The number of integrally suppressed rifles is far too low. I think it’s a great way to get a compact suppressed rifle without the need for two stamps. Instead of paying for an SBR stamp and a suppressor stamp, you have a fixed suppressor and pay for one stamp. A few small and innovative companies have done it like Yankee Hill Machine, but KelTec hit us with a sleeper gun. The new KelTec Sub2000 CQB is an integrally suppressed 9mm rifle.

The Sub2000 is famous for being a PCC before PCCs were popular. Also, it folds in half and takes Glock mags. Other variants also take other magazine platforms, but the Glock model is the most important. The new CQB features not only a suppressor built into the barrel but actual optics capability.

The problem with the Sub2000 was the gun folded in half, and the optic got in the way. These days you can unlatch a tab and rotate the handguard. This gets the optic out of the way and allows you to fold the gun properly.
The Sub2000 CQB seems to be a super quiet gun from as far as I can tell. Range Day makes it tricky to tell if a gun is suppressed or not when a 7.5-inch full auto AR is ripping away a few booths down. In those rare moments where a bit of silence met the time I pulled the trigger, it seemed to be very pleasant.
The extra weight of the suppressor seemed to make the gun even easier to handle. The muzzle didn’t seem to move at all between shots. The Sub2000 CQB was super pleasant to shoot and a genuine surprise to me.
Suppress It!
We need more integrally suppressed guns in this world. I’m glad KelTec is giving us one of the more exciting models to date. The MSRP appears to be $995. A deluxe model equipped with light, laser, and red dot selling for in the 1,500 dollar ballpark. Don’t forget to budget in the stamp.

The integral suppressor does make the KelTec Sub2000 CQB one of the smaller 9mm carbines. Even if you compared it to even an SBR with a standard suppressor. It’d be a neat and very handy home defense weapon for sure.