[Ed: Richard Rossi first published this in the SCOPE-NY Update November 16. We’re reposting it because it is such a good list of good news for our rights.]
Some facts that will never see daylight in our National News Media or Social Network sites:
United States Court of Appeals – Fourth Circuit district.
Ruled that 18-to-20-year old’s have the same Second Amendment rights to purchase handguns as older Americans do. Judge Julie Richardson wrote; “when do Constitutional rights vest? Our nation’s most cherished constitutional rights vest no later than 18. And the 2nd Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms is no different”
Federal Court Overturns Draconian Under 21 Handgun Ban – Personal Defense World
Study: High Gun Sales Didn’t Cause Rise in Violence.|
Despite the anti-gun advocates claim that violence will rise with gun sales. The study by the Journal of Injury Epidemiology, could not find a link existed. “Results suggest much of the rise in firearm violence during our study period was attributed to other factors, indicating a need for additional research.”
Anti-Gun Researchers Find Rising Violence NOT Linked to High Gun Sales – Personal Defense World
Record Year for Constitutional Carry.
This year America has added five additional (Iowa, Montana, Tennessee, Texas and Utah) states to the list of states that have Constitutional Carry laws. Actual 5 new states in one year is quite a remarkable feat. What caused the number of “permitless” carry states to jump by nearly ‘one-third in a single year? It is and was the Democratic majority in Congress and Joe Biden in the White House pushing their agenda and anti-gun schemes to strip Americans of their Second Amendment Rights.
Constitutional Carry Bills Moving Forward in Numerous States – Personal Defense World
Meteoric Rise of NEW Gun Owners Continues.
Our country has added 8.3 million new gun owners even in this plague ridden 2020. According to the NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation), another 3.2 million decided to exercise their 2nd Amendment right for the first time in 2021. This data was derived from a nationwide survey of firearms retailers conducted by the NSSF. Responses indicated 33.2% of customers, or 3,247,351, purchased a firearm for the very first time in that six-month period.
Gun Sales Figures Continue to Outpace Pre-Covid Numbers – Personal Defense World
Anti-Gunners Keep Spreading Lies
Even though many studies have proven that “Gun Buybacks” don’t reduce violent crime or suicides, Santa Barbara District Attorney Joyce Dudley recently decided to make up some facts of her own when promoting a local “buyback“. She stated: “In fact, data suggests that buybacks have led to a drop in firearm suicide rates of almost 80 percent.” Of course, Dudley’s claim is false. In a recent National Bureau of Economics study, it concluded, “We find no evidence that Gun Buyback Programs reduce suicides or homicides where a firearm was involved.” Anti-gunners are willing to make up facts when it could help their cause and no one holds them responsible in our News Media.
Gun Buybacks: Anti-Gun Policy That Continues to Misfire – Personal Defense World
Guns For My Bodyguards, But None For You!
Whose life is worth saving, anyway? Some politicians just don’t get it, and gun-ban-loving U.S. Representative Cori Bush, D-Missouri, is at the top of the list. Not only is she anti-Second Amendment but she is also for ‘DEFUNDING POLICE”. However, she has no problem what-so-ever in having an armed detail of bodyguards following her around. She ranted on CNN “You would rather me die?” when she was called-out for her stance. How ironic that her life is worth more than your or your family members. The average Law-abiding citizen does not have the luxury of hiring a bodyguard detail to keep them safe. She can’t fathom our need to protect ourselves as provided by our Second Amendment.
The Ugly Truth About Gun Control: Why Your Life Isn’t Worth Saving – Personal Defense World