The Terminator series is linked with two different kinds of killing machines. We have the robotic Terminators and shotguns. Seriously, shotguns are a big deal in the Terminator franchise. I’m not sure why, but ever since the first film, shotguns have been instrumental in the franchise. Hero and villain alike carry shotguns throughout the film series, and as a shotgun nut, I wanted to dig into the best shotguns in the Terminator franchise.
The Ithaca 37
When Kyle Reese landed in 1991 Los Angeles, he quickly acquired weaponry. He steals an Ithaca 37 with an extended magazine tube from a police vehicle. He cut the stock off and attached a lanyard. It’s small enough to conceal under a coat, and that’s how Reese employs the famed Ithaca 37. Eventually, the T-800 used an Ithaca 37 with stock for a short period during the first film.

The Ithaca 37 series has been in the longest continuous production of any pump shotgun. These repeating shotguns are known for their reliability and durability. They famously served with SEALs in Vietnam, where they were favored for their slab side design. The gun ejected and loaded from the bottom, which reduced the number of ports that allowed debris to enter the gun.
Spas 12
In the famed gun store scene, the Terminator acquires a Uzi, an AR-18, and a “12 Gauge Autoloader.” The autoloader is the famed Spas 12, a gun that wreaked havoc across 1990s film and video games. The Spas 12 is actually a convertible shotgun that can swap from semi-auto to pump action. The Terminator shows off his strength by wielding the shotgun with a single hand as he shoots through a police station.

The only movie to accurately portray the Spas 12 was Jurassic Park, which jammed quite quickly. The Spas 12 shotguns were not known for reliability, and they were also fragile and somewhat difficult to load. The gun is a collector’s item now only because of its use in so many movies and TV shows.
Winchester 1887
As the new T-800 arrives to protect John Connor, he acquires a sawn-off lever-action Winchester 1887 shotgun from a biker bar. The gun becomes his weapon of choice as he rides his metal steed through the streets of Los Angeles. The Winchester 1887 proves to be a potent tool in stalling the liquid metal T-1000. We see another feat of strength when he wields the gun one-handed, including doing the famed flip cocking technique while riding a motorcycle.

The Winchester 1887 was a black powder shotgun. However, Winchester only produced a smokeless powder version in 10 gauge, which it called the 1901. The Winchester in the movie is a replica. It’s funny to imagine the Terminator seeking out black powder shells, but I guess he had little worry that the gun would explode on him.
Remington 870
Remington 870s are scattered throughout the Terminator series. It first pops up in T2 with Sarah Connor’s LEO Special 870 with the folding metal stock. T3 shows a trench gun style 870 with a bayonet lug and heat shield. In Salvation, a young Kyle Reese carries a PGO 870 with a breaching barrel. In Genesys, our new Sarah Connor gets the same 870 that the OG Sarah Connor used in T2. Finally, the same metal folding stock 870 makes an appearance in Dark Fate.

The 870 series are legendary shotguns and have likely armed more police officers than any other shotgun. It’s a durable, well-made design that set the new standard for pump action shotguns. It’s the AR of shotguns, and it’s not a surprise that we see so many different variations in the Terminator franchise.
The M26 MASS pops up in Terminator 3 during a fast-forward future vision. It’s seen equipped with John Connor’s rifle. In a crazy dedication to continuity, we see the M26 appear in Terminator Salvation, equipped to John Connor’s rifle once more. He uses the shotgun a few times and even detaches it for reasons unknown.

The M26 MASS is a bolt action, straight pull bolt shotgun that feeds from a magazine. C-More, the optics company, designed the gun to mount on an M3 for the US Army. The Army has fielded very few, but it’s in the armory. It’s a rare design, and it’s neat to see it pop up more than once.
Shotguns and Terminator
The Terminator series is no stranger to firearms of all kinds, but shotguns seem to have a special place in the series. I only did my five favorites, but there are tons of them. Benelli M3 and M4s, KelTec, that stupid DP-12, and even the kinda awesome barely didn’t make the list Fostech.
Shotguns and Terminators are like peanut butter and jelly.