Before we get into the new Wilson Combat P365, I want to address some comments that post across various sites and social media outlets. The saying “You get what pay for” holds true here. A good analogy here would be cars. A Honda Civic has four tires, an engine that goes vroom-vroom and will get you from point A to point B. A BMW M3 series also has four tires, an engine that goes vroom-vroom and will get you from point A to point B. The biggest difference between the two is the driver’s experience, and you’ll probably get to point B faster in the BMW. Same thing here, the Sig Sauer P365 will get shots on target and so will the WCP365, but the shooter’s experience will be completely different, and you’ll probably get on target and follow-up shots quicker with the WCP365.

Back in October of 2022, I got to go hands-on with the WCP365 at Athlon Outdoors’ Rendezvous event, and man, it was love at first shot. I hate to say this, but I never really liked the Sig P365. I wanted to, but it just didn’t fit my hand, and I shot horribly with it. But with the WCP365, I was hitting steel like no tomorrow, even going out to 50 and 100 yards. So, of course, the next steps were to pester Wilson Combat reps into sending me one.
WCP365 Magic
What makes the WCP365 so different than the regular P365? Well, it does start life at a Sig Sauer plant, but these P365s are sent to Wilson without sights and the slide left in white (no serrations or coating). Once at Wilson, the slide is given front and rear X-TAC serrations, which I found very grippy. In fact, everyone who has handled the pistol has commented about how much they like the serrations.
Sights are added to the slide. On my WCP365, it is a red fiber-optic front and Wilson Battlesight rear that co-witness with the Trijicon RMRcc red dot. That’s right, for a little bit extra, Wilson will mill the slide to allow for direct mounting. Currently, they offer footprints for Trijicon RMRcc, Holosun 407K/507K and Shield RMSc/Sig ROMEO Zero. Once that is all done, the slide is given a black DLC finish.
The real magic here is the WCP365 grip module, as it feels right at home in my hands. You can tell that Wilson spent countless hours designing it for superior ergonomics and improved recoil control. It doesn’t feel boxy in the hand but rather like a well-used bar of soap without all the slipperiness. It’s hard to describe; you have to put one in your hands to truly understand it.

And whatever you do, make sure that you splurge for the Action Tune package. In fact, if you can only afford the red-dot milling or Action Tune, get the Action Tune. Hands down, no one could believe how good the trigger is on the WCP365 with the Action Tune package. It makes you grin and your jaw drop at the same time. The voodoo engineers at Wilson replace the sear spring, trigger return spring and striker lock spring. They switch out the factory trigger for Grayguns flat-face trigger and then they polish the internals. In return for this, you get a trigger that is crisper and cleaner than the factory one, allowing for a short reset for lightning-fast follow-up or double-tap shots. This is a must-have!
Lead Downrange
I have put more than 500 rounds of 9mm through my WCP365 without any hiccups. Everyone who has shot it walked away impressed. I do wish that Wilson replaced the standard factory magazine release with a slightly extended mag release. That is my only complaint about the pistol but is an easy fix.

Everything that was done to this pistol has made me a better shooter. Groups fired from 7 yards were easily kept around or under the 1-inch mark. I believe I may have found my next everyday carry pistol. For such a small handgun, it is really a joy to shoot.
Final Notes
If you can afford it, go with the BMW M3 of micro-compact pistols. The Wilson Combat WCP365 is worth it and so much more. Will there be people who prefer the Civic? Yes (which I will never understand), but to each their own. Speaking of each to their own, Wilson does also offer the same package for the P365-XL. To find out more visit wilsoncombat.com.

Caliber: 9mm
Barrel: 3.1 inches
OA Length: 6 inches
Weight: 18.6 ounces
Grips: Polymer
Sights: WC Battlesight rear, fiber-optic front
Action: Striker-fired, semi-auto
Finish: DLC
Capacity: 10+1, 12+1
MSRP: Call for pricing
PERFORMANCE: Wilson Combat WCP365
Lehigh Defense 90 XD 0.83
Wilson Combat 124 GDHP +P 0.63
Wilson Combat 135 HBFN 1.12
Bullet weight measured in grains and accuracy in inches for best five-shot groups at 7 yards.