Raven Concealment Eidolon The Modular Holster


IMG_1108The Full Kit comes with your choice of overhooks or tuckable soft loops. The kit we tested had the soft loop kit so that I can tuck on those few occasions I need to dress up. Having now worn the overhooks on my VG2 Advanced I would highly suggest you go for the overhooks unless your dead set on tucking. They are much faster to put on and take off. It’s all personal preference in the end as they both hold tight.
Offset, Compression, Form Factor Features:
• One Tall Spacer for mounting the belt attachment below the trigger guard
• One 8-hole Extension Wing
• One 10-hole Extension Wing
• One Short Spacer for mounting the Extension Wing below the trigger guard, angled up toward the belt line.

EID_OH_1__79449.1427773668.1280.1280There is not many heights or angles you can not achieve when you start to mix and match these parts.

The tall and short spacers allow you to get the handle of your pistol as far away from or as close as possible to your pants line.

Extension Wings move your choice of belt attachments as near to or far away from the holster as you need. For those who will hit their knuckles on the belt loops when drawing this gives you far better control of your loop placement. Also, by widening the surface area of the holster, it pulls the gun closer to your body and secures the gun in a wider range of rotational movement. The wings also allow for varied degrees of cant as well as positing around belt loops that might interfere with proper holster placement.

EID_Claw_set_3__75135.1427773560.1280.1280Belt Claw

We have pontificated on the Belt Claw in the past on our VG3 Advanced Review. You can find a full breakdown on it there. In short it will line up with your belt line forming a cantilevered point drawing the handle of the gun closer to you.

Holster Wedge (Holster Herpes)

Eidolon4__79160.1427773532.1280.1280The holster wedge is a soft polymer that feels like an almost rubber-like material. The wedge is ideal for use when appendix carrying the gun. It will fit into the cavity of the pelvic joint to leverage the weapon handle closer to the body.

The holster wedge is a soft polymer that feels like an almost rubber-like material. The wedge is ideal for use when appendix carrying the gun. It will fit into the cavity of the pelvic joint to leverage the weapon handle closer to the body.

I find it holds the gun closer to the body especially when dealing with a belly as well as being more comfortable to wear. It sounds counter-intuitive that adding bulk to a holster would make it better to wear. In EDC use though, the extra padded material keeps the holster from moving around and reduces the pressure point when sitting over a wider padded area.

While I do not use the extension wings in my carry, I have used the Holster Wedge in every configuration of the Eidolon that I have worn comfortably.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Eidolon2__45691.1427773196.1280.1280Like candy, options sometimes are only good in limited doses. My initial issue with this holster is that it is easy to overload and over think your configuration. My first build used just about every option available. It was a pain in the ass to attach to my body and uncomfortable. I made changes to it, then I changed it again, and again, and again. My final carry build utilizes the soft loops, and Holster wedge with the claw. I will occasionally roll without the Claw as well when wearing suit pants as it only takes a few minutes to attach or remove it.

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248 Shooter
Charles is the editor for 248 Shooter a midwest based gun news and gear review site as well as Online Content Director for On Target Magazine. He is an avid student taking classes from top tier trainers around the country. Charles shares his love for training as well as experience and opinions on some of the most talked about gear and products used by competitive shooters, military, leo and civilians.