The Gun Lover’s Guide to Keeping Busy During a Quarantine

Given that so many places and events are shutting down in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19, there may be many people left climbing the walls with no sports to watch while they’re stuck at home. Add children home from school into the mix and well, let’s say you might need some help.

So here are a few suggestions for activities to keep yourself busy if you are stuck at home for an extended period during “social distancing” or quarantine.

Clean Your Guns

All of them – even that safe queen that you almost never shoot. Some oils get gummy over time so even that baby may need a little attention, and now is a great time to get it done. Consider Lucas oil products if you need to order more. 

Practice Dry Fire

Do some dry fire – but please do it SAFELY. Triple check to make sure that your gun is unloaded before you go pulling any triggers. You could even consider using a dummy barrel and snap caps for extra safety. Always use a safe backstop just in case. But do work on dry fire. The downtime you have now could improve your draw times and splits later in the summer.  If you don’t know anything about dry fire, try this book.

A Great Book.

Practice Reloads

Do you have a defensive shotgun that you haven’t handled since last year? Now is the time to practice your buttcuff reloads with dummy rounds/snap caps. All dry fire safety rules apply here as well.

Build an AR

Have you been collecting parts to build your dream AR, but never have the time to actually assemble it? Here is your opportunity. Aero Precision and Rockey Brass can help if you still need a few parts.

Ammo Inventory

Are you not quite sure that you are ready for the Zombies yet? Then take this opportunity to inventory your ammo and maybe pre-load a few more magazines. Then buy more of both online.

Reload Your Own

Need to catch up on reloading ammo or want to learn? You can order almost anything you need online from Wideners and Rockey Brass.

Check Batteries

Have you checked/changed the batteries in your weapon lights and flashlights?

Now’s your time to get on that. Don’t forget to order new batteries online.

Practice Game Calling

Turkey season is around the corner so don’t miss the opportunity to drive your family crazy with game calling. Standing on your back porch while duck and goose calling will help you bond with your neighbors too. I just ordered a new pushbutton turkey call from my friend at CLW Outdoors.

My new one-handed turkey call to annoy the neighbors with.

Clean and Organize Hunting Clothes

Do you have a hole in the pocket of your favorite orange vest that you’ve been meaning to fix? Is the hem in your camo pants falling out? How about that broken zipper? Here’s your opportunity to fix all those little problems, then clean and re-scent all your gear before Fall.

Learn to Home Can

I bought a pressure canner this year and want to learn how to make some of my currently frozen venison and boar into options that are more shelf-stable for longer term storage. Freezers are great until the power goes out (think summer storms). I want to can some venison cubes and meatballs to start, and then maybe do some jerky. Amazon and Lehman’s have everything you might need. 

Check Outdates in Your Stash

Check those dates and rotate stock accordingly, but don’t throw out the outdated food. Most of it is still good for years. Just bring that stuff to the kitchen to use first. In the last couple weeks I’ve eaten tuna that outdated last year, ramen that outdated 2 years ago, and powdered milk that outdated in 2013. Get creative and see what you can make that uses up the most outdated stuff in one recipe!

Peach cobbler made with outdated stash goods.

I’m sure there are plenty more things to do that I haven’t even thought of – this is just a spring board to get you started if you’re stuck. There’s no reason in the world to spend your entire quarantine glued to a screen or TV. (Sorry if I sound like your mother, but it’s true)

Some of these activities will free you from the game console, get you off your couch, and help your shooting and hunting season for the rest of year. The time is yours – use it wisely.

Dr LateBloomer
Dr LateBloomer is a female general pediatrician who bought her first firearm at the age of 46. She now enjoys many different shooting disciplines including self-defense, IDPA, Steel/Rimfire Challenge, Sporting clays, and even tried 3-Gun for several years. She has gotten started in hunting and has expanded into crossbow. She is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and works to enlighten her medical colleagues whenever possible.