On Wednesday SHOT Show offered what they called a “Pop-up” – a separate floor/ballroom of products/companies making only a one-day appearance. I think it’s a cheaper option for smaller companies which can’t afford a full-week position on the regular show floor.
I only had about forty minutes in between appointments but I made a quick pass-through. The main items that caught my eye fall roughly into the “Prepper” category.
The first table that caught my eye was an MRE provider called MRE Star out of Sarasota Florida. They offer cases of “military grade” meals – both with and without heaters, and “civilian” packaging of the same components. They also offer microwaveable tray meals. Their brochure states that they can customize large orders and can also do full day ration units. The rep said he could send me some meals to taste-test, so stand-by on that one.

The next table that grabbed my attention was a company called SilverFire. They provide biomass-burning gasifier backpacker stoves, all the way up to base camp level chimney stoves, pizza ovens, and a variety of off-grid cooking options.