Will your Texas Legislators support Constitutional Carry of Firearms in Texas?

Houston, Texas (February 8, 2017) –  It has been a year of upheaval with the election of Donald J. Trump on both sides of the aisles. Gun rights activists are vocalizing their support and against the right to bear arms in Texas without a license.  The basic issue it hand is should those who can legally buy a gun be allowed to carry that gun openly or concealed in Texas.  Many other states currently allow for some form of unlicensed carry in their state, but Texas seems to be lagging behind on this issue.

Texas Representative Jonathan Stickland is one legislator among others who is leading the charge and rallying fellow Texans to get behind a top priority bill as identified in the current legislative platform for 2017.

The Amazing Doc Greene Radio Show “The Voice of Liberty” airs on American Voice Radio Network nationally and on RagingElephantsRadio.com via on-line podcasts and has provided a platform for political leaders to come on the air to discuss issues important to our state and nation.

The interview with Jonathan Stickland provides the latest on the issue and the resistance he has faced on bringing his HB375 bill out of committee and a consequent vote.

“Too often our politicians and government servants swear an oath to our U.S. Constitution and once taking office or duty, work to usurp it and go against the rights of the general public,” says Doc Greene, Radio Host, “If our leaders would be courageous and defend the rights of Americans, I believe we would have fewer problems in our Nation.”

Radio Interview Doc Greene, The Voice of Liberty, and Texas Representative Jonathan Stickland on American Voice Radio Network (aired 2/7/17) and RagingElephantsRadio (2/8/17): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs3OnJI9aM4

On-line Texas Constitutional Carry Survey (limited to first 1,000 respondents):  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VXRPR56

Voters may call House Speaker Joe Strauss at 512.463.1000 to bring this issue to a vote.

This media content and survey was supported by the National Association for Legal Gun Defense, SelfDefensFund.com.  SelfDefenseFund.com is a comprehensive litigation protection membership covering individuals, families and businesses in regards to personal protection with the use of any weapon in all 50 states, U.S. Territories and Tribal Lands.

For more information on the National Association for Legal Gun Defense please visit: www.SelfDefenseFund.com

248 Shooter
Charles is the editor for 248 Shooter a midwest based gun news and gear review site as well as Online Content Director for On Target Magazine. He is an avid student taking classes from top tier trainers around the country. Charles shares his love for training as well as experience and opinions on some of the most talked about gear and products used by competitive shooters, military, leo and civilians.