The NRA show has been big for guns and gear. We are also seeing a big move in the online space. Springfield Armory has launched a new website called the Armory Life. The Armory Life isn’t just a giant Springfield Commercial. It’s not another method to push their products, but a blog to focus on the gun lifestyle in general. From self and home defense aspects to camping, match shooting, survival topics, building medkits, teaching, and more.
The Armory Life will be its own entity and their overall goal is to entertain and to educate. Start discussions and to pass on knowledge regarding a preparedness lifestyle. Lifestyle is the core of the Armory Life.

The website is dedicated for the everyday, modern shooter. Like the best guns, this website is built for shooters and by shooters. The Armory Life will be staffed by subject matter experts like Rob Leatham, Clay Martin, Karen Hunter, and even yours truly.
The diversity of the The Armory Life’s author base is one of their main strengths. They come from all walks of life. You’ll never read the same thing twice. Best of all the website has just launched and it’s already slammed packed full of content. The variety offered includes building a med kit, carrying while female, and dressing around your gun.

The Goal of The Armory Life is to cover everything involving the lifestyle that includes our firearms. It’ll approach the aforementioned self-defense subjects, like concealed carry and training. At the same time, you’ll see articles on hunting, finding the best AR 15 parts, competition shooting, musings, and even historical content to learn a little more about your favorite gun. The website is well designed, sleek and professional. It’s easy to navigate and is packed with both written word and video content.

So, check the Armory Life here and let ’em know that GAT Daily sent you.