
ATF Revises its Stance on Pistol Braces… Again.

Image From TFB


Our Friends over at TheFirearmBlog have the full letter here but let me give you a quick rundown from GAT Daily before you go read the letter.

First a brief brief history.

in 2012 the first brace hit the market and it was quickly picked up by Sig Sauer and became the Sig Brace. People loved how it changed the awkward aesthetics of the AR type pistols into a more useable platform. Obvious to all was its utility to stabilize a firearm in a similar manner to a shoulder stock, giving the firearm the utility of an SBR without the arduous wait time.

in 2015 right before SHOT Show and after several braces had hit the market the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms & Explosives (BATFE/ATF) had received literally thousands of letters addressing the brace’s legal utility. This constant cajoling led the ATF to augment their opinion on the whole brace technology to indicate that shouldering the brace constituted a deliberate modification and thus created a NFA item. This was legally challenged by SB Tactical on the basis that while the ATF considered shouldering the brace a “modification” no actual physical modification was done by deliberately shouldering the brace. It was the ONLY piece of ATF approved technology that could be modified without actually being modified, only used unconventionally.

The newest letter from the ATF acknowledges this and effectively reverses the 2015 decision. While the ATF points out they do not like people shouldering the brace they go on to clarify that as long as the brace remains in factory ATF approved condition and undergoes no modification by the end user to increase its utility as a stock (or any modification at all) the brace’s use on a pistol and any use of the pistol while the brace is on the pistol do not constitute a modification of the pistol into an NFA controlled firearm.

They go on to point out that deliberately installing the brace at a length of pull outside of the norm and usable only as a stock would constitute a modification.

Pistol (top) SBR (bottom) one does not become the other through use

So in short as long as the brace is installed as intended from the factory it does not matter how you use your pistol. Just do not modify your brace from factory specs.

GC-129 Buying an NFA Item | What You Need to Know

In Gunfighter Cast Episode GC-129, I spoke with Brandon Light from Thunderbird Firearms Academy about how to purchase an NFA item. I get a lot of questions about how one can obtain a suppressor or short barreled rifle, so we did our best to answer those here.

Thunderbird Firearms Academy

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We Like Shooting 186 – Not the damn gloves again!

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 186 – tonight we’ll talk about California side loader, Falcon 37, Henry, The Gunsta, VSO and more!

Full show notes here!

NRAAM Exhibit: AIMPOINT Virtual Reality Experience

Booth #1410 in Atlanta Georgia this coming weekend is looking to be a fully immersive environment testing their optical line. This new VR experience is set to give guests at the Aimpoint Booth a far more dynamic and interactive experience when considering the optical lineup than simply staring through it across the floor.

From Aimpoint:

Aimpoint Virtual Reality Experience 
Coming to NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits 2017
April 20, 2017
Manassas, VA – April 20, 2017  Aimpoint, the originator and worldwide leader in reflex sight technology, will showcase their one-of-a-kind virtual reality hunting experience to attendees of the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits in Atlanta, GA, April 27-30.
With state of the art technology, the Aimpoint Virtual Reality Experience is designed to fully immerse the user in dynamic and realistic hunting scenarios, including traditional European driven wild boar. Wireless controllers provide natural and intuitive interaction, while maintaining comfort for the user.
Utilizing Aimpoint optics and offering multiple target opportunities, the Aimpoint VR Experience is the best possible method to demonstrate the concept of shooting with both eyes open, and the advantages of Aimpoint sights in the field. NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits attendees will have a chance to try the Aimpoint VR Experience daily during the show at Aimpoint booth #1410. With the ability to run two shooters simultaneously, visitors can also compete with friends. Appointments will be accepted for media.
For over 40 years, Aimpoint has been the recognized worldwide leader and originator of red dot sighting technology. While working closely with experienced marksmen and military weapon experts around the world, Aimpoint red dot sights remain the number one choice for combining ruggedness, speed and accuracy. For more information on Aimpoint products, please visit


Andrea Cerwinske
Aimpoint, Inc.
(703) 263-9795 ext. 229

Stay with us for more previews and coverage of NRAAM 2017

BREAKING: Nighthawk Custom and Agency Arms Limited Edition 1911

To launch our lead up coverage of the NRA Annual Meeting Nighthawk Custom and Agency Arms are teasing their new collaboration 1911.

50 of them will be unveiled in full on the 28th at the NRAAM.

Nighthawk and Agency Arms are leading developers in Premium Tier custom firearms and on the 28th we will bring the full details of this 1911 incarnation to light.

Nighthawk Agency Arms Announcement Press Release

Press Release:

Berryville, AR – April 21, 2017 – Nighthawk Custom and Agency Arms announce the first pistol in a limited edition of collaboration pieces.

Nighthawk Custom is the premier manufacturer of hand built custom 1911 pistols built on the one gun one gunsmith philosophy. In collaboration with Agency Arms, the two companies have created a revolutionary model of the 1911 that pushes boundaries to new levels. The new pistol will be unveiled at the NRAAM.

The new pistol, which will be seen for the first time on April 28th during the NRA Annual Meeting in Georgia, will be a limited run of 50 pistols unlike anything either company has done in the past. By combining Agency Arms’ incredible slide work, and Nighthawk Custom’s hand fit tight tolerances, the result has exceeded the expectations of both companies.

Mark Stone CEO of Nighthawk had this to say “Working with Agency Arms to create a revolutionary take on the 1911 has been an absolute pleasure. It has been exciting, fun, and rewarding to work with Mike Parks and his team to design and develop something that has never been seen before in the 1911 market. One of the strategic objectives of Nighthawk is to continually push the envelope of pistol design and reach out to a younger demographic that is less familiar with our pistols. Incorporating a truly modern design and reaching the market that Agency Arms connects with was an easy decision and one that we believe will be beneficial to both companies well into the future.”

Michael Parks, Managing Partner of Agency Arms added: “The 1911 is one of the most iconic firearms in history. Nighthawk Custom has a long pedigree of building some of the finest custom 1911s in the world. We are humbled by the opportunity to work with such a staple in the custom 1911 community. Our greatest challenge was incorporating our Agency styling cues with the traditional 1911 lines. The culmination of countless hours of hard work has yielded 50 masterpiece firearms.”

The new limited edition collaboration will be on display in booth 4121 at the NRAAM with representatives from Nighthawk Custom and Agency Arms on hand to discuss pricing and availability. Only 50 guns will be made with this design; with 25 going to dealers, and 25 direct to consumers via lottery. Dealers can contact their representative at either Agency Arms or Nighthawk Custom. Individual customers can contact Nighthawk Sales Representatives at 870-423-4867.

Aimpoint Virtual Reality Experience at NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits 2017

Manassas, VA – April 20, 2017 – Aimpoint, the originator and worldwide leader in reflex sight technology, will showcase their one-of-a-kind virtual reality hunting experience to attendees of the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits in Atlanta, GA, April 27-30.

With state of the art technology, the Aimpoint Virtual Reality Experience is designed to fully immerse the user in dynamic and realistic hunting scenarios, including traditional European driven wild boar. Wireless controllers provide natural and intuitive interaction, while maintaining comfort for the user.

Utilizing Aimpoint optics and offering multiple target opportunities, the Aimpoint VR Experience is the best possible method to demonstrate the concept of shooting with both eyes open, and the advantages of Aimpoint sights in the field. NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits attendees will have a chance to try the Aimpoint VR Experience daily during the show at Aimpoint booth #1410. With the ability to run two shooters simultaneously, visitors can also compete with friends. Appointments will be accepted for media.


For over 40 years, Aimpoint has been the recognized worldwide leader and originator of red dot sighting technology. While working closely with experienced marksmen and military weapon experts around the world, Aimpoint red dot sights remain the number one choice for combining ruggedness, speed and accuracy. For more information on Aimpoint products, please visit

Over in 60 Seconds: The Ohio Facebook Live Shooting UPDATED

The Midwest of the U.S. is collecting itself again as the body of Steve Stephens rests on a cold morgue slab. Stephens ended his own life after local LEOs caught up to him, after some steel nerved fast food employees delayed him, ending the manhunt.

Stephens is a stark lesson in awareness, preparedness, and reality. For these reasons this post will remain active. For the Family of Robert Godwin, they can begin to know peace once more… a spokeswoman for the family, his daughter I believe, publicly forgave Stephens.

Opinions on that will differ widely… Opinions on having Stephens picture online differ widely.

Here are things we do know. Here are things we can take away.

We know that we DO NOT know all the machinations, motivations, and decisions that lead Stephens to publicly broadcast his murder of Robert. He then ventilated the only head that contained all those answers, he may not even have understood them all himself… emotion can be at odds with logic. Because of that we can run circles around this case ad infinitum and never have anything much beyond the physical evidence.

The physical evidence is more telling and we can take more from it.

  • Threats can and do materialize rapidly
  • Threats do not have to have a conventional motive I.E. Robbery, Revenge
  • The closer the person is the narrower your reaction window is
  • Decisive action increases survivability but nothing guarantees it

To expand on these points

-The entire video was 57 seconds. The actual homicide was a fraction of the video. The attack was fast, violent, overwhelming, and surprising. Brutal and lethal efficiency that a victim must get ahead of to survive it.

-Robert Godwin was not involved in the situation between Stephens and Lane at all. Robert was chosen as a method of punishment towards Lane, his death was supposed to be somehow on her hands as a means of retribution. This fact did not make the attack less lethal.

-The short distance between Robert Godwin and Stephens made any possible reaction Robert had between Stephens drawing the gun and firing a very short time. Anyone in that situation regardless of physical capability needs to react immediately.

-When Stephens drew down on Robert, Robert did act. He raised his bag in front of him to shield himself… and it did not prevent his death. Robert’s actions were instinctual but not decisive. In a situation with extreme close quarters involving a firearm your strongest option is usually close the gap, grab the gun (or wrist), and hurt the attacker… hurt them badly. Match their level of violence, overwhelm it, and regain control… That’s your strongest option but it does not guarantee you’ll save your life, it simply betters your odds. In this case we had Stephens, a large man in his 30’s, against Robert, a smaller man in his 70’s, where Stephens intention was to kill Robert on live broadcast. Stephens held every advantage. It is unlikely, even armed, that Robert would have survived. We can only speculate about the effectiveness of knocking the phone away, running, Robert striking Stephens, or any theoretical alternative.

So the take away… How would you maximize your survivabilty? Because there will always be a Steve Stephens, rare individuals who choose to be wastes of flesh, oxygen thieving, plagues on their fellow man.

During times after tragedy countless hours will be spent trying to analyze why these weak willed feeble minded people decided to throw all value they held aside in a tantrum. Their lives will be torn apart to try and “understand” so “it doesn’t have to happen again”… except it will. Because it never HAD to happen in the first place, someone chose to make it happen. There will always be “one”.

The take away is if you end of in the path of “one” Be the HARDEST FUCKING PERSON THEY’VE EVER TRIED TO KILL! Make them pay dearly for your life because it is yours to give not theirs to take.

I apologize for any errors in the original posting below, I will not be be correcting them. The current information on the case can be very widely sourced from news venues. Additionally if you are triggered by Steve Stephens picture being in this article update I do not subscribe to the theory of “don’t say their names” “He whom shall not be named” for dealing with killers. If that causes you mental anguish and my description of him and those akin to him as weak willed, feeble minded, waste of flesh, oxygen thieving plagues on their fellow man wasn’t recompense enough I can’t help you.


Original Article below

If you haven’t heard, while the rest of the nation was celebrating spring and the Easter holiday one man Steve Stephens of Cleveland Ohio, shot and killed 74 year old Robert Godwin on live streaming videoWarning: link shows Mr. Godwin’s death

Stephens parked his vehicle and shot Godwin calmly in 57 seconds before blaming the cold blooded homicide on one Joy Lane (his girlfriend?). Another set of videos shows him speaking to friends on the phone while placing blame for the killings (claiming 13 kills) on Joy Lane, his mother, and friends.

Stephens is still free, armed, and dangerous. The last phone ping was in Pennsylvania so residents and readers there should be aware.

If you can carry. Carry.

I point this out and share the videos because of the raw reality and awareness. There is no safe space, no buffer when it comes to violence justified by raw emotion. It does not need to make sense to you and I, only the person or persons pulling the triggers.

What we need to do is be able to react. Mr. Godwin, a man who had survived through some of the most volatile times in U.S. History for civil rights, was gunned down by a 33 year old throwing a temper tantrum. If you or I find ourselves in a similar situation (perhaps the same situation today for Pennsylvania) how are we going to react, protect ourselves, and help Law Enforcement stop Stephens and any future threats.

Heads up and eyes open, especially in Pennsylvania. Around the country this is the most dangerous time for copycats to appear.

WLS Double Tap 006 – LESS LETHAL!

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 6, Tonight we’ll roast less lethal rounds. We’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and revisit past gear on gear chat revisited!

Full show notes and videos here

GC-130 Joe Weyer | Interacting with Law Enforcement

In Gunfighter Cast episode GC-130, I talk with seasoned Law Enforcement Officer Joe Weyer about interacting with an officer as a Concealed Carry License holder.

Alliance Police Training

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We Like Shooting 187 – Anarchy!

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 187 – tonight we’ll talk about Trinity Force Atlas, Hi-point, Iberia Xtras, Mission First Tactical, Brownell’s and more!


GC-131 Joe Weyer: Firearm Safety in the Home | Take Heed.

In Gunfighter Cast episode GC-131, Joe and I discuss firearms safety in the home for the defensive owner, but the concepts also apply to any type of owner of firearms.

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Training to Standards: The SOTG M4/MSR Qaulification

From DoD, Marines training on ship

We’ve had a few discussions here among the writing staff on how to measure good quality training and progress as an individual shooter. How do we evaluate, maintain, and improve our skills between and around taking a professional course.

Travis brought both of us back to our USMC days with a simple metric for measuring our proficiency.

From Travis Pike

Even in times of peace Marines are deployed around the world attached to Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs). These MEUs deploy around the world with the Navy. They consist of an infantry battalion, tanks, artillery, helicopters, jets, and supporting personnel. A MEU is basically everything you need to invade a country. For an infantry battalion to become MEU(SOC) qualified you do a massive regimen of training. A group known as the Special Operations Training Group has dedicated courses for infantry Marines to participate in. The SOTG has one of the most interesting and effective series of rifle and pistol qualifications. The SOTG M4 Qualification is one of the most simple and efficient for service rifles and carbines.


Why it’s Efficient

This is a qualification shoot that’s done after a certain amount of training is completed. It’s also one almost any shooter can do. The requirements for the qualification are not taxing. You need a few training aids to shoot this.


  1. A Semi automatic rifle
  2. 2 Magazines
  3. Load bearing gear to hold the magazines
  4. 50 rounds of ammunition
  5. A 50 Yard range
  6. 2 silhouette targets with head and chest portions defined.


Optional for a more authentic qualification to the USMC standard…


  1. Plate carrier with front, back, and side plates and ballistic helmet
  2. AR 15 with ACOG, or other 4 power fixed optic


That’s really all you need, and this is why it’s one of my favorite qualifications. It can really be done with any semi-automatic rifle. You’ll need one magazine loaded to 26 rounds and one magazines of 24 rounds. Scoring is simple. 2 point per hit in the kill zone, 1 point on target. and 0 points for a miss. Here is the qualification break down.


Phase 1 – Only use 1 target for Phase 1 and load the magazine with 26 rounds

Starting Line Drill Total Rounds Fired Time Limit
50 Yard Line 2 shots standing /2 shots kneeling/ 2 shots prone 6 10 Seconds
25 Run from 50 to 25 yd line. Fire 2 shots in standing 2 in kneeling 4 11 Seconds (Run fast!)
25 1 Headhsot 1 2 Seconds
25 to 15 2 shots torso on the move. 25 to 15 yard line 2 5 Seconds
15 2 shots torso 2 2 Seconds
15 to 10 Failure Drill – 2 shots torso, 1 headshot 3 4 Seconds
10 to 5 Failure Drill 3 4 Seconds
7 to 3 Failure Drill 3 3 Seconds




Phase Two Use Both Targets for Phase 2 – Magazine 1 will have one round in magazine and one in chamber. 2nd magazine needs to be ready in a magazine pouch.

50 Yard line 2 Shots Standing 1st target / Speed Reload / 2 Shots Kneeling on 2nd Target 4 11 Seconds
25 to 15 2 shots on torso of each target 4 6 Seconds
15 2 shots on torso of each target 4 4 Seconds
15 to 10 2 shots on torso of each target 4 4 Seconds
10 2 shots on torso of each target 4 3 Seconds
10 to 3 Box Drill ( 2 shots on 1st target torso, 2 shots 2nd target torso, 1 head shot on 2nd target, 1 headshot on 1st target) 6 5 Seconds


All Drills start from the low ready. Both phases start with a round in the chamber.


Shooting the SOTG M4 Qual

Author behind his FN SCAR16

I haven’t shot this course in 5 years, since I was was going through pre-deployment training with the SOTG. For this run I am shooting with a SCAR 16S, a Blue Force Gear Plate carrier, and no optic. I used a Blue Force Ten Speed chest rig and Lancer magazines.

Shooting the course is actually pretty exciting. Training against the clock is a thrill, and the addition of lots of movement keeps things difficult. Using iron sights is also a little more challenging than using the standard issue ACOG.

The course is great for practicing the basic skills needed. This is an excellent way to gauge your skills. There is nothing too advanced here and sets a training standard. When training you should always train to a standard or you are just wasting time.

I would personally include more reloads in this training. You could make it harder by dividing the necessary rounds between four mags instead of two. Toss in some barrier training and this course would be amazing.


Why it’s Beneficial to you

This qualification tests people on more than they expect. It creates a stress effect via the timer. To pass you’ll have to learn how to go from low ready to perfect sight picture in just a few seconds. That little bit of extra stress can make it a real pain to do just right. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. The faster you can place effective rounds on target the deadlier you’ll be.


You’ll also have to focus on shot placement. Hitting a man sized target at 25 to 50 yards is easy. Trying to hit the chest and the head forces a shooter to practice good shot placement, and really stresses proper fundamentals. If you run and train with this course you’ll fall naturally into the pattern of proper shot placement. It will become a good habit to have in a defensive scenario. It is a skill you will retain with different rifles, handguns, and shotguns.

You’ll also get into multiple shooting positions. Being able to shoot from different positions will make you a more versatile shooter, and give you the ability to work around your environment. Shooting in the kneeling and prone requires practice. With a timer in place you’ll also have to learn to transition positions quickly, and get back on target even faster. The benefit is that the faster you can change positions and the faster you’ll be able to get behind cover in a real shooting scenario, taking advantage of your environment.


You’ll also be training at different distances with less and less time the closer you get to the target. A simple reality of combat is the closer you are, the faster you’ll need to be to survive. Speed is vital is close quarters combat.


We also start a focus on move and shoot practice. Moving and shooting accurately is difficult, especially when we are talking proper shot placement. Putting accurate shots into the chest and head of a target, while on the move takes serious practice. Throw a timer behind it and you can’t just slowly waddle and shoot. You should never go faster than you safely can, but always strive to be safe and quicker than you were. The training here will allow you to learn how to shoot and scoot safely, accurately and quickly.

The last and most important part of this qualification and this training is training to a standard. Here the standard comes in two different forms. First, you have the accuracy portion. The goal is to not just hit the target, but to hit the vital areas of the target. Second, you have a timer.  A timer creates stress and forces shooters to be accurate under the clock.


Take your score as a starting point, don’t fudge it. Take it as a learning experience. Identify strengths and weaknesses and work with the intention to improve. The harder you work, and the less distracted you are by passing and failing the better shooter you’ll become.

GC-132 Joe Weyer: Home Defense | Harden Your Home and Develop a Plan

In Gunfighter Cast Episode GC-132, Joe and I talk about developing a home defense plan and offer ways to harden your home based on historical criminal attacks and burglaries.

Photo Credit The Well Armed Woman

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GC-133 Joe Weyer: Safe Rooms | Ideas and Why You Need One

In Gunfighter Cast Episode GC-133, Joe and I talk about planning for and constructing a safe room that could provide your family protection from a variety of threats.

Photo Credit Global Security Experts 

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Bravo Concealment Holsters. Use our coupon code “Gunfighter” at checkout for 10% off your entire purchase Bravo Concealment.

If you enjoy podcasts, you should try audio books. To get two free audiobooks, start a trial at today.

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Aimpoint Joins Forces with Tatiana Whitlock

Manassas, VA – April 5, 2017 – Aimpoint, the worldwide leader in reflex sight technology, is proud to announce their new brand ambassador Tatiana Whitlock. She is a nationally recognized firearms instructor, martial arts practitioner, and subject matter expert writer for many firearms related publications. Tatiana has a powerful presence and influential voice in the firearms education and defensive training industry. Mother of two, she is a proud member of the NRA and is heavily involved in the NRA New Energy program of the NRA Women’s Network.

“Aimpoint sights are ‘Always Ready’ and ‘Always On,’ and I can’t think of a better way to describe Tatiana,” said Andrea Cerwinske, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for Aimpoint Inc. “She is an expert in so many different practices, a powerhouse in our industry.”

Tatiana is a firearms and defensive tactics instructor who enjoys working with men, women, and youth from all walks of life. She built her career around providing the proper tools, techniques, and knowledge to her clients in order be safe and confident in a world that sometimes isn’t. Not only does Tatiana teach all over the country, she also takes every opportunity to continue her own training with the best firearms and tactics instructors in the industry. She is a featured instructor on NRATV’s NRA Women, Tips & Tactics, and NRA New Energy, as well as Trigger Time TV and Panteao Productions.

“I am excited to join the Aimpoint team,” said Tatiana Whitlock. “Representing such high-quality optics and a company with exceptional service and corporate culture is a great honor. I look forward to introducing more students and firearm owners to the Aimpoint product line for hunting, personal defense, and range work.”

About Tatiana Whitlock – Tatiana’s journey into the world of firearms began six years ago after participating in her first shooting class, an NRA Women on Target clinic. She immediately left a career in plastics manufacturing & industrial design to pursue an immersive education in firearms with a focus on self and home defense. She is the Director of Training at Howell’s Gun Shop in Gray Maine, COO of GAT Marketing, and on the product design team at G-Code Holsters. Tatiana offers training programs across the country for beginner and intermediate level students looking to build a foundation of skills for home and self-defense.

About Aimpoint Inc.- Aimpoint produces a complete line of high quality reflex sights for use by military, law enforcement, hunters, and sport shooters. The company also produces electronic fire control systems for use on crew-served weapons. For more information on Aimpoint products, please visit the company’s webpage: