They sent us the 170gr .45 ACP and 105gr 38 Special +P. Jeremy and Aaron were on hand to invade my personal space. We were shooting at some 6″x6″x16″ deep ballistics gel from Doctor Kote.
The 45ACP fractured as expected. The main slug traveled through the gel and the 2 of the 3 “petals” did not exit the 6″ pieces of ballistics gel. Cavitation and energy of the gel were much different compared the the ball ammunition that we shot through. Ball ammunition went right through like a laser and the Lehigh ammunition caused a huge permanent wound channel.
The 38 Special +P had 2 of 3 petals that exited. The main slug went 4″ into the next gel block for a total travel of 20″.
Robert Butler of Kenaz Tactical group gave us an explanation of why it’s important to carry defensive ammunition and not ball ammunition.
In defensive shooting you want to do everything you can to stop the threat. You should not carry ball ammunition as it creates an ice pick effect right through the target. The self defense ammunition creates a large temporary and permanent wound channel.
From the limited amount that we received all of us felt comfortable with it’s performance. Definitely worth taking a look. Watch the video, it’s hilarious.
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