Firearm security comes in many different ways. The old stand by has been a big chunk of metal with a door that we call a safe. It works for sure, but can we make it better? Simtek says we can. Their new security sensor is designed to make storing guns safer and more secure overall.
A Modern Answer to an Age-Old Question
The Simtek Sensor looks like it was ripped from the chest of Tony Stark. As a sensor, it is designed to alert you via text message whenever it senses motion or light. Simply said if you place it in a safe it will detect when the door is opened or when there is movement.
It’s a small modern design. Lightweight makes it easily be attached to a wall of any kind via any hardware store method. It comes with two 3M attachment strips. One for the Simtek sensor and one for the antenna.

It runs on a single CR123a battery or you can recharge the unit with a micro usb cable that’s included. The system has an internal lithium ion battery that is designed to last for months.
The Simtek is capable of detecting any motion in a 15″ X 15″ room. This is the standard room size for most houses and apartments.
Using the Simtek
Setting everything up took about ten seconds. Plug the battery in, put the antenna together and place the Sensor where you want it to be. Download the app, scan the QR code on the back and go through a 2 minute set up process.
Gun safes are already pretty safe places to store firearms. I found an additional use for the Simtek sensor.

As a writer in the firearm’s industry, I have lots of stuff in my office. This includes knives, ammunition, tools, gun parts, cleaning chemicals and more. I have a workbench dedicated to gun building where parts may get stored. From dangerous stuff like endmills and hammers to the mundane 80 lower jigs. In that same office closet is a safe full of guns.
I have a pretty strong lock on my office door and it stays locked, as does the closet. Locks are great but this works as a second active layer of defense to give me peace of mind. If I’m not home no one should be in my office. If someone opens the door I’ll know.
How Do I Know?
The Simtek is likely one of the best tools not only to keep thieves away from your dangerous tools, but to keep kids away too. The Simtek adds another layer of security and serves as an active alert should a little one go snooping.

Of course the best defense against gun accidents is proper safety training, but we build defense in layers. Proper safety training, a safe, and then a Simtek.
To test the Simtek sensor I set it up in the same cabinet where my son’s snacks sit. With Valentines day just recently over a school party left him flush with candy. I figured I could set up the sensor to catch him in the act of stealing candy without permission.
I tried it myself a few times, opening the cabinet and sticking my hand in. The text message isn’t immediate, it took approximately 10 seconds. Not much time in the grand scheme of things.
I set it up and waited. Counting on the sweet tooth of a 7 year old. On the times he had permission I got to see how responsive the system was. I could be working out, writing, mowing and the text would come in immediately after he’s asked.
That was until a few mornings ago I caught him in the act. I was getting ready in my bathroom and he was supposed to be dressed for school. My morning symphony of violent gangster rap was interrupted by a text message and push alert from the Simtek app.
That little turd was in the candy cabinet. I snuck into the kitchen in time to see him throwing the wrapper away. His hands as red as a communist. He was caught and he knew it.
The App
The Simtek Sensor works hand in hand with an app that allows you to review previous alerts, as well as their location down to the lat and long.

The App also displays the battery strength and signal strength. It’s handy for keeping an eye on the system and making sure it’s working.
Lastly the system can monitor more than one Simtek sensor and you can wire multiple units together into one device. You can also add different users so multiple people will get these alerts.

Simtek Security
The Simtek sensor works over cellular based line and not Wifi. Cellular systems are more secure and less reliant on an easily corruptible signal. This does mean monitoring will cost 4 dollars a month per sensor, so factor that in. 4 bucks is a couple of energy drinks and its hardly something to notice 4 bucks a month out of your budget.
From my perspective the system is all about the safety and security of my family and my firearms. However that’s really limiting the potential of this device.
It can be easily used to track luggage, watch out in garages, storage, or anywhere else you need an extra eye. The Simtek sensor is an affordable and easy to use means of further securing your home. Remember defense is always done in layers.