Show of hands for anyone who owns AR platform rifle(s) that you are prohibited from using for hunting in your state? Yeah, me too. The state where our family hunting property is located has not yet joined the 21st century when it comes to hunting firearms. I use a lever gun when I hunt deer up there.
All of which means that the gun which I have customized exactly to my liking and have the most practice on is NOT the one I can take into the field every fall. That makes zero sense. Why should I have to hunt with a gun that I sight-in once a year, is heavy to drag around, AND has a stiff trigger to boot, when I already have an AR platform rifle which I built myself, customized to my LOP, and which has a nice precision trigger? Mind boggling, isn’t it?
Maybe some of you are blessed to not have this problem, but what if you have a stock and trigger set-up to really fit your needs, but you want an option for a bit more precision and long range than you can get from your semi-auto upper?
This is where Uintah Precision comes in. This company from Duchesne, Utah manufactures (in the USA) true bolt action upper receivers compatible with LR-308 and AR-15 platform rifles which pin right on to your existing lower. They utilize your existing magazines too. Uintah Precision also builds complete rifles, but I’m more interested in the upper that they can ship right to my door which doesn’t have to go through an FFL. I’m all about flexibility and multi-use.

I first found and wrote about this company at SHOT four years ago when I was preparing to build my own Aero Precision AR-308. I completed that task and took it on a successful hunt in Texas. Texas loves AR’s. But before I could branch out into getting one of Uintah’s uppers and trying it out in the home state, we had the C-virus and resultant lock-downs and every other inconvenience and PIA known to humanity. In all the kerfluffle I frankly forgot all about it.
But I’m back at SHOT this year and stumbled right across Uintah Precision again! How fortuitous!

They’ve expanded their offerings a bit in the interim. They now offer left-handed versions in addition to the standard right-handed bolt, and (if I understand correctly) virtually any caliber which is compatible with the two lower types. This means I could have a 300BLK version for my AR and a .308 version for my Aero. Or maybe even 6.5 Creedmore?! According to their website you don’t have to remove the buffer and spring, and you can even run a Law folder if you want. This is giving me ideas!
To quote from UP’s website, “From hunting to long range precision, or even compliance within heavily regulated states, the Uintah Precision UPR can fill all roles.”
I am so excited!!