
The Crosman Pioneer Airbow Lays Claim to Hardcore Hybrid Shooting

In the words of expert guide and world renowned hunter Jim Shockey, “This changes everything.” Since eyeballing and test-firing Crosman’s Benjamin Pioneer Airbow at the 2016 Archery Trade Association show and spending quality range time with it at the 2016 SHOT Show, Shockey’s words have replayed too many times to count.

Say it to yourself then take a good, hard look at Crosman’s ultimate outdoor game-changer, the Airbow.

The Franken-Bow?

A bit Frankenstein-ish as product development goes, the Benjamin Pioneer Airbow delivers a solid mix of archery and airgun technology, but looks a heck of a lot cooler than Frankenstein ever did. While the hybrid design looks cool on the face of it, it’s important to note the history from which the Airbow derives.

While Merriam-Webster defines archery as “the sport or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow” and adds that a bow is simply “a weapon used for shooting arrows and usually made of a strip of wood bent by a cord connecting the two ends,” virtually everyone even remotely familiar with the subject would agree that there is more to both definitions than the iconic dictionary cares to convey. 

From Stone Age to New Age

From Stone Age to New Age, humans have used archery for sustenance and warfare for as long as 50,000 years; the true date of its inception remains hotly debated, but nobody contests its abundant use by the close of the Upper Paleolithic Era some 10,000 years ago. Most experts agree that the crossbow, perhaps a better analogy to the Airbow, didn’t make an appearance until approximately 600 B.C. But by about 400 B.C., the crossbow had become a pretty a common weapon in China. Not long after, crossbows trickled across the rest of Asia and Europe and used in Medieval warfare before crossing over some 400 years ago into the New World.

Air rifles are not nearly as old; however, their history seems nearly as rich. According to airgun expert Richard Beeman, the Royal Danish Arsenal houses the oldest air rifle on record — a spring-loaded, propulsive blast rifle believed to have been built around 1590. In 1600, the earliest known pneumatic air rifle (the technology is still in use today) was built for France’s King Henry IV. To power this rifle, an air chamber in the buttstock was filled, as today’s rifles are. But while earlier rifles were filled to as much as 1,000 psi, today’s Crosman pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) air rifles — and indeed the PCP-powered Airbow — take up 3,000 psi for repeat shots and increased energy.

So what happens when you marry these two technologies? It’s not a bow, or even a crossbow. It’s not a rifle or even an air rifle.

What’s the Buzz About?

Don’t let the name fool you. As Crosman’s Chip Hunnicutt was quick to point out, the Airbow is not an archery bow or even a crossbow. It was never intended to be or even necessarily replace today’s traditional archery-based equipment. Hunnicutt claims that the Airbow is in a class of its own and delivers more than enough power for big game hunting. But what makes this thing cool, different and fun?

First things first, the Benjamin Pioneer Airbow is lightweight. At just seven pounds, it’s actually lighter than many rifles or crossbows. Also, the bows are finished in black and come with Realtree camouflage adhesive decals for hunters.

The Benjamin Pioneer Airbow is a PCP-powered shooting system with an air reservoir housed within the chassis. The reservoir holds up to 3,000 psi and powers as many as 10 arrows at a blistering average speed of 450 fps.

While you could potentially charge the Airbow with something similar to a bicycle pump, most PCP air rifle shooters, and most likely future Airbow shooters will charge the reservoir with a relatively light 15-inch, 4,500psi Benjamin air tank, or even a full-fledged SCUBA tank. Either way, great care should be taken to fill the reservoir slowly when using air tanks of any kind. An air gauge sits at the tip of the forend, under the air tube for easy observation between shots or during air charges.

Although the short, “bullpup” style tactical chassis does not feature an adjustable stock it appears to hit that sweet spot, fitting shooters large or small exceptionally well. The chassis also features a surprisingly comfortable pistol grip, trigger guard and forend. Overall length of the Airbow is a short 33.5 inches — perfect for hunting and shooting in tight spots and even bloodtracking through the thick stuff without catching on brush and branches.

In Focus on Trigger Time

At SHOT’s Industry Day at the Range, I quietly waited my turn while watching shooter after shooter square up behind the Airbow and launch arrows, accurately, at an average velocity I had never seen before. When my turn came, like the others, I listened to Chip carefully as he laid out all of the Airbow’s features then slowly and clearly instructed me, step by step. I “nocked” an arrow by sliding it over the length of the air tube. To cock the Airbow, I pulled up on the ambidextrous cocking device built into the top of the stock; it was quite easy, perhaps no more than a two-finger pull.

Once the Airbow was cocked, I settled in, like the others before me, and set the MTAG crosshairs of the 6x40mm CenterPointe scope on one of the diamonds on the face of the BIGshot Extreme 500 target downrange. Once I was ready I pushed forward on the safety lever positioned directly in front of the Airbow’s trigger. After taking the Airbow off safe, I slowly squeezed the trigger. While it was a tad on the heavy side, it was crisp and with less travel than I expected.

The shot was much quieter than expected. While I did not measure how much noise a shot generates, I saw no need, myself, for hearing protection. The sound level seemed comparable to shooting a .22-cal. pellet rifle.  While the air tube did shudder after shots, it did not appear to have an effect on arrow flight. It was smooth, without any evidence of tailing — in fact, every shot I took was also exceptionally accurate and I grouped extraordinarily well, of course, the integrated pressure regulator facilitates this level of accuracy by distributing airflow evenly through the recommended number of shots per charge.

Hardcore Hitter

As a hardcore bowhunter, former archery technician and rifle hunter, my concerns rest in accuracy and energy, precisely where the Benjamin Airbow shines. I shot repeatedly and watched as every 375gr arrow drove hard into the target face with devastating force with 160 ft.-lbs. of energy. That’s more than enough energy to put down any animal on any continent and keep it there. Shockey proved this claim when he took a hefty bull buffalo with the Pioneer Airbow during field testing in 2015.

To say this hybrid shooting system is deadly is an understatement. Crosman knows airgun technology as well as anybody but to add archery to the mix was not only bold, it was downright genius. I suspect most people will readily embrace the Airbow for what it is: a true hybrid. With the difficulty of pulling back a compound bow keeping many from the sport, and some even having issues cocking a crossbow, the Airbow fits right in that sweet spot for people who want to get into archery and bowhunting but might have problems with conventional equipment.

More Than an Airbow, It’s a Kit Ready to Kill

The Crosman Benjamin Pioneer Airbow includes (3) 375gr carbon arrows with nano ceramic Victory ICE coating, a quick-detach quiver, custom sling, CenterPointe 6x40mm scope with MTAG reticle featuring indexing points out to 75 yds. and a canted picatinny base with 20 MOA of adjustability. And, unlike most crossbows, the Airbow can be decocked as easily as it was cocked for ultra-safe handling, especially when hunting from a treestand.

So where might one chase deer, hogs or other critters with an Airbow? Visit Crosman’s website to learn about where you can use the Airbow to hunt predators, pigs and big game. As of today, Airbow hunting for coyotes and predators is legal in 28 states, while feral hog hunting with the Airbow is legal in at least 10 states.

All things considered, Crosman’s Benjamin Pioneer Airbow is right on target. Shooting was quiet, comfortable, accurate and repeatable. While many bows, rifles and crossbows come without accessories, this Airbow essentially comes ready for action. Does it change everything? For a lot of customers, it will. And if your customers enjoy shooting rifles, crossbows and bows — and are welcome to game-changing innovation — they’re going to love the Pioneer Airbow.


We Like Shooting 151 – Gear Chat

This is an individual segment, for the whole show and show notes please visit here

OTOA (Ohio Tactical Officers Association) Annual Meeting

There are many TOA type organizations around the country. Most states offer them, for example, the MTOA that we covered last year with SDI and the largest the NTOA, which represents officers across the country.

Most of these events are rather small offering a smattering of booths that highlight police specific products and some training courses. What many do not know is tucked in among the flat lands of rabid Buckeyes fans is the better-kept secret of the training industry.

The OTOA Conference hosted almost 1000 officers over a one week period at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky Ohio earlier this month. Having attended it, I see why this conference is grown year over year.

Do these pants make my ass look big?
Do these pants make my ass look big?

Any good conference is packed with workshops that attendees do their best to avoid. Hell, I have spoken at several conferences and still not seen the inside of the rooms that I didn’t make a speech in. Mostly because industry specific education is falling on ears of people who too often either know it all already or who think they do. This was not the case in Sandusky. The Monday conferences were packed full of people and rightfully so.

In-depth information was provided by multiple branches of laws enforcement ranging from Dallas PD, who shared information on the Dallas PD station attack, FBI agents discussing hostage rescue, Coverage of the Aurora Theatre shooting and more followed by a great meal and fellowship. That was only on the first day.

The real meat and potatoes started on day 2 with breakout sessions on specific topics from medical training that included a free tourniquet thanks to Nationwide Insurance, administrative, dispatch, CQB, legal action and even estate planning for those who put their lives on the line. In all, there were over 42 tracks of instruction available for attendees.

The vendor show on Tuesday showcased some of the best companies in the industry supporting local law enforcement. Over 200 vendors gathered to give one on one interaction with the guys who use their products. Unlike many industry events, the booths were not packed with sales reps and marketing people. Many on hand were product development people, engineers, trainers and CEO’s who worked with officers to discuss actual use, not fancy gimmicks.


Here is just a sample of the companies who supported the event.



AT Armor

Blue Force Gear

Alliance PD Range

Cleer Medical

Raven ConcealmentRangeDay-030



Half Cocked Targets

Nationwide Insurance

Combat Swag (with CJ Jackson himself!!!!!)


B5 Systems

Velocity Systems


and so much more!

The following three days involved mainly off-site live fire and range based training with some of the best instructors in the country. Attendees could pick 1 class a day with their included registration fee. When looking at the typical cost of a John Chapman, Will Petty or other training from the likes of LMS, 88 Tactical, Cleer Medical and more the cost of admission was half the typical cost of admission.

To give you an idea of the knowledge available check out this incomplete list of classes.

So much man so little of a doorway.
So much man so little of a doorway.

88 Tactical was at the forefront of this event fielding instructors in just about every possible niche of the law enforcement tactics cadre. It was an honor and pleasure to spend one on one time with the likes of William Petty, Matt Jaques, Trevor Thrasher, Phil Chaney, Frank Sepulveda, Devin Crinklaw and Shea Degan not to mention the cast of less known names that will likely be some of the up and coming stars of the training community. The amount of knowledge consumed was only limited by one’s ability to absorb it. We will cover the grand opening of the 88 Tactical Facility on July 7th so stay tuned.

The OTOA was open to police officers even if not from Ohio, and it is the one event that I would say is a must do for those who run to gunfire instead of away from it. While the OTOA conference is not for civilians much of the training offered, can be found in courses taught by 88 Tactical, LMS, Sentinel Concepts and the Alliance PD Range, if you’re interested in learning from the best of the best.

A meeting of the minds.
A meeting of the minds.

A $250 fee gets you a very nice 5.11 sling pack, access to all that we discussed and more in the way of dinners, raffles and one on one talk with dudes who opinion actually matters. I don’t teach tactics on this blog because, frankly, I am not qualified to. Neither is 99% of Youtube and 80% of instructors. It’s nice when you’re talking in a group and see dudes who lived the life, walked the walked sharing their knowledge for the safety and protection of our police. Cause God knows not one of these instructors made enough on this event to be doing this for profit.

All photography was graciously provided by our Friend @iDaveMoore go follow him on IG.

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Terrorist attacks are Not Mass Shootings, But they are a Gun Control Issue

Let’s be very clear on a few points before the flame wars begin. Though the numbers are skewed to show more than occurred, the US has a mass shooting issue. These events are as deadly as they are because of a Gun control issue.

Let’s also be very clear that if we are calling what happened in France earlier this year was a terrorist attack that influenced Facebook to get people to change their social media profile pictures then what occurred in San Berdino and now in Orlando are terrorist attacks as well.

After both terrorist attacks, the anti-gun organizations blamed the NRA, other pro-gun representatives, and citizens as the cause. Not the radical beliefs of a zealous group in a religious war who perpetrated the crimes against our society.

What happened in Orlando is a travesty where a man angered by the sexual conduct of others was driven to commit a heinous crime against all of society. This man not only cleared a background check to own his guns but also cleared an extra check that employed him with a security license granting additional privileges to carry a gun. This was not a man, rather a piece of garbage that was on watch lists, interviewed by FBI and was being tracked for associating with terrorist forces and recruiters online.

So why are both of these incidents Gun Control issues? The first took place in California. A state known for some of the most restrictive gun control and regulations in the country. There an illegally obtained gun purchased via a straw purchase and then modified illegally was used by terrorist criminals to kill innocent people in a gun free zone. Giving the advantage to the terrorists who ignored our laws.

Yesterday’s action involved a person illegally using a gun in a gun free zone to corral and then murder people based on his excuse of religious beliefs. It is too soon to know if those guns were legal or illegally modified as some are claiming. Either way, the laws put in place to protect citizens failed again. Gun control failed again.

In the movie Dillinger, one of my favorite lines is when Johnny Depp says “I get away because they have to be everywhere all the time. I only have to be one place any time” or something along those lines. That there is the reason why all of these crimes are a gun control issue.

This hero took a bullet to the head trying to save those still alive inside. Thankfully his department got him training and gear to stop the fight.
This hero took a bullet to the head trying to save those still alive inside. Thankfully his department got him training and gear to stop the fight.

I have many great police, srt, military and first responder friends. These are people that run to gunfire to save lives. There is only so many of them that have to cover 24 hours across huge cities and towns. There are only so many jobs available that can be supported by taxes and commerce. There is only so many that can deal with the bull shit associated with typical police departments that can make saving lives a career. I know many and more that are not police that carry every day, served their time in the military or spend time today training so that if the moment arises they can protect their family, friends and themselves from danger. These people are everywhere all the time for they are us.

The media does not report it as it does not fit the narrative but good guys at risk to their personal safety have stopped countless shootings, robbings, murders and more by being trained, being vigilant and carrying while all being everywhere the bad guys can be.

All of these crimes, murders, and cowards attacks on our freedom typically happen in gun free zones for a reason. Criminals ignore laws that affect them but leverage these same laws in their favor when looking to commit crimes. If you think that criminals don’t look to gun free zones, then you’re apparently not reading FBI statistics on where these events happen.

How is an Anti-American Terrorist registered as a Democrat a lackey of the NRA?
How is an Anti-American Terrorist registered as a Democrat a lackey of the NRA?

So instead of putting blame on the NRA like the disgusting Daily News did today. Instead of looking for ways to get guns out of people’s hands to widen and secure more gun free zones, instead of expanding gun control to allow terrorists more time to fight without resistance lets be smart about this.

Gun Control failed in Paris, It failed on 9/11 it failed in San Berdino, it failed at Sandy Hook, it failed in Orlando and if given the chance it will fail again when another sad, lonely, pathetic excuse for a human is pulled in by these psychopathic anti-humanity scum in the middle east. Let’s lay the blame at the pshycopaths that commit these crimes. Lets do something that is effective at stopping bad people and stop creating knee jerk political reactions garnered only to serve individual interest over societeies needs.

Background checks haven’t made us safe. More police haven’t made us safe. More restrictions have not made us safe. Look at Detroit, what is making people safer is on point trained citizens who are willing to combat evil. Don’t fall for the distraction of a gun problem. Don’t fall for the call for an America’s gun culture as the issue. These are terrorist attacks from an organization that does not fight on typical borders and is taking the war to our streets. This problem is a control and fear issue. For when we are fed on fear and cry for help, turning over what our forefather fought for the gov’t has all the control.

Remember those lost in Orlando, San Bardino and France and ask them what Gun control did for them. Then when you realize you stand alone at the gates of our enemy my brother, that it is you, and you alone that is responsible for your safety. Now what will you do?

Let that sink in.
Let that sink in.

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It’s Mexico, baby: 1 bus robber killed by friendly fire, another mauled by passengers

The robbery attempt that went spectacularly wrong happened on Sunday on a highway between Mexico City and Pachuca, local media reported.

The three criminals boarded the bus in the city of Ecatepec de Morelos. Minutes later they drew their guns and told passengers to surrender their valuables.

Then one of the robbers fired his handgun to intimidate their victims. The bullet ricocheted from the bus ceiling and hit another criminal, fatally injuring him.

Some 30 passengers agitated by the gunfire rushed the two perpetrators. They beat one of them to death, subdued the other and later handed him over to the police. It was not clear whether the robber killed by the passengers was the same one who wasted his partner.

Highway robberies are a major problem in Mexico, a country that suffers badly from organized crime. People visiting the country are advised to stick to toll roads and not to travel at night to reduce the risk of being targeted.

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Factor Cossatot 1000 and 1000XL Flashlight Review

It does not get much more tactical than all the lumens. Unfortunately, flashlights and knives often take a back seat to fancy guns in IG pocket dumps, but they take the forefront in everyday usage.

When I look at flashlights, I typically categorize them into 3 categories for EDC. Tactical weapon lights, pocket carry low lumen utility lights, and heavier duty outdoor lights. The Cossatot 1000 & 1000XL both fit into all 3.

The body is corrosion resistant, military-grade, CNC machined, aircraft-quality Type III hard anodized aluminum alloy with a CREE XP-L LED that emits up to 1000 lumens. It is waterproof to 2 meters for 30 minutes, so it’s well suited to handle inclement weather though not a divers light.

Lots comes with this light out of the package.
Lots comes with this light out of the package.

The light has 5 modes: Blast, High, Med, Low and Strobe and they are activated in that order via the tail switch. I’m not usually a fan of advanced programmed lights with tons of options, but Factor thought about this and forces the light to always power on in blast mode since it is designed for law enforcement and tactical operations.

1000 Lumens in a small light is a lot. The Cossatot is not much larger than the surefire scout and offers an additional 400 lumens at a lower price point. When combined with the long life associated with an 18650 battery you can get 130 hours of run time on the low setting, and 50 minutes on blast.

Most importantly there is no tomfoolery around the tail cap activation switch. Too many “tactical” flashlights put a bezel on the tail cap making it hard to actuate the button with gloves or in tense situations. The Factor Cossatot is very easy to actuate to click on/off or momentary pressure activated.

The Costsatot is a hybrid of rechargeable or disposable batteries. It has a built-in charging system powered by a micro USB, which charges the included 18650 battery (typical for e-cigarettes). The battery is easily removable and can be replaced with a new battery once the battery cycle has reached its life expectancy or can be loaded with 2 CR123 batteries in clutch situations.

Small but powerful.
Small but powerful.

It is at the top end of size for EDC IMHO but still doable especially if you intend to use it as the weapon light. In a bug out bag, in your car or laptop bag, it fits in perfectly. I have been keeping the 1000 in my laptop bag and the XL in my car. They have already come in handy when a friend lots a set of keys down by the beach at night. You really need to see 1,000 lumens to appreciate it.

You can buy yours direct from Factor via their website. Here: The Cassatot retails for $79.99, and the XL is $89.99.

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Orlando Shooting: US should follow in Israel’s footsteps to prevent attacks

The American populace should not lull itself into a false sense of security, US scholar Kevin Reagan stresses, bemoaning the fact that the deadly Orlando shooting caught Americans by surprise. According to Reagan, the US should follow in Israel’s footsteps.

Public education on terrorism in the United States suffers from “a deleterious combination of apathy and political reticence,” Kevin Reagan, a Resident Junior Fellow at the Center for the National Interest, writes in his recent article.

Referring to a 2009 Homeland Security Institute (HSI) report for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the scholar calls attention to the fact that the US government’s success in implementing the HSI’s recommendations “has been minimal.”

“DHS ostentatiously launched the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign in July of 2010, seemingly its most concerted effort to engage the public in counterterrorism. However, the campaign has so far perfectly illustrated the deficiencies of public education on terrorism. Unfortunately, slogans are not educational and the ‘If You See Something’ campaign has been vague in its instructions,” Reagan underscores.

Alas, three years later a Gallup poll indicated that less than half of Americans heard the “If You See Something, Say Something” slogan.

“DHS has awarded millions of dollars in federal grants through its collaborations with dozens of states, cities, sports teams, and other organizations to spread the campaign across the US Yet, a Dec. 17-18 Gallup poll finds that a majority of Americans (55%) have never heard of it,” Steve Ander and Art Swift of reported on December 23, 2013.

Another study, carried out by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in 2012, revealed that “when respondents were asked to describe activities they considered suspicious, a measly five percent of respondents identified activities which could be terror-related.”
According to Reagan, this disturbing and deplorable trend has resulted in complete unpreparedness of American civilians for “active shooter”-style attacks as in San-Bernardino and Orlando.

“These attacks highlighted the unsettling reality that there are a plethora of soft targets in the United States and that ISIS [Daesh] and their ilk will not hesitate to engage them,” Reagan emphasizes.

To tackle the terrorism problem Washington should follow in Israel’s footsteps, the scholar believes.

In contrast to the US, terrorism preparedness in Israel is a joint responsibility of both the government and the citizens of the state. Tel-Aviv provides proper education to its people about terrorism and survival practices.

Thus, unsurprisingly, Israel’s society is more proactive in preparing for terror assaults “and thereby more resilient in recovering from them.”

“The [US] government should acknowledge this reality by working to prepare the public rather than expounding on the need for further misadventures abroad or expanding the surveillance capacity of the state,” Reagan underscores.

“Cities like Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles could greatly benefit from even the smallest increase in civilian awareness,” he stressed.

However, there is yet another problem, Patrick J. Buchanan notes in his recent opinion piece for the American Conservative entitled “Omar Mateen and the Clash of Civilizations.”

“East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat,” Buchanan quotes famous British novelist Rudyard Kipling.

Radical Islam has nothing to do with democracy and Western values, the conservative commentator emphasizes.

He points to the fact that while Washington rushed to point the finger of blame at San Bernardino shooters and Mateen it continues to cooperate with the Gulf regimes whose “books laws [are] calling for beheading the same sort of people Mateen shot to death at the Pulse club in Orlando, and for the same reason — what it is they do.”

In addition to what Buchanan highlighted, the question arises, what kind of policies toward sexual minorities do the so-called “moderate Syrian opposition” groups, like Ahrar Ash-Sham or Jaish al-Islam, conduct in the Middle East?

On June 12, Omar Mateen, an American citizen of Afghan descent, murdered 49 and injured 53 people at Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando. Reportedly, in 2013 Mateen was investigated by US law enforcement for possible connections to Islamist terror organizations.

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How Concealed Carry Saved This Man’s Family

We’ve previously looked at a real life self-defense scenario that unfolded suddenly for Matt and Holly Smithers in a rural setting outside of Detroit, Michigan, in 2012. They were on their way home from a relaxed night out for dinner when a pickup driver tried to overtake them and run them off the road. Although Matt managed to outmaneuver the driver and reach his home, the danger didn’t end there. Rather, the pursuing vehicle raced up the driveway behind Matt and Holly in what could only be judged as full-attack mode.

A self-defense story in West Texas unfolded at a similar pace during the 2002 Super Bowl. Darren Jones watched the first half of the game home alone and his decision to walk out the front door at half-time to go watch the rest of the game with friends nearly cost him his life.

Jones and his wife Kimberly lived in a nice neighborhood at the time. In fact, it was one of the nicest and most-established neighborhoods in their West Texas community. Darren was not a car collector, but he liked to keep an older, third car in the garage to drive on Sundays — the way his father had done when he was a child.

The car of choice—a 1963 Oldsmobile.

On this particular Super Bowl Sunday, Kimberly and the kids were out of town visiting relatives and Darren declined invitations to watch the game with friends, choosing instead to take it easy and relax on the couch with his dog.

Near the end of the 2nd quarter Darren changed his mind about watching the game at home and called his friends to let them know he’d be on his way soon. He went to the garage and backed out the Oldsmobile, then climbed out and left it running in the driveway so the carbureted V-8 could warm up on that cold West Texas night.

Nothing seemed odd as he walked back toward the front door of his home in jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. But everything went crazy when he put his hand on the door knob. To hear Darren tell it, his senses fast-forwarded into warp speed while his vision and thought processes simultaneously sharpened, taking in what had happened in seconds as if it had actually happened over a much longer period of time.

Darren said he put his hand on the door knob only to see his German Shepard standing on its hind legs against the inside of the glass door, barking as loud as it could. The hair stood on Darren’s neck and he remembered seeing a car inching by the driveway as he was backing the Oldsmobile out of the garage.

Then it all clicked — that car must have stopped and danger must be closing in. Nothing else explained the dog’s behavior.

He spun on his heels and roughly 8 feet to his right was a man in the front yard, quietly closing the distance. He saw another man in the driveway moving up the far side of the Oldsmobile, which would be the passenger’s side, from where Darren was standing. The car he saw inching past his driveway was stopped in the road with at least two more individuals in it.

Darren flipped up the front of his sweatshirt and with that same hand grabbed the handle of this Taurus .38 Special revolver. The man in the grass saw the gun as Darren yelled, “Stop, or I’ll shoot!” The man in the grass locked in place.

Darren kept his hand on the gun and said, “Now, tell your friend in the driveway to stop or I will start shooting.” He said the man in the grass kind of patted his right hand against the air, signaling the man in the driveway to stop approaching.

But something was still very wrong — at least it felt that way. The man in the grass had placed his right hand behind his back after signaling his friend and Darren pieced together the fact that the man’s left hand had been behind his back the whole time. “Show me your hands!” Darren screamed. The man just grinned at him in response. So Darren reiterated, “Show me your hands or I will shoot you where you stand!” The man slowly raised his hands out to the side. They were empty, but Darren had no idea what might be tucked in the man’s waistband in the back. The man was too close for comfort and Darren’s back was literally against the wall on the front porch.

Darren told the man, “If you put your hands behind your back again I will shoot you dead, do you understand?” He said the man nodded his head, still grinning.

Darren then began slowly walking toward the man — gun drawn — and ordered him to backtrack to his car and to have his friend in the driveway do the same. Both men began walking backward very slowly, with the man in the driveway reaching the car before the one who had been moving in the grass. Once the man in the grass heard the sound of car doors opening and closing as his partner got in he turned and bolted for the car. Once in, tires squealed as the car sped away.

Darren said he was ready to fire his gun if either man had lunged at him or if the man in the grass had put his hands behind his back again. He said that while he has no problem killing to defend his life, he did not want to shoot a man whom he had placed in check and who might not have had a weapon behind his back after all.

Darren said the night solidified his habit of carrying a gun with him at all times.

“That would-be attack happened while I was letting the engine in my Olds warm up, but it very well could have happened while I was retrieving the paper or washing the front window or any number of activities that would have made me turn my back to the street,” he said.

He also stressed that he was in the habit of regularly shooting that revolver, so he was very familiar with where his rounds would be placed if forced to shoot.

“I don’t know if the guy in the grass picked up on it, but when I assured him I was going to shoot him I meant it, and I knew I could I do it,” he said.

Approximately two weeks later, a gentleman who lived two or three blocks from Darren was jumped from behind by a number of assailants as he opened his front door to step inside. But the sound of defensive gun fire shattered the night and sent assailants scampering. The neighbor had been ready for them.


Review: BG Defense Type-A SIPR

Colt_AR-15_on_display_at_the_NFMIn 1957 Mr. Stoner, Mr. Sullivan, and Mr. Fremont finalized the design on the AR-15. In the 58 years since the Armalite debuted the number of iterations, manufacturers, variations and updates that are incorporated into the AR-15 rifle concept has exploded exponentially.

The last 12 years have been especially fertile in the design and manufacturing aspects with the perfect storm of the expiring Clinton Assault Weapons Ban, the improvements and cost reduction in CNC and polymer production, and the rise of the internet. There is a consequence to all of this success and advancement, market saturation.

The last couple of years have seen a slow suffocation of individual aspects of the AR market and an overflow in others. The “entry level” AR-15s have a plethora of offerings. The premium AR market is also well established and thriving. The middle market needs an AED, people will buy a decent $700 rifle or a $2,000 rifle with fewer looking to buy in between, and that shows no sign of changing without a massive market demand shift.

So what does a company do to enter a market like this?

You build the Type-A Rifle


BG Defense is an emerging AR manufacturer out of Grand Rapids, MI. You could find them online if you looked but it is just recently they’re expanding into new territory, they built custom ARs prior to this release. Custom is a small market, however, made to order requires orders from a customer who is willing to wait, and that is not the majority of the US AR-15 market.

You need a production rifle for this environment, and you need it to impress.

BG Defense built the Type-A SIPR


The Type-A SIPR, Standard Issue Patrol Rifle,  is BG’s answer to the production rifle market demand.


BG Defense knows what rifles they are challenging with theirs. The Type-A SIPR is sitting beside names like LWRCi, Daniel Defense, Bravo Company, Sig Sauer, Troy Industries, and FNH USA.

The performance needs that BG must demand from their product is equal to the Tier 1 manufacturers.

Quick aside, I’m thrilled Michigan has an AR-15 manufacturer that can stand beside (and be topped with) the top-tier tactical optics coming from Ann Arbor and Wixom (EoTech and Trijicon) thank you BG Defense, Grand Rapids, MI.

Thanks is owed to Southwick’s Guns of Plainwell, MI for helping this review come together and special thanks to this particular rifle’s owner for letting me borrow it. I know you didn’t want to because you were having a blast with it yourself.

The review data comes from three sample rifles, two of which went to out to a Pat McNamara course for reliability testing and one which I spent the most time with for side by side evaluation.

But first let’s break down the rifle

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We Like Shooting 149 – Freedom or Security

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 149 – tonight we’ll talk about Self defense care packages, recover tactical rubber grips, rebel .22 silencer, Orlando and more!

We Like Shooting 149 – Gear Chat

Brought to you by DEZ Tactical Arms

Where we talk about the stuff we have, the stuff that we want and the stuff that we need!

The Rhetoric Stays the Same, What You Need To Know

You safely handle and secure your guns. You have passed a local and federal background check. Maybe you even put in the extra effort to get a CCW/CPL concealed license. Self-protection is your concern, and neither you or your guns have caused harm to anyone, just remember that in the weeks to come.

The other day when a radical Islamist, on a terror watch list, who frequented gay clubs, used guns to kill 49 people, you were blamed.

The Daily News pushed a cover that accused the NRA. The President talked about how Government failed to protect you by allowing a person on a watch list (not the no-fly list mind you) to buy an Assault Weapon.

Instead of addressing the issues of bigotry, self-loathing, hate, unregulated immigration, and religious fervor against America, he used this moment to blame you, a responsible American, for a crime you had nothing to do with.

So let’s look at the things you need to know as we head into that inevitable blame game that will be perpetrated across Facebook, at the watercooler and local functions.

We already covered how this was a terrorist attack on the American way of life. From the niche of the LGBT community all the way to the freedoms of the greater population.

No fly No Buy is the new slogan. In short the bill being pushed is designed to stop those on the no-fly list from buying guns. Well, they keep saying Assault Weapons, but let’s face it the likely hood is it will be all guns. In fact, if this were a good idea and actually would work, why not be all guns and not just the super scary ones, right?

Let me be very clear about this. Gun owners don’t like bad guys having guns. Many of us carry because we know nothing in this world can stop a bad guy from getting a gun. On the surface like most overreaching knee-jerk legislation, it sounds like a good idea. Here is why it is not.

There have been no reports that I have found putting this piece of garbage on the no-fly list. Reports have indicated he was investigated and “had been” on a watch list but did not explicitly state he was on a no-fly list. So this law had it been in place likely would have provided 0 protection.

This piece of excrement passed a federal background check, state CPL/CCW check, and the additional security checks for obtaining a security license to perform security work. He also passed two different background checks at G4S a company listed as the world’s largest guarding company. A company responsible for guarding prisons, airports, cash transports, and vital infrastructure. If he could get past them and was cleared of any federal watch list how does stopping people from being on the watch list from buying guns offer any security?

So you think ok fine the no Fly No Buy law wouldn’t help but how is it not a good idea? It might help and if we save just one life isn’t it worth it?
No, it’s not. There I said it. You can call me an evil part of the military multi-billion dollar complex if you so choose. You would be wrong, but I’m used to namecalling so unlike the journalist from the daily news who got PTSD from firing rounds through an AR-15, I can take it. The reason it’s not worth it, is simple. The Constitution does not guarantee your safety, happiness or protection of your feelings. It offers the pursuit of happiness and the tools required to remain free, self-reliant and the ability to protect one’s self, family and property. Taking away the tools responsible citizens use to protect their rights is not part of the deal and frankly won’t make you any safer.


I thought that this might not have to be covered again after so many failed and ridiculous attempts. I was wrong.

The guns used in this attack was a SIG SAUER MPX and Glock 17. The Sig MPX can be chambered in 5.56/223, but it doesn’t have to be. Further, it is not even a close relative to the AR-15, other than being black and scary looking. So banning an AR-15 would not have stopped this event. According to the FBI AR-15’s and “assault style” weapons including the AK-47, only represent 1.4% of all criminal cases and 0.25% of violent crime.

So banning the gun, in a perfect world, if no criminal could ever get one would reduce violent crime at most 0.25%, assuming they didn’t just switch to another weapon.

I’m not going to even get into what the definition of an assault weapon would be and how they could legislate that. You don’t have to look far to see all the stupid regulations that have been worked around to keep the same style gun in circulation such as the NY stock or California bullet button.

clinton-quotePresidential candidate Hillary Clinton has called for a war on the NRA. Which makes total sense as the Orlando shooter clearly acted on the suggestions and recommendations of Wayne LaPierre right? Oh yeah, that’s right, this politically left minded Democrat, who grew up in NY and was a radical Islamist with hate for homosexuals who committed a crime yelling Aloha Snackbar and declaring himself as a member of ISIS, isn’t exactly the kind of person who joins the NRA. But why let facts get in the way of a good mantra.

So we know what is being called for, and we are aware the rhetoric of distraction being used to steer the conversation but what would a logical Patriot do at this point?

We can start by teaching this country, our children, and our neighbors a hard lesson. Bad people do bad things. We are at war with terrorists, and that war is not confined to some overseas battleground. Nonconventional warfare is by definition not fought on a conventional front. It is fought in any place that can be infiltrated by those who hate our country. This event was an act of war, like the act of war that shocked the world in Paris not long ago. However instead of getting the support of our allies and even our political leaders, instead the issue is blamed on the NRA, American Gun Owners and our society as a whole. We are blamed for making guns available and fostering hate. I assure you the NRA does not hate those in the LGBT community. I have family that is part of the LGBT community, and I love them dearly. I have trained with Jeff of Armed Dynamics, and he is an awesome dude. I have shaken hands with Chris Cheng from Top Shot and respect him immensely as does the NRA community. The only people who are trying to say the NRA is anti-LGBT is those who are trying to make our organization the bad guy. The bad guy here is very clear. It’s the same bad guy we have been trying to squash for years. ISIS and other islamic terrorist groups do not like anyone or anything that does not fit their beliefs. Like Paris, we were attacked by a foreign army using local sympathizers. So until we start addressing that issue, there is no hope of fixing this problem.

Once we acknowledge it’s not our fault, and the blame rests on the self-shamed ISIS vigilante who had trouble dealing with his sexuality, then we can start looking at how to prevent these issues. Arguing gun rights is a hard sell but if we as gun owners focus on reminding the people that the issue is criminals and terrorists we stand a better chance of making ground.

  • Instead of screening out people based on a nondescript watch list lets not let potential terrorists in.
  • Securing our borders to stop the illegal trafficking of drugs and guns that support these groups would also make a lot more sense and be far more effective.
  • Increase the ability for citizens to become responsible for their safety. Reduce restrictions on who can legally carry concealed
  • Further education programs to teach each citizen to be self reliant.
  • Expand training to citizens on how to handle and cope with trauma so that even those not willing or able to fight can be of use saving lives in events like this

Each of these line items will become future articles as they are easier said than done. Unfortunately, America doesn’t want the hard choice, the long road, or the difficult path. It’s easier to put a nonworking band-aid on the issue so people can go about with the illusion of safety without them having to be affected or responsible for their fate in life.

If you’re new to guns get training. If you think the police will save you, smarten up, they can’t be everywhere, so take personal responsibility. If you’re trained in gun handling and its use, get advanced training. If you had advanced training carry every day. If you carry everyday train on how to respond to trauma, by guys like Dark Angel or Cleer Medical. Laws and rhetoric will not save you, learn to protect yourself. Be safe my brothers and sisters and teach as many as you can to do the same.

Source Article from

NRA Launches First TV Ad of Presidential Election Cycle & Its Powerful!

Hillary and the Democrats have been waging war on the NRA from the start of their campaigns. The NRA has patiently sat back and waited for the right time to drop their response. WOW it’s a big one.

Retired Marine Mark (OZ) Geist strolls a cemetery making it very clear that his friends died due to her inaction. He did his part now its time to do yours. Go out and vote for a candidate that will support your second amendment rights.

“We cannot trust Hillary Clinton with our gun rights or our national security. The stakes in this election for law-abiding gun owners have never been higher, and the NRA will use all available resources to ensure that voters understand the consequences of a Hillary Clinton presidency on their fundamental right of self-defense,” said Chris W. Cox, chairperson of the NRA-PVF. “By saying that the Supreme Court got it wrong in the historic Heller decision, Hillary made it clear that she does not believe Americans have the right to keep a gun in their home to protect themselves.”

We Like Shooting 149 – Going Ballistic

Brought to you by JC Arms & Ammunition

Savage1r goes over the news of the day relating to guns, rights and more!

Mass shooting at a night club in Florida. With 50 dead and that many more injured, this is now the worst mass shooting in US history.

In Depth Review Of The Ruger American Pistol

The Ruger of yesterday is dead. Gone are the overly derivative designs of the 1980s and the stagnant rifle development surrounding the Mini-14. Now the little ranch rifle comes in suppressor-friendly 300 Blackout, and Ruger offers not only an AR-15, but also a long-range precision rifle.

Following in the footsteps of the rifle’s clandestine announcement comes the newest product from Sturm Ruger, the Ruger American Pistol. Available in both 9mm parabellum and .45 ACP, the new locked-breech, striker-fired semi-automatic handgun feeds from a detachable box-type nickel-teflon-coated magazine containing either 17+1 rounds of 9mm or 10+1 rounds of .45.

Ever since the last firearms scare that drove the already profitable company to new economic heights, the managers at Ruger have been busy. While many companies simply purchased more machinery or raw materials to churn out new products, Ruger instead invested in a new facility.

The company’s exodus from gun-hostile New England to firearms-friendly North Carolina, demonstrates Ruger is truly willing to put the company’s money where its mouth is. All indications are that Ruger wants to use profits to improve its products and offer new firearms instead of simply popping out as many AR-15s as possible.

Now while many companies are struggling to fill backorders, Ruger is able to innovate and explore regions of the firearms market it could only dream of in the past. So how does Ruger prevent itself from falling into R&D hell or releasing a product before it has been properly venerated?

Two big reasons.

The first is developing designs that are borderline conservative. By that I mean guns that operate on proven principles that innovate in specific areas while relying on the strengths of that particular company. For Ruger this means incorporating aspects of past successful designs, while trimming away portions shooters weren’t impressed with.

The second way is by testing new products to the point of exhaustion. For Sturm Ruger this means putting every single design through 50,000 rounds of testing internally before releasing to the public. What’s interesting about Ruger is that it only use employees from other areas of the business to test the guns. This gives the company a tremendously varied sample population since not everyone who works at Ruger is an IPSC champion.

Additionally, Ruger only announces a design when it’s ready to ship. While this seems common sense, it would actually be detrimental to smaller companies who might be lacking in capital.

This is because small companies, especially new ones, don’t know how well they’ll be embraced by the shooting public. The same cannot be said of Ruger with its dedicated fan base similar to Apple fanatics in their unwavering support of the company. Since Ruger doesn’t need to build up market hype, it can release a new design when it’s ready, not when the company needs an influx of investors.

In this vein, the Ruger American Pistol is a polymer-framed semi-automatic pistol available in 9mm and .45 ACP. Aesthetically, it’s similar to the SR9 that precedes it, though the design is different enough to have few, if any, interchangeable parts. This unfortunately includes magazines, which would have been a great boon for owners of the older SR9 and SR45 handguns.

One thing keen-eyed readers should have noticed in the above paragraphs is the absence of a .40 S&W model. While I can only speculate as to why, I would presume because the caliber brings little to the table in terms of ballistic performance over 9mm, while suffering a tremendously more expensive round with increased recoil. In simpler terms, given that Ruger financial decisions are market data driven, it’s fair to assume few enough shooters bought the .40 S&W SR40 to warrant the caliber’s return in the updated handgun.

While the exclusion of a .40 S&W model represents the most obvious difference between the SR series and the American Pistol, there are some key aspects that separate the two lines.

The American Pistol includes features like a dovetailed slide equipped with genuine Novak Low Mount post and notch 3-dot sights. What makes these iron sights unique is their streamlined design, which makes them ideal for concealed carry use. Shooters looking to “clear leather” in a hurry don’t want to accidently take their holster with them. This makes the pistol a solid choice for competitive shooters and those who wish to open carry the full-sized handgun.


Another improvement is the addition of a modular backstrap system that includes three different-sized options. Shooters like myself with small hands are often restricted to certain slimmer designs due to the inherent girth of double-stack, polymer-framed handguns. While most of us are able to run ill-fitting designs without issue, it does make attaining proficiency challenging.

In testing, the smallest size Ruger backstrap was a hair too small for my hands, while the medium fit great. My petite wife, who normally prefers single stack handguns because of her small hands, found the small backstrap a perfect fit. As a point of reference, the large-sized backstrap is about the same size as the grip on a third generation Glock 19. So if a shooter enjoys that pistol, they’ll find the Ruger equally fun.


But not everyone is thrilled with the Ruger American Pistol’s grip. Some reviewers have mentioned the area under the trigger guard scrapes up their knuckles during firing. I personally fired around 500 rounds through my test Ruger and my hands were no worse for wear. My advice is to visit a gun shop near you and check one out first hand.

Since it’s unlikely your retail operation would allow prospective buyers to shoot brand new guns, the next best thing is to have them grab the gun’s grip as possible. If a customer detects any particularly painful spots on the grip, the gun isn’t for them. While not as definitive as firing the handgun, it might prevent a shooter from making a pricey mistake.

One area of note on the grip, the front and back straps feature aggressive, omni-directional diamond checkering to provide a more positive grip surface for shooters. While largely unnecessary for either a 9mm full-sized pistol or on a static range, this pattern is excellent for weapon retention when it or the shooter’s hands are wet or oily.


Another interesting aspect of the design is the inclusion of an ambidextrous magazine release and slide lock — an indication that Ruger happily caters to Southpaw shooters. The release lever itself is trapezoidal like a miniature version of the step-pyramids of ancient Egypt.

While somewhat peculiar in appearance, it’s actually an ingenious addition to the handgun. The unusual shape serves two functions: it’s very tactilely unique, so shooters can find it in low or zero light conditions simply by touch. The other benefit is that the raised, yet flat area is incapable of snagging on clothing or holsters no matter what direction it’s drawn in.

During my time running the Ruger, I was unable to cause the handgun to malfunction by limp-wristing or feeding it underpowered ammunition. The design thus far has been functionally flawless and accurate enough for competition, law enforcement or home defense use.

In fact, when fired from a rest, the Ruger produced sub 2-inch groups at 25 yards with quality ammunition. Shooters who don’t feed their pistols a steady diet of Hornady Critical Defense and Federal Hydra-Shoks will be pleased to know the gun produced only slightly larger groups of 3.5 inches with steel-cased bargain ammo. While certainly not match grade, that’s more than sufficient for plinking at the range or self defense.

This is in no small part thanks to the Ruger’s trigger. A bladed safe-action type metal double trigger represents the only safety on the handgun. My trigger scale measured around 6 pounds, but with so little creep, it felt much lighter.

Forward of the trigger, the American Pistol features a railed dust cover ideal for mounting a tactical light or laser aiming device. The rail is made of polymer and integral to the handgun’s frame. It proved a solid mounting point for all accessory testing, including several Streamlight products whose lasers held zero once tightened securely to the rail.

With an MSRP of $579 for either the 9mm or .45ACP models, the Ruger American Pistol represents a great bargain and another excellent addition to the polymer semi-automatic pistol market. Some might bemoan that it’s simply another striker-fired pistol, but Ruger enthusiasts finally have an answer to Glock’s cash cow.

Ruger American Pistol 9MM Specs:

Capacity: 17+1

Slide Material: Stainless Steel

Barrel Length: 4.2 inches

Grip Frame: One-Piece, High-Performance, Glass-Filled Nylon

Grips: Ergonomic Wrap-Around Grip Module

Slide Finish: Black Nitride

Width: 1.4 inches

Sights: Novak LoMount Carry 3-Dot

Weight: 30 ounces

Overall Length: 7.50 inches

Height: 5.60 inches

Grooves: 6

Twist: 1:10 inches RH

MSRP: $579
