CZ is doing something few companies do and they’ve designed an optic’s ready subcompact pistol. Companies like Glock, Springfield, SIG, and even the 80% lower frame company P80 offer optic’s ready pistols, but do not offer optic’s ready subcompact pistol. A subcompact has a limited sight radius, but the addition of a red dot alleviates any issues with sight radius.
Optics in general on guns make it easier to shoot further and faster. It takes time to learn how to use these an optically enhanced handgun, but once you do you will be faster and more precise. Optics add some slight bulk to a handgun, but in my opinion, they are well worth the little additional bulk and weight.

Additionally, we can expect suppressor ready models with threaded barrels and suppressor height sights. Whether we’ll see suppressor ready and optic’s ready at the same time remains to be seen.
CZ is one of my favorite companies, but that just might be my tactical hipster coming out.