It seems like food allergies or intolerances are either much more common, or much more widely recognized and treated these days. Some people believe it’s a result of humanity being removed from the effects of natural selection. Others propose it’s a consequence how clean our environments are, leading an immune system accustomed to murdering novel pathogens 24/7 desperately searching for something to attack, and turning on us instead. Some even think it’s a result of gut permeability that may be linked to internal inflammation.

Whether this is a genuine increase in the number of people with dietary problems, better diagnostics, or something else, it is a fact of life that many people deal with daily. You may even have such a person in your friend/family group. If so, it makes the process of preparing for a disaster more complicated.
More common issues like nuts, gluten, eggs and dairy are relatively well-catered to nowadays though that certainly wasn’t always the case, but for whatever reason, many people now have issues with things like soy, corn, oats, spices, and even for some people, parsley. There are allergy/intolerance tests you can have done now with over 250 possible problem-foods. The symptoms of such an issue are often disparate and difficult to directly pin down to a particular food.
If you do have someone who you might wind up bugging out, or in with, in a possible disaster scenario, give the link a read and see if you’ve left anything out of your preps. Their suggestions are fairly simple, cover all the bases, and include things like personal care products that may need to be “special” to avoid provoking an immune response. Intolerances can make life awful, and allergies can kill, so it’s worth a second look if it’s something you need to consider for yourself or others.