Gun control has in the past, is currently, and will always have only one logically consistent conclusion that can be reached: the total prohibition on privately held firearms. Then on privately held arms or near arms at all. Colion Noir discusses the current UK nonsense in his video above.
Even if we end up in that legal end state it will not erase firearms from the public, especially from anyone disinclined to acquiesce to the force of law backed request. It will not remove violence as a means of solving or influencing socioeconomic issues.
False Conclusions
Most of the ‘logic’ gun control proponents use to justify their antics, I cannot in good faith call it reasoning, is false equivalence along the lines of what gun proponents use when we see silly shit like, “Just working the action on a pump shotgun will scare away a bad guy.” There is only the barest thread of actual causative logic in the chain but they will confidently state the conclusion as gospel.
“If we get rid of high capacity magazines casualties will be limited in mass shootings.”
A ‘mass shooting’ starts at 4 total casualties
Every firearm capable of holding 4 or more shots is capable of causing a mass shooting
Magazine bans list 10 as the most common capacity limit, many go higher for handguns
The first successful 6 shot double action revolver was produced in 1877 by Colt
The first commercially successful repeating rifle held 16 shots and was produced in 1860 by Henry/New Haven Arms Company
Only 3 of 40 mass killings in 2023 could theoretically and under controlled circumstances have lower casualty counts
Easily accounted for variables make this claim of efficacy on lowering casualties highly suspect
Only 4 mass killings had casualty counts (dead and injured) higher than 10
The highest casualty event, 36 total with 4 dead, had 6 suspects involved in the shooting. 7 handguns were reportedly used, meaning even if they were single magazine and capacity limited they had 70 shots available. The reported number of rounds fired was 89, no effective change can be assumed through capacity limitation as 70 rounds is more than capable of causing the casualty amount or two other handguns could easily have been obtained and used.
Hundreds of millions of magazines in common circulation
“We don’t want to ban normal guns, just assault weapons.”
“Assault Weapon” definitions are dubious and ineffective at separating “normal” and “assault” firearms
Most of these definitions focus on meaningless features like pistol grips and threaded muzzles and banning by make/model
Most have an equivalent non-banned peer that is only more annoying to own, not less effective if used
Most definitions cannot outright say semi-automatic, but that is what they want to ban
Semi-automatics are by far the most common firearm action type, followed by double action and repeater types.
All of these actions are capable of a ‘dangerous’ rate of fire
All of the firearms with these action types are capable of being used in a mass shooting/mass killing
Commonality and cost are still the principle factors that drive firearm selection, not lethality
“We need to do something.”
Yes, but that doesn’t mean do anything just because it makes the part of your brain where the Ralph Wiggum memes lives happy.
Universal background checks? The worst mass shooting in Czech history just happened when a licensed, background checked, tested, doctor signed off 24 year old shot up his campus.
The only logical conclusion
As any and every one of the partial-ban/non-confiscative will not result in a filter that will screen killers from commoners the only place to go next on efforts for those who believe some or all firearms in some manner are the problem is total prohibition, eventually total confiscative prohibition where ‘grandfathering’ is not allowed.
This is the conclusion we seeing being tried and failing in the UK, and with plenty of fear mongering propaganda to help it along.
Any gun controller who supports any of the popular half measures and is ‘willing to stop’ at those is either an idiot, or lying. None of the ‘common sense’ measures puts any meaningfully empowered prohibition in place to spot a determined enough killer, they only inconvenience the commoner.
We have no inverse legal filter that can catch killers but not inconvenience the regular citizen. That is an impossible task. But it is one we keep being sold by gun control proponents. So they again are either stupid, or lying. Possibly both.
The founder of the world’s most successful semi-automatic handgun, and horse breeding entrepreneur, Gaston Glock passed away today at 94 years of age.
The Glock handgun line is in its 5th (technically 6th if you want to get pedantic with it) generation and is unarguably the most successful international handgun brand. It is to service handguns what the AK rifle is to service rifles in many ways, but in many others the Glock brand always maintained its western duty aesthetic and was considered a pistol of the elite professional.
Always copied, never conquered, the Glock sidearm family will likely have a legacy as long or longer as those of Samuel Colt and Benjamin Tyler Henry who are both approaching their second century of market relevance.
In a case the reiterates that not everyone can be wrong all the time, Vox has an interesting piece up about crime rates that could neatly tie up why, despite violent crime starting a decline from the COVID-Riot spike, fear of it is up.
Clearance rates.
In 2020, after the police-involved killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, millions of Americans took to the streets for months to demand police reform. Almost three and a half years later, a report of national crime data, compiled and published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, indicates that police departments nationwide have changed — for the worse. The data says cops are solving fewer crimes today than they did then. –Vox
Violent crime jumped sharply in the summer of 2020 and went higher in the next two years. At the same time the clearance rate on crimes plummeted. More crime were happening and less of them were being solved. If more crimes were happening but they were being solved at an equal or greater rate, the perception of crime would likely be different.
The social attitudes that generated this change are complex. The “Defund” and other police reform movements have not landed for the better.
Murder clearance dropped 15% from about a 60% clearance rate to only 52%, that along with being able to count a crime from any year as a solve against the current year crimes pads the stats in an interesting way depending upon how the data is presented. Violent crime clearance as a whole dropped 20% while occurrences are still up 1.6% from 2019. That is down from the initial spike in 2020 of 5.9%, but with that clearance rate drop far more of those crimes are going unsolved.
Property crimes, already a low clearance rate, dropped an astonishing 30% in clearance rate going from 17% to only 12%. So even as we get to a point where violent crime ‘rates’ are back to declining, the number of crimes being “solved” is not confidence inspiring and confidence in the catch and release justice system impression is very high right now. This remains true even for egregious crimes like homicide.
“You think this juvenile [expletive] is gonna do some [expletive]? I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you.”
To put it in simple mathematical terms, if you have a community that saw 100 murders in a year (so like a six times more peaceful than Chicago) it saw 106, 105, and 102 the following years but went from having 60 of those 100 solved to only 52 or 53. The “felt” rate of homicides is much more like a 10 to 12% increase. To look at Chicago specifically their homicide rate jumped 52% in 2020, it remained 41% elevated in 2022 and is still on pace for 22% above for 2023. Combine that with a clearance rate drop and that is not a recipe for confidence in your criminal deterence.
So why are Americans more afraid of violent crime? it might be just as much resolutions than rates related.
The 1986 Miami Shootout ranks up there with the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral for fame, or at least it does in the gun world. Shootouts like the 86 Miami gunfight, the Newhall Slaughter, and the North Hollywood shootout changed law enforcement and tactics. With that in mind, one of the most notable changes within the FBI was the adoption of the 10mm round and the S&W 1006 handgun. That effectively cemented the cartridge’s legacy and is the most talked about takeaway.
However, if the FBI agents involved in the 1986 Miami Shootout were armed with 10mm handguns, would it have really made a difference?
The 86 Miami Shootout
The FBI was hunting a pair of violent stickup artists. These thugs robbed banks and armored cars and weren’t afraid to kill. They were heavily armed, and both were veterans of the United States Army and served as MPs. They weren’t going to go down easy. The FBI had multiple teams out looking for those guys, and eventually, eight agents cornered them, and the shootout began.
While the 86 Miami shootout is often explained as an eight versus two streetfight, it was really more of an eight versus one. One of the robbers was knocked unconscious for most of the Gunfight and only fired a single ineffective shot from his shotgun. Platt, a man armed with a Mini 14, shot it out with the FBI, killing two agents tragically and wounding five more. Only one agent escaped physically unharmed.
(Miami Dade PD)
The FBI was armed with a mix of weapons. Three of the agents carried the 9mm S&W 459 with 15-round magazines. The rest carried revolvers, and one agent had a Remington 870. It’s worth mentioning there were six other FBI cars roaming around which carried MP5s, shotguns, and M16s, but they didn’t make it to the fight.
The FBI and Platt slugged it out. Eventually, the second robber came to, and while they tried to escape, Ed Mireles heroically gunned both of them down with his S&W 686. The fight was over in minutes but had a lasting legacy. Part of that legacy is the adoption of the 10mm pistol, but there is nothing I’ve read that makes it seem like a 10mm handgun would have made a difference.
Why The 10mm Didn’t Really Matter
The FBI agents were armed with a mix of .38 Special, 9mm, and .357 Magnum handguns. It does seem like the men carrying .357 Magnums loaded their revolvers with .38 specials. Of the eight agents, only three had semi-automatics. The best thing about the swap to 1006 was the fact the FBI got rid of their wheel guns for semi-autos.
Other than that, I don’t believe the 10mm would have made a difference. The men armed with the 9mm handguns admittedly fired the most rounds. Agent Jerry Dove, who was murdered in the fight, landed three shots on Platt. These three shots included one to his lungs. A shot to the lungs, heart, or brain can’t tell the difference between a mm in bullet size. The energy argument is bunk, and the 9mm rounds were capable of penetrating deep enough to count.
Courtesy TTAG
Agent Dove’s shots on target likely slowed Platt enough to save additional lives and ultimately kill him. An autopsy revealed Platt’s lung had collapsed, and his chest cavity had 1.3 liters of blood in him. All of the men who stood and fought are courageous and arguably heroes, so sometimes it’s tough to be constructive because criticism can be taken as an insult.
However, we can’t ignore that two of the eight agents lost their guns before the Gunfight started because they removed them from their holsters and sat them in their seats. We can’t ignore the fact they had eight agents fighting for several minutes to subdue and kill two men. The FBI agents had the courage and the resolve to get the fight done, but the FBI had seemingly failed to train them to a standard to end that fight more quickly.
The Bigger Difference
One of the main pushes to the 10mm came from the fact that Dove’s shot that landed in Platt’s lung stopped short three to four inches from his heart. Would the 10mm have penetrated deeper and killed him? Maybe it would have, but then again, maybe the additional recoil of the 10mm would have made landing additional shots difficult. A lot was made of a single bullet impact and we know now that those are difficult to replicate. A second 9mm hit in the same area might have penetrated to the heart and a head shot might’ve terminated the CNS. But none of that happened live.
When we look at the 86 Miami gunfight, one thing is very obvious. Platt being armed with a long gun made a huge difference. Agent Mireles had a shotgun, but he was also wounded in the arm and was using it with one hand. Have you ever used a pump action 12 gauge with one hand? It’s tough, and the cajones on Mireles to fire five shots with it with one hand is admirable.
Platt and his low-recoiling rifle gave him a significant advantage in this Gunfight. While the 10mm was the most famous difference made by the FBI, they made other changes. They also assigned an MP5 and a shotgun to each car. Since Agents traveled in pairs, each one had a long gun at their disposal. While the MP5 is not a proper rifle, it is much better than any handgun.
Additionally, the FBI revamped its training. According to Mireles, it opened a floodgate to more modern training. Things like body armor became standard. The FBI went back to the drawing board and recognized this wasn’t just a hardware problem. Their software needed a critical upgrade.
Looking Back
I like the 10mm round. I like it a lot. However, when you examine all the things the FBI did after the ‘86 Miami shoot, the adoption of the 10mm pistol was by far the silliest. If I had to nitpick, it seems like M16s in every car would have been a better option than MP5s. Although this was still the age of the SMG for police work.
Mass issuing the S&W 459 would have been a better option, but as the Dude says, “That’s just like, my opinion, man.”
California’s SB2 was another example of legislatures and governors mansions working to try and ban-in-all-but-name a constitutional right. SB2 wiped the slate of viable concealed carry locations for legal permit holders in the state of California in what Newsom is defending as a “data-backed gun safety effort.”
No comment on this data however. California has a the dubious distinction of leading the nation in certain high profile types of gun violence and manages to eek out a below average overall violence rate based on their population absorbing it. But if you stack their metrics next to Texas, a very different legal landscape but with similar population size, they are rather comparable. Almost as if nation sized states with both rural and urban spaces have certain problems not tied to their laws regarding firearms.
Last Wednesday SB2 was blocked in court. It must appeal and justify itself to the court and likely all the way to the Supreme Court if they do appeal. Newsom and his crew are likely to fight this fight as gun policy is one of the items Newsom built his political identity upon. His tough on guns image is crucial for a bid at the Presidency under the Democrat ticket.
The injunction is a temporary measure as the case proceeds, however with the legal momentum after Bruen it is likely that egregious restrictions on carry will fall in court.
One of the big pitfalls that a lot of us run into is the fact that we surround ourselves with like-minded people. This normalizes things that are decidedly ABnormal to society. Have you given any thought to how this knowledge could be used against you, either intentionally or unintentionally? Best case scenario, something comes to light that can make a social situation unnecessarily awkward. Worst case you’re getting called into HR, or being volunteered to solve a problem that you were otherwise uninvolved in. Have you given any thought to if the people in your social circles are assets or liabilities? Let me know what you think!
The world of pistol red dots has slowly become dominated by the enclosed emitter mini red dot. The Aimpoint Acro started a trend that has taken over. The market. Holosun leapt on it, and Trijicon even released a new red dot. Even budget-friendly brands are getting into the enclosed red dot world. One affordable option comes from Swampfox in the form of the Kraken.
That’s right, let’s do all your Release the Kraken jokes now before we get too deep into it. I can’t exactly think of why it’s called the Kraken. Maybe because it’s an enclosed emitter optic and enclosed emitter optics can resist water? Or maybe it’s just a memorable name in a world where model numbers and acronyms seemingly rule to roost.
The Kraken – Specs and Features
The Kraken uses a proprietary footprint and comes with an RMR footprint or a Glock MOS plate. Different plates and mounts exist, including a riser mount for long guns and beyond. The Kraken’s enclosed emitter design ensures nothing gets between the reticle and the screen. The Kraken is IPX7 waterproof. It can be submerged to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes.
The Kraken only weighs 2.5 ounces, but it still has the tactical toaster look that almost all enclosed emitter optics have. The optic runs on a single CR2032 battery and can last up to two years. Helping the battery life is a very aggressive shake awake. After three minutes and 45 seconds, the optic will automatically shut off.
The Dot
The Kraken comes with a 3 MOA red dot reticle. The reticle is surprisingly crisp and clear. It stands out against a slight light blue notch filter. It’s easy to see and has ten different brightness settings. The bottom two are night vision compatible for all your aiming needs. There is also a green option if you prefer that route. The view through the lenses is nice and clear, which is critical for an enclosed emitter optic.
At the Range
With the Swampfox Kraken installed on an Arex Delta, I hit the range. After a quick zero, I was ready to send it. Zeroing was easy, and the .5 MOA adjustments were fairly precise. It makes it easy to get real exact if you decide to toss the optic on a rifle or shotgun. On a handgun, it can get a little pesky, but it is not difficult to work with by any means.
The first thing I look for is the refresh rate. Does the dot lag noticeably as I track the dot? Does the dot lag when I quickly run the gun from target to target? I haven’t noticed it if so. The lag isn’t perceptible when used. It’s not bad for a budget optic by any means.
I also took the optic through various lighting conditions. This includes light from the front, the rear, and the sides. Other than having to naturally squint, I never had issues finding the dot and seeing it vividly. The big buttons on the side are slightly recessed and protected. This keeps the button from being accidentally pressed. The buttons are tactile and quite responsive.
Finding the dot and zapping a target proved plenty easy. Like most enclosed emitter optics, it sits high on the gun, but the dot is still easy to find and see. The Kraken proved to be plenty easy to hit targets, anywhere from five to 25 yards. If I stepped beyond 25 yards, things weren’t as easy, but I could hit targets as far as 50 yards with regularity.
Off the Handgun
The Kraken works well on a handgun, but I do still dislike stacking plates and optics. When tolerances get stacked, it’s always a hassle. This is a problem with most enclosed emitter optics outside of the Holosun EPS. It’s rarely a problem, but it’s worth noting. The Swampfox Kraken would be a great option on a handgun as well as off a handgun.
If you want a minimalist optic for a PDW-type weapon or even a shotgun, the Kraken will work quite well. It’s super light, super small, and works quite well. You get all the benefits of an enclosed emitter optic at a lower price point. While it might not take the level of abuse as an Acro or RCR, it’s still a rugged optic. Rugged enough for home defense, competition, and even concealed carry.
Check it out here, and keep an eye on Swampfox. They are always doing something interesting and affordable.
Cover Photo: 3 of the guns on this list during their first range session. Scroll down to see the other two.
I took the time to compile a list about five different pistols that left an impression on me in 2023. In no particular order, these guns are the Glock 22, Taurus 856, CZ Shadow 2, Walther PDP and Staccato-P. Besides their original review, I also spent additional range time shooting these guns, often times at matches or training sessions. I named these guns in my list because either I really enjoyed shooting them, or I think they have something to offer to the industry (or both). My average round count across this list is approximately 500 rounds. With exception to the Taurus or Glock, the other three guns spent much time on my match belt this year.
Glock 22 Gen 5
Loaded with 180-grain HSTs, I’ve been carrying this pistol in stock configuration for most of the late summer and early autumn with my time on the highways.
Back in the spring, I stumbled onto some .40 S&W trade-in ammo deals. One thing led to another, and I impulse bought a like-new fifth generation Glock 22 also for a deal. While I’m intimately familiar with full-size 9mm Glock models, I had very little experience with .40-caliber Glocks other than shooting a Gen3 version at an indoor range some 15 years ago. Even though I was brand new to shooting then, I still recall that particular Glock 22 being snappy and unpleasant to shoot. It turned me off from .40 S&W completely. Years of seeing memes making fun of this cartridge and its shooters didn’t help either. Being in the firearms space, I’m well aware of the historic issues that Glock had with its earlier G22 variants and the .40 S&W. That’s why the first time I took out my new Gen5 Glock 22, I did so with no expectations. Had it not been for those deals on that trade-in ammo and my designs of potentially shooting Limited Major on the cheap, I’d probably never care about .40 S&W at all. After my first 100 rounds, I was very pleasantly surprised with this “improved” Glock 22; I found it to be quite accurate and controllable. What sealed the deal was nailing impacts dead on at 25-yd with 180-grain Federal HSTs at 25 yards. Certainly, some of this new Glock’s magic can be attributed to the suite of fifth-generation upgrades found on all current production guns. Shooting the new Glock 22 was a night and day difference between the one I shot fifteen years ago; those older guns were basically Glock 17s adapted to chamber a larger cartridge as an afterthought. The new fifth-generation model was deliberately built with respect to the .40 S&W and it really shows. Slides are a little bit thicker and heavier (and rightly so). Training with it last week under the pressure of a shot-timer, I hardly noticed the extra recoil or anything like that.
I won’t deny that part of the fun and enjoyment in shooting the fifth-generation Glock 22 comes from it being something other than a 9mm or .45 ACP. The .40 S&W cartridge gets a bad rap, but looking at the caliber’s own numbers, I don’t think there is anything to trivialize about it. It’s true that from a whiz-kid bean counter perspective the 9mm Luger still edges it out, but that doesn’t take into account surplus trade-in deals or the value of keeping a spare handgun in an alternative chambering. Besides that, it’s hard to feel undergunned when carrying an accurate pistol with a 16 round capacity chambered in a major caliber. That older Glocks or other makes and models weren’t fully optimized to handle the .40 S&W properly isn’t the cartridge’s fault either. It’s no different than trying to sprint with ill fitting shoes. And the .40 is alright. I can’t wait to have some fun shooting Limited Major with it when the chance comes up.
Taurus 856
My 2-inch Taurus 856 snub. Note the eye-catching XS Sights front sight. It really makes a difference when shooting this revolver critically.
While Taurus makes revolvers in all sizes and calibers, the .38-caliber Taurus 856 is a standout; their frames are only slightly larger than those of classic Smith & Wesson J-Frames while also holding an additional round in their cylinders. The Taurus 856’s overall size is probably the most relevant frame size for today’s revolver shooters because this size lends itself well to personal defense and carry. The Taurus 856 can be had with either 2 or 3-inch barrels and frames made from carbon steel, stainless steel or aluminum (Ultra-Light models). The 856 also holds the distinction of being the first carry revolver to ship optics ready from the factory with TORO models. Most importantly, these guns have a very affordable price and it’s my opinion that between their cost and quality, they’re helping to keep the revolver relevant today.
I own two different Taurus 856 revolvers, a 2-inch snub and a 3-inch carry gun that I purchased locally at a big box outdoor store. I bought them specifically because of my gun-writing, and my matte black snub 856 has been featured in several pieces throughout 2023. 80% of my revolver-centric live and dry-fire has been subjected on that black snubbie, and I honestly haven’t been very kind to it. This is the revolver I carry in my Dark Star Gear Apollo and the revolver I outfitted with the XS Sights Dot front sight. I treat it like a Glock. I carry it, sweat on it and shoot-and-dry-fire the crap out of it. And honestly? This revolver is holding up quite well. In fact, its trigger seems to smoothen out and improve with more use. Admittedly, part of the reason I’m hard on it is because it’s affordable. The irony of this is that I wouldn’t “mistreat” a more expensive gun this way. But how else is one supposed to find out if their gear actually holds up? After shooting the majority of my .38 Special cartridges through these Brazilian revolvers in 2023, I’m very satisfied for their cost to performance ratio.
*Don’t actually treat your revolvers like a Glock. All of them do need extra attention and babying and more cleaning in between rounds fired compared to your typical contemporary 9mm pistol. But it’s true that I don’t baby my 856.
The CZ Shadow 2 is the the undisputed king of sport pistols for action-shooting pistol games. The Shadow 2 isn’t a new pistol by any means, and its original launch date is soon coming up on ten years. At the aggregate level, the Shadow 2 is basically a plain old CZ-75 with “running shoes” so to speak. Many can argue that the true king of sport pistols is the 2011, and they’d probably make some good points. However, I’m of the opinion that the real king is the Shadow 2 because it offers excellent accuracy, tracks very flatly, has a heavy recoil absorbing steel frame and can be tuned for cutting edge performance. But most importantly, the Shadow 2 is more affordable and accessible than most competition grade 2011s, and that counts for something. For every SVI I see, I see ten Shadow 2s at a match. In fact, their standard retail prices even came down by a few hundred bucks this year. These CZs also enjoy an extremely robust aftermarket full of accessories, improvements and other go-fast parts. People aslo love to mill them out for USPSA Carry-Optics and now CZ offers an optics-ready SKU. Out of the box, the Shadow 2 can be shot in either Production, Limited, Standard (IPSC), Carry Optics (OR/milled versions) and Limited Optics (OR/milled versions). In other words, this 9mm competition pistol is competitive by default in damn near everything except Open division. I doubt it’s going away any time soon.
Ironically, I had never fired or handled a CZ Shadow 2 until April of this year. These guns are incredibly popular at my local USPSA club and after seeing so many Shadow 2s in so many holsters, I started asking my friends at the club if I could dry-fire their guns at the safe table. Eventually I got to shoot one too, and then I bought my own; used, with my tax return money. Mine is a standard “blue” Shadow 2 that was made in 2018 and was barely broken in with a few hundred rounds. Using Federal 124-gr Syntech 9mm, I’ve shot some of the best iron sighted 25-yard B8 freestyle groups of my life with it. I also remember my first match with this pistol, where I was competing under Limited Minor. My club is extremely competitive and I didn’t win, but I specifically remember how flat the Shadow 2’s slide tracked and how that made me more confident in my match shooting. Initially, I recall calling shots that I thought were charlies snd deltas that ended up being alphas, so I started pushing more and becoming more aggressive with this pistol. The Shadow 2 became an instant favorite.
Walther PDP
I’ll fess up to my soft-spot for the Walther PDP because I’ve also done some of my best-ever shooting with mine this year. It’s also the gun that helped me get used to shooting with dots more than any other pistol. This polymer frame striker fired 9mm handgun is the storied German gun company’s flagship model, and it’s also what I’d consider an extremely modern pistol because it was built from the ground up to be symbiotic with mounted optics. I predict that this trend will become more common as other brand new handgun models make their way into the industry for the first time simply because the popularity of mounted pistol dots is exploding exponentially. All PDP variants are optics-ready by default and include a fairly deep slide cut so that mounted optics can sit lower than is customary. The standard Walther PDP can be had with different barrel lengths (4″, 4.5″ and 5″) and frame sizes (full-size and compact). Because they all use the same working parts, all frames and slides are interchangeable. In addition to being optics-ready, these guns have remarkably good stock triggers with a very crisp and precise break. Like its grandfather, the Walther P99, the PDP is also thoughtfully ergonomic and has an oval-shaped profile that fills the shooting hand rather well. As I describe in my full review, the PDP’s grip is smartly tapered allowing the shooter to better use their support hand during shooting, especially when driving a red dot.
The combination of its ergonomics, low sitting dot and easy trigger make this gun extremely easy to shoot. My gun, which is pictured above, has been wonderfully reliable with both factory and handloads. I’ve taken it to several USPSA matches, the only handgun training class I took this year, and its also the gun I use to work all of my dry-fire. The PDP’s recoil impulse always gets brought up as being “different”, whatever that means. This isn’t any other gun anyway, it is its own thing. In my experience when trying to shoot competitively or with performance in mind, the recoil impulse is never an issue. I’ve also come to appreciate how the slide tracks and returns to zero. In short, I really like this gun because it’s so easy to shoot well and hardly needs anything out of the box (other than more ammo). One thing that’s hard to deny about Walther’s pistols is how much thought they put into them. Look back at the P99 for example, which was a design ahead of its time. Similarly, that same spirit will make you appreciate all the inputs into the PDP line.
The Staccato-P. It has its share or lovers and haters, but damn it if doesn’t just shoot round after round accurately.
It goes without saying that double-stack 1911 or 2011s are very in these days, especially in the tactical and defensive world that lies beyond traditional realm of sport pistols. Formerly known as STI, Staccato is partially responsible as a trendsetter. Performance 2011s (also known as raceguns) can offer shooters an Icarian level of ability, but like literal race cars, these guns are impractical outside of their “tracks.” Getting that close to the metaphorical sun calls for certain trade-offs, after all. In the mid 2010s, Georgetown, Texas based STI began to morph into Staccato; instead of solely catering to competitive shooters, Staccato shifted into a company that caters to tactical/high performance duty grade shooters and concealed carriers. With this shift, Staccato also revamped their quintessential competition focused 2011 models and tweaked them into hard-use “street” guns. The end result was a distillation of the best aspects of the 2011, such as its single action trigger and incredible accuracy, but without the fickleness of its magazine or other reliability and sensitivity issues that plague match guns. 2011 magazines can be a weak point in reliability for these guns, and improving them is something Staccato has spent great efforts on. Besides a duty-appropriate single action trigger weight and reliable magazines, these guns also have other subtle adjustments that increase reliability. Finally, Staccato-Ps have a native optics footprint that’s compatible with the Leupold Delta-Point Pro, but both Staccato and aftermarket companies offer many optics mounting solutions for the Staccato-P.
This year, I had the chance to put an aluminum frame 9mm Staccato-P through its paces. There’s hardly any difference between this model and the regular steel frame model, just the 5 ounce delta in weight. My experience with the Staccato-P included several USPSA matches where I ran it as hard as I could. I cycled all manner of both factory 9mm cartridges in addition to different batches of my own reloads, and the gun swallowed everything. While it’s true that the Staccato-P gets a lot of hype, I did see for myself how reliable and how well-made these handguns are. The world of double-stack 2011s gets quite expensive in a hurry, and while the Staccato-P isn’t a “cheap” gun, it makes an excellent entry level 2011 considering what it brings to the table.
That’s all folks! Go and get fed and see family and friends, love your life and the good folks within it. Give your pets something fun. Go sledding (geographically able) and let’s begin the exodus of 2023 with an interesting 2024 on the Horizon.
Oh and don’t you think I’m not cackling at our legal early Christmas gift as Newsom the nuisance in California got hit concealed carry restrictions shoved in the dumpster where they belong.
Sucks to suck, Gav. Better luck never. I hope you run for President in 2028 and get absolutely rekt, my friend. Never stop being a clown. Or do. That would actually be character development and show growth as a person and you are allowed to do that instead of pander to every wild fancy the coastal California minds can come up with to burn money.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from GAT! See you Tuesday!
When the Judge came out, I was a young Marine barely old enough to purchase a handgun. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. It’s a handheld shotgun! In reality, I was a bit disappointed with the .410 firing prowess, so it became a .45 Colt gun, but that was pretty pricey to feed. Now, more than a decade later, the Taurus Judge Home Defender has made its premiere. Taurus took the Judge and stretched it out. The 3-inch barrel is now 13 inches, and the gun comes standard with a 3-inch cylinder. Up front, the gun has a big beefy handguard.
We get something that does seem more akin to a home defense gun. The question we are asking today revolves around answering a simple question. Is the Judge Home Defender a capable home defense weapon? This isn’t a full review of the gun, but with the experience of a couple hundred rounds, I wanted to answer at least this one question. We’ll start from front to rear and inside out to answer it.
The Judge Home Defender – Sights and Lights
Up front, we have a big handguard to support the 13-inch barrel and to protect your hands from a potentially hot barrel. It’s also a great place to rest your hand to deal with the front-heavy weight of the weapon. At the end of that handguard sits an integrated Picatinny rail that allows you to mount a nice-sized weapon light. A weapon light is critical for a home defense weapon.
At the end of the barrel, you’ll notice a distinct lack of a front sight, which is fine because there isn’t a rear sight either. Instead, we have a nice long rail across the top of the gun. Mounting a red dot is your sighting solution. You aren’t limited in size when it comes to red dots. Since it’s a revolver, you can mount an Eotech XPS3 if you want to. I went smaller with a Vortex Defender-CCW.
The Judge Home Defender is modern enough to accommodate lights and red dots. Lights are necessary for home defense, and red dots can be handy for the task. The presence of optics and lights is certainly nice for a modern home defense weapon to have, the perhaps hardest and scariest moment of your life made easier.
Caliber Questions
I don’t think it’s controversial to say that .45 Colt is a proven ‘man-stopper’, as the term goes. It’s been around for well over a hundred years and has raised hell ever since its creation. However, is five rounds of .45 Colt a better option than 17 rounds of 9mm? I don’t think so. The main benefit of this gun would come from firing .410. Specifically, buckshot loads.
When a single trigger pull can launch multiple projectiles, then you get a significant change in what trigger pull does to a target. Multiple projectiles mean multiple wound tracts and a better chance of disabling an attacker with a single shot or fewer shots. You still need to aim a Home Defender, and shotguns in general, but if you flinch or maybe throw your shot a hair, that sin is covered by the spread of a shotshell.
With that in mind, how does .410 buckshot perform in the gun? Sadly, it’s tough to find .410 buckshot. I guess hunting season ate it up. Remington makes a great 3-inch load, but I couldn’t get my hands on it. I tried Winchester Super X in 2.5 and 3-inch varieties. The rounds patterned wide, but at 15 yards they all remained well within the Q of an FBI Q target. These loads will penetrate deep enough to matter.
Next, I tried the Hornady Triple Defense. It paks a .41 caliber slug and two .35 caliber buckshot balls. This was the best patterning load. In the past, this round has suffered from poor penetration from a standard Judge with a three-inch barrel. However, the 13-inch barrel allows it to reach proper velocities and dig into with more than adequate penetration.
With .45 Colt, I produced a fifty-cent-sized group at 25 yards, so for a longer range, it’s an option. I will still defer to the preference of buckshot.
Yay or Neigh For Home Defense
Is the Judge Home Defender capable of being a useful home defense tool? Yes. It will stop a threat firing effective HD rounds. What does it offer compared to all the other options? Well, it is very small and very easy to control. It can be fired one-handed if necessary but also fires buckshot versus a single pistol round. It’s a bit more akin to a scaled down Shockwave than a pistol. You don’t have to pump it like a Bantam/Youth 500 in the same chambering.
It’s a niche tool, but even a niche tool can be an effective tool. If you want something that can handle like a handgun than shotgun but launch multiple projectiles per trigger pull, the Judge Home Defender might be for you. Plus, admittedly, it’s a lot of fun to shoot!
Right now we see a lot of discourse on social media where people readily get aggressive and offensive with each other, because they’re shielded by the barriers that a screen and keyboard provide.
Unfortunately, we’re also seeing that dynamic frequently spill over into face to face interactions as well, sometimes with severe consequences. As armed defenders, we have to acknowledge that every confrontation we’re a part of has the potential to become a gunfight….cuz we brought a gun!
Even if you don’t regularly carry a firearm, it’s worth asking yourself whether or not instigating a hostile exchange is a good idea? You don’t know this person, what their values are, or what kind of day their having. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: You’re only the good guy in YOUR mind, and the “other guy” might not see it that way. Violence of Mind covers this in great detail. You should really get a copy:
That’s not to say that engaging with those with whom you disagree is a BAD idea, but there’s a huge difference between disagreeing, and being disagreeable. Do you know how to have that conversation without being a combative asshole? Verbal Judo and How to Win Friends & Influence People are great resources to hone those skills.
If you do have those interactions treat it like a sparring session, not an actual battle or national level competition….. Or don’t. It’s your time and emotional capital. Spend it how you wish.
Update: The student is reported to be 24 years old, Police were tipped to the attack but unfortunately evacuated the location the student attended which was not the place he attacked. Unknown if the shooter was killed by police or by his own hand. Allegedly a matching named social media account is claiming inspiration from an attack in Russia. The shooter is reported to have owned several legal firearms meaning he was licensed, passed a proficiency exam, a medical exam, and had no criminal record. There are about 310,000 licenses and 250,000 have the concealed weapon endorsement on their license. The Czech Republic also has courses for its civilian reservist program, their version of militia.
At Prague University in the Czech Republic a gunman has reportedly killed 15 and wounded 24 in an attack on the campus.
As often as Europe likes to pretend they are immunized from these atrocities by their legal codes, attacks across the continent have proven the falsehood. Do they happen less frequently, yes. At the moment at least. But they have no more effective preventative measures in place there than we do here in the US.
Laws do not and cannot stop a motivated assailant and firearms are common and old technology.
This is being listed as the nation’s largest mass shooting outside of warfare. The shooter is being reported as a student who also apparently killed his father prior to the event. An official timeline is not yet available.
“We always thought that this was a thing that did not concern us. Now it turns out that, unfortunately, our world is also changing and the problem of the individual shooter is emerging here as well,” Prague Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda told Czech Television.
This is the great lie, the mistake constantly made by lower crime and higher affluent regions who believe it cannot happen “here” and that they are above such violence. They are not, the odds are just in favor of lower rates of occurrence as people experiencing a generally high quality of life have problems less often topped by violence as a solution. Violence is a rarer currency in these spaces as functional courts and issued currency rule the day. But that doesn’t mean anything to someone who places value on violence as a solution or an outlet.
It is another reminder that though the 21st Century remains safer than any prior, we are not ‘safe’ and we cannot be allowed to be sold the lie of alleged safety as an absolute by political animals who have no such power or authority over the world to make it so.
Mag pouches are a lot like holsters. If you call yourself a gun guy or gal, then you’ll likely have a bin full of them. Some for rifles, some for handguns, and maybe even shotguns if you roll that way. If you own an AR, an AK, a Scorpion, or any of the other options out there, it might get annoying to constantly have to swap gear from platform to platform. Well, if it annoys you like it annoys me, then 5.11 might have a solution for you. It comes in the form of the 5.11 Flex Multicaliber Mag Pouch, or for brevity’s sake and my sanity, the Flex Multical Mag Pouch.
The Flex Multical Mag Pouch is a MOLLE-based magazine pouch that uses a bungee cord retention system that can be flexed out and adjusted to fit a wide variety of different magazines. The difference between an AR and AK magazine is enough to warrant a different mag pouch. Now imagine the difference between an AR-15 and Scorpion magazine, or even an AR magazine and a .338 Lapua Magazine.
The Magic Behind the Flex Multical Mag Pouch
Now imagine a magazine pouch that can fit them all. That’s what the 5.11 Flex Multical mag pouch promises. The mag pouch itself is made from 500D material that is double-layered to be extremely durable and well-made. The front of the mag pouch features a laser cut PALs webbing to allow you to stack another rifle mag, a pistol magazine, or whatever.
On the side, we have adjustable side panels that are tightened via a set of adjustable bungee cords. A set of dual bungee cords are easy to adjust and tighten on the fly. This is where our adjustment comes from, which allows us to fit the mag pouch to everything from your AR-10 to your CZ Scorpion.
Adjusting is a little tricky. It’s best to adjust one side at a time. Then pin the bungee cord down, unlock the cord lock, and pull the whole thing tight or let it get loose. Having the mag on hand makes it easy to adjust the mag pouch just right for whatever size you need it to be. Additionally, the Flex Multical Mag Pouch comes with an adjustable bungee cord to give you that active retention guarantee.
Making the adjustments isn’t too tough. I’ve adjusted the pouches to fit a bit of everything I have. This includes AK and AR magazines, as well as the Scorpion mags. From there, I went big and was able to fit AR-10 magazines and then Sentry 12 magazines. The Sentry 12 is a twelve-gauge shotgun, so the magazine is pretty big, but it fits without a problem.
Rocking and Rolling
These magazine pouches really appealed to me because I review a number of different guns every year. If I’m shooting, I try to train, and this means working reloads. I got really sick of changing out mag pouches on belts and carriers, and my wallet got sick of buying mag pouches.
Additionally, I like to keep my belt mainly set up for an AR-15. It’s my go-to option if the world ends or China invades. At the same time, I like to shoot PCC competitions in Action Steel, Steel Challenge, and hopefully USPSA sooner or later, or maybe PCSL. Instead of having two belts for each, I can adjust the Flex Multical Mag pouches to move from AR to PCC pretty easily.
Dedicated MG style mags work well. Admittedly, magazines from the pistol world are a bit shrimpy. Something like the Colt SMG mag works better than the Glock extendos. Will it work? Sure, as long as it uses active retention, but it’s roomy, to say the least.
Removing and reloading from the Flex Multical Mag pouch is very intuitive. The mags slide out with ease, and the active retention bungees are easily defeated and pop right off when defeated. The rear side of the pouch has two PAL straps that are thin and easily fit between the various rows of MOLLE without being a pain. On the end of the PAL straps sits a Duraflex G.C. Snap, which ensures it stays shut and locked on the belt, chest rig, or plate carrier.
One Pouch – Many Mags
The Flex Multical Mag Pouches are fairly inexpensive and won’t break the bank. It’s a little less than 35 dollars and provides plenty of versatility for a number of different weapon types. Check it out here.
I know how dumb that title sounds on an article about guns on a website about guns. You’ll really have to hear me out behind the headline to get what I’m going for. A while back, I detailed how I dive into lower-information social media groups. It helps bring context to what the gun industry can improve on, and I realized one of those things is the product-based arm’s race for defensive firearm use.
I saw two different people post in two different groups out of apparent frustration. This came from the concealed carry world. Both were frustrated because they didn’t really understand why they needed this or that and why one gadget was better than another gadget. In reality, they already had good weapons, so they didn’t need anything.
Every day, it seems like there is a new optic, light, or even firearm proposing to be the best new shiny thing out there. This can often spawn a mentality that you have to constantly buy new guns or gear, or even calibers, to keep up with the current defensive market trend. If you don’t, you’ll be kilt in da streetz as the meme goes. In reality, most people don’t need the best, most expensive gear to survive a defensive encounter.
To be clear, it is also perfectly fine to want and purchase the best gear. I love shotguns, so I am willing to spend a ton of money on nice shotguns. It’s not necessarily because I need a Benelli when I already have a Mossberg 590. It’s because I want one. Would I be successful with my Mossberg 590 in a home defense encounter? Highly likely, but I like having the Benelli.
The Arm’s Race and Accessories
Guns are one factor, but the fastest paced seems to be accessories. There are much bigger jumps in technology as it relates to accessories than firearms. With handguns, things like weapon-mounted lights and optics have become incredibly popular. New optics are released all the time, as are new weapon lights.
If you are looking at your plain Jane Glock 17 and reading the hype about the newest Modlite and Aimpoint, then it’s easy to feel like you are doing something wrong. Even worse, maybe you are looking at your Glock 17 with an RMR and a Surefire UBoat and thinking, I need an enclosed emitter and a Surefire UBoat Turbo!
In reality, do you really need those accessories to survive and win a defensive encounter? No, not really. They can be very nice to have and do have their benefits, but they don’t guarantee a win by any means. I do actively encourage the use of red dots on pistols and think home defense guns need lights.
At the same time, if you have a handgun and 1,000 bucks to spend, I’d encourage you to spend money on training and ammo over accessories if you have your bases covered. A used Glock 19 Gen 2 in the hands of a skilled user is better than a Roland Special in the hands of a guy who shot 100 rounds and considers it good to go.
What Do You Really Need?
At the end of the day, all you need to cross the finish line of the Arm’s Race is a safe, reliable firearm that matches your goal and enough luck. This can be a bare-bones AR-15 from a reputable maker, a classic pump action shotgun, and a modern, plain Jane handgun. In fact, modern is relative. Carrying a S&W Third Gen or a classic Beretta 92FS is fine. If you have a classic S&W Shield, you don’t really “need” to purchase a SIG P365 for an extra couple of rounds in the mag. There are benefits, sure, but need is different than beneficial.
When we talk modern, what I really mean is modern safety features. The gun needs to be drop-safe and can only be fired when the trigger is pulled. The Savage M1907 is a sweet gun, but it’s not drop-safe. A good, reliable handgun or revolver is fine. It doesn’t need to be adorned with all the accessories to be effective.
You don’t need a 1301 if you can run your Mossberg 500. If you want it, then great, but it’s better to be well-trained with what you have than bumbling with the latest and greatest. If you’re on a budget, then competency will always beat gadgets and gizmos.
With the insane cost of groceries these days, are you considering starting a garden in the spring? Are you an established gardener who is looking for ways to reduce your reliance on commercial fertilizers and composts as prices for those also rise amid global inflation and war pressures? What if I told you that there was a completely free way of producing fertilizer/compost/mulch this winter for your garden beds in the spring?
I’m still “new” at this too, but. I’ve been gardening now for about four years. Personally, every dollar I spend on the garden has to justify itself, as that ultimately increases the cost of producing my food. I have often referred to myself as “The CheapAss Gardener”. I’m always looking for low and no-cost ways to improve my food-producing efforts. From reusing and repurposing materials to composting and collecting rainwater, there’s always something new I’m trying. Thus, I’m sharing a way I found to produce free compost/fertilizer with which to overlay my garden beds this winter.
Free Nitrogen Source
Those who already compost kitchen waste know that for good breakdown you need a balance of nitrogen sources and carbon sources. But what if you only cook for one person so your kitchen scraps as a nitrogen source are limited?
What if I told you that you produce an absolutely free and sterile nitrogen source from your own body every single hour of every single day? Yep, Urine.
Wait, come back! Before you reject this due to the ick factor, let’s talk about a few things. First and foremost, unlike “humanure” which requires very specific, careful, and long term handling to avoid spreading pathogens, urine is sterile when it exits the body. It may pick up a little skin bacteria during collection but this is minimal and generally not a concern, unless you have an infection, in which case you should wait. Likewise you should be careful and not collect urine if you are on certain medications or chemo drugs, as these can be excreted into the urine. There doesn’t seem to be much research about how long these medications may persist once exposed to the elements out in the soil, so best to refrain until there is more science on this. In addition to nitrogen, urine also contains many trace minerals – including potassium and phosphorous – which are essential for proper plant growth.
Personally, I keep a peanut butter jar and a jug in the downstairs bathroom for collection. You can choose whatever method makes you comfortable. Just remember that if you’ve changed your children’s diapers or clean up after your dog or cat, this is not any more “icky” than that. People with livestock should have zero qualms. But if you have livestock then you already have fertilizer at hand, so this advice is more for suburban yard gardeners like myself who have HOA rules which forbid raising little manure producers. And FYI – Dog and cat waste is NOT considered safe to use in food production, so please don’t.
The Science
For the skeptics, in addition to the fact that using urine in the garden was a time honored tradition before the advent of indoor plumbing, there is also hard data research. You can google it yourself, but I’ve provided a few links here.
Urine can be used “straight” – dumped right onto your compost pile to jumpstart it if the nitrogen balance has gotten low. You can also dilute it to use when watering your tomatoes, squash, corn, etc. once your garden is established. I personally do not use urine fertilizer on crops that will soon be harvested near or in the ground, such as lettuce, carrots, etc. But I do use it to prepare the ground for new seeds, as it will be months until harvest/consumption.
But what if you still have some “ick” about using it straight and need something to do “now” in the wintertime/off season? How about using urine to create bulk compost to put on top of your beds over the winter? Let me tell you what I’ve been doing for the past four years or so.
Shredded paper
We’ve talked about the urine for a nitrogen source. But what about a carbon source? Lacking an abundance of straw or dead leaves, I’ve been using shredded paper. My definition of “paper” is loose. I shred junk mail (without the plastic windows), cereal boxes, catalogs, pizza boxes, old bills, Amazon boxes, fast food bags, toilet paper rolls, newspapers – you get the idea. I do not worry about colored inks, which haven’t contained heavy metals for decades. Nor do I worry about “glossy” pages, which involves a clay coating and not plastic. The only thing I avoid is plastic – because it doesn’t break down. Thus, I tear off the clear windows from bill envelopes. You’d be surprised how much reusing this trash paper reduces your curbed garbage every week, too.
Pee Compost
What I do is collect the urine for a day or two in the aforementioned jug, then in a reused potting soil bag in a tub in the garage I layer shredded paper sprinkled with used garden soil for a bacterial jumpstart. I gradually pour the urine over the layered paper – slowly, to allow it to absorb and not run right to the bottom. This process gets repeated over the week, adding more layers until the bag is full. I then upend the bag into a lidded plastic tub or bucket. This mixes it up a bit and allows the soil organisms to work and cure for a few weeks or a month until this tub is eventually full. Meanwhile I repeat the process, gradually filling the bag again on a roughly weekly basis.
When the tub is full I carry it from the garage to the garden and dump the contents into an overwintering bed. By this point the urine/paper compost will have been working for several weeks but will not be completely broken down yet. It doesn’t seem to matter. After raking it out to distribute it a bit, I walk away and let the weather and worms continue to break things down until spring.
Admittedly this does smell a little manure-ish when you first dump it out, but that smell dissipates quickly and should not offend your neighbors. I notice no odor in my garage until I open the lid. But if this bothers you there is no reason you can’t keep the tubs outside, it’s just a little more inconvenient that way. Also, the colder temps will suppress bacterial action for the breakdown. But it will break down eventually.
Free fertilizer mulch for my cherry tree!
Bed Volume Expander
Yet another option for this mixture is to use it as a volume expander when starting new garden beds or tubs. In the vein of lasagna gardening or hugelkultur this can be used as an under layer to help you use less bagged soil. I have done this in the past, and when I needed to change that soil to a new container for various reasons (like container breakage) I found that this under layer had broken down into a deep black organic layer which had been feeding the roots of my happy plants.
I noticed over the years that the 10 gallon tub I used to store and transport this mixture was getting heavy to haul around when full – so much so that the handles broke. Thus, I have switched to a series of lidded five gallon buckets instead (even cat litter buckets work) to make them easier to carry. I have used heavy contractor bags in the past, but I hated throwing them away, and am moving more toward re-used and re-usable materials as I go along.
Waiting for their turn in the garden.
Winter is the perfect time to plan ways to get a jumpstart on your spring inflation garden. My seed catalogs have already begun to arrive, so I am in the mood “now” even before Christmas. Starting some pee compost is one way to get that jumpstart.
This is by no means an exact science or an exhaustive tutorial. You may have other ideas which work well or even better for you. I encourage you to do some reading and research. Consider this merely an introduction to the possibilities for completely cost-free garden amendments which will increase your soil fertility and decrease your grocery bills. Happy Gardening!