formalwear?

I was intrigued when I saw 5.11 Tactical announce their blazer, the Founder’s Jacket, at SHOT Show last year (2024). The company has made dramatic improvements in its discreet clothing over the past few years. So, I was curious to see the approach to this menswear staple.

Since they’d already asked for my opinions on some of their other offerings, I took the opportunity to see if they’d send me the blazer as well.

As I was unpacking one of the packages, I was pleasantly surprised to discover one at the bottom of the box.1

Initial Impressions

There are a couple of companies already making sports jackets out of performance fabrics. They are mostly tailored to the road warrior consultant types that are constantly traveling on and off airplanes, in and out of Ubers, and very well, may go straight from the airport to a business meeting.

There are a few indicators that suggest the 5.11 Founder’s Jacket was built at the request of some DC-based (or adjacent) institution of armed professionals.

The design is very well thought out and executed. There is more storage space than in a traditional sports jacket, yet they still maintain a clean silhouette.


This jacket feels great. The 89% Polyester & 11% Elastane shell is insanely comfortable, almost like loungewear. It also breathes well, stretches (obviously), liquid beads off it, and wrinkles fall out easily.

That elastane also gives the wearer the needed mobility to get a good, 2-handed firing grip without the jacket binding up in the shoulders. Previously, armed professionals would have to take their jackets to a tailor to have the sleeves removed, rotated forward, and reattached. This is similar to motorcycle jackets, which are constructed to accommodate an “arms forward” posture instead of arms at the sides.

Synthetic fabrics will retain odors over time more than natural ones. However, with an MSRP of $160, having a couple of these in the rotation isn’t unrealistic if someone is working under professional requirements.


The fabric offers stretch that allows the cut of the jacket to give a more tailored look, not the boxy “sacks suit” look. The Bravo Travel Blazer features a slightly tapered waist that accentuates the broadness of the wearer’s shoulders and highlights the masculine physique.

I’m not the biggest fan of single-vented jackets, but I can understand the design choice in this case. If the wearer is carrying on or behind the hip, inside or outside the waistband, side vents could get hung up on the grip of the pistol.


When people think “5.11,” they think “pockets,” from their cargo pants to the operator vest, and this blazer is no exception.

It’s clear that this jacket was designed with duty use in mind, mostly due to the inclusion of comm routing at both shoulders.

The one “duty-oriented” feature I really appreciated was the “Utility Webbing” (elastic MOLLE) inside both chest panels of the jacket. These make great places to stash flat EDC items like a tourniquet and flashlight, freeing up pocket space.

In addition to the typical inside chest pocket where most of us keep our phone when wearing a jacket of this type, there are two additional interior “Drop Pockets” at the bottom of each front chest panel.

One might be inclined to keep their phone in that pocket instead, giving the hem of the jacket some weight, similar to the old trick of stitching weight into the lining to improve “hang time” for the draw.

On my last trip, I was able to keep everything in this jacket (phone, wallet, keys, sunglasses, etc.). So, I didn’t have to go through the ordeal of emptying my pockets going through security.

I love that 5.11 chose to label this as a “Travel Blazer” because that’s the perfect description of it. Without going too far down the rabbit hole, travel jackets are precisely that—intended to be worn while traveling. They’re not supposed to be super dressy or formal.

The decision not to include cuff buttons was an interesting design choice, but given the casual nature of the jacket, it’s not something that I’ll lose sleep over.

Final Thoughts

For those in the private sector, this fills a very specific niche. This would not be an appropriate jacket for weddings, funerals, job interviews, or any of the other traditional “suit and tie” situations. For the traveler who sees the benefit of donning a collared shirt and leather shoes instead of pajamas when they get on a plane, this is a welcomed addition.

For more information, please visit

  1. Disclaimer: While the clothing used for this article was provided at no cost by 5.11 Tactical, there was no requirement or expectation of a positive review in exchange. ↩︎

A Gun Writer’s Guide To Your First SHOT Show

So you’re going to your first SHOT Show? Awesome. You’re in for a treat. I’ve been going for ten years now, or maybe 11? I don’t remember. Those are rookie numbers compared to some of my friends, but enough to help my fellow writer. Not just writers but new content creators. You can be a video guy, a photo guy, a social media guy, or a gun writer like myself and benefit from this article. 

It’s a small niche of folks for sure, but I wish I had this type of guide when I first went to SHOT. In fact, it took me a few years to find my groove and to really make my bones with the show. Please feel free to learn from my experience. I might not have pro status, but I take the show seriously. I often find two types of content creators who go to SHOT. 

You have the miserable, jaded, gun-writer type who will complain about everything. Then you have the lost newbie who’s excited but confused. I’ve been going for a decade now, and I still enjoy the show. I miss my family, but SHOT is still a good time for me. As someone who’s both experienced and still enjoys the show, allow me to provide you with a little advice. 

Your First SHOT Show – Know What You’re Going For 

Are you going to SHOT to capture the show for your audience? Are you trying to get hands on with as many new products as possible to show your followers? Your readers? Your viewers? Perfect. You and I are in the same boat. If I’m taking time away from my family, I’m doing it to work. 

Are you going to see famous guntubers? That’s fine. It’s the place to do it. Follow their socials, and they will likely be doing a meetup. 

Are you going to get drunk at various parties? That’s fine. It might not be my thing, but there are lots and lots of fun parties and networking opportunities. I’m socially awkward and anxious, so I prefer to stick to the hardware. 

The point is that you should know what you’re trying to do at the show. Your first SHOT Show can be confusing, but before you can do anything, decide the level of work and play you want to indulge in. 

Have a Plan 

SHOT Show is huge. I spent about three years getting lost on the floor. Here’s my suggestion: make a plan. The NSSF releases the SHOT Show floor layout online with a phone book-like listing of each booth, their number, and where they are. Make a list of booths you know you want to hit. I always hit the big ones, but I do them in order.

If I have to hit Ruger and they are in the Caesar’s Forum, and then I want to hit Bear Creek Arsenal, and they are in the first floor ‘dungeon,’ I’m in for a long walk just to hit two booths. Instead, I’m hitting everything I want to see on the first floor, starting at one side and working my way to the next. I have a written list of where I’m going and why. This maximizes my time, and along the way, I see most of the show anyway and can stop as necessary. 

Wear Good Shoes and Socks 

You’ll be walking a lot. I typically do over ten miles per day during SHOT Show. Bring comfy shoes and wear good socks. Merino wool is fantastic and comfortable. Good broken-in boots are my go-to. It’s mostly because Vegas is disgusting, and I want the protection boots offer. Don’t bring anything you need to break in. 

A Messenger Bag is Better

A bag to carry your stuff and the stuff you’ll pick up is a must-have. Backpacks are fine but a real pain at times. It’s easy to swing your backpack into another person and a pain to keep taking it on and off. I suggest a messenger bag. It rides in front of you and out of the way; it’s easy to access and less obnoxious. Trust me, the messenger is the way to go at SHOT Show. 

Drink Water 

It’s Vegas, baby! You’ll be tempted to have a few beers or drinks and go ahead and imbibe, but drink water. You don’t want to deal with dehydration and death on the show floor. Keep yourself hydrated and wash your hands! 

Dress For the Range 

I love it when it’s windy and wet at the SHOT Show range. It scares away the guys that aren’t about that life. With that in mind, beanies, a jacket, and good pants are a must-have. You can get ears and eyes at the range, but I’d suggest you bring your own. Go digital with the ear pro so you can hear presentations and get answers to your questions. 

SHOT Show Survival 

That’s it, that’s the tricks and tips I’ve developed going to SHOT. If it’s your first time, wake up early, stay late, and put in work!

Holosun EPS vs. EPS Carry (Part 2)

Holosun EPS vs EPS Carry

Continued From Part 1

Title Image: Beretta 92 Elite LTT 10th Anniversary Edition with a dedicated 6 MOA Holosun EPS red-dot sight. Only 100 of these pistols were manufactured during 2024 to commemorate Langdon Tactical’s 10th year in business.

Pretty Damn Close

No doubt, the question in some readers’ minds may arise—which one is the one to get? 

After giving it some thought, I don’t think that choosing either the full-size Holosun EPS or the EPS Carry would be incorrect. In many ways, it’s no different than picking a Glock 19 vs a Glock 17 or vice-versa. Whichever of those two 9mm Glocks someone picks, they’re not really wrong.

After all, the Glock 17 is only half an inch longer at the slide and a half inch longer at the bottom of its grip compared to the Glock 19. Therefore, the size difference between these two double-stack Glocks is marginal in the same way the full-size EPS and the EPS Carry’s window sizes are marginal. 

Maybe the best answer I can provide is to stick with the EPS Carry for smaller pistols and the full-size Holosun EPS for “normal” size pistols. I just don’t think it matters all too much. In fact, to prove it to myself, I took the EPS Carry off the 327 Defender TORO and mounted it on the Canik TTI Combat—a full-size 9mm pistol.

I brought the Canik and the re-mounted EPS Carry with me to the range on the same day I went to shoot the Beretta 92 Elite LTT 10th Anniversary pistol for its full review. I just wanted to prove to myself that the smaller dot wasn’t that big of a hindrance. 

Holosun EPS Carry mounted on the Canik TTI Combat.

Holosun EPS Carry On A Canik TTI Combat: A Case Study 

I spent a good portion of 2024 shooting with the Trijicon RCR, mostly on my Walther PDP Steel Frame. Besides at least one match, I shot this pistol both in Green Ops’ AAPM and with Hunter Freeland’s classes.

At the end of Hunter’s course, I did concede that I tried my MSP Black Belt patch attempts with the bigger windowed Holosun 507 Comp sight. I have some opinions about the “feel” of the Trijicon RCR, but truthfully, I got through three days of pistol class time without the RCR being a major distraction. 

First 10 shots fired with affordable steel case 9mm through the Canik TTI Combat after taking the EPS Carry off the 327 Defender TORO, but prior to final zeroing at 10 yards. The dropped shot was my fault since the Canik TTI Combat is equipped with a fantastic match-grade trigger with lighting-fast reset.

And this ties back to the Holosun EPS Carry: both the Trijcon RCR and the Holosun EPS Carry actually have very similar front window sizes. 

If I had no serious issues shooting the full-size Walther and RCR earlier this spring, then surely I wouldn’t have any issues shooting the full-size Canik TTI Combat with the EPS Carry.

Does Size Matter?

After zeroing the Canik with the EPS Carry at 10 yards, I shot another 50-60 rounds to confirm my suspicions (that the smaller reflex sight on the full-size pistol was just fine). This additional shooting consisted mainly of doubles drills and a few slow-fire strings at a ⅞ inch paster at 10 yards.

At three pounds, the Canik TTI Combat’s trigger may be a tad light for carry, but the Holosun EPS Carry fits beautifully in its slide, whose factory pocket is milled out for Shield RMSc or Holosun-K sized footprints.

It’s also worth pointing out that when used with the included Canik RMSc polymer bushings (modified to fit a Holosun-K), the EPS Carry easily co-witnessed with the TTI Combat’s included fiber optic iron sights.

Until another review or project comes along, I think I’ll leave the Holosun EPS Carry on this pistol and shoot it some more. 

The Takeaway 

The EPS Carry on the Taurus 327 Defender TORO. Part 3 of my review on this .327 Federal Magnum chambered revolver delves into the nuances of dots on small frame revolvers, but the EPS Carry worked admirably while shooting an entire review’s worth of rounds through the 327 Defender. Likewise, as stated above the EPS Carry presented no issues on the full-size Canik TTI Combat.

The Holosun EPS and EPS Carry are unique enclosed-emitter reflex sights due to the fact that they use a pair of vertical screws instead of a single horizontal clamping screw to secure themselves to an optics plate or slide surface.

The pair of screws arrangement allows both the Holosun EPS and the EPS Carry to get away with having a very low deck height. This, in turn, helps the sights keep not only a very low profile when mounted on a pistol, but it makes them extremely friendly to co-witnessing with iron sights too. 

Though the EPS Carry is the smaller of the two, I’ve found that the small difference in size doesn’t incur a large performance penalty. Especially when shooters are well-adjusted to shooting with a good target-focus technique (and not looking into the window directly).

As I saw first-hand shooting that Beretta 92 Elite LTT with the EPS RDO set-up, I found that the slightly bigger full-size EPS sight leaves nothing to be desired, even amongst other standard “duty-sized” red-dots. It benefits from that low deck height and a rectangular wide-screen window (think Steiner MPS or Leupold DeltaPoint Pro). 

Final Thoughts

As I experienced with the Canik TTI Combat, the EPS Carry wasn’t a drawback on a full-size pistol either. The EPS line might be one of Holosun’s most important general-purpose jack-of-all-trade product lines.

Special thanks to Big Tex Ordnance for the long-term loan of the Holosun EPS Carry that’s featured in this work.

For more information, please visit

Woods Essential Accessories! 

Tuff Possum Beard Comb, Nav Pouch, and Field Notes.

When venturing outdoors, there are things you need and want to take. Woods essential accessories provides exactly what you need for such occasions. Here are some should-have pieces of kit from Tuff Possum Gear!

3B Multitool Woods Essential Accessories

The 3B Multitool combines three essential tools into one convenient device. There’s a beard comb, a bottle opener, and a bow drill bearing block. With this multitool, you can tackle any challenge nature presents while enjoying some good times.

Use the beveled comb teeth to clean and groom your majestic beard, effortlessly removing debris and distributing beard oils. When it’s time to relax, the sturdy bottle opener lets you pop the tops of your favorite bottled beverages easily. Plus, the smooth bow drill divot facilitates the creation of embers for friction-based fire-making.

This piece is part of the woods essential accessories and makes it an essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts.

A bow drill bearing block is a multitool that helps you tackle any challenge nature presents while enjoying some good times.

The dual lanyard holes offer numerous customization options, enabling you to wear the multitool around your neck. However, you can also attach it to your gear. For an extra touch of fun, you can even string it up with narrow tube-style slingshot bands for “pickle-fork style” slingshot shooting.

The 3B Multitool measures 3.5 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 3/16 inches thick, weighing just 4.3 ounces. Crafted in the USA by River’s Edge Cutlery, this multitool uses strong, corrosion-resistant AEB-L steel. These essential accessories offer durability and ensure you are prepared for anything that comes your way—all while looking great!

The 3B Multitool features a beard comb, bottle opener, and bow drill bearing block in one device.

Program J Nav Pouches

Tuff Possum collaborated with Program J to design the Nav Pouch. It perfectly fits your baseplate-style compass and holds fire-starting tools and other essential gear.

Wear it using the webbing straps on your belt, attach it to a knife sheath or backpack strap, or string a cord through the lanyard loop for a standalone neck pouch. The heavy-duty brass snap ensures a crush-free closure, and the dual 1″ webbing belt loops provide multiple attachment options. It’s one of the convenient accessories for woods adventurers.

The Nav Pouch, crafted from 1000D CORDURA nylon, measures 3.5 by 4.5 inches and is made in the USA.

The Nav Pouch, made from 1000D CORDURA nylon, measures 3.5″ wide by 4.5″ long and is proudly manufactured in the USA. It fits the Brunton TrueArc15 perfectly and accommodates the Suunto MC2 and Cammenga lensatic compasses, as well as most baseplate compasses under 4″ long. It does not fit the Silva Ranger.

Notebook Wallet V2

The Notebook Wallet V2 efficiently carries a few cards, cash, a waterproof mini notebook, and other essential accessories. Its redesigned Version 2 features laser-cut Squadron laminate and three inside pockets, including an extra card pocket.

The Notebook Wallet V2 organizes cards, cash, a waterproof mini notebook, and survival items, featuring laser-cut Squadron laminate and four pockets.

The Rite In The Rain mini notebook is perfect for jotting down notes and contact information. The card pocket fits up to 2 standard cards, while the deeper pockets store more cards, cash, and survival items like water purification tablets and lockpicks. This makes it one of the accessories you’ll want to have.

Measuring 5.125″ by 3.5″, it includes a 24-page waterproof notebook with a hybrid line/grid pattern. It features durable Squadron laminate, constructed with two layers of CORDURA nylon. Weighing 1.7 ounces, it is proudly made in the USA using USA materials!

Woods Essential Accessories

Explore the great outdoors with confidence! Make sure to bring these essentials for all your adventures and training experiences. Get ready to heighten your next journey!

For more information, please check out Tuff Possum Gear.

Holosun EPS vs. EPS Carry

Holosun EPS vs EPS Carry

I’m currently working through a full review of the 10th anniversary Beretta 92 Elite LTT RDO. It is a special edition full-size Beretta 92 variant with Langdon Tactical’s unique slide cut that accommodates LTT’s proprietary optics mounting plates, an action tune/trigger job, performance parts, and a ported barrel. 

Only 100 of these 10th Anniversary edition pistols were made, so getting my hands on one to review has been a real treat. It’s also the first time I’ve had the chance to spend time with a Beretta 92 that uses a slide-mounted reflex sight. Typically, when I get a pistol in my hands for review, there’s some latitude towards selecting some red-dot to mount and include for the review.

However, this specific Beretta 92 variant is spec’d out with a 6 MOA Holosun EPS and its corresponding LTT proprietary optics plate. So, I have no choice but to proceed with the review using the Holosun EPS. This is not a complaint, and in fact, I’m glad this gun is forcing me to shoot with the EPS because I had never spent much time with one either, despite my experience with the Holosun EPS Carry. 

I consider the EPS Carry to be a fantastic sight, and I’ve been curious to see how it compares to its slightly larger brother, the full-size EPS.

The Holosun EPS Family

The Holosun EPS family consists of the EPS and EPS Carry, two enclosed-emitter reflex sights that flip the script on traditional enclosed-emitter reflex sight architecture due to their use of two vertical screws to fasten to the slide or optics plate as opposed to a single horizontal screw, like found in the Aimpoint ACRO or Holosun 509T footprints.

After handling various red-dot sights on scores of pistols since I started writing about these topics, I think the EPS family posits a sound fundamental red-dot sight design.

The Holosun EPS and EPS Carry side by side. I know the camera angle isn’t helping, but the slightly larger EPS isn’t that large in comparison to the EPS Carry.

Housing Profile And Thickness  

First, neither the EPS nor EPS Carry have a “toaster” or  “mailbox” profile because only about 66% of their surface area is actually enclosed. I’ve noticed that this results in a good widow-to-edge thickness ratio since the majority of enclosed dots have very thick edges and smaller windows.

For example, in a performance context, shooting with the above-mentioned Beretta 92 Elite LTT RDO with the Holosun EPS did not feel as constraining as shooting the Trijicon RCR in similar situations. The EPS isn’t advertised as a “big-window” sight, but its window is big enough.

Likewise, after mounting the EPS Carry that Big Tex Ordnance kindly loaned me across a handful of different pistols, including the Taurus GX4XL, Taurus 327 Defender TORO, Canik Mete SF (and it now currently sits on a Canik TTI Combat), I’ve never felt that the thickness of its housing was distracting.

Second, whereas the majority of name-brand enclosed reflex sights or their clones work off the Aimpoint ACRO or Holosun 509T footprint pattern consisting of a single horizontally clamping screw, the Holosun EPS family instead uses the Holosun-K footprint. It retains the traditional pair of vertical screws that are associated with most other standard open-emitter reflex sights. This allows both the EPS and EPS Carry to have very low deck heights.

Depending on the specific handgun slide, the depth of its cut, and its sights, either member of the EPS family has a good chance of sitting low relative to the slide where it could co-witness with standard height iron sights. Both units work off a CR 1620 battery. 

Typical Holosun Reflex Sight Layout

Besides mounting-screw configuration, both the Holosun EPS and EPS Carry have the typical Holosun reflex sight layout, with rubberized buttons on the left side of the housing and the battery tray access on the right. While I cannot quantify it, the glass used in the EPS seems nicer than the glass on my Holosun 407Cs. EPS glass is in the same league as Holosun 507 COMP’s glass. 

Holosun-K Footprint

Both the Holosun EPS and EPS Carry use Holosun’s Holosun-K footprint, which is nearly identical to the Shield Arms RMSc footprint, save for the lack of the rear posts behind the screws. Like the Shield Arms RMSc pattern, the Holosun-K is most popular on guns with slim slides like the Taurus GX4 series, Taurus Defender TORO revolvers, SIG-Sauer P365 family, S&W M&P Shields, slimline Glocks, etc.

Besides the Holosun EPS and EPS Carry, the Holosun 407K and 507K also utilize the Holosun-K footprint. It’s worth noting that the Holosun-K footprint (and the Shield Arms RMSc, for that matter) also share dimensions quite similar to the Leupold DeltaPoint Pro footprint, save for some nuances in spacing.

Despite the fact that the Holosun-K footprint is brand-specific to Holosun reflex sights, finding optics-mounting adapter plates for it isn’t difficult due to Holosun’s brand presence in the optics market.

Plate with Holosun-K footprint pattern shown on left in comparison to Shield Arms RMSc shown on the right. Image source

That Holosun ships these units with Holosun-K to RMR (full-size EPS) or Holosun-K to RMSc (EPS Carry) adapter plates is a nice touch that adds a layer of convenience.

Dimensions: EPS vs EPS Carry 

Yes, the full-size EPS is the bigger unit. And yes, it has a larger and wider window, but not by much. 

The Holosun EPS window measures 0.90 inches wide by 0.63 inches tall, and the EPS Carry’s window measures 0.77 inches wide by 0.58 inches tall, with the differences being 0.13 inches and 0.05 inches, respectively.

From a practical standpoint, the difference of 0.13 inches and 0.05 inches is quite insignificant. Similarly, both units’ external dimensions are also within a couple of fractions of an inch from each other—marginal, in other words.

Given that both the Holosun EPS and EPS Carry models have similar features (red/green emitter, multi-reticle, solar cells, etc.) [and a similar price range], I think that their only true differentiator is size, but as I mentioned above, their sizes are very close.

For more information, please visit

To Be Continued In Part 2

Where Are All the SHOT Show Releases?

It’s December 2024, and by now, I’m usually sorting out a dozen different press releases a day from companies advertising their SHOT Show releases. A lot of times, I’ve never heard of these companies, and they get my contact info from the NSSF. Websites are republishing press releases with commentary, and the Outdoor Wire is running nearly nonstop! Normally, I’d be making a detailed plan for the show to hit the big ones. 

Yet, that’s not happening this year. Seriously, where are the new releases? What’s going on? We are in the digital age, and while there are still a lot of surprise releases at SHOT Show, most releases are shown to us months before or at least a month before. I’m almost positive the P365 was first revealed in October. 

The digital era shows us what’s gonna be at SHOT early. Big surprises are great, but if all the releases happen at SHOT, then a lot would get lost in the shuffle. Slow releases near the end of the year blend interest, get the most eyes, and help writers like me target where to stop and shop.

None of that seems to be happening this year. 

Where Are the SHOT Show Releases? 

Seriously, where are they? Taurus and Rossi have given us a few already. Charter Arms of all people released a new .380 Coyote revolver. LTT is doing an A300 Ultima Patrol Shotgun, which is slick and cool. Of all companies, Ruger has the most releases, with new versions of the 10/22 and Precision Rifle, as well as the RXM

That’s it. I mean, I’m sure I’ve missed some, but as far as guns go, there aren’t a ton of great releases that have people jumping up and down. I’m pretty sure the T-Mag from Magpul generated more interest than most of the releases we’ve seen so far. Well, besides the RXM. 

Why So Few SHOT Show Releases? 

I think we’ve hit a peak industry slump. Ever since COVID, it’s been a bit of a slump. The Trump election has also taken urgency out of firearm purchases since things like Assault Weapon Bans aren’t likely. We’ve seen companies collapse this year. Kalashnikov USA is gone, Polymer80 is gone(mostly), and so is Adams Arms. 

People have their guns, and there isn’t a ton of innovation coming out. People are famously not fond of new cartridges, like .30 Super carry. There isn’t much more we can do with current technology. Add optics here or there, add more capacity, or maybe bring back a gun like the Hi-Power and rake in the cash from millennials who haven’t inherited their parent’s collections yet. 

Still, even then, there isn’t anything crazy new or even that crazy. Sometimes, just crazy guns will garner attention, and I’m half convinced companies introduce or propose crazy guns to bring attention to their brand. It’s purposeful vaporware for guns that will never come out. 

Sadly, since Taurus has had a big change in the marketing and leadership department, we are seeing less crazy stuff and more practical stuff. They used to be my go-to with guns like the Curve and View all those years ago. 

What Will SHOT Show Be Like This Year? 

There aren’t a lot of SHOT Show releases this year unless they are hiding them all and waiting for SHOT. Fewer companies tend to be attending SHOT. Troy hasn’t been for years. SIG does its own thing now, and maybe that’s why we don’t see the typical SHOT Show releases. 

Ruger’s leading the way. I’m not trying to insult Ruger because they do make fine guns, but they tend to be conservative. They don’t often lead the new release charge. However, this year, they are killing it! I didn’t see that coming. I’m sure Taurus, Rossi, and Heritage will have some neat stuff out at the show. PSA always has some surprises. 

I’m still looking forward to the show, but I’m curious how it will be this year. I guess we’ll find out in about a month. I’ll see you there. 

Magpul Announces the EHG SG9 Grip for the SIG P320

Magpul made news recently with the Ruger RXM collaboration, but it also just released some new products for another popular pistol line, the SIG P320. The company just dropped four versions of the new EHG SG9 Grip module for SIG’s chassis-based pistol, as well as a new magazine release.

The EHG SG9 Grip

The EHG SG9 Grip series consists of four models. There are two each for the compact and full-sized P320 pistols. One for models with a manual safety, and one for models without, in each size. They’re made to work with SIG OEM P320 trigger modules and accessories. The grip modules are made from Magpul’s usual tough polymer and are available in black and FDE colors.

The EHG SG9 models have an integral “carry-sized” magazine well flare. The Compact models are designed to accept a SIG OEM or Magpul P320 15-round magazine. The Full-Sized grip modules accept SIG 17-round magazines as well as Magpul’s 17-round mag. The frames include a Picatinny rail for lights or lasers.

The frames come with the new Magpul-designed SIG P320 SG9 Magazine Release installed. The magazine release is made from steel and has a corrosion-resistant QPQ finish. The release is contoured and has custom jimping to facilitate magazine changes. It’s reversible for left-handed shooters as well. The Magazine release is also available by itself as an upgrade for other grip modules and has an MSRP of $24.95.

The EHG SG9 Grip frames have a ¾-scale TSP texturing for a positive grip, even in wet conditions. The frames are 1.25ʺ wide and weigh just over 4 ounces. They’re also equipped with a lanyard slot at the bottom of the frame’s backstrap for additional retention.

The EHG SG9 Grip modules are reasonably priced at an MSRP of $59.95 and will be available on

EHG SG9 Grip Full Size W/O Manual Safety Specs:


7.1″L x 4.3″H x 1.4″W, max
4.3 oz. weight


Fits all SIG P320-family full-size models that accept a 17-round magazine.

NOTE: This model (MAG1364) is for pistols without a manual safety. For models with a manual safety, purchase MAG1395.
Magazines: Compatible with OEM SIG P320 17-round and larger magazines or Magpul AMAG™ 17 SG9™ – SIG P320™/M17™ (MAG1331).
Holsters: Known fit with Safariland models 7390-7TS, 7362-7TS, 7360-7TS RDS; Bladetech Total Eclipse; Raven Concealment models Vanguard, Perun, Perun-LC; Blackhawk models ARC, SERPA CQC; and Fobus Evolution.
Lights: Compatible with Surefire X300 Family/XH Family, Streamlight TLR family, and LMD Pistol Enhancer (LMD-PE-IR-1).

EHG SG9 Grip Compact W/O Manual Safety


7.1″L x 4.2″H x 1.2″W, max
4.2 oz. weight


Fits all SIG P320-family compact models that accept a 15-round magazine.

NOTE: This model (MAG1430) is for pistols without a manual safety. For models with a manual safety, purchase MAG1431.
Magazines: Compatible with OEM SIG P320 15-round and larger magazines.
Holsters: Known fit with Safariland models 7390-7TS, 7362-7TS, 7360-7TS RDS; Bladetech Total Eclipse; Raven Concealment models Vanguard, Perun, Perun-LC; Blackhawk models ARC, SERPA CQC; and Fobus Evolution.
Lights: Compatible with Surefire X300 Family/XH Family, Streamlight TLR family, and LMD Pistol Enhancer (LMD-PE-IR-1).

For more information, check out

Ruger Leads The Charge into 2025

I like Ruger. I think their automatics are often ignored, but they are a solid budget-conscious choice in a sea of polymer plainness. Their revolvers are either tanks or the LCR, and there is hardly anything in between. Their ARs range from solid starter models to holy crap, this is a really small AR-10.

If you had told me that Ruger would seemingly be leading the charge for new releases into 2025, I would have laughed. Ruger makes solid guns, but they are rarely an innovator. Look how long it took them to get a PCC out the door. 

Typically, Ruger takes time to release anything new. They don’t submit to the fads and whims of the gun industry. However, in the last few years, things have changed. I think the LC Carbine, LC 45, and LC 10mm have shown that Ruger is making changes. Coming into 2025, Ruger seems to be leading the charge into SHOT Show 2025. They have three notable releases 

The Ruger RXM 

Ruger’s biggest release has been the RXM. The RXM, or Ruger X Magpul, is a collaboration between Ruger and Magpul for what’s essentially a modified Glock Gen 3. Yep, Ruger is making a Glock. Specifically, they are making a 19-inch Glock. It’s a polymer frame, striker-fired 9mm, that’s compact and takes Glock mags. It’s compatible with Glock Gen 3 accessories and the aftermarket.

It’s not just a Glock Gen 3. The RXM uses a removable chassis system, much like the SIG P320. The RXM gives us the Glock compatibility, reliability, and everything we love about Glock, with a removable fire control chassis. This allows you to swap grip modules, which seems silly at first. Swapping from compact to full size is a bit overblown, but what about things like the Flux Raider? 

Imagine having the Glock series of compatibility and reliability, with the ability to create a PDW? An SBR? A braced pistol? That’s all in the realm of possibility. The RXM has an interesting future, and it was quite the surprise.

Ruger Precision Rifle Gen 2 

Ruger’s Precision Rifle created a legitimate precision rifle that is out of the box and could get you into precision shooting. It wasn’t fancy. It was heavy but reliable, very accurate, and perfect for entry-level long-range shooters. It’s been around for years now, and Ruger has finally decided to upgrade the gun.

The Generation 2 of the Ruger Precision Rifle will come in six calibers, including 6mm Creedmoor, 6.5 Creedmoor, .308 Winchester, .300 Win Mag, .300 PRC, and .338 Lapua Mag.

The Gen 2 Ruger Precision Rifle features a heavy contour, a cold hammer-forged barrel, an improved muzzle brake, a Magpul MOE-K2 vertical pistol grip, and a black DLC-coated bolt. The aluminum handguard is equipped with M-LOK slots for compatible accessories and also features an ARCA rail machined into the underside. The new stock is nice, and users of Gen 1 RPRs can swap it if they choose to do so. 

Ruger Ultra Lightweight 10/22 Carbon Fiber 

America’s favorite rimfire rifle, the 10/22 is getting a facelift this year. The new Ruger ultra Lightweight 10/22 series is cutting the pounds as its New Year’s Resolution. To do so, they’ve implemented a 16.1-inch cold hammer-forged tensioned barrel with a carbon fiber sleeve. The carbon fiber cuts weight while reducing vibration and improving accuracy. 

Ruger is doing two of these ultra-lightweight models. One will feature a Magpul stock. The other will have a custom chassis from Grey Birch. Weight has been dropped to as little as 3.5 pounds. This makes these semi-auto rifles absurdly light. The BX triggers are also a nice touch. It shows that our old friend, 10/22, still has some room to grow and expand into a new market. 

Ruger Leads The Way 

Ruger is killing it this year. Who knows what SHOT Show will bring? I love it when companies take charge and move forward, and Ruger is doing just that. Maybe they’ll bring back the Ruger MP9 as a braced pistol? A guy can dream, right? Until then, maybe an LC Charger in 5.7 will make a fantastic PDW, and a Ruger RXM will be calling my name. Ooh, maybe a grip module based on the MP9? Just maybe! 

Pull Start Fire — Get That Blaze Burning Fast!

Pull Start Fire
Photo courtesy Pull Start Fire.

In many survival situations, fire is a critical need. My typical go-to fire-making tools at home or on the trail are a BIC lighter or a ferrocerium rod. But it’s always a good idea to hedge your bets when it comes to being prepared. That’s where Pull Start Fire comes in.

I came across this product a couple of years ago. It looked intriguing, so I bought a three-pack to play around with at home. I’ve been impressed with it enough to buy a few more boxes and keep them stashed in a few kits.

What is Pull Start Fire?

It’s a box that’s about the size of a small remote control. The box is wrapped in plastic to keep it from getting wet or damaged. At one end of the box, you’ll find a green cord. There’s a red one at the opposite end.

Photo courtesy Pull Start Fire.

Here’s how it all works. Start by putting together a fire lay with some logs and kindling. You want at least one log that’s three or four inches thick, if possible. Remove the plastic from the Pull Start Fire box as well as the yellow safety tab. Loop the green cord around the log at the base of the fire. Brace that log with your foot, then quickly pull the red cord. You’ll hear a “pop” noise and smoke will start pouring out from the box. In a few seconds, the box will start to flame up.

Photo courtesy Pull Start Fire.

Once ignited, the box will burn briskly for a long time, upwards of 20-30 minutes, in my experience.

Photo courtesy Pull Start Fire.

Pros and Cons

I love that Pull Start Fire works without any additional ignition equipment. It’s entirely self-contained. There’s also no need for tinder, as this serves that purpose in the fire-making process. While it’s sealed in plastic, it’s essentially waterproof. The manufacturer states it’s perfectly fine to keep in a vehicle, even during the hot summer months. They’ve rated it as safe up to about 400F. Once ignited, it’s pretty much windproof and rainproof, though dousing it with water will put out the flame.

The manufacturer gives it a minimum shelf life of five years. They follow that up by saying, “That being said, there is no component that would suggest Pull Start Fire would have anything but an indefinite shelf life!” They also state that you can safely cook over their product.

But, it’s a little heavy and bulky to pack, especially as it’s a single-use item. The box measures about five inches long, two inches wide, and an inch thick. It weighs about 3.6 ounces. It’s also a little pricey at about $5.00 per fire, though that price goes down with the larger quantity packs that are available for purchase.


I keep at least one Pull Start Fire box in each of my vehicle emergency kits, my evacuation kit, and all of my hiking packs. I don’t look at this product as my primary fire-starting tool or method. But if I were in a bad situation and I desperately needed to get a fire going fast, I’d reach for Pull Start Fire without hesitation.

You can view videos of Pull Start Fire in action at It’s available for purchase there as well as at Amazon.

Billy Waugh DEMO Knife

RYP Design has partnered with two Special Forces legends to create the Billy Waugh DEMO Knife.

Two legends in the outdoors industry, Robert Young Pelton and William W. Harsey, honor a hero, Army Special Forces and CIA Paramilitary Legend Billy Waugh. The Billy Waugh DEMO Knife was born by honoring a Life Behind the Line!

“Which knives did you use, and what do you wish you had?” Robert asked. Billy replied that one of his favorites was an Army-issued stainless steel folding knife called the Demo.


RYP Design is a new venture where Pelton collaborates with designers and legends to create unique products, including books, graphic novels, and knives. He partnered with William W. Harsey, a renowned designer known for his legendary combat knives, including those he created with Colonel Rex Applegate and Chief James Watson.

Notable designs include the Neil Roberts Warrior Knife, dedicated to a fallen soldier, and the Yarborough Knife, presented to U.S. Army Special Forces graduates. With Billy Waugh’s extensive experience, they aim to produce exceptional knives like the DEMO, which embodies the spirit of RYP Design.

Billy Waugh DEMO Knife

The Billy Waugh DEMO is a robust medium-large EDC knife, measuring just over 9 inches when open. It features a 3.78-inch blade made from Böhler M390 steel, hardened to 60 on the Rockwell scale, and coated with stonewashed matte black PVD.

The handle is crafted from durable diamond-patterned 3D titanium and provides a substantial grip. With the IKBS (Ikoma Korth Bearing System), blade deployment is ultra-smooth and effortless. 

Additionally, the knife includes a tungsten carbide glass breaker at the pommel and a replaceable flathead screw. The deep pocket combat clip, engraved with Billy Waugh’s signature, allows for easy, tip-up carry.

Talon Spike

The spike and awl were versatile tools for completing tasks.

This tool resembles a narwhale more than a typical Swiss Army Knife awl. Made from 440 stainless steel, it features a rounded and smooth design, making it more of a gouger than a driller. It splices rope and untangles knots more effectively as it expands gradually and doesn’t have a sharp edge, instead wedging the cordage without cutting.

The tool stays solid during use, has a wide thumb nick for easy handling, and operates smoothly on bronze washers, delivering powerful punctures.

Deploy It Right

The IKBS enables smooth blade deployment through various methods. While there’s no thumb stud, a recessed area transitions seamlessly into a fuller, allowing for a slow roll pinch opening. Although flicking the blade with the forefinger or middle finger can be quick, it requires practice, and I prefer the flipper. A simple wrist motion combined with pressing down on the flipper makes for rapid deployment, resembling an automatic switchblade. 

In reverse mode (tip up), a middle finger flick with a wrist snap opens the blade quickly. The cutout allows for pinch-gripping and wrist flicks, and for a slower approach, you can use one hand to hold the knife while the other utilizes the cutout like a nail nick. Both methods work well for deploying the blade.

Make It Back DEMO Knife

The Billy Waugh DEMO knife exceeded my expectations during rigorous testing. Right out of the box, it easily shaved hair from my arm. For heavier tasks, I tested it on a thick rubber hose, where it sliced through effortlessly. 

The blade effectively scraped the fatwood at a precise 90-degree angle, resulting in a pile that measured the size of a 50-cent piece.

Deploying the blade was smooth, thanks to well-designed bronze washers and a deep nail nick, allowing easy access even in low light. I tested its puncturing ability on an empty metal MotoMix canister, which it penetrated with ease, and then on a rubber tire, again demonstrating excellent comfort and performance. The sharp spike, which I prefer to call a talon, is a valuable feature of this knife.

A 500-pound length of tow strapping was successfully cut using the Billy Waugh demo knife.

During the blade tests, slashing, stabbing, and slicing were evaluated. The blade punctured light metal canisters, demonstrating solid performance. Using an icepick grip and leather gloves, the DEMO easily stabbed through the MotoMix canister, pivoting back and forth. The sharp blade sliced through the second canister just as effortlessly.

Next, the Böhler steel blade was tested on heavy nylon tow strapping, requiring a sawing motion to cut through. Despite the tough job, the handle remained comfortable, and the lock functioned well. Fatwood shavings were created at a 90-degree angle, producing small, thin curls ideal for igniting. I stabbed a rubber tire, then successfully created feather sticks, confirming the edge’s sharpness before the final challenge.

Feather sticks were easily made after testing the Billy Waugh demo knife without any touch-ups; edge geometry is key.


Slicing a tomato is a true test for any knife. After days of use, it cut through a tomato effortlessly, with a secure lock and no blade play. It proved a real fighter, just like its namesake, Billy Waugh!

The awl/spike was undeniably the ultimate puncture champion across all materials, excelling particularly with rubber tires.

Billy Waugh DEMO Knife Specs

Overall Length9.13 inches/ 232 millimeters
Blade Length3.78 inches/ 96 millimeters
SteelBöhler M390 
Rockwell Hardness60
Blade CoatingMatte black PVD
Blade Thickness.16″/ 4 millimeters
Handle Material3D Titanium
Weight6.80 ounces/ 193grams
Made inItaly

For more information, check out STRAACK.

How to Carry a .32 ACP

I’m a big advocate for the .32 ACP. I don’t think it’s the best possible cartridge for concealed carry, but I think it’s the best option for a pocket-carry semi-auto handgun. It has half the recoil of a .380 ACP and offers one more round in most guns. When compared to a .22LR, you get centerfire reliability and deeper, more consistent penetration. In my opinion, it’s the best option for a pocket pistol. 

However, it’s not as plug-and-play as other calibers. By the title of this article, you might be wondering why you need an entire article on how to carry .32 ACP. It’s largely a matter of proper ammo selection, and there are some factors you have to consider. In fact, when it comes to carrying .32 ACP, you have to ignore a lot of common knowledge to get an effective, man-stopping round. 

Let’s dissect some of those intricacies and discuss how to carry a .32 ACP the right way. 

Avoid Hollowpoints

Yep, you don’t want to use hollowpoints when it comes time to carry a .32 ACP. While conventional knowledge says that a carry gun needs jacketed hollowpoints, that’s not the case here. With a .32, we are going to avoid JHPs for two reasons. 

The first is simply due to their effectiveness. Jacketed hollow points expand, which allows the cartridge to deal with more direct impact damage. However, it also slows down the projectile and prevents overpenetration. 

With the .32, the expansion is not all that beneficial. The expansion can prevent the projectile from penetrating deep enough to reach something vital when fired from a short little barrel. We want good penetration but don’t get it from a .32 ACP. 

Second, the .32 ACP can suffer from something called rimlock. This is a semi-rimmed cartridge. The rim makes it sensitive to overall length changes. A lot of JHP cut the tip off the billet, which creates a shorter overall length cartridge. 

The shorter length allows the cartridge to move forward and backward in the magazine, which, when combined with the semi-rimmed cartridge, can cause one round to lock another in the magazine, which causes a failure to feed. 

The Right FMJs 

If we aren’t going with hollow points, then we are going with FMJs. Which FMJs? There are plenty out there. What we want is a heavy, fast round. The Europeans love the .32 ACP and love hotter-than-average rounds. The Spanish company I will forever mispronounce, Fiocchi, produces some of the best carry .32 ACP ammo. 

The Spanish arms industry started with the Ruby pistol and World War I, a Spanish .32 pistol that was spread far and wide with the French. These guys know their .32s. The Fiocchi 73-grain FMJ is perfect for concealed carry. From a pocket pistol-sized barrel, the cartridge can still penetrate deep enough to meet the established FBI standards. 

Any European-loaded 71 to 73-grain FMJ is the way to go. The Euros load the .32 a little hotter than us. Fiocchi is the most common load on the American market. 

The Right Gun 

There aren’t a ton of .32 ACP pistols on the market these days. Modern options come down to the KelTec P32, the Beretta 3032, the Beretta 30X, and the Seecamp LWS-32. If you’re choosing between one of these guns, avoid the Beretta 3032. 

I love the little Tomcat, but the 73-grain European loads will crack its frame. Maybe not immediately, but Beretta specifically warns about using any ammo that exceeds 129 foot-pounds of energy. 

Not So Simple 

Shooting and carrying the old .32 ACP round isn’t as simple or as plug-and-play as 9mm, .380 ACP, or other cartridges. It takes a little research and a little planning. While it might not seem intuitive, the .32 ACP is an awesome cartridge for self-defense, especially if you want to carry a featherweight pocket pistol. 

Bushmaster Releases the MUTA II BM556 Suppressor

It seems like everyone is involved in the suppressor game these days, including Bushmaster Firearms. That’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned, because that means the suppressor market is alive and thriving. They just released their MUTA II BM556, the next generation of the original MUTA suppressor line.

The Bushmaster MUTA II BM556 Suppressor

Bushmaster is touting the MUTA II as being lighter, quieter, and more compact than the original Bushmaster MUTA suppressor. It’s just 5.65 inches long and weighs only 12.25 ounces. It’s the lightest and shortest 5.56 dedicated suppressor that Bushmaster has made so far. The MUTA II BM556 reduces the sound signature on 5.56 NATO rounds by a 14.0% reduction at the left ear, a 15.4% reduction at the muzzle, and a 15.9% reduction at the right ear.

While compact, it’s built tough and designed to efficiently dissipate heat and deliver exceptional accuracy and repeatability. It’s made to maintain accuracy due to the suppressors’ concentricity being machined to tight tolerances. This also leads to a minimal point of impact shift. Bushmaster’s custom baffle design is made to help with felt recoil, flash, and enhanced sound reduction as well.

The MUTA II BM556 is 3D-printed with Inconel 625. Inconel 625 is a nickel-based superalloy that was designed in the 1990’s. It offers high strength properties and resistance to elevated temperatures, which make it perfect for suppressor use. The MUTA II has a rugged Cerakote finish to further enhance the durability of the suppressor. It has a threaded front cap and removable baffles, so it’s easily user-serviceable.

The MUTA II comes with a 1/2 X 28 thread pitch and is designed for 5.56mm and .223 Remington caliber platforms, and is full auto rated. MSRP is $709.95.

MUTA II BM556 Specifications:

Caliber5.56 / .223
Thread Pitch1/2 X 28
MaterialInconel® 625
Outer Diameter at Flare1.815 inches
Outer Diameter at Suppressor Body1.675 inches
Weight12.25 ounces
Full-Auto RatedYes

For more information on the MUTA II BM556, check out the Bushmaster Firearms website at

Training Vs. Reviews – Skills and Consumerism

I love reviewing guns. I started writing about guns because I like shooting them. The core work of reviewing a gun is shooting it. Rarely do I dislike the process of shooting a gun. Even a bad gun can be fun to shoot, and there is some thrill to uncovering the reason why a gun is bad. With that said, should the firearms and media apparatus disembark from the reliance on gun and gear reviews? Are all these reviews and review culture a net positive? Should there be a better focus on training? 

It’s easy to see why reviews are popular. People like guns, people like new guns. Thus, people read reviews about guns. It shows across the internet. Ben Stoeger offers videos of his entire class for free, and some have less than 100K views. However, reviews of new handguns and rifles from popular creators explode. 

Articles are the same way. Metrics on training articles are read less than gun and gear reviews. Some people read reviews for research purposes. Other people read reviews about guns after they’ve bought them to help reaffirm the purchase they’ve made. Some folks, like me, are just hardcore and enjoy reading and watching information about new guns. 

Reviews are also easy on the viewer. They aren’t challenging you or pressuring you to do anything. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the content. 

What’s The Downside of Gun and Gear Reviews? 

Gun and gear reviews push what’s admittedly a consumerist mindset. Sometimes, people like buying and owning guns more than they like shooting them. Sometimes, this is for the free likes and upvotes on social media, so they buy guns purely for flex purposes. Other people just like to collect guns as a whole.

That’s fine. I don’t think owning lots of guns you don’t shoot all that often is bad. I have a small collection of S&Ws in .32 S&W Long that I rarely ever shoot. However, I don’t think gun media pushing consumerism is all that great. The firearms media has an influence on the entirety of gun culture, and if we are focusing entirely on reviews, we are propagating consumerism. 

If we have the power to influence the gun community and gun culture, then should we be using that power to encourage more training

Should The Gun Media Focus On Training? 

Training isn’t easy, and it can be humbling. If you’ve only ever shot at your local range and have been the best shot in your friend group, then you might not realize your skill level as a whole. Go to a competition, and you’ll be humbled almost immediately. A lot of folks don’t realize how little they know about shooting until they’re tested. 

Good training could propel the firearms culture forward. A focus on shooting and using your guns from the firearms media could help propel the idea forward with the general firearms world. I don’t think I, as an individual, have this steam. 

I’m a small-time gun writer, so I’m not sniffing my own wanna-be influencer farts. I’m talking about the big guys, the big YouTube channels, Instagram gun guys, and the mainstream magazines like Recoil. 

Having a community that’s just loaded to the teeth with guns and ammo isn’t as valuable as having a community that’s well-trained in marksmanship, weapon handling, and safety. Those hard skills are invaluable. If you have one less AR-15 in exchange for one carbine class, I think it’s a worthwhile trade. 

It’ll also be better for gun rights. Better-trained shooters can make better arguments. Not only that, but the more people train, the more likely they will come together, and a community can be formed. 

Gun And Gear Reviews Are Still Valuable

Gun and gear reviews are still great. I think they are needed, and I think they are better now than they’ve ever been. I don’t think we need to stop gun and gear reviews, and I don’t think people who write or film reviews are wrong. 

My solution is just maybe to push more training articles and videos. Specifically, push more training to the end user alongside those reviews. Make training a part of your review even. This doesn’t remove the challenge of training and getting people ushered into it. That’s the difficult part of training.


Where do you start? Maybe we need more class reviews? Take classes from recognized instructors and publish those reviews. Make sure the class difficulty is part of the review, and much like guns, aim to point out who the class is for. These are just some simple ideas that have been occupying my brain housing group. 

I think gaining and skill growth should be as focused as reviews, and as the gun media, we should make it happen. 

The Nokbox – Get Your Affairs in Order

Photo courtesy Nokbox.

Few people like to think about it, but face facts—nobody gets out of life alive. With that in mind, it’s important to plan ahead for your eventual demise, and the Nokbox is an excellent tool in that regard.

My dad passed in 2019. He’d been in declining health for several years, having basically given up after my mom passed in 2008. I tried talking to him about his last wishes, estate information, and all that fun stuff several times over the years. All he would tell me was that everything I needed was in a file in his desk. When the time came and I pulled out that file, all that was inside was a two-page Will, nothing else.

It took my wife and me several months to sort through all of his accounts. It seemed like every day brought a new headache to the mix. The vast majority of the hassles could have been eliminated if we’d had the Nokbox set up ahead of time.

What is the Nokbox?

In a very real sense, it’s your life in a box. The Original Nokbox comes with everything you need to organize all of the information your Next of Kin (the Nok in Nokbox) will want after you’ve passed.

There are 15 color-coded file folders. These are set up as categories, such as Primary Residence, Vehicles, and Bank Accounts. Inside each of the category folders are various relevant subfolders. For example, in the Primary Residence folder, you’ll find folders for Mortgage or Lease, Utilities & HOA, Maintenance & Repairs, People, and Home Inventory & Other Information.

Photo courtesy Nokbox.

Each of those subfolders has a corresponding instructional sheet. On one side of the sheet, you’ll fill in relevant information. There is also a checklist of forms and other paperwork you’ll want to track down and place into the folder. On the other side of the sheet is where you’ll put specific instructions to your next of kin.

The level of detail in the Nokbox is remarkable. Looking at the instructions for the Mortgage or Lease sheet, it drills down everything from the mortgage lienholder or landlord and where those payments are made to detailing all accounts related to the property, such as home equity loans and homeowner’s insurance policies. Everything is straightforward and easy to follow.

Photo courtesy Nokbox.

A detailed set of instructions explains exactly how it all works. The folks at Nokbox have truly left nothing to chance. There’s no guesswork involved at all. There is even a Friends folder, so your next of kin knows who to notify about your passing.

Extra Security

The Original Nokbox comes with a couple of zippered pouches along with the file folders. One of the pouches is for Protected Documents. This is for things like your property deed and vehicle titles. As you go through the Nokbox instructions, they’ll tell you what to put into that pouch. You store the pouch in a safe or other secure location.

The second pouch is for keys and it comes with colored tags to keep it all organized. These will be spare keys for your home, outbuildings, vehicles, and such. Store this pouch with the Protected Documents one.

It’s important to understand that the Nokbox is merely an organizational tool. Nothing here is legal advice. They aren’t telling you or your next of kin how to settle your estate. They’re just giving you an easy way to have everything they’ll need right at their fingertips.

This is a lot of work, especially if you’re not particularly well-organized. But I can tell from experience that this is something your family will truly appreciate.

For more information, please visit Nokbox.

Cartels Vs. JSOC

(U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Daniel Childs)

Brandan Buck of the CATO Institute recently wrote a piece on why it’s a bad idea to use ‘Special Forces‘ against the cartels. I assume when Mr. Buck says Special Forces, he means America’s special operations troops as a whole and not just the Army’s Green berets. He and I mostly agree. I think using Spec Ops to eliminate the cartel would be expensive, unproductive, and draw us into another forever war. A war where we might have all the watches, but the cartel has the time. 

Where Mr. Buck and I disagree is his statement about the cartels being a ‘near-peer’ force to American Special Operations. Cartel violence is getting closer and closer to the border and becoming even more vicious. It’s true the cartels are well-armed and violent, but they would get smashed by American special operations forces. The cartel would quickly learn why the United States doesn’t have universal healthcare. 

The Cartels and Their Weaponry 

Mr. Buck points out that the cartel has armored vehicles, crew-served weapons, and the ability to use IEDs and UAVs carrying explosives. He also seems to state that cartels have surface-to-air missiles. In the link he provides, the USA Today story doesn’t seem definitive, but it’s a rumor, and let’s assume they do. 

That doesn’t make them near peers. Their armored vehicles are armored trucks, not tanks and APCs. Their crew-served weapons are an impressive array of belt-fed machine guns and even RPGs and grenade launchers. Some of the cartels even have military training. That’s true, but that doesn’t make them a near-peer, especially to our best and brightest. 


A picture of a soldier tells a lot. You can get an idea of his experience, training, and overall discipline. We have hundreds of pictures of cartel troops, which aren’t impressive. Some have body armor that looks as clean as Howard Hughes’ house. Clean gear means they haven’t trained in it. 

Second, their plate carriers, belts, and general loadout look like a pulled all over them. There are pouches everywhere and seemingly in nonsensical positions. They seem to believe more is better than less. The nonsensical loadouts also show they aren’t training with their gear. 


Admittedly, their weapons vary. Many have modern rifles, but a quarter of them don’t have sights. The other quarter mounts optics to their handguards, and the last half might have a competent setup if it features a fixed carry handle and FSB. They certainly aren’t training that hard or shooting that much. 

The Cartels – More Than Gear

Why do we have so many pictures of cartel members in gear? Because they have no concept of SIGINT or OPSEC. There are cartel Instagram pages a competent intelligence analyst could scrape for days. Say what you want about the Taliban, but they seemed pretty damn humble compared to the cartel. They post their little videos and pictures as a means to intimidate others but are giving away a lot of intel to a potential enemy. 

Cartel soldiers do the job for money. Say what you want about the Taliban, but at least they had a belief system. Sure, they got paid, but a lot of them were true believers. How many cartel soldiers will pick up a gun when the money stops flowing? 

Spec Ops and the Cartel 

Let’s send the CIA, DEVGRU, CAG, SF, SEALS, and some Air Force PJs and MARSOC Marines at the cartel. The cartel and their fancy equipment aren’t much of a match. Your armored truck is great until a drone you can’t see or hear puts a Hellfire into it. Your crew serves. It doesn’t matter when a guy puts a laser you can’t see in your position, and a missile erases it from the face of the earth. 

Your Instagram post leads a group of dudes with beards and Multicam to your bedroom, and a black bag is put over your face. Your money to pay troops starts to dry up as fentanyl and meth labs are destroyed. 


Guys with the world’s best nightvision are coming in and cutting your balls off. In the first week of fighting, the cartel will quickly learn that they don’t stand a chance at night and will likely only fight during the day. This leaves ample opportunity for American forces to take advantage of the night for all sorts of situations. 

The cartel forces regularly get their asses kicked by the Mexican Marines. Mexican Marines are tough dudes but don’t have the funding, training, or 23 years of experience with the Global War on Terror that American Special Operations has. 

Not So Near Peer 

The Taliban was toppled in days by US Forces, and the Iraqi Army was done in a month. I imagine the cartel would face the same fate. They would have massive losses very early and very quickly. Then, it’d develop into a quagmire we couldn’t solve. Ten years and three trillion dollars later, we’d leave, and the cartel would rise once again. 

I don’t think military action would solve the problem, but I don’t think the cartel counts as a near-peer organization.