Tuff Prodcuts Competition Belt Review

Train how you fight! How many F’ing times do we have to hear this? I get it if you don’t train like you fight your building muscle memory that will be inconsistent with your needs. There is a fundamental issue with this concept for the average citizen.When I think training, I think of taking classes not going to the range and practicing fundamentals.  Looking at the list of items, ammo requirements and flow of classes, the items needed for a proper training class are above and beyond what you would carry on a regular day. So might we suggest train like your instructor requires but practice as you fight.

Why do I bring this up in a belt review for a competition belt? Simple, classes require a lot of gear. At a typical class, I run a med kit, 3 pistol mags, 3 AR or Shotgun strips, an extra flashlight and an OWB gun holster. A setup more in line with a competition belt than an EDC setup. The new Tuff Products Competition belt supports this configuration and is an ideal solution for training, Read more to see why.

It Carries Stuff

Designed from the idea of a police duty belt this 2 belt “system” creates a rigid system for attaching all that extra gear that a proper “training” course requires. The outer belt works as an attachment point meaning that belt loops are not a factor when determining gear placement. My mounting is now 100% based on my needs and not the design of my pants.

It Fits You or Me

9017-CUTThe belt is designed with the idea of not everyone knows their proper size and not everyone fit a particular range. I, for example, fluctuate by as much as 2 inches. Those 2 inches happen to be between 2 sizes of belts, so I’m stuck getting a belt too large or too small. The self-cut system makes it so that I can pick the exact size I want the belt cut to. For those who don’t fluctuate you can remove any extra material making a more comfortable fit. For those of us who love donuts, we can leave room for that after Thanksgiving training course.

It’s A NORMAL Belt

I lived through the WAR Belt phase which was an excellent transition from the Chest Rig phase that was running through classes and infinitely better than the Costa Drop Leg phase. Since the competition belt is a 1.5″ belt, I can mount the typical accessories I would use like holsters and mag pouches without needing to buy MOLLE or other customized gear. This brings the overall cost of gear and training down.

It Comes Off Easily

9017- BeautyYou would think coming off easy is not something you want in a training belt. So let me be clear, it does not slip or come off without taking the required steps. However, anyone who has kitted out a belt for a class knows that during a break or lunchtime getting all that kit off to enter general population is a major pain in the ass.

Since this is a 2 belt system you can remove the stiff competition belt with all its attached gear, place an IWB clipped holster on your person and head out to gen pop and nobody is the wiser. Reverse the process when you get back to class and no time is lost.

It Works For Competition

It’s a competition belt. I really should pontificate on the uses of this belt in competition. The fact is it works the same way in competition as it does in training with the same advantages. I don’t compete, and I’m not qualified to review a competition product. From what we said about it in classes, you can make your own decision.

Final Thoughts

The Tuff Products Competition Belt might not let you train like you fight but it is a hell of a lot closer than a WAR Belt, Chest Rig or Drop Leg kit. It gives you a stable platform to mount your needed items and lets you use your EDC gear. All while offering a modular easy to attach, or remove platform.

The Kit can be found at Tuff Products and retails for $60.  You can receive 20% off using the discount code ONTARGET.

Source Article from http://248shooter.com/index.php/tuff-prodcuts-competition-belt-review/

248 Shooter
Charles is the editor for 248 Shooter a midwest based gun news and gear review site as well as Online Content Director for On Target Magazine. He is an avid student taking classes from top tier trainers around the country. Charles shares his love for training as well as experience and opinions on some of the most talked about gear and products used by competitive shooters, military, leo and civilians.