My visit to Armament Systems and Procedures has been one of the most productive stops at the show so far.
ASP was an entirely unknown entity to me. Their track record in law enforcement circles stretches better than two decades though so I was never the intended recipient until recently.
ASP is known for training law enforcement as well as supplying them. Flashlights are far from their only product although it is most relevant to civilian carriers.
Talking with ASP they wanted to stress a very specific vision that hasn’t changed with their products.
I’d asked if they had considered any weapon mounted lights and got a straight “no”. ASP isn’t a company just reshaping and making lights and seeing if they stick on the market, they are a mission centered training and supply company for law enforcement in the field and in the moment. Nearly every product they sell is directly tied into there training curriculum for officers around the country

That curriculum is offered for free. Any department can send officers to become trained instructors on the use of their less-lethal’s. Batons, hand-cuffs, and spray devices all round out the offerings and a massive selection of red gun training weapons and tools compounds their ability to focus on their training mission.
Talking with ASP you realize the product they want to push the most of is actually the entirely free training. The purpose designed gear the training is designed to utilize is the secondary despite being the revenue stream.
Now there is definitive overlap value from law enforcement into the individual civilian carrier realm. The most popular product line among the civilian individual purchasers is flashlights, eminently usable.
The uses for observation, disorientation, or engagement parallel too and lights like the Tungsten are just as useful to me at night if I need to shoot as an officer.
I’m looking into finding out more about the less-lethal training programs ASP provides so that and LEO readers here can go to their individual departments if interested.