HOW TO BE SAFE INSTEAD OF JUST FEELING SAFE: How to Take Control of Your Personal Security

When it comes to a concealed carry lifestyle, it’s not uncommon to hear the justification of “it makes me feel safe.” This is generally related to the purchase of a new handgun or other piece of personal protective equipment. Unfortunately, that’s where the thought typically stops. “I have X, so I’m safe.” This means that X is little more than a personal security blanket for the user

Finding Real Safety by Taking Personal Control

There are those who argue that the mere sense of feeling safe is sufficient. They feel it can result in the carrier walking taller, presenting an air of confidence, and other behaviors we associate with being deselected for victimization.

The problem lies with the fact that there tend not to be any actual capabilities to back up that confidence. So, it’s likely to crumble immediately if challenged. The types of people that will likely put us in situations that require using force have probably had guns pointed at them before. Likely more than once. They may have even been shot and/or stabbed before.

The entire reason you find yourself in a situation like that is expressly BECAUSE they’ve done the math, assessed the risks, and decided that you’re worth the time and effort.

This is why BEING safe is far more critical than FEELING safe. FEELING safe alone tends not to hold up to any resistance. However, actually BEING safe means you actually have an understanding of your own capabilities and limitations and can act accordingly.

The Suited Shootist
Alex Sansone took his first formal pistol class in 2009, and has since accumulated almost 500 total hours of open enrollment training from many of the nation's top instructors including Massad Ayoob, Craig Douglas, Tom Givens, Gabe White, Cecil Burch, Chuck Haggard, Darryl Bolke, and many others. Spending his professional life in the corporate world, Alex quickly realized incongruities between "best practices" in the defensive world, and the practical realities of his professional and social limitations. "I've never carried a gun professionally. I'm just a yuppie suburbanite that happens to live an armed lifestyle. Having worked in the corporate arena for the last decade, I've discovered that a lot of the "requirements" and norms of gun carriers at large aren't necessarily compatible with that professional environment. I also have a pretty diverse social background, having grown up in the Northeast, and there are many people in my life that are either gun-agnostic or uncomfortable with the idea of private gun ownership. This has afforded me not only insights into how we are perceived by different subcultures, but how to manage and interact with people that may not share your point of view without coming across as combative or antisocial. This is why my focus is the overlooked social aspects of the armed lifestyle."