Matador Arms have always been pistol caliber carbine people in one way or another. I first discovered the company through their MAG-X blocks, which converted a MIL-SPEC AR lower to various pistol magazine formats. Over the years, the company grew and evolved, and this year is the first time they’ve released an entire firearm. These are large format pistols that fire 9mm and got by the name MAT-9 and MAT-9K.
The MAT-9 and MAT-9K – A New Type of Subgun
The MAT-9 and MAT-9K dances the AR-15 jig in their use of an upper and lower receiver design. The guns do not have a receiver extension or buffer and buffer spring like a normal AR platform. This ‘bufferless’ design results in very compact platforms that can utilize folding braces or stocks if you seek out a tax stamp. The MAT-9K features an uber-short five-inch barrel, and the standard MAT-9 uses an eight-inch barrel.
These are straight blowback-operated firearms and use Glock pattern magazines. The setup uses a buffer contained in the upper receiver, and the charging handle is pushed to the front of the gun, where it rides over the top of the barrel. The charging handle is reversible for left or right-handed shooters.
When we get to the lower receiver, we get fully ambidextrous controls that are very compact but super easy to reach and use. I had the gun in hand, and it was absolutely fantastic. My fingers grubbed their way to each control with absolute ease. They are AR-like and very functional. The gun does feature a last-round bolt hold open for those quick reloads.
The upper and lower are billet designs that look fantastic. I’m really excited about these little subguns. I think a folding 1913 brace and the MAT-9K would be a fantastic and fun little gun. The price isn’t too steep for a novel design. The complete gun will run $999.99.
Global Ordnance is well known for importing various weapons from various countries. This includes the Arex pistols, the Stribog, and the Grand Power pistols. They’ve imported and sold ammo, and they sell everything from 9mm to artillery shells. Literal artillery shells. It was certainly interesting to see that at SHOT 2024 they teamed up with some of the biggest names in the business to produce their very own rifle, which goes by the name Monolith.
What’s a Monolith?
The team behind the Monolith includes Dead Air, which helps produce a muzzle device that it incorporated into the real star of the show, the barrel. The Monolith uses a monolithic barrel. The muzzle device, gas block, and barrel are all one piece of metal. The idea is not only do you have a tougher overall gun, but a more accurate one. Less stuff messing with the barrel is better.
The Monolith looks AR-like, but don’t let that fool you. It ditches the classic receiver extension and buffer tube. This means we get folding stocks and braces. The gun will come as a 16-inch rifle, and a 12.6-inch option for pistols and SBRs. The Monolith will come equipped with an ACR-like stock that collapses and folds and houses a cheek rest for easy optics use. The pistol version will have a 1913 rail section for brace mounting.
The rifle’s gas block is mounted at a 45-degree angle, which is another big part of the gun’s magic. It means a more efficient system for operating the rifle. This results in a rifle that’s properly gassed without being overgassed, and it’s optimized for suppressor use which includes the user experience. Suppressed Monolith rifles won’t bathe their users in gas blowback.
Beyond Average
Of course, we get all the normal gizmos, like an M-LOK rail, completely ambidextrous controls, an optics rail, and all that jazz. It’s a fairly lightweight rifle, and it’s well-balanced. The models at SHOT had excellent triggers and crisp controls. The only control that’s not completely ambidextrous is the charging handle, but it is reversible for lefties. The MSRP starts at 1,149 dollars, so it’s not priced out of the grasp of most modern rifles.
I’m pretty excited about the gun, and I’m not sure if I should go with a pistol or rifle, but I reckon I’ll figure it out sooner or later.
We are all on a budget; some are tighter than others. While some let the Mk. 23 make the decisions, others are looking for a practical, affordable handgun. For years, the S&W SDVE series of handguns have been the answer. S&W has a solid reputation, and the SDVE series are very practical firearms that are priced to move. The SDVE has gotten a facelift, and the SD9 2.0 is here to stay.
The SD9 2.0 – The New Face of Budget Pistols
The SD9 2.0 takes the same basic design of the SDVE series, which itself was upgraded from the Sigma, and refines it. It’s only available in 9mm now and fits into what we call a compact frame. Picture a gun that’s roughly Glock 19-sized. It’s practical and sized right for home defense or daily carry. It sports that polymer frame and striker-fired action with a 16-round magazine. I’ve basically described every modern handgun with that said. The gun also has a rail, but that’s about it as far as extra features.
No optics cut, no gas pedal, and it doesn’t know how to pronounce the word ambidextrous. The SD9 2.0’s biggest improvement upon its ancestor is the trigger. I have a conspiracy theory that S&W purposefully made the SDVE triggers terrible so people would pitch extra money to get the M&P series. Well, they’ve mostly resolved that issue. The SD9 2.0’s trigger is so much better than the SDVE.
It’s still a little longer than most, a little spongier than most, and the reset isn’t the shortest, but it is much lighter and more consistent than the older SDVE trigger. There are a few other minor upgrades to cosmetics, and grip texture but not much more. They wisely kept the same magazine platform, and the SD9 will fit most SDVE holsters.
Here is the craziest upgrade: the price. Its MSRP is $349, which is 60 bucks less than the older gun. Yep, it’s better and cheaper. I think S&W is making money moves with the SD9 2.0. It’s budget-friendly, has excellent features, and even at a time of record inflation, the price is lower than the original gun.
Clint Smith is one of the most knowledgeable instructors in the game. He’s a Marine, a Vietnam veteran and has been training shooters since before I was born. Thunder Ranch is his shooting school located in beautiful Oregon. The man knows a thing or two about guns and has partnered with Mossbegr a number of times to create special editions of their shotguns. The latest combination from Mossberg and Clint is Mossberg 940 Tactical Thunder Ranch.
Thunder Ranch and Mossberg Does it Again
The Mossberg 940 Thunder Ranch takes Mossberg’s killer semi-auto design and adds a few features Clint decided the gun needed. It retains the reliable semi-auto action, the patent-pending optics cut, the adjustable LOP, and M-LOK sling and accessory point but adds a number of QD slots to the stock and handguard for sling usage. These slots are a more modern option for more modern tactical slings. Up top, the safety has been swapped for a bigger, beefier model with some heavy stippling for positive engagement.
Of course, it bears the Thunder Ranch logo and a custom cerakote that looks fantastic. While the upgrades seem simple to many, they are the upgrades someone who uses shotguns on the reg will certainly appreciate.
They address my own complaints with the Mossberg Sling points and safety. Of course, I can appreciate this specialized, custom model, but I’m frustrated that I purchased a 940 Tactical a little too early and didn’t get my hands on the Thunder Ranch Model.
The Thunder Ranch gun is available now, and the MSRP is 1,295 dollars. It’s got a slight premium over the standard 940 Tactical, but I think it’s worth the little extra green. What about you? Does Clint’s take on the Mossberg 940 tickle your fancy enough to give up the extra cash?
Sometimes, companies get really good at doing one thing, and that’s fine. For decades, Heritage Manufacturing has produced the Rough Rider. The Rough Rider is a .22LR single-action army clone. They’ve produced a number of different models of the Rough Rider, but it’s been the same core gun. It seemed like that was what Heritage did and would continue to do…until now. Heritage has kept the American Western motif but expanded into a side-by-side shotgun called the Badlander and a series of lever actions known as the Settler.
The Badlander and Settler – What’s In a Name
I’ll give Heritage Manufacturing credit for producing good, memorable names for their guns.
The Badlander is a 12 gauge shotgun with a box lock design. The gun has dark wood furniture that looks fantastic. The finish is also very dark and quite nice. The authoritative look of the double-barrel shotgun is captured perfectly. It’s very simple and arguably very plain. The sight is a simple gold bead that sits atop two trim 18.5-inch barrels. It occupies that coach gun look and feel, and while it’s likely intended to be a recreational shotgun, the Heritage Badlander could very easily be a working tool.
The Heritage Settler is a series of lever-action weapons. We have the standard Settler, the Settler Compact, and the Settler Mares Leg. The Settler has a 20-inch barrel, and the Settler compact packs a shorter 16-inch option. The Mare’s Leg is a lever action handgun with a 12.5-inch barrel. These guns have buckhorn sights, tubular magazines, and nice pretty wood furniture. Plus, the receivers have a burnt bronze look to them.
Heritage also released a Tactical Rancher carbine with a scope mount, which was a feature I really wanted when I purchased my Rancher carbine. The Badlander and Settler series are the stars of the show, but it deserves a mention.
Like most Heritage Manufacturing firearms, these are very affordable firearms. The Badlander has an MSRP of 893.99, and the Settlers are going for right around 500 dollars with some variation depending on the model.
Is it the year of the MP7? It seems like it. Tommy Built had their model at the B&T booth to show off and make us lust after. Farrow Tech released a dress up kit for the CP33, which is best described as the MP7 we have at home. Then, of course, Palmetto State Armory released their own take on the MP7. Their MP7 chambers the ‘other’ PDW cartridge, the 5.7x28mm. PSA’s MP7 wannabe is what brought me to PSA’s booth, but what kept me there was PSA’s first shotgun, the 570.
The Rock Meets the MP7
Dedicated groups of HK fanboys have wanted an MP7 for just about as long as HK has produced them. PSA ultimately saw the demand and must have thought, hey, we like money. Thus, they began working on their take on the design. It’s not a purist’s take on the MP7, but it’s close enough to satisfy my wants and needs. PSA started with the Rock 5.7 handgun and began turning it into the MP7.
The gun retains the lever-delayed action of the Rock, which is a lower recoil operation method than the MP7’s straight blowback design. The PSA MP7 will have a retractable brace, an optics rail, and three rails around the handguard for accessories. The magazines will go beyond the standard Rock length and we can expect to see some high-capacity magazines out soon.
Overall, it looks pretty cool and would likely make an effective close-quarters weapon for home defenders.
The 570 a Palmetto State Armory Scattergun
The PSA 570 is a pump action, 12 gauge shotgun that is being done in the most PSA way possible. The 570 is an original design that takes inspiration and influence from both the Mossberg 500 and Remington 870. From the Mossberg 500, we get the tang safety and the user-serviceable design. From the 870, we get the furniture and a super slick action.
The pump release is really intuitive and placed on the side of the receiver. The receiver also features an optics cut, which is nice. The front sight is a Glock front sight, meaning you’ll have no problems finding a replacement to change it up.
The idea behind the 570 is to create a shotgun the user can build from the ground up. PSA is approaching the idea of shotguns the same way they approached the idea of the AR-15. It’s designed to allow the user to build the gun they truly want. You can purchase a receiver and, from there, get the magazine tube, barrel, and stock system you want.
The 570 and 5.7 MP7
If seven is your lucky number, then PSA has you covered. The 570 and 5.7 MP7 certainly incorporate the number in a few different ways. I’m excited about both releases, and I’m not sure if I have a preference for one more than the other at this point. I think PSA has knocked CQB options out of the park this year.
The release of a new bolt action rifle design is a first for Taurus, who primarily focuses on making and selling handguns. Their new Expedition rifle is built around a Remington 700 pattern short action with a tri-lug bolt; cartridges are fed into the breech via an AICS pattern detachable box magazine. The Taurus Expedition’s stock was designed and is manufactured in house. Notably, part of the foreend is scalloped making it easier to snug up the rifle when shooting with a rifle saddle or bag. Likewise, the buttstock’s geometry has a concave section to make it easier to rest rear bags or your support shooting hand. The bottom of the fore-end has three different methods for bipod attachment: M-LOK slots, a Spartan Precision QD slot, and the traditional sling swivel stud (which also obviously serves as a means to rig up a traditional rifle sling). With general purpose in mind, the Taurus Expedition action is connected to a light contour cold hammer forged barrel. It’s currently only chambered for the .308 Winchester, which in spite of its age, has been a great general purpose .30-caliber cartridge since 1952.
A close-up of the bottom of the fore-end.
327 Defender TORO
Last year at SHOT 2023, Taurus got everyone’s attention with the release of their optics-ready Taurus 856 TORO version, chambered in the traditional .38 Special cartridge. For SHOT 2024 this year, they’re running with the same idea, but in .32-caliber instead of only .38-caliber. The new 327 Defender Toro is built on the same 856/605 compact frame but is chambered for Federal’s .327 Magnum cartridge which can also handle the old-school .32 H&R Mag and .32 Long (and technically the even older .32 S&W). The 327 Defender TORO comes standard with a bobbed hammer for carry, a 3″ barrel and a footprint that’s compatible with the Shield RMSc pattern–the most popular of all the “micro” red dot footprints. .32-caliber are making a resurgence with some segments of serious defensive revolver shooters due to the cartridge’s penetration efficiency and shooting comfort in the context of smaller framed revolvers.
605 Executive Grade
The Taurus 605 shares the same compact frame size with the Taurus 856/905/327 etc, but with the distinction of being chambered for the .357 Magnum cartridge. Unlike the standard 6-shot 856, all 605 revolvers have a 5-shot capacity that leaves extra material in between the charge holes in order to account for the more powerful magnum cartridge. For 2024, Taurus is now “promoting” this small framed .357 workhorse into their Executive Grade product line along with the 856 (2022) and the Judge (2023). Executive Grade guns are factory tuned, a distinct steel Satin finish and a different set of walnut stocks that set them apart from the standard catalog items. The new Taurus 605 Executive Grade revolver also comes with a very tastefully done brass front sight and a deeper than standard rear topstrap notch. I dry-fired one at the Taurus booth this morning and the sight picture and double action trigger pull are great.
Deputy Single Action
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Taurus revolvers have been available on the American market for decades now, but this year they decided to launch their own classically styled single action revolver. And instead of selling it under one of their sister brands like Heritage or Rossi (who both tend to have more Western styled guns), the decision was to launch this as a Taurus proper, with some pride on their flagship gun company. Deputy single action revolvers are available in the traditional .45 Colt chambering or the more modern .357 Magnum chambering that will obviously also handle .38 Special cartridges. The Deputy is engineered with a hammer block so that it can be safely carried and loaded with each charge hole full.
I got Caleb to pose with a pair of the new Taurus Deputy single action revolvers while also showing off his new black cowboy boots (and they do kinda go with the Deputy single-actions, don’t they?)
Costa Mesa, Calif. (Jan. 22, 2024) – 5.11 Tactical, the global innovator of Purpose-Built Gear™, is thrilled to announce an exciting array of new products for 2024. Throughout the year, multiple product categories will be expanded, providing customers with a comprehensive selection of high-quality and functional gear suitable for on-duty service, everyday use, outdoor adventures, fitness training, and more.
The new lineup spans a diverse range of gear, encompassing men’s and women’s apparel, load-bearing items, footwear, professional apparel, and accessories. Each product is meticulously designed to deliver exceptional durability, performance, and comfort, reflecting 5.11 Tactical’s commitment to providing purpose-built solutions for those who demand more of themselves, for the greater good.
“In serving those who serve, we at 5.11 are innovators who make purpose-built apparel, footwear and gear for those on the mission of a lifetime,” said Troy Brown, CEO of 5.11 Tactical. “I am excited to join the 5.11 family of bright, talented, and passionate individuals who share the common goal of helping those who strive to live a life bigger than themselves, and to live our brand mantra of Always Be Ready™. This is at the core of why we design our products, who we design them for, and the reason behind our excitement around making these new items available in 2024.”
Professional Apparel
5.11’s premier V.XI™ Collection, initially unveiled at SHOT Show 2023, aimed to deliver top-tier professionals the pinnacle of uniform technology. Crafted from superior fabrics and materials, the collection features highly strategic and purpose-built designs. Initially exclusive to government contracts, the line received an overwhelmingly positive response, leading to its expansion for direct-to-consumer purchase in the Fall of 2023. Building on the success of the 2023 V.XI™ XTU uniform, 5.11 is set to further expand the collection in 2024 with new feature-rich products.
The V.XI™ XTU uniform line expands excitingly in 2024 with women’s specific uniforms and the MultiCam® color extension for both men and women. The Women’s V.XI™ XTU Rapid Shirt ($140) and Women’s V.XI™ XTU Pant ($200) mirror the feature-rich construction of the men’s uniform, prioritizing performance, function, and versatility. Sizing perfection was achieved by utilizing existing 5.11 female apparel silhouettes and incorporating wear testing and design feedback from active-duty female SWAT officers.
The Women’s XTU Rapid Shirt combines moisture-wicking, anti-odor properties, a DWR finish, and no-melt/no-drip fabrics for enhanced functionality and protection. Featuring dual pocket sleeves, adjustable cuffs, articulated pits, reinforced elbows, and bar-tacking at key stress points, it ensures elite team units have the functionality they require. Strategic body-mapping allows comfortable layering with plate carriers and additional gear.
The feature-packed Women’s XTU Pant maximizes performance, function, and versatility. Constructed with Ortholite® foam support in the offset comfort waistband, seat gusseting, large cargo pockets, and no-melt/no-drip fabric, it withstands the rigors of professional use. The patented 3-in-1 kneepad design includes a color-matching removable external knee protection piece, sewn-in padding, and an internal pocket with a removable kneepad insert. Internal vertical and horizontal external adjustments provide a custom and secure fit.
After gathering feedback from end users, 5.11 will introduce an expanded color range for the men’s and women’s XTU uniforms in MultiCam® starting Spring 2024. The Men’s V.XI™ XTU MC Rapid Shirt ($165) and Women’s V.XI™ XTU MC Rapid Shirt ($165), along with the Men’s V.XI™ XTU MC Pant ($225) and Women’s V.XI™ XTU MC Pant ($225) will maintain the performance and function-oriented design of the original uniforms. This update aims to better cater to the diverse needs of professionals within various communities.
Based on valuable feedback from end users, 5.11 recognized the need for a more formal TDU® uniform shirt in contrast to the original XTU Rapid Long Sleeve Shirt. Addressing this demand, 5.11 is introducing the V.XI™ XTU Long Sleeve Shirt ($140), V.XI™ XTU MC Long Sleeve Shirt ($165), to their collection. The XTU Long Sleeve Shirt maintains the same fabrication as the original Rapid Long Sleeve Shirt, featuring no-melt no-drip fabrics, knit fabric in the underarm for enhanced airflow and breathability, a hidden button-down front placket, low-profile document pockets at the chest with interior tethers, reinforced elbows with an elbow patch pouch, and button-through cuff adjustments. This addition caters to the need for a more formal and versatile TDU® uniform shirt.
The V.XI™ Sigurd Short Sleeve Shirt ($60) and V.XI™ Sigurd Long Sleeve Shirt ($65) were developed with input from elite U.S. SWAT operators to design a warm-weather base layer that can perform for top-tier units wearing heavy equipment and armor in extreme conditions and situations. They are constructed using nylon and elastane warp knit mesh with Cyro-Tac™ properties in addition to moisture-wicking and anti-odor performance. The result is a durable layer that provides outstanding heat and moisture management to keep users cool and dry. They also feature rugby-style collars that can be worn up, folded in or folded out for a customized fit, flat-lock seams for comfort and underarm/side body panels for an ergonomic fit.
Setting a new standard for lightweight performance wear, the XTU LT3 Jacket ($180) meets the mission-critical goals of breathability, minimal bulk, water-resistant performance and warmth in a midlayer jacket. With a multi-fabric hybrid construction, the LT3 features durable taffeta on high-wear areas, dobby fabric on low-wear areas and grid fleece side body/underarm panels for breathability and quilted PrimaLoft® Gold insulation. Upper sleeve pockets, hand pockets and a left chest ReadyPocket™ have low-profile YKK® zippers.
Designed to keep public safety professionals and outdoor enthusiasts comfortable, protected and performing well in the worst conditions, the Bastion Pant ($230) and Bastion Jacket ($230) will be a go-to for customers looking to brave harsh weather. They feature a 5K/10K waterproof/ breathable and DWR finish to protect against moisture while PrimaLoft® Silver Eco insulation offers enhanced warmth. which make them solid choices for hunting in the fall/winter. Both items offer zippered pockets to keep gear secure and dry and are also packable into an included compression sock. The pant has a shaped waistband with a high back, adjustable hems and a snow gaiter with gripper elastic and shoelace loop for additional protection from the elements. The jacket has an adjustable hood, sleeve gaiters, adjustable cuffs and underarm zippered vents to provide heat management.
In the Winter of 2024, 5.11 is elevating its product offerings by introducing a cold weather option for one of its most successful styles – the Men’s Apex® Softshell Pant ($125) and the Women’s Apex® Softshell Pant ($125). This innovative winter version preserves the classic dimensions that made the original Apex® Pant popular while incorporating advanced materials. Crafted from a poly-stretch bonded woven softshell material, these pants are designed to withstand the challenges of colder climates. The incorporation of a 4-way stretch softshell fleece not only ensures a comfortable fit but also provides substantial warmth, making them an ideal choice for chilly weather. Additionally, the pants boast water-resistant properties, featuring a durable water repellent (DWR) laminate that adds an extra layer of protection against the elements. The Men’s and Women’s Apex® Softshell Pants in this winter collection exemplify a fusion of style, functionality, and resilience, making them a go-to choice for outdoor enthusiasts navigating cold environments.
Men’s and Women’s Apparel
Customers seeking comfortable and reliable protection from the sun during outdoor adventures can look to the Sulli UV Hood Long Sleeve ($39), Women’s Sulli UV Hood Long Sleeve ($39), and the Sulli UV CrewS/S ($31). Each item provides a 50+ UPF rating and is made with 100-percent, 4.1oz pique that offers moisture-wicking and an anti-odor finish. They are also constructed with flat-lock seams for comfort. The men’s and women’s Sulli UV Hoodie Long Sleeve provide added protection with a long-sleeve construction and a three-panel hood.
5.11’s new Traction Tech Pant ($100) provides consumers with a durable and highly functional outdoor apparel option. Constructed using a nylon and elastane canvas blend with a DWR finish and strategically reinforced zones, it stretches to provide a full range of motion but is still tough enough to withstand years of use. Additional features include an adjustable elastic waistband with a webbing belt and buckle, back yoke utility drop pockets, a back patch pocket, and adjustable hems with friction cord locks.
The Rosser Jacket ($98) is a lightweight, canvas utility jacket with multi-pocket functionality that’s tough enough to handle outdoor chores but stylish enough to be worn for a wide range of occasions. In addition to a fold-down collar, snap cuffs and snap closure, it features six external pockets and one internal zip security pocket.
Another great lightweight jacket can be found with the women’s Danvers Jacket ($63). A versatile and stylish jacket made of a nylon mini ripstop that offers long-lasting durability, it’s perfect for everyday wear with a fashionable mandarin collar, drawcord cinch waist and elastic cuffs.
Load Bearing
Anexciting new line of packs geared toward outdoor adventurers and fitness enthusiasts will be introduced with the CloudStryke Pack Collection. Included in the collection’s initial offering are the CloudStryke Pack 10L ($100) and the CloudStryke Pack 18L ($125). Both items are designed to be lightweight and form-fitting with adjustable torso and waist systems, low profile vest shoulder straps, ventilated back panels, hydration compatibility, and an emphasis on counterbalance to allow for more stable and agile movement. They’re constructed with 100D honeycomb nylon with a PU/DWR coating that creates a 1.5k waterproof rating to protect the contents inside. Both packs offer a wide range of pockets and features including multiple chest pockets for easy access to essential gear, laser-cut MOLLE for adding accessories, adjustable shoulder straps system, and a convenient trekking pole carrying solution. The CloudStryke Pack 10L offers a cinch drawstring opening with a top lid while the CloudStryke Pack 18L has a zippered main compartment, side compression straps, and dual water bottle pockets.
5.11’s long line of packs in their COVRT™ Collection welcomes new additions in 2024, including the COVRT™ Select Carry Pack ($140), COVRT™ 24 Backpack ($140), and COVRT™ Select Carry Pistol Pouch ($45). The COVRT™ Select Carry Pack provides a rapid front of body deployment system with Hot-Pull™ straps, MOLLE platform with weapon retention straps, single-point sling straps and a removable muzzle cup in the main compartment for SMGs or weapons up to 22” in length. It features a front compartment with a MOLLE webbing platform, a rear compartment compatible with soft armor or a ballistic plate, and additional elements like a hydration compartment and lockable YKK® zippers. The COVRT™ 24 Backpack combines tactical functionality with a casual gray man look, suitable for both covert operations and daily life. With a 41L capacity, hidden CCW compartment, dual external zippered and stretch water bottle pockets, it offers versatility for every mission. The COVRT™ Select Carry Pistol Pouch is a discreet and durable concealed carry solution. Made from 500D nylon, the main compartment includes a Tactec® CCW loop panel with weapon retention strap, trigger guard loops, lockable YKK® zippers and Hot-Pull™ tabs. A rear and front compartment allow for extra magazines and other critical gear.
5.11’s most popular pack collection, the RUSH® Series, is expanding to offer a new duty-ready and high-capacity option in the RUSH® Sierra One Pack ($330). Measuring 36.5 inches high, 12.5 inches wide and 10 inches deep, this pack is designed to be an all-in-one containment system for a rifle, tripod, helmet, and other critical gear. Two large side access zippers and an internal adjustable reinforced divider allow for easy retention, access and a customized load out. A custom removable aluminum frame with HDPE board and horizontal fiberglass stability rods in addition to a load bearing hip belt and load lifters ensure users can comfortably and effectively carry large payloads. Storage options include external MOLLE, dual front zippered pockets, a top zippered pocket and a stowable mesh helmet holder with quick-release buckles. Additional features include top and side grab handles, compression straps and quick-release shoulder straps. The 500D nylon body and 1050D nylon base ensure it is sturdy enough to handle any mission and terrain.
After the successful debut of the QR Plate Carrier at SHOT Show 2023, 5.11 introduces several new items to the QR collection in 2024. The QR Plate Carrier Base ($165) features the patented 5.11 Sierra Bravo® Slide quick-release buckle for easy don and doff, custom high strength TAC-LAM™ laminate laser-cut MOLLE webbing and patented GrabDrag handle for exfiltration. Hypalon® shoulder straps with removable padded shoulder shrouds and stretch woven body panels provide comfort with a low profile, while front and rear MOLLE panels and webbing loops allow for maximum customization.
Building on the QR Plate Carrier Base, the QR PC Cummerbund ($55) and QR PC Soft Armor Cummerbund ($60) can be added depending on the mission requirements. Both cummerbunds feature the patented 5.11 Sierra Bravo® Slide buckles and an adjustable rear hook/loop system. The QR PC Cummerbund’s Hypalon + loop laminate with square laser-cut MOLLE provide a minimal option with stability and breathability. The QR PC Soft Armor Cummerbund accommodates standard level IIIA soft armor or 6×6 and 6×8 hard plates with a removable adapter. A 2” front side overlap, TAC-LAM™ laser-cut MOLLE panel, and rear hook/loop attachment with a secondary securing cord system level up this cummerbund for those that need more protection or additional gear attachment.
Add extra customization to your plate carrier or MOLLE panel with the Modular STS Placard ($50) and Modular Mini Pouch ($45). The Modular STS Placard utilizes quick attach side release buckles and hook platform for easy connection to plate carriers. The patent pending Smart Track System™ provides a platform for 5.11’s custom divider panels and bungee retention system. An internal loop-lined compartment accommodates hook/loop accessories. External laser-cut MOLLE and elastic bands offer accessory attachments for enhanced versatility. The Modular Mini Pouch is a 5-in-1 pouch featuring multiple configurations with the included removable flap, zipper top, internal divider and pouch bungee kit compatibility. The MINIMOLL™ MOLLE attachment system provides a low-profile attachment to a plate carrier, placard or MOLLE panel.
The Duty and Battle Belt Lines are becoming more versatile with additional add-on options in the Inner EDCBelt ($30) and Nonslip Outer Belt System ($25). The Inner ECD Belt is designed to be both universal and versatile with a loop face and elastic connector that allows it to be used with any outer belt. Plus, with 840D nylon construction with a TPU inner face, it is as durable as it is convenient. The low-profile construction, materials and ergonomic curve provide a comfortable fit while the strap closure system allows for quick and easy adjustments. The Nonslip Outer Belt System is a removable adapter that easily attaches to the inside of an outer belt for customized carrying options. The non-slip inner material keeps the belt system in place and eliminates the need for a loop-faced innerbelt while the closed-cell foam padding and ergonomic curve provides extra comfort.
Following the debut of 5.11’s K9 product line at SHOT Show 2023, the collection is expanding with three new additions: the AROS K9 Traffic Lead ($20), AROS K9 Leash 6ft ($35) and AROS K9 Leash 10ft ($45). Constructed with BioThane®, these leashes feature gunmetal swiveling bolt snap hooks and D-rings at the handle for extreme durability and trusted performance.
Renowned for creating comfortable, dependable and durable footwear for all walks of life, from active duty to everyday wear, the gym, the trail and anywhere in between, 5.11 is thrilled to expand on its footwear offering in 2024.
The PT-R™ Inure Runner ($125) adds a comfortable but tough running shoe to the brand’s already strong PT-R™ lineup of fitness sneakers. It is engineered with a high abrasion knit upper and gusseted tongue to withstand the abuse of long runs while offering a secure fit. The Insite ARCH RELIEF® footbed, which was created using data from more than 120,000 foot scans, paired with the FORCE LITE Foam midsole and high-abrasion rubber outsole offers reliable cushioning step after step and run after run.
Built on the same platform as the 5.11 Foley Sneaker, the new Chukka Boot ($120) features a drop-in OrthoLite® foam insole for a stylish and comfortable presentation. Merging the traction and durability of a boot with a casual everyday style, the Chukka Boot is constructed with a full-grain leather upper and a Vibram® full rubber outsole, providing reliable traction on various surfaces. Designed from the inside-out, this boot emphasizes all-day comfort and durability.
The Rambler 6-inch Boot ($120) is the pinnacle of practicality and tactical excellence. Crafted with a premium full-grain leather upper, this boot redefines durability and style. The OrthoLite® insole ensures unparalleled comfort, while the 5.11 Force Foam® heel cushioning provides optimal support. Engineered with precision, the ASTM Slip and oil-resistant rubber outsole guarantees a superior grip in any terrain. The Rambler 6-inch Boot is the intersection where form seamlessly meets function.
In a comprehensive overhaul, 5.11 is revamping its sock collection to better cater to customers in all aspects of life. The Duty Ready Crew Sock 4 Pack ($22) ensures a secure fit with NO QUIT upper cuffs, along with arch support, breathable mesh knitting, and heel/toe cushioning. The Duty Ready Crew 3 Pack ($22) enhances these features with PLUS level heel and toe cushioning, zonal forefoot cushioning, and breathable zonal mesh knitting, in addition to NO QUIT upper cuffs and arch support. The Duty Ready OTC 3 Pack ($22) offers the same features in an over-the-calf version.
For premium comfort, the Duty Ready Ultra Crew 2 Pack ($22) includes ULTRA level heel and toe cushioning, Achilles comfort zones, 5.11 slip stream yarn to reduce friction and prevent blisters, zonal forefoot and heel cushioning, instep cushioning zone, and breathable zone mesh knitting.
Fitness enthusiasts can enjoy premium performance with the PT-R™ Ankle 3 Pack ($22), featuring PLUS toe and heel cushioning, zonal forefoot cushioning, arch support with breathability, and breathable zonal mesh knitting. The PT-R™ Ankle 6 Pack ($22) offers affordable comfort with arch support, breathable mesh knitting, and heel/toe cushioning, ensuring lasting comfort during workouts.
Expanding on its renowned sneaker collection, 5.11 collaborated with The Firearm Blog’s James Reeves to create the latest addition, The Stache ($90). Building upon the success of the original Norris Sneaker, James, a devoted fan of the Norris Sneaker, played a key role in designing this update. Reflecting on the collaboration, James stated, “5.11 talks about utilizing end-user feedback all the time when producing their products. I got to experience firsthand what it was like to come to 5.11 with my problem set and work with them on a product to help solve it.” The Stache sneakers boast a Vibram® bottom for stability and comfort, a compactible deconstructed upper for reduced weight, and an interior print featuring green and black tiger camo. Finally, the Stache includes a hidden pocket in the tongue to stow whatever you want to stash. These sneakers are available in black and ranger green colors for Holiday 2024.
In accessories, several popular product lines will be expanded or receive updates including lighting, belts, and water bottles.
In 2024, 5.11 is making its most significant update to the lighting collection in recent years, introducing four new lights tailored to the needs of law enforcement professionals and everyday carry use. The updates include additions to the respected Response Flashlights and the newly created Deploy Flashlight series. Developed with extensive end-user feedback from officers across the country, the new offerings in the professional-focused lighting category include the Response XR1P Flashlight ($50), Response XR1C Flashlight ($65), and Response XR1T ($75).
Constructed with a polymer nylon housing, tonal/textured rubberized overmold, and a polycarbonate lens, the Response XR1P Flashlight is built for durability in any environment. It features high (600 lumens) and low (30 lumens) modes, up to a 120-meter beam distance, up to twenty hours of runtime, and compatibility with two CR123A batteries or an 18650 rechargeable lithium-ioorthon battery. Additional features include a removable pocket clip, tail-push button, and lanyard compatibility.
The Response XR1C Flashlight boasts ultimate durability with aerospace-grade machined aluminum and a polycarbonate lens. It offers high (800 lumens) and low (50 lumens) modes, a 140-meter beam distance, and up to nine hours of runtime using two CR123A batteries or an 18650 rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Additional features include a removable pocket clip, tail-push button, and lanyard compatibility.
Completing the Response line, the Response XR1T features aerospace-grade machined aluminum and a polycarbonate lens. It offers high (1250 lumens), and low (40 lumens) modes, a 280-meter beam distance, and up to 23 hours of runtime using two CR123A batteries or an 18650 rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Additional features include a removable pocket clip, tail-push button, and lanyard compatibility.
Offering versatility to match its durability is the Deploy TL-USB Flashlight ($80). Compact but tough, it’s made with aerospace-grade machined aluminum, a polycarbonate lens and tail switch functionality. Additional features include a high (1,000 lumens), medium (80 lumens) and low (30 lumens) mode, up to seven hour run time, removable pocket clip with variable depth settings, battery level indicator switch and bi-color display, and a USB-C input/charging port for the built-in lithium polymer battery.
Introducing the Deploy K-USB ($30) keychain flashlight, crafted from machined aluminum with a textured design featuring the distinctive “DEPLOY” family aesthetic. Equipped with a side body switch, this compact flashlight operates at approximately 180 lumens with a throw distance of about 30 meters and a runtime of approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes on high mode, while low mode operates at approximately 30 lumens and approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes runtime. It is powered by a built-in ~280mAh lithium polymer battery, conveniently rechargeable through its USB-C input port that also doubles as a light up charging indicator. Designed for practicality, the flashlight includes a split O-ring for easy attachment to your key ring. With IP54 water resistance and dust protection, along with an impact resistance test up to 1 meter, it ensures durability for various conditions.
The new AYCE Belt ($35) is a low-profile 1.5” belt made for ultimate comfort and versatility. Its reversible elastic webbing with stretch properties and micro-adjustability makes it a one-size-fits-most option that keeps garments in place without limited mobility. Offered with solid-color interiors and graphic-rich exteriors, it offers a custom look to go with its custom fit and feel.
A new category for the brand in 2024, 5.11 introduces Hydration Bottles, in 24oz ($18) or 32oz ($20) sizes, which are offered in several colors with fun, unique and limited-edition 5.11 graphics in addition to brand logo designs with personal naming bars so users can also find their bottle. Both sizes are made to fit standard cup holders and to be top-shelf dishwasher safe for added convivence. They are also BPA, BPS and phthalate-free with 100% Tritan® construction.
For more information about 5.11 Tactical and its product offering, or to find a 5.11 Tactical store near you, visit
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About 5.11, Inc.
With offices around the globe, 5.11 works directly with end users to create Purpose-Built Gear™ to enhance the safety, accuracy, speed, and performance of tactical professionals and technical enthusiasts worldwide. 5.11 products exceed rigorous standards, which have allowed the brand to establish a reputation for innovation and authenticity, and become the premier choice for those who live the Always Be Ready® lifestyle. 5.11 products can be purchased online, through authorized dealers and retailers, as well as at 5.11 company-owned retail stores.
Learn more about 5.11’s best-selling gear and accessories at Find a full list of 5.11 company-owned retail stores at Connect with 5.11 on Facebook, Twitter @511Tactical and on Instagram @511Tactical and #511tactical
5.11, Inc. is a subsidiary of Compass Diversified (NYSE: CODI).
5.11, 5.11 Tactical, Always Be Ready, and Purpose-Built Gear™ are trademarks of 5.11, Inc. All rights reserved.
KelTec has released its SUB 2000 Gen 3. The SUB 2000 is one of KelTec’s oldest and most popular firearms. When this gun was introduced, we had a federal assault weapon ban still in place. The SUB 2000 is a folding pistol caliber carbine that utilizes popular pistol magazines. It’s always been popular, and adjustments have been made along the way to modernize the platform. The Gen 3 premiered at SHOT 2024, and we got to take it for a spin on the range day.
The KelTec SUB 2000 Gen 3 – The Big Change
The big change everyone is talking about is the fact the handguard now rotates. The rotation allows you to mount optics without the need for a special mount. Typically, mounting an optic to the handguard kills the ability to fold the gun. With the SUB 2000 Gen 3, all the user has to do is rotate the handguard and fold the gun in half.
The handguard can fold to the left or right. This makes it easy to mount numerous accessories to either side, depending on your preference. Rotate, fold, and call it a day. It’s an excellent all-around upgrade to the gun, but it wasn’t the only upgrade to the SUB 2000 Gen 3.
The Other Changes
The SUB 2000 Gen 3 delivers a newer, heavier charging handle. This reduces recoil by slowing the bolt. It provides a more ergonomic charging handle to make racking the gun easier. It’s also worth mentioning that the gun uses a reduced power spring to make racking the gun a lot easier than earlier generations.
The trigger is no longer plastic but is made from aluminum. It’s also a much better trigger pull. It’s smoother, lighter, and all-around improved over the plastic-on-plastic feeling of the original KelTec SUB 2000 and the Gen 2 model. The receiver also received an update with a built-in shell deflector.
Worth It?
The Gen 3 represents quite the modernization of the platform. The addition of an optic and a nicer trigger results in a gun that’s easier to shoot at longer ranges. Even out to roughly the 50-yard line, the gun delivered excellent accuracy. Currently, the SUB 2000 Gen 3 is only available in 9mm and using Glock Magazines.
The Military Armament Corporation of 2024 is not the Military Armament Corporation of the 1970s. It’s now a brand owned by SDS Imports and it’s importing a variety of weapons under the MAC banner. The latest and most interesting is the MAC-5 series. The MAC-5 is an MP5 clone that’s currently being imported from Turkey.
The MAC-5 – A Classic By Another Name
Importing from Turkey drives the price down from several thousand to an MSRP of 1,099, which likely means it will cost less than a grand on the street. An MP5 clone for less than a grand? That’s tough to beat. These guns still use the roller-delayed operating system of the classic MP5 series and combine the same ergonomics that are a testament to the Teutonic mind of the 1960s.
It’s old but effective. It’s also easy to suppress, and it always runs reliably suppressed. The MAC-5s on range day were outfitted with and without suppressors, and they were crazy quiet when suppressed. There wasn’t any noticeable blowback.
The MAC-5 series comes in a standard full-size model, as well as a K model that’s got that short and sweet barrel. The MAC-5 series will ship with two mags, a simple single-point sling, and a nice hard case. The sights are all standard MP5 with the rotating drum you either love or hate. The models at range day were equipped with braces, but those are add-ons and not included with the gun.
According to MAC, the MAC-5 is just the first MP5 goodness they are bringing to the states. They plan to release an entire line of accessories for their guns in the near future. The MAC-5 appears to be an awesome option for the money. Although, Turkish imports can be somewhat tricky and temperamental. We’ll need a little more time behind the guns to see if they are worth the squeeze.
AR-style shotguns are fairly common. They look like ARs but aren’t really ARs. That is what you expect when it comes to an AR-style shotgun. However, American Tactical has produced an AR-15 shotgun that’s actually an AR-15. This semi-auto .410 shotgun is called the Alpha Maxx SGA, and it uses a standard AR-15 lower receiver. Mil-Spec, polymer, and more work, hell mill your own with an 80 percent lower jig, router, and make a ghost gun. American Tactical will sell both complete shotguns and uppers, mags, and buffers to allow you to use whatever lower you want.
Hands-On With the Alpha Maxx
We got hands-on with one at SHOT and got to send both slugs and buckshot downrange. The gun uses 2.5-inch rounds only since there isn’t enough room in an AR magwell for a 3-inch load. The magazines are limited to five rounds when you purchase a gun or upper, but American Tactical will produce and sell 15-round magazines as well. The guns have M-LOK rails, optics-ready uppers, and adjustable stocks.
The Alpha Maxx utilizes an adjustable gas system, which sets it apart from the other .410 AR-type shotguns we’ve seen. This adjustable gas system allows you to tailor the weapon to use buckshot and slugs, as well as lighter-loaded birdshot rounds. Another interesting feature is the ability to swap chokes, which is new for these types of guns.
The Alpha Maxx series of shotguns are fairly lightweight, and the recoil is very slight. Even with slugs, the gun worked without a big hit to the shoulder. The Alpha Maxx was also surprisingly accurate with slugs. I was hitting some of the further targets without much difficulty and with nothing but a red dot. With buckshot, the gun bucked and roared but proved easy to handle. Both loads were reliable without any issues observed in my shooting and in the observation of the people shooting before me.
Yeah, but .410
The .410 isn’t the mightiest round on the market, especially when it comes to shotguns. However, if you can fit 15 rounds in a semi-auto platform, the cartridge has a little more sell to it. The other problem with .410 is that it is hard to find, but American Tactical is now producing .410 in slugs and buckshot formats that fit into the Alpha Maxx. For a price point of 500 dollars you can call me interested.
Walther is underappreciated. They bring out some all-around excellent guns and continue to produce some of the best modern handguns on the market. The PDP series has built on the world of Walther’s excellent ergonomics and brilliant triggers to bring optics to bear, as well as an overall modular design. The PDP lineup incorporates ergonomics that make shooting with a dot faster, easier, and ultimately more intuitive. Walther has recently taken what’s traditionally a polymer frame design and mated it with a steel frame to produce the PDP Match, the PDP Full Size Steel Frame, and the latest, the PDP Compact Steel Frame.
Steel Frame Supremacy
Polymer is great. It’s strong, affordable, and has kept prices low and made mass production easy. With that said, we haven’t quite figured out how to make polymer frames as ergonomic as metal frames. Guns like the CZ 75 define good ergonomics, and the PDP series has taken that to 2024. A steel frame is often thinner and less blocky and provides an absolutely wonderful grip design.
At the range, these guns felt like well-used and broken-in gloves that have been worn daily for years. The PDP steel frame series is all handled masterfully. The Match variant is absolutely wonderful. I lack a better term outside of holy crap. It’s smooth and allows for a nice high grip that’s exceptionally comfortable. The gun barely moves between shots, and the accuracy is absurd. The compact provided a smaller version of the Match grade. Triggers are excellent, the controls are massive, and the accuracy was off the chain.
The new steel frame PDPs won’t be cheap guns. The MSRP ranges from $1,699 to $1,899, so you have to be really into the PDP platform to enjoy the steel frame models. Even so, it’s tough to say they aren’t worth it. The guns handle like race guns and come ready for optics, lights, and more.
The Little .380
I can’t forget a gun I completely overlooked and downright ignored when it was released a few months back. The Walther PD380 is a compact, single-stack .380 ACP with a DA/SA trigger system. I saw a new version of the PK380 when it first premiered. I thought it was a bit out of date, but today I handled it.
The PD380 is a low recoil, polymer frame, single stack handgun. It’s extremely thin and delivers an excellent ergonomic weapon overall. It’s essentially a single stack PDP in .380 ACP. The main selling point is a lack of recoil, and that’s apparent when you first fire the gun. It barely moves. It’s not snappy, and in fact, it’s downright calm and soft even with hotter defensive loads. The PD380 is a bit more affordable than the PDP Steel Frames and has an MSRP of $479.
The PD380 is another entry into this new genre of low recoil .380 pistols aimed at a growing market of new concealed carriers. It certainly doesn’t deserve to be overlooked.
The World According to Walther
Walther’s new steel frame pistols are an impressive entry into their famed lineup. The PDP was already an excellent series of guns, but the latest steel frame models take it to the next level. Plus, don’t sleep on the PD380 for a low-recoil alternative.
On Monday January 22, 2024 Staccato 2011 publicly launched their new line of 9mm Luger ammo and a new compact sized pistol model with a four inch barrel, the Staccato C. This product launch happened during the Staccato Range Day event held at their sister company’s Prairie Fire complex an hour west of Las Vegas, in Pahrump, Nevada (the former location of Frontsite).
The New Ammo
The Texas based company is now officially in the ammo business. They’re selling two types of 9mm Luger factory loaded ammunition: the 124-grain FMJ “Range” load and their 125-grain “Match” load that uses a Hornady HAP (Hornady Action Pistol) bullet. Both cartridges are loaded in new, brass cases with boxer primers.
The 124-grain FMJ cartridge which ships in a white box is intended for general purpose shooting and training and works well in any 9mm pistol. While I haven’t done any comprehensive testing of this ammo, I fired a box between two Smith And Wesson pistols I recently reviewed prior to SHOT. Both of them printed very consistent groups with the Staccato Range ammo, so if mean radius means anything to you, I was impressed with what I saw.
In addition to this general purpose cartridge, Staccato 2011 tested and developed their match load (found in a Navy blue box) and tailored it to work efficiently with the chamber scheme of their 2011 handgun line. The Hornady HAP projectile used in factory loaded match cartridge is based on Hornady’s classic XTP bullet profile, save for its expansion skives. After all, those aren’t necessary in a match cartridge. Nonetheless the Hornady HAP’s truncated cone profile lends itself well to reliable feeding while the bullet’s gilding jacket material and swaged core help with concentricity and accuracy. I haven’t had a chance to thoroughly evaluate the Staccato Match cartridge, but I did fire some through their newly released Staccato C pistol that morning at their range-event. With a nominal muzzle velocity of 1,050 FPS, it’s fairly soft shooting and easy to control during rapid fire strings.
The New Pistol
The Staccato C takes after its smaller sized sibling the Staccato CS. The Staccato C has a four inch barrel and uses a slightly larger magazine that holds 18 rounds of 9mm. Furthermore, it’s grip is more in line with other contemporary pistol designs as opposed to the 9mm/38 Super sized 2011 wider grip modules. Shooting the 125-grain Staccato Match ammo through this gun felt very pleasant and I wound’t mind getting my hands on one for a more thorough review.
In this episode of Gunday Brunch, Caleb takes you through the lineup of Taurus revolvers. This was a listener request, and should help breakdown the Taurus revolvers so people better understand what’s out there. New wheel guns are always welcome.
Pump action shotguns are an interesting category of firearms. It’s one of the few genres where you can get a high-quality, defensive-worthy firearm for less than 500 dollars. Pump action shotguns are the most common repeating shotguns on the market. They’ve been around since the 1800s and have continued to get better and, more importantly, cheaper.
What’s the best pump action shotgun? Tough to answer. It always goes back to what your goal or mission is. With that in mind, the pump action shotgun can be a defensive or duty gun, it can be a sporting gun for hunting, or just a bit of everything. Today, I’ve gathered five of the best pump action shotguns that cover the widest variety of pump shotgun missions.
A Word on The Best Pump Action Shotguns
As time has passed, pump action shotguns have come and gone. Great guns like the Ithaca 37, the Winchester Model 12, and many more left standard production. To keep the list relevant, I won’t send you on a scavenger hunt to find out of production antiques. I’m keeping it to guns that are still in production and somewhat easy to find. (With that said, the Model 12 is called the Perfect Repeater for a reason.)
Mossberg 500/590
When it comes to staying power and production, the Mossberg 500 series has it. It’s been around and in continued production since 1961, making it older than my dad. The 500 and, by extension, the 590 series have been there and done that. The 590A1 is the military’s pump action shotgun of choice, and the 500/590 series has armed generations of police, home defenders, and hunters.
The 500/590 series features a dual-arm design that doesn’t bind or fail. The 500 has got a set of user-fixable dual extractors and a lightweight aluminum receiver. It’s not like the design has changed much over the years, either. It’s solid, reliable, and available in a metric ton of configurations. You can hunt anything with it, use it to defend the homestead, and anything in between.
The Mossberg 500 and 590 series are much like the Glock and AR series in terms of customization. You can make this gun anything you want it to be in terms of accessories. I suggest going with a Magpul stock and a Surefire forend, and oh yeah, it’s optics-ready. The Defender Tactical CoSight, a product I helped design, makes mounting optics easy.
Mossberg Maverick 88
In a world where the literal truckload imports cheap Turkish shotguns, I suggest you stick to Mossberg. The Model 500 is already pretty cheap, but the Maverick 88 is even cheaper. At less than 250 bucks, you can get a very competent shotgun. For less than 300, you can get one with a 28-inch field barrel and an 18.5-inch so you can both hunt and defend without breaking the bank.
The Maverick 88 is, in many ways, a copy of the Mossberg 500. It’s similar enough that the Maverick can accept Mossberg 500 furniture, although swapping fore ends is a little trickier due to the Maverick’s one-piece pump design.
The gun lacks the famed tang safety and isn’t optics-ready, and Mossberg doesn’t make a fancy one with ghost ring sights either.
Let me be really clear here. The Mossberg Maverick 88 is the best budget pump action on the market. It’s better than all those silly Turkish shotguns. It’s not fancy, but it is very well made and will last a very long time. If you have the money, spend more on a 590, but if you’re limited, then the Maverick 88 will get it done.
Benelli SuperNova
Pump action shotguns are owned mostly by the American marketplace, but there is always room for our Italian friends. In fact, the SuperNova is undeniable and makes a lot of smart design decisions that show a few decades of improvement to an old design. The SuperNova series comes in a few different configurations, from tactical to hunting and so on and so forth.
The SuperNova comes with a huge pump design that’s easy to reach and makes it easy to control the gun. At the bottom of that pump is a button, which acts as a magazine disconnect.
This makes it super easy to do a slug-select drill or to clear the chamber. The SuperNova has a recoil-reducing stock that’s admittedly a little long and is begging for a LOP adjustment.
The action is super smooth and slick. The rotating bolt head ensures reliable and consistent ejection in all conditions. The top of the receiver is drilled and tapped, and a rail makes it easy to add an optic. The SuperNova is one of the most modern pump actions out there.
Remington 870
I struggled with whether I should add the 870 or not. Production seems to be intermittent, but there are several million, creating a massive used market, so I’m adding it. The Remington 870 wears the crown of being the first modern pump action shotgun. It was the first designed for mass production, used two action bars, and laid the groundwork for the modern pump action shotgun as we know it.
The classic 870 is a very well-made gun with what’s often one of the smoothest actions out of the box. While the guns were mass-produced, numerous Wingmaster models maintained the quality of old-world guns, while the Express models kept the price low and performance high. Reliability was always a key feature of the 870 series, and that’s what glued them to the modern world.
Much like the Mossberg 500 and the 590, these guns are super easy to accessorize. You can make a Remington into a tactical masterclass of a shotgun or add wood to give it the classic cool look. While Remington’s light has dimmed, the 870 is going to be around for a very long time.
Sentry 12
Last but not least, we have the Sentry 12. It’s the only magazine-fed model on the list and one of the few well-made mag-fed guns that were built to be mag-fed. Guns from Remington and Mossberg are fine but were conversions of earlier designs. The Sentry 12 provides a mag-fed shotgun without the limitations of a previous design.
The overall layout is very AR-like, as are the controls and ergonomics. If you’ve handled an AR, then the Sentry 12 will be a simple option.
The Sentry 12 is the pump action shotgun for people who don’t like shotguns. The gun is easy to optically enhance, features an inline stock design, and has five and eight-round magazines available.
It’s American-made and super reliable. It chugs through whatever you put through it without complaint. The gun features a nice, short 12.5-inch length of pull and a slick pump design. Reloading is quick, and you won’t ever have to train in fancy shotgun reload techniques to keep the gun topped off. The Sentry 12 isn’t afraid to break the mold.
Back to the Pump Action
Every year, the semi-auto shotgun gets a little more appealing, but the pump action still gets it done. The reliability of a manual action is tough to beat, as is the superbly low price point. You won’t go broke with a shotgun…unless you buy a .410 and shop for buckshot. A good pump action is a do-it-all gun that makes it easy to hunt everything from birds to bears while defending the homestead. What more could you want?