I like approaching platforms that I lack proficiency with. One I often ignore is the snub nose revolver. I only own a single snubby, a Ruger LCR in 9mm, which might be the most non-revolver revolver one can own. With that in mind, I decided to approach the Hardwire Tactical Super Snubby test to see just how bad I sucked at snub nose revolvers.
What You’ll Need for The Super Snubby Test
This one is super simple. Bring your eyes and ears. Also, toss a B8 target in the range bag and your chosen snub nose and 15 rounds of ammo per run. Don’t forget your shot timer since we got par times to beat. That’s it. I appreciate something somewhat drama free and easy on the ammo. I used some ammo from Global Ordnance.
I’m betting most of us will shoot it more than once, and if that’s the case, I suggest bringing a B8 for each fun. This makes scoring much more straightforward and easy to accomplish.
Running the Super Snubby Test
The Super Snubby Test has three iterations, and each fired under different par time and a different range. Five rounds will be fired at each stage.
Stage one begins at ten yards. You’ll assume a low ready position with your snubby. You’ll use both hands and fire five shots at the go signal within 8 seconds. I was the most challenged at his range. My first run had me dropping rounds well below the black and realizing my POA and POI weren’t perfect.
Stage two means moving to the 5-yard line. Low ready once more with five rounds. Aim and fire five rounds with both hands at the beep and do so in under 5 seconds. I did better at this stage and made a POA correction to help get more shots in the black.
Finally, stage three of the Super Snubby Test brings you to the three-yard line. Assume a low ready, but only use your strong hand at the beep fire five rounds in 3.5 seconds. I surprisingly did rather well at this stage and landed four out of five in the black.
Pulling Scores
There is no official pass or fail standard for this drill. Anything outside of the time constraints feels like it should be a fail. The score for a good snubby shooter should be 90%. Scoring is pretty simple since the B-8 provides the numbers needed to calculate the correct score.
A perfect score would be 150 points, so a score of 90% means you made at least 135 points. How well did I do? I approached the Super Snubby Test humble enough and attempted to make 70%. I assure you I did not make 70% on my first run. 70% would mean a score of 105 points and a C. Cs pass as good as As, right?
It took my third try to get into the 70% score, and honestly, the one-handed run saved me on this run. I dropped all five in the black, and I got just above the line. I didn’t have issues with the time constraints, so I slowed down a bit, and that helped.
The Snubby
The Super Snubby test had now captured me. I need to get to 90%, and I plan to start a healthy dry fire regimen with my Ruger LCR and my Shot timer. I want to get into the 90% range eventually. It’s such a simple test that I’m sure snubby master can dominate. However, I’m not a snubby master.
I’m not even a journeyman. At best, I’m an enthusiastic amateur. I don’t carry a snubby, but I like to be proficient, and I do enjoy building some solid skill, so I think it’s a worthwhile score to chase.