I’m home from SHOT now (well actually I typed some of this on the plane), but there are still some things that I did not have the time or brain cells to write about during the week. I wanted to do a wrap-up post and some teasers of products that I’ll know more about, or will have demo items for, later on in the year.

I won another knife this year (three years running!) by successfully sticking the target at Buck Knives Range Day Knife Throw! Plus I drank some of Buck’s free beer at the close of Day One, so I kinda felt obligated to do a little more reading about them. I found out that Buck Knives has another line that I didn’t know about. I talked to the rep about that, and I may have a post cooking about that in the future.

I got to shoot the Colt Python on Range Day! I’m already a bit of a revolver girl, and I have shot revolver category in IDPA matches just for giggles in previous years.
I really like what Colt has done with the Python. It sounds like they’ve re-engineered the whole thing, honestly. The cylinder locks up tight. There is a nice, smooth, double action trigger pull and crisp hammer release. It didn’t bother my former grip strength issues, and I hit the steel every time. No space for a big technical review here, but I did really enjoy shooting the Python. (Even impressed the guy at the booth with my mad revolver skillz- ha!) It won’t be a true carry gun for me personally, simply because of its size – 4.25” or 6” barrel – but maybe a woods gun? I’m thinking hard about that possibility.

In one of those serendipitous “while you’re at it” deals, while I was at the Colt booth on the show floor, I saw a different Colt model that’s a couple years old that might be a viable carry option for me. It’s called the “Night Cobra”. This is a .38+P 6-round Cobra platform snub nose with a matte black finish and night sights. The hammer is bobbed so as to not snag on clothing and the grip is non-rubber so as not to be sticky. Pulling the trigger in the booth made it seem like a winner, so I need to track one of these down at home and pursue this one further, too.

1791 is known primarily for their leather holsters. But this year they are introducing a custom-moldable holster. Yes – like doing it at home.
What they demo-ed in the booth was a basic holster covered in leather but filled with some sort of thermoplastic. You put the holster in a bag, immerse it in hot water for a specified length of time in a specified temperature range, then pull it out, insert your gun, mold it to the retention and shape you want, and let it cool.
It seems like a great idea, as long as it holds up in a hot car and other such conditions. It is apparently re-doable over and over, so that would solve the problem of having a holster left over from a gun you sold two years ago. You could remold it to a new gun in that same size range.
I am intrigued and will be receiving a sample from 1791 toward spring/summer. I’ll definitely keep you posted on that.
I’ve written periodically about my loves and hates involving my remote cellular game cam. When it works, I love it, but there are bugs. Bushnell has already revamped their online platform this year which supports the photo storage and uploads, and it’s much better. There is a new camera version as well – they just didn’t happen to bring one to the show. ARGH.
BUT – the rep took my card and promised to get me hooked up with the new version. If/when that actually happens I will be sure to write that up as well. Fingers crossed.

Here’s a new little semiauto carry gun that I also got to shoot on Range Day. This .380 version follows after Walther’s CCP in 9mm. Aimed specifically at the concealed carry market, it has a few features that will appeal to the extra safety-minded.
For instance, it only comes with a manual thumb safety. The trigger pull, though soft, seems quite long, making this gun difficult to fire accidentally. The reset is also longer than I’m used to, but that goes along with the trigger pull.
The CCP .380 has been designed for tool-less takedown and it sports a fixed barrel, so cleaning and tear down has fewer steps. The design makes slide manipulation a little easier too. Overall this gun is a very nice addition to the carry market.

I confess that I used to think Frogg Toggs only made those rainsuits you see in the sporting goods section of Walmart. I was very wrong, and will have a lot more to say about that in the coming months.
Last but not least, I’m glad I stayed to poke around on Friday, because I ran into a very nice man with a great small business. His business, Target Factory, makes plastic/polymer type reactive plinking targets. (Think – if Little Tikes made targets – see the cover photo) They are lightweight but sturdy, colorful, portable, shootable, and were just what I was looking for to work on rimfire plinking with my daughter (although they will hold up to larger calibers as well). Who am I kidding – I want to shoot them too! The owner actually lit up when I said I was a pediatrician. He has a passion for getting these targets to 4H and Scout groups and encouraging the next generation.
With a newish Ruger 10/22 Takedown in my safe, and a Glock 44 in the works, we are going to need some fun rimfire targets at my house. I have a sample, but I’m going to order the whole (relatively inexpensive) shebang from him and then write up a report. Stand-by for that one too.
Final Words
I think that about wraps up what I have to say about SHOT for this year. Although exhausting, it is always an awesome experience. It’s great to see friends you only see once a year, and it’s fascinating to be on the front edge of new gear – sometimes before they have a webpage built or even a name for the product! It has once again been an honor and privilege to be able to attend and bring this all to you. As always – thanks for reading!