What I didn’t expect was the new Tuff Products, Sentinel Concepts Blaster Bag Pro to be just about the smallest range bag I have ever owned.
What I didn’t expect was the new Tuff Products, Sentinel Concepts Blaster Bag Pro would be the smallest range bag I own. This bag is like my wife, small and full of surprises and there to get the job done.
- 13 inches wide
- 9 inches tall
- 3 inches deep (empty)
- Basically it’s a 3 inch binder size.
- 1000D Codura Material
Take a look at just one example of what can actually fit in this bag from the website:
- 2 Pistols
- 2 Ammo Boxes
- 8 Magazines (Taran Tactical Extenders too)
- Stapler
- Staples
- Paste Over Stickers
- Roll of Tape
- Sentinel Concepts Notepad
The scary thing is if you look at the photos there is still room for more.

My kit often includes:
- 2 Pistols (From ATEi)
- LULA Loader
- Stapler
- 8 magazines
- Fix-it Sticks (Operation Parts)
- Sharpie Paint Pen
- 2 Spare CR123’s
- 2 boxes of ammo
- Ear Pro (Pro Sounds in ear)
Why another Range Bag?
If you’re like me the last thing you need is another range bag. I have given away plenty in my day that just didn’t make enough of an improvement on anything else I had to earn a space in my bag closet (yes I have an entire closet for bags don’t judge me). Calling this just a range bag is like calling rollerblades the same thing as roller skates. It is a fundamentally different approach to what has been tried before. I have little kits made to hold 1 gun and a few mags. That is useless for a productive trip to the range. I have plenty of kits that are huge and perfect for full day classes, competitions and other high round count intensive days. This isn’t either of those.
The approach behind this bag is simplicity and efficiency. It is small enough to easily conceal in your car for a fast lunch trip to the range or a low round count class like Steve’s classes at Ann Arbor Arms. It will handle all the necessities with none of the fluff.
Get Er Done

This bag reminds me of red neck ingenuity mixed with Levi quality. This is not a Gucci bag in every Kryptek patern designed to make you look cool. It’s an American bag for American’s who don’t have time or money to mess around with. The high quality 1000D codura is tough as nails and a higher quality material than that of many larger more expensive bags. It has more pockets to hold things than a pair of Kitanica pants and each one is made for a specific purpose to meet your range day needs.
Practical Usage

With eight 15 round mags loaded that is 120 rounds, plus 100 rounds in boxes. If you are running 17 rounders or TT basepads it pushes your numbers up. So even a moderate range trip is covered. Even going to an all day 1000 round class you only need to bring an ammo can to have what you need.
Due to testing product and being an over packer I have found my trips to Alliance for training are insanely over thought and over packed. After getting this bag I swore to get all my gear in my backseat instead of my entire SUV. With a bit of minimalistic thinking I can pack 2 GLOCKS from ATEi, Mags, LULA, Ear pro, Fix-it sticks, holster and mag pouches in the Blaster Bag then have another bag with 2 carbines, 20 pmags, AR mag pouches with 2 ammo cans.
We have had this bag since before it’s release and have used it a lot already. It has seen classes, an ACTS match and a ton of range time. It is holding up like all the products I have from TUFF (which is really good if you didn’t read the other reviews).
- If you shoot on lunch or after work this is a must buy.
- If you shoot low round count matches like IDPA or ACTS your set
- If you take classes that require large amounts of ammo bring this and a can and your set.
- This is a perfect gift for a new shooter or a the shooter who tags along but never has the right gear.
The bag is available for 44.99 only from Tuff Products https://www.tuffproducts.com
Source Article from http://248shooter.com/index.php/sentinel-concepts-blaster-bag-pro-review/