XTech is a company well known for the famed MAG47 AK magazine. They are a modern and well-known AK magazine that integrates polymer to form a very reliable design. XTech makes more than AK magazines, and they’ve recently released a +3 magazine extension for the SIG P365 mags. Specifically the 10-round magazines. SIG’s P365 empire is built on finding a way to shove ten rounds into the frame that looks like it should hold seven.

SIG also released 12, and later 15, and even 17-round magazines. For the standard P365, the 12 rounds are seemingly perfect, but damn, they are expensive. The P365 comes with two 10-round magazines. A two-pack of the +3 extensions costs about the same as a single magazine. Maybe you can see what I’m going for here.
A set of extensions gives you two magazines that capacity the 12-round magazines for the same price as a single 12-round magazine. Not a bad deal. If you only want one, well, then it’s half the price. Do they work? XTech sent me a set to try out, and I greedily snapped them up.
The XTech Installation
The XTech magazine extensions are super easy to install. It’s a new follower, a new spring, and a new base plate. Attaching them takes a whole five minutes, and you’re ready to rock and roll. The follower is refined and allows for easy loading regardless of the fact you’re shoving a whole three more rounds into the magazine.
As you’d imagine, the +3 base plate makes the mags a little longer. In reality, it makes them the same length as the P365XL grip module. For me, this ensures my pinky isn’t hanging off the frame. It’s a perfect length for me, but as we all know, extra length might be a downside.

This is a firearm for deep concealment, and extra length is extra bulk. However, until we rewrite the laws of physics, the only way to fit more ammo in your gun is to have more room. One of the more clever aspects of the XTech extension is the fact it uses the same texture as the magazine extension they use on the P365.
It creates a perfectly blended magazine extension. It blends right in with the standard grip module. I’m rocking and rolling with the Wilson Combat grip module these days, but I can still appreciate the effort they put into making it match the stock P365 grip module.

Throwing Lead
The XTech magazine extension promises to provide total and complete reliability. It’s carry-ready and is supposed to be trusted for concealed carry purposes. With the XTech installed, I’ve been to the range dozens of times, over and over again. I’ve fired hundreds of rounds with the magazine extension in place.
It’s been dropped in reloads over and over again, thrown around, and carried daily. Throughout this whole adventure, it’s been my daily carry magazine in my daily carry gun. Needless to say, it works, and I trust it.

I have yet to be presented with an issue. The design makes it easy to take the magazine apart for regular maintenance, and I haven’t had any trouble with it going back together.
The XTech magazine extensions offer me a little extra grip, which means I have a little extra control. The longer magazine base extends the grip a good bit, and it’s well-appreciated by my hands. This simple upgrade is a cost-effective way to expand your capacity and get the 12-round experience without spending the money for a 12-round magazine.
Get One Now
The XTech extensions are a very affordable upgrade for your P365. If you want a little more capacity and a little more grip, they are an effective and cost-friendly way to get both. They’ve proven to be quite reliable in my experience and can take a real beating. Check them out here.