Springfield Armory SA-35 this, FN High Power that, blah blah blah. The Hi-Power phenom is in full swing at SHOT Show 2022, but there is a third Hi-Power no one seems to be talking about. It’s from a Girsan and imported by EAA. The Girsan MC P35 might be the closest we get to the old-school Hi-Power design. Both Springfield and FN made changes to improve the weapon, but Girsan kicks it old school.
The MC P35 and the MC P35 Match premiered at SHOT and showed that you could get in on the Hi-Power craze at an affordable price point. The MC P35 standard offers you a traditional Hi-Power with all the favors and faults the platform has. Although at range day, I didn’t notice any hammer bite, so they might have refined a few things. Yes, the magazine disconnect seems to be present as well, making the trigger less refined.
It’s what you expect. A single-action-only weapon, with a 15 round magazine, an ambidextrous safety, simple sights, simple grips, and a modest price point of $528 bucks. The MC P35 is neat and a good, affordable representation of the Hi-Power. The MC P35 Match is a more interesting choice.
What Sets the MC P35 Match Apart?
Well, the most obvious answer is the rail. Yep the MC P35 Match comes with a Picatinny rail to add accessories and obviously an extended beavertail to prevent slide and hammer bite. We get a little more than that too. The magazines are drop-free, the front sight is a high viz design, and the rear sights are completely adjustable. Girsan includes a beveled magazine well for quick reloads.
The grips are very…well…grippy. Hell, I don’t know how else to describe them. Oh, did I mention the trigger is flat? Cause it is, and the trigger pull itself is super light and very nice. Better than I expected. The Match Model impressed me, and it could’ve been a better contender if it just came optics ready.
The EAA rep did say that was coming, so we’ll see what happens. MSRP on the Match Model wasn’t published yet, but I imagine it will still be cheaper than the Springfield or FN. The real question is, can Turkey build a proper Hi-Power?