This is not a contest of champions…
This is not sporting combat…
This is not a duel for honor…
It is not a bar brawl, a scuffle, a UFC match, Olympic wrestling, or settling your differences at the treeline…
This is a fight for your life and it has but one rule… Win.
Lethal threats are in a league of their own. They’re a force unto themselves and that is why the rules get so simple. You must survive. Their survival is optional. You need to come to these conscious conclusions now, it cannot wait until the hour is upon you and the measure of your life and will is to be tested.
Choose now to win and understand that when violence of that unique nature is threatened unto you and yours that you will meet it swiftly, overwhelmingly, and skillfully with your own.
Now is the moment to seek your advantages. Horde them like the precious treasure they are. Cover and concealment, terrain advantage, noise discipline, light discipline, site defense plan, site escape plan, overwhelming force and firepower… let all of these available tools form your response to anyone who would try and take that most precious and nonnegotiable gift from you, your life and those whom you cherish.