Do you modify your firearms?
How much?
What is your ‘necessary’ modification to any firearm or subset of firearms?
On handguns most people pick sights. Night sights are a near mandatory upgrade and picking a set and adding them before leaving the store is common. I’ve only personally avoided that upgrade on my last 3 handguns because they came standard from the factory.

The cost enveloped in the purchase, sometimes with a savings.
How about triggers?
Do you stay stock or do you modify?
Currently all my sidearms are factory stock. The Legions are a Gray Gun’s specials of the Sig SRT’s but still unmodified from out of the box.
My rifles however, almost universally run upgraded two stage triggers. Only one remains stock at present and that is on the list to upgrade. I’ve come to consider this my ‘necessary’ upgrade for rifles and carbines.
I’m still of the mind that factory stock triggers are fine. They work fine. But now when plotting a modification plan of a given platform, swapping the trigger has become a natural part of that plan.
What else?
How about an NFA Title change?
Making a pistol firearm into an SBR or another such modification to Title II? Or revoking the stamp and reverting to Title I?
This is an idea I’m toying with currently and to satisfy my modification itch I’m adding the Maxim Defense CQB to my LWRCi PSD, shortening the length a bit more and placing it closer to the intended role I’m asking of it.
This poor rifle has endured more of my tinkering and experimenting than any other and as I would expect from it… it continues to run just fine. More optics, triggers, muzzle devices, grips, lights, and lasers have been given to this weapon to chew on than anything else. Likely this will continue.