
WLS 121 – Fight to your last breath

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 121 – tonight we’ll talk about 7.62 x 39 AR mags, Kinetic munitions, SilencerCo, Impact data books, 5.11 ladies pants and more!

Thanks to our patreons and our rooftoppers. Listen at the end of the show to learn how to earn great rewards and support the show!

Our panel tonight consists of –

  • A Do it yourself YouTuber who is proud of the fact that since Mark Zuckerberg has pledged $45,000,000,000 to charities, his Facebook ‘likes’ just may end up curing cancer. –  Savage1r
  • Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, and blogger at She told us that she wonders what Jersey must have been like, if New Jersey was supposed to be an improvement. –  Lil Chantilly
  • Former Marine; and the proprietor of River’s Edge Tactical. A man that believes Society would be better if stupid thoughts resulted in a headach.- Jeremy Pozderac
  • When Adele sings about calling an ex 1000 times, it’s considered beautiful. When the Machinegun moses does it, it’s harassment..  – Aaron Krieger.
  • Sponsored 3 gun shooter who carries a gun for work, and a camera to keep bigfoot away – Kelli they Cyborg Sampsel
  • My name is Shawn and I will be fronting a new supergroup with members of The bands Asia, America, and Europe called Pangea.

Talk about hipoint guy

Second Call Defense

Do you have a situation where you almost needed SCD?

Everything you do is to protect yourself and your family. Whether it’s house insurance, car insurance or carrying a firearm. After a house fire, you’ll rebuild. After a car accident, you’ll get a new car. After a self defense incident make sure you are there to help them pick up the pieces and not rotting in a jail cell. It’s not always as simple as it would seem. Why risk it?

Talk about the lady that fires at a purse snatcher.

Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting pint glass, just send your email confirmation to

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Jeremy’s Rant


Lil’s Livefire Lounge:

We are going to go around the group here and everyone is going to give an idea of a firearms related gift you can get for your ladies this Christmas!


What does Lil want from Santa? I’ve been pretty good!



Go to

Use code WLS30 for $30 off the Transformer rail!

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

  • savage1r: ASC vs C-Products 7.62×39 AR magazines
  • Aaron – Kinetic Munitions
  • Jeremy –


  1. San Bernadino Shooting. 14 dead, 17 wounded, 3 possible shooters, subjects at large.
  2. Colorado Springs Shooting.
  3. Detroit Police Chief says armed citizens can stop/deter criminals/terrorists.
  4. The big boys in New York are about to go down. Hard.

Grizzly – link – David Gonzalez (Previous: Eugene Kim, Sam Alexander )

AK Stuff – link

gunchannels giveaway – Gun Channels – Lenny W

give winners this link –

DEZ promo and SDI promo

How can you help the show? We have two great ways! First we have our patreon program. If you think the show has value and have a couple of bucks to spare join over 200 other listeners in an exclusive group! By joining our patreon program you get rewards based on the level you support us at. From stickers to patches to great gear and swag! Please become a patreon. Just visit to learn more.

Next, we introduced a groundbreaking new rewards program. If you can’t afford a couple of bucks a month, you can help us by becoming a rooftopper. You sign up, get a unique link to share with your friends, share the link and ever time someone clicks on it, you earn points. The more points you earn the more rewards and badges you earn. Go to to get started.

You can do one or both, either way your contributions are greatly appreciated!

NEW $50 Patreon! Manticore Jacket

Thank Guest!

  • Find us on all the social media and our website.

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Wednesday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to to subscribe!

Everyone say shoot straight –

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners,, AR-15 Gun Owners of America, Guns America, warrior talk radio, Iron Mike Magazine


TLP 126 Shooting the Nordic Way

Lefthand introduces Casey K with Talking Lead’s newest sponsor Nordic Components and hits him with the “first-time-guest” questions. CG3G, Casey Griggs joins in the fun and helps out with this weeks new Jackwagon Train passengers. Casey K gives us Leadheads some exciting exclusive insight on the latest products and what’s to come from Nordic Components. More trivia, more discount codes, more badasseryness! Leave us a comment on iTunes.

Casey and JerryNordic Comp

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Aaron becomes a shooter: Training at Close Quarter Tactical, Handgun 1

IMG_20151106_174644241I woke up to the smell of bacon. Not because it was cooking in my house, and no this fat guy was not having a stroke, but because ‘Merica! That and the fact that I knew I was going to do some badass training at Close Quarters Tactical; any chance to squeeze a few hundred rounds of ammo off makes me feel free.

I hopped into the family Tactical Minivan and realized no, this called for the full hardcore experience. I decided this trip was to prime for the Combat Recon Vehicle or Honda CRV for short.

When one drives down the nondescript road lined with giant white concrete buildings, the last thing they would expect is a full-service firearms training center that offers training from basic handgun up to a full tactical kill house with force on force training. But I knew, because, well, I read the website, and, of course, I am an operator.

Operator (op·er·a·tor) noun 1. One who operates stuff… like a car or maybe a donut into their mouth.

Here I found Close Quarters Tactical in Shelby Township, and when I stepped through the front American emblazon doors I was instantly impressed with the facility. A full-service gun store, a range that can take up to .50 BMG, multiple classrooms, and a hand-to-hand training room. I had only wished I brought my Tough Mudder headband because I wanted them to know I was there to work.

I had the opportunity to meet with the staff, each with their sidearm of choice strapped to their hip and a welcoming smile on their face, and the group of students there to experience CQT’s Handgun 1 course.

My experience with training, I felt, was better than most; I have in the past gleaned a ton of information, instruction and techniques from shooting with both Shawn and Jeremy of We Like Shooting. Both of who are instructors and who both preach fundamentals like they were some zealots of a gun cult. I’ve also had the chance to work with Instructor Zero for a short period. Yes, working with Zero was more like just watching someone do amazing things and thinking, “yeah I will never be able to do that.” So going into the classroom, I felt this was all going to be a refresher session exercising the training that I’ve already gotten. You know, I get it, there is only so much information that can be presented by an instructor before they are all reading from the same material. You feel me right?

I was surprised at how well-versed instructor Carl Hospedales was. He is a tactical advisor to law enforcement agencies and security companies within the US and abroad, who has had a deep and distinguished career with a background spanning 30 years in the Military, Special Operations and Tactical Law Enforcement in Global Operations & Training with a special focus on Counter-Terrorism procedures. Wow, that was a mouthful. I realized that this was not going to be just another class.

The first thing that grabbed me was the care and professionalism that Instructor Hospedales took to making the material relatable and relevant to visual examples and hands-on teaching. He knew his stuff, and what was great was how well he worked with the class.

Now to know me is to understand I am a very hands-on kind of learner. Many times people can talk, show diagrams and explain things to me all day, but until I do it, I just won’t learn it. I think it is because I am so self-centered; I mean this has to be about me, or I just don’t care. So the time he took with every student, which was a mix of civilian and former as well as current military personnel, I was like, wow, I get it, and this makes sense.

As the class progressed, I saw the class groupings shrink in size on the targets down range. After every drill, there was an evaluation giving each student pointers, techniques and instructions that improved the shooters on the line.

Another thing I enjoyed about the course was that while this could be very technical and dry, where you normally find that an instructor is talking at you, was instead very interactive, with the teacher talking with you. I walked away feeling that the instructor communicated very well, and then gave us the opportunity to put the techniques into practice immediately, reinforcing the instruction.

4While this was just the first of many classes, this basic level class left me more confident than when I walked through the doors, humbled me a bit and bettered me a lot. I would like to say I threw on my polarized sunglasses and drove off into the sunset but, damn, the class is 8 hours long, and the sun had long since gone down. So, I hopped into the CRV and cruised home, happy, and satisfied with what I learned and better prepared for the crazy world in front of me.



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WLS 117 – Triggered

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 117, tonight we’ll talk about  Kel-Tec RDB, Tactical Pants, Medical Training, fix-it sticks and more!

Our panel tonight consists of –

  • A Do it yourself YouTuber who believes the wright brothers were indirectly responsible for 9/11 –  Savage1r
  • Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, and blogger at knows that the apocalypse has got to happen on somebody’s birthday –  Lil Chantilly
  • Former Marine; and the proprietor of River’s Edge Tactical is bummed that real Life is the opposite of a First Person Shooter – Jeremy Pozderac
  • A precision rifle builder by day who wonders how are blind people supposed to know if braille is available – Nick Lynch
  • You know him, you love him, the Machinegun Moses who constantly wonders if Jesus was in a fact, a great teacher and also a carpenter, why couldn’t he teach any of his followers to un-nail him from that cross?- Aaron Krieger.
  • My name is Shawn I want to give you a warning that this show might trigger you. Tonight our guest is

Criminal Defense Attorney; Co-Founder Second Call Defense; Member Board of Directors National Rifle Association Up for reelection in 2016, please welcome back Sean Maloney!

Second Call Defense

Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting pint glass, just send your email confirmation to

Don’t wait until it’s too late.


Go to

Use code WLS30 for $30 off the Transformer rail!

Women taking care of themselves:

82 Year old woman defends herself against an intruder with a firearm!

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

  • savage1r: Kel Tec RDB plus wine from listener Steven
  • Aaron –  Tactical Pants
  • Shawn – Medical Training
  • Nick – Magpul Knockoff Sling from Ebay
  • Lil – Fix it Sticks
  1. O’Malley Plan for more gun control. Turn about’s fair play.
  2. Brazil allowing citizens to buy guns for self protection.
  3. Gun Sales set records 6 months in a row, highest October on record.
  4. I’m selling my PF-9 on BUY IT!

DEZ promo is below and SDI promo

Grizzly – Sam Alexander

AK Stuff –

gunchannels giveaway

give winners this link –

We honestly couldn’t do this without the patrons. Our advertisers are amazing but it’s the patrons that keep us growing.

Find out how you can help at

Thank Guest!

  • Find us on all the social media and our website.

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Wednesday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to to subscribe!

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners,, AR-15 Gun Owners of America, Guns America, warrior talk radio, Iron Mike Magazine


TLP 2015 Black Friday Bonus Show

A bonus show for you LEADHEADS!  Lefthand and CG3G give you the break down on where to find those #badasseryness Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and what codes you need to use…Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving Leadheads!

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WLS 123 – Meeemeees

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 123 – tonight we’ll talk about Monstrum Tactical, Belt fed AR Pistol, Wild Bunch, Tuff muzzle brakes, NeoPod, Deagles, the Gun Collective and more!

Our panel of top guns consists of –

  • A Do it yourself YouTuber –  Savage1r  Now recently you suggested fog might just be dead clouds.  What science do you have to back that up?
  • Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, and blogger at Lil Chantilly. Lil told us she wonders how scary snails would be if they were fast. –
  • Former Marine and owner of River’s Edge Tactical. A guy who sends “Dick pics” with the subject line “junk mail”.- Jeremy Pozderac
  • A precision rifle builder who realizes that Everyday, someone on Earth unknowingly creates the biggest poop in the world for that day  – Nick Lynch
  • Our next panelist, The Machine Gun Moses just got to watch an early screening to the sequel of Groundhog Day.   – Aaron Krieger.
  • My name is Shawn I am currently working on an app for smart watches that can read your pulse, and then erases your browser history if your heart stops beating.

Our guest tonight is Host of The Gun Collective, Owner of Patton Media and Consulting, Trogdor the burninator. Please welcome back Jon Patton!

Second Call Defense

  1. LOUIS, Mo. ( – One person was shot and injured following a fight in a south St. Louis home Sunday evening, according to police.

Police were called the home, located near Iowa and Utah, around 3:15 p.m.

A 27-year-old man came to the home and demanded to see the children he fathered with a 29-year-old woman who was at the home, according to police. The woman said she has an active order of protection against the suspect.

Two men were at the house when the suspect arrived, they asked the suspect to leave.

After the man refused to leave, a fight ensued between the men, during which one of the friends, a 25-year-old man, retrieved a gun and shot the suspect.

Do you have a situation where you almost needed SCD?

Everything you do is to protect yourself and your family. Whether it’s house insurance, car insurance or carrying a firearm. After a house fire, you’ll rebuild. After a car accident, you’ll get a new car. After a self defense incident make sure you are there to help them pick up the pieces and not rotting in a jail cell. It’s not always as simple as it would seem. Why risk it?

Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting pint glass, just send your email confirmation to

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

  • Memes


Transformer Tuesday!

Go to

Use code WLS30 for $30 off the Transformer rail!

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need! TGC10

The 308 test. Sub MOA, best I tested.

Two promos to tell you about

Spend over $175 and get free shipping with code FREESHIP

OR buy a range pack and get $5 off your first order. Use code WLS5OFFRP

  • Sandy Hook Anniversary Monday. Thoughts from the panel.
  • Mock mass shooting at UT. Did they really need to do it? Protesters bring dildos because…dildos
  • Speaking of dildos, anti-gun dildo-obsessed activist with no life, no self-control, and bad photoshop skills decides to ‘do something’
  • Guest: AK-50

Grizzly – link – Kevin Burleigh (David Gonzalez, Eugene Kim, Sam Alexander )

AK Stuff – link

gunchannels giveaway – Gun Channels – Lenny W

give winners this link –

We Need Reviews!

How can you help the show? We have two great ways! First we have our patreon program. If you think the show has value and have a couple of bucks to spare join over 200 other listeners in an exclusive group! By joining our patreon program you get rewards based on the level you support us at. From stickers to patches to great gear and swag! Please become a patreon. Just visit to learn more.

Next, we introduced a groundbreaking new rewards program. If you can’t afford a couple of bucks a month, you can help us by becoming a rooftopper. You sign up, get a unique link to share with your friends, share the link and ever time someone clicks on it, you earn points. The more points you earn the more rewards and badges you earn. Go to to get started.

You can do one or both, either way your contributions are greatly appreciated!

Thank Guest!

  • Find us on all the social media and our website.

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Wednesday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to to subscribe!

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners,, AR-15 Gun Owners of America and Guns America.


Wood N’ Stream Boots 

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the great folks from Wood N’ Stream at SHOT SHOW 2015. For those of you who are not familiar with this company, Wood N’ Stream is a division of the Weinbrenner Shoe Company, headquartered in Merrill, Wisconsin where they produce some of the industry’s most comfortable and reliable boots for the avid outdoorsman. Established in 1892, the Weinbrenner Shoe Company’s Wood N’ Stream brand is hardly a newcomer to the outdoors market.

Having spent the better part of my life in the woods hunting, fishing and hiking with my father and grandfather, various name brands of boots have come through our family and have both succeeded and horribly failed, thus building knowledge of what to look for in a good hiking / hunting boot. Displayed at the Wood N’ Stream booth on the show floor were a pair of hiking / hunting boots that came up the ankle about 8 inches titled the Maniac finished in a Real Tree camo. These boots appeared to provide excellent ankle support, traction from the aggressive soles and blended well with typical hunting attire. I inquired to obtaining a sample of these boots for review and Wood N’ Stream was very helpful in getting a pair shipped immediately.

Maniac Specs

To begin with, let’s take a look at information provided by Woods N’ Stream for 8” Maniac Real Tree Camo model boots.

  • Insulation:  840 gram 3M™ Thinsulate™ Platinum with X-Static Odor Control
  • Lining: AZTEC Premium
  • Midsole: Compressed Molded EVA
  • Outsole: VGS Hiker Unit
  • Special Features:  WATERPROOF, Breathable Construction. 3M™ Scotchgard™ Protector
  • Retail price: $180
  • Feature Real Tree Camo accents

Real World Testing

You may ask at this point, “Why am I just now reading an article about a pair of boots field tested in late January?, the answer is simple. First, anyone can do a “table top” review of what they think the boots will do, repeat in specs from the side of the box they arrived in and guess from trying them on whether or not the boots are comfortable, but it’s my belief that you can never know a good boot until you find out how long it takes to break them! Secondly, I decided to REALLY test the Wood N’ Stream boots out, I would need the toughest person I have ever known to wear and tear boots, Swanson Media Group field tester, Ricky Swanson aka my father.

Aside from spending every spare minute of his life in the woods chasing deer, wading streams after fish and hiking hours only to find out what’s around the next ridge, Ricky is a forester by trade. This profession involves handling privately owned timber for land owners to cultivate and reforest property on a daily basis by walking, measuring and taking samples of the trees. Unlike the climate in my current state of Florida where we have only three seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, my father lives in North Carolina, a state with a true four seasons and terrain that ranges from mountains, plains, swamps / wetlands and beaches. With this being said, Ricky’s wife, Kate can attest to the fact, he is in the woods practically 7 days a week working or playing and has been known to wear out lifetime warranties on outdoor products in a matter of months.

Once the Maniac Real Tree 8” boots arrived from Wood N’ Stream, it was immediately into the frozen woods they went with Ricky. Through winter tree planting, Spring turkey hunts, flagging boundary lines and doing logging checks between walking acre after acre measuring trees via sample plots along compass lines, a detailed log was kept during the month of April on just how far these boots managed to endure during a typical 30 day stretch. As you can see from the photos, Maniac 8” Real Tree boots were sunk into mud, water, over blown over broken trees and used to step a planting bar into the ground day after day to help over 184,000 seedlings repopulate cleared forest. A sum total of all the acres walked noted in the log book showed just over 5, 184 acres of woodland terrain being walked from April 13 – 28 alone!

Field Observations

Notes were made throughout the testing process by Ricky about how comfortable the boots remained from start to finish and how they managed to hold up.  Break in time was very minimal and remained constant regardless of terrain changes.

The water guard held well against average wet conditions of hard mud, wet grass but obviously gave way when submerged for extended time crossing a shallow creek back and forth throughout a day.

The Real Tree camo accents on the boots did not stand out or attract attention from the wildlife while turkey hunting and helped him take home a nice bird at the end of the day.

Points of wear came about mid-summer with the sole starting to separate from the rear of the boot upper due to the twisting and stress on the soles from climbing over downed trees. Holes formed in the top of the left boot and the right boot instep, both at the seam of the camo to the leather portion of the boot lower.

outdoor 3

Final Thoughts

After spending the better part of the year wearing the 8” Real Tree Maniac boots by Wood N’ Stream, Ricky continues to wear them on a daily basis. The boots held up under “rougher than average” user conditions and were subject to far more abuse in a shorter amount of time than the average outdoorsman would be using the boots. The wear and tear occurred in areas very common to a hiking boot and did not cause immediate failure in the boots during the process of wearing them. Although Ricky would prefer to see this model with a heavier duty, rubber lower, Ricky says he would recommend these boots for the average hiker or Fall / Spring hunter. A more insulated boot would be needed for several cold, winter climates where Winter temperatures remained below freezing throughout the day. The boots were very comfortable, well-constructed and at a reasonable price point in which he would confidently wear taking on the challenges of the great outdoors. For more information about Wood N’ Stream, you can visit them at 


TLP 129 Trigger Time With Apex

After a week off we get you caught up on what all has been going on since the last episode. Find out what the “Pit” is. Lefthand gets some new “cool” pants. Lefthand and Casey are joined this week by Rand Lee founder and president of Apex Tactical Specialties. Randy educates us on triggers and the mechanics behind them. The Jackwagon Train pulls in to take another full load of Jackwagons to Jackwagon Town. Two new trivia winners are announced and Randy gives us a new Sonoran Desert Institute Fact To Fight The Myth…



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SilencerCo – Adding Clothing to their Product Lineup

SilencerCo, the leading silencer manufacturer is known for its disruptive image and guerrilla tactics to support the 2nd amendment and save shooters’ hearing. SilencerCo just released their fashion line just in time for the holiday season. Check out the selection below:

Clothing SilencerCo


WLS 122 – Team Triangle

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 122 – tonight we’ll talk about Fab Defense, Bates Boots, Christmas Presents, C&Rsenal, Precision Rifles and more!

Our panel tonight consists of –

  • A Do it yourself YouTuber who knows first hand that If you ain’t first, you’re last” sounds really smart until you end up in the middle of the Human Centipede. –  Savage1r
  • Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, and blogger at As someone who has spent a long time in the navy would be willing to bet that the little mermaid smells terrible. –  Lil Chantilly
  • Former Marine; wants you to know that Vomiting is your body yelling NOPE without using any words.- Jeremy Pozderac
  • Being the 4th night of Hanukkah The Machine Gun Moses wants to know why no one has sent him any gifts.  – Aaron Krieger.
  • Guest panelist for tonight is Othais from C and R Arsenal who is getting pretty tired of your shit Aaron.!
  • My name is Shawn and I wish my dog could talk, he’s smarter than Jeremy.

He is a Deputy Sheriff and sponsored 3 gun and Precision Rifle Series competitor and she is a Wonder Woman obsessed sponsored precision rifle shooter, founder of Team Triangle, top female in the sport and bosser arounder of cops. Please welcome Tim and Regina Milkovitch!

Second Call Defense

Do you have a situation where you almost needed SCD?

Everything you do is to protect yourself and your family. Whether it’s house insurance, car insurance or carrying a firearm. After a house fire, you’ll rebuild. After a car accident, you’ll get a new car. After a self defense incident make sure you are there to help them pick up the pieces and not rotting in a jail cell. It’s not always as simple as it would seem. Why risk it?

Talk about the lady that fires at a purse snatcher.

Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting pint glass, just send your email confirmation to

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Jeremy’s Rant

  • Media Knowledge of Firearms

Lil’s Livefire Lounge:

Update on She’s a Pistol:

In January 2015 Jon Bieker was killed at the gun store his wife and he owned.

Becky Bieker reopened her store at a new, bigger location in November 2015

Defendant is claiming he was using self defense when he shot and killed Becky’s husband

“They had a plan, they had guns and they were prepared to kill to carry out that plan,” she said. “They did not plan on Jon fighting back. They do not get to now claim self-defense because Jon fought back and they killed him in the process.”

~Becky Bieker


Go to

Use code WLS30 for $30 off the Transformer rail!

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

  • Shawn – Christmas presents for gun folks
    • wls swag
    • a box of ammo
    • lower?
    • scd?
    • magazines
    • holsters
    • gift certificates
    • training class

Wrap up

How can you help the show? We have two great ways! First we have our patreon program. If you think the show has value and have a couple of bucks to spare join over 200 other listeners in an exclusive group! By joining our patreon program you get rewards based on the level you support us at. From stickers to patches to great gear and swag! Please become a patreon. Just visit to learn more.

Next, we introduced a groundbreaking new rewards program. If you can’t afford a couple of bucks a month, you can help us by becoming a rooftopper. You sign up, get a unique link to share with your friends, share the link and ever time someone clicks on it, you earn points. The more points you earn the more rewards and badges you earn. Go to to get started.

You can do one or both, either way your contributions are greatly appreciated!

Thank Guest!

  • Find us on all the social media and our website.

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Wednesday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to to subscribe!

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners,, AR-15 Gun Owners of America and Guns America.


The Hartman MH1 Reflex Sight Sets a New Bar for Optics

Tullytown, Pa. (November 2015)- Hartman Ltd., a new innovative optics company, is proud to announce the ultimate red dot reflex sight: the MH1. Designed to meet the rigorous demands of worldwide armed forces, law enforcement and sportsman alike, the MH1 Reflex Sight is unlike any red dot reflex sight ever created. The MH1 breaks new ground in field of view, reticle design, quick reaction, user interface and battery efficiency.

The patent pending advanced red dot sight offers the largest field of view through the sight, instantly improving target acquisition and situational awareness in day and night scenarios. The MH1 produces a near “0” parallax increasing accuracy. The unique reticle helps keep the firearm on a vertical plane using balancing lines at 3 and 9 o’clock with a centered red dot. The reticle also always stays on target independently of the operator’s eye location in the MH1 window.

The MH1’s innovative design allows operators to attach additional magnifiers or night vision devices behind the sight. Once attached, the operator will not have any difficulty accessing the controls of the MH1 for both left and right-hand shooters.

Image 2

For operators in the field, battery use and preservation is critical to mission success. The MH1 offers a different approach to battery consumption from other reflex sights. The sight charges via a USB rechargeable battery plugged into any wall socket, computer or lighter. A single backup CR123 battery installed provides extended battery life. Additionally, the MH1’s sleep mode and dual 30 degree motion sensors only activate the sight when a shooting movement occurs, greatly enhancing battery life.

The MH1 red dot reflex sight is built to MIL-STD-810F and designed to perform in the most challenging environments. A composite reinforced polymer housing protects the interior technologies and a forged aviation grade aluminum QD mount and base keep the MH1 operating under the most extreme conditions. The sight is pressure filled with nitrogen gas and fully sealed to prevent fogging or dust from entering the sight. The outer surfaces of the window have been specially coated to produce high clarity with no mirror like reflection from the objective side of the sight that would give away the user’s position, an extremely valuable benefit for law enforcement and military personnel.

Options for the MH1 include a custom user interface that allows the user to reprogram some of the MH1’s features and customize the sight for various sleep mode activation time and reticle brightness levels, motion sensors and more. Another option is the ambidextrous infrared push-to-transmit (PTT) strap, making the MH1 the only remote-controlled reflex sight. The PTT activates the sight and controls reticle brightness levels (10 levels – 5 for day and 5 for night). It allows the user to control the sight without disengaging the supporting hand from the weapon, thus always remaining ready and reducing critical reaction time.

Image 3

The new Hartman MH1 Reflex Sight is available in black, tan or green with an MSRP of $650.00. The optional remote control strap (PTT) has an MSRP of $49.95.

For more information on Hartman Ltd., or the MH1 Red Dot Reflex sight, For consumers interested in purchasing the MH1 Reflex Sight, contact the US importer, Command Arms at See the MH1 in action on YouTube. Join the conversation on Facebook.


The Habilis Bush Tool

Deep down in the inner most part of man where life begins, in his marrow, his DNA is imprinted with a wild heart.  The heart of a woodsman, the heart of a mid-evil warrior and the heart of a primitive hunter are yearning within man to get out into the wild.  To be one with nature, to be the victor, to be the hunter and to prove he is not the prey, the victim or the defeated.  The Habilis Bush Tool taps into that inner man. When you hold this knife/tool you are what you were created to be.

Habilis, of course, is the perfect name for this tool and frankly for all the products created and sold by Habilis Bush Tools.  The word habilis comes from an association with crude tools.   Habilis’s root meaning is skillful, apt, ingenious and skillful human.  Basically, habilis means self-reliance.  Self-reliance is the goal of every woodsman, survivalist and bush crafter practicing his or her art.


My Bush Tool came with the JRE leather sheath which we will discuss in more detail later, as I want to give you my initial thoughts on this tool.  When I unsnapped the safety strap and pulled the tool from its perfectly fitted sheath, I was amazed how well it fit in my hand.  It was like the Bush Tool was molded to personal specs, fitting like a glove in my hand it was like it became an extension of my hand.  My mind was immediately bombarded with, it’s a knife, no it’s a spear, no it’s an axe and I now see why they call it a tool.  The uses of such a tool are only limited by your mind and skill set.  I can’t even begin to imagine the experiences, time and effort that  went into creating this product.

The Bush Tool Specs as listed on their Habilibushtools are:

1095 High Carbon Steel

Rockwell 57

G-10 Handle

10 1/4″ Overall Length

5 1/4″ Blade Length

3/16″ Thick Blade

Pseudo-Scandi Grind with a secondary bevel

Gun Blued Finish

Choice of Custom JRE Industries Leather Sheath or Custom Kydex

The Bush Tool Features:


Ferro Notch

Fire Bearing

Extended Pommel

Continuous Curved Blade

Integrated Guard

Multi-Position Handle

Handle has two-lanyard style sleeved holes in the scales and a third hole at the pommel

Spine is sharp and at a 90 degree

There is no doubt that this is an excellent tool to add to your kit, no matter if you are in the wilderness for business or for pleasure.  Taking down small trees, processing firewood, creating a shelter or fine carving a spoon are all no problem with the Bush Tool.  Any bush crafting tasks you may need to accomplish are made easier by having the Habilis Bush Tool.  Another feature so simple but unique, is the additional hole in the handle not seen in other survival knives.  This makes the knife easy to be tied securely with para-cord or other cordage to a shaft to make a deadly spear.  The thickness of this blade enables you to use it as a prying tool without the worries of breaking.  The Habilis Bush Tool would have been an asset to me during my years in fire service, as it would have made a great personal hand tool to be used as an escape or rescue tool.  During testing I also found that the anvil gave me a natural handhold for using this as a drawknife during certain woodworking tasks.  Again, I could go on and on about the possibilities this tool has to offer in the field.

The JRE sheath is created by JRE Industries.  It in itself is a work of art.   Open carrying of a large fixed blade knife has always been difficult for me because of society’s influence on what is acceptable as an EDC (every day carry).  The days of the western frontier carrying a Bowie knife strapped to your leg with its personalized fancy leather sheathes are gone.  To open carry more than a large folder in America creates so much attention. If we could only return to the days of a knife and pistol strapped to our side with a rifle slung over our shoulder.  I think people would respect each other more if everyone were to carry weapons.  My passion for having the tool I need on me at all times remains, in spite of what society dictates.  Saying all that to say the Habilis Bush Tool is the perfect size and weight, but the combination with the JRE sheath limited my carry to the field or the bush only.  I found myself not wearing this tool when I went out to eat with my wife just due to the size.  I know I probably don’t need the Bush Tool when I am eating out but have you ever tried to use the knives they give you in a restaurant?  The Bush Tool slices through meat like hot butter and I love the reaction I get when I pull it out to cut my steak while everyone else struggles cutting their meat.  I think for me I will purchase a kydex sheath also for my Bush Tool to give me an alternate way of carrying when I am not in the woods.  This would allow me to EDC this tool much easier depending on my attire.  The JRE sheath is adaptable in many ways with a little ingenuity.  This sheath is a handsome high quality leather dangler.  I found that the dangler belt loop attached right at the balance point of the knife. This caused the handle to fall over thus it was always hanging out banging into everything.  The JRE sheath has a lanyard hole at the bottom and top of the knife sheath.  Once I tied a piece of Para-cord around my leg the JRE sheath put the Bush Tool right where I needed it to be.  I am not one to add numerous accessories to my knife sheath. If you like adding survival, fire, fish or tool accessories to your sheath the JRE is perfect for those options.  I will use this sheath with the knife when I am camping, hiking or bush crafting and add a kydex sheath to my kit to EDC the Habilis Bush Tool.


I want to end this review on the Bush Tool, not the JRE sheath, because this is truly an ingenious design on the Habilis Bush Tool.  Finding the right combination of knife and sheath for my activity will probably make the Bush Tool my EDC for a while.  The list price for this primitive but modern tool is $199.00. I think this a fair price when you can own one tool that eliminates purchasing and carrying so many others.  One rule in bush crafting is a component of your kit must do at least three functions to be accepted to the kit.  The Bush Tool surpasses that by a long shot.  For those in the tactical and combat arenas, this is an awesome weapon.  It may not be the lightest for knife fighting, but the weight for real men is good, adding a little more power to your strikes for deeper penetration and destruction.  The handle and pommel are perfect for an aggressive knife-fighting weapon.  Developing the right techniques with this tool could be devastating to your opponent.

For you that are serious about living and surviving in the outdoors, I would advise you to visit the Habilis page to see their line of products. Your life may one day depend on having the right tool.  Get your own Habilis Bush Tool.  It lives up to its name and you can definitely reach a level of self-reliance with this tool.  -RCR


The Nanuk Hard 995 Rifle Case by Plasticase

Perhaps one of the best hidden gems from the 2015 SHOT SHOW was the discovery of the Nanuk series of hard cases for firearms and equipment from its parent company, Plasticase. I had the pleasure of meeting Frank Vitiello, the sales manager for the company. Frank took the time to explain the company’s goals of offering affordable and durable products for all tactical and outdoor needs in the form of professional looking hard cases of all sizes. Immediately, these cases looked very well made and ready for any abuse you could throw at them.

Soon after returning home from the show in Las Vegas I reached out to Plasticase and had a model 995 rifle case sent for review. Offered in three colors, the sample that arrived was a sand colored tan that would blend very well in several different types of environment. Immediately upon its arrival, the case had proved its durability by surviving UPS delivery. The cardboard shipping box was barely held together with packing tape as the seams were ripped and holes torn all across all four sides of the box. Three snips from a pair of scissors freed the box’s contents from the over worked tape. As I inspected the actual hard case once fully removed, I could not find even the first scratch to its surface. With visions of a 200lb gorilla jumping up and down on the shipping box all day in the back of the UPS truck, I start by commending Plasticase’s Nanuk division early on in this review.

Measuring L52.0 x W14.5 “x H6.0″ interior and L55.1″ x W17.3″ x H6.6” exterior, this is NOT a small case. The model 995 case is designed for the fully secure transport and storage of a high end long gun with sensitive optics. In all the harsh conditions I have put my precision rifle through during my tenure as a Law Enforcement sniper unit; I would not have hesitated in packing it in this case. Constructed from impact resistant NK-7 resin like all the cases by Nanuk, the model 995 is water tight offering an IP67 rating due to its rubber inner gasket.

995 1

With a weight of 21.6lbs empty, this is not a light weight and frail case by any means. While it is not the heaviest hard case I own in my collection, it does make me grateful of its polyurethane bottom mounted wheels and ergonomic spring-loaded handles when I have to travel any significant distance to load or unload its contents. The optional foam inserts offer very little added weight but are worth the extra money to be able to customize the case’s interior specifically to your needs.

One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to cases is the lid construction. All too many times I have opened the lid too far and popped the lid off its hinges or popped a rivet. The Nanuk 995 offers a positive 110 degree lid stop to prevent any incidental damages caused by drops or over pressure on the hinges. The lid is secured tightly for transport with Plasticase’s patented power claw latching system that locks up tighter than a bank vault. For added security and to meet airline requirements, the cases can be pad locked through four stainless steel supported hasps located around the case. Additional eyelets surround the case as well for any tie down needs you may have.

995 Lock

Listed at $599.99 and realistically retailing between $340 and $399, these cases are not a readily affordable option for every gun in your collection, but it does offer the best piece of mind that a shooter on the go could have, just short of loading up a 1200 lbs. Liberty safe and hauling it with them. As a top choice for law enforcement, military and competition shooters, check out a Nanuk case for yourself at your local dealer or visit them at


DEZ Tactical Arms

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DEZ Tactical Arms is our choice for AR-15’s .308’s and more! This is where We Like Shooting buys our AR’s. Yes, that’s right, we buy them. We trust Brian and family to put customers first and have some awesome products.

DEZ Tactical Arms, Inc. was founded in July of 2012 by a young lifelong firearms enthusiast with a vision to create top of the line AR type rifles. Being interested in firearms and being a avid target shooter since an early age, the owner of DEZ Tactical Arms [Brian] has many years of experience on the consumer side. Additionally, working within the firearms industry producing precision parts for the AR type rifles has given DEZ Tactical Arms the knowledge and skills to manufacture a high quality product.

We are located in south-central Wisconsin, 8-miles south Adams/Friendship. We have a physical location that is open to the public. Currently we are operating by appointment only.


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Grab the pitchforks: Smith & Wesson edition

Edit: 12/23/2015 – Like 5th graders, Smith & Wesson has completely reversed this and yelled “PSYCH!”.

James Debney, President and CEO of Smith & Wesson, said, “I would like to clarify that we fully support the Brownells Dream Guns® Project and we appreciate that it showcases the many ways in which our customers – loyal fans of our M&P brand – can choose to customize their M&P firearms. Our decision to contact the companies that worked on the project was intended to protect the trademarks that support the M&P brand. When a product bears the Smith & Wesson and M&P trademarks and is purchased new with our lifetime service policy, we want to be sure that the consumer knows it has passed our demanding quality standards. In our efforts to protect that promise and to preserve the brand that we and our customers cherish, we did not fully understand the intent of the Dream Guns® Project and we overlooked the opportunity to convey our enthusiasm for the creativity and innovation that Brownells and all of the companies involved have demonstrated. We look forward to seeing the firearm on display at the upcoming SHOT Show in January and at the NRA in May.”


Oh, good lord, now they’ve gone and done it. Smith & Wesson has angered the legions of internet outrage artists. Here is the quick run down if you aren’t aware yet.

Brownell’s has a feature called Dream Guns. These guns are tricked out versions of popular firearms. You can visit them at From there you can click on them and see the parts included that Brownell’s sells.

For one of the next Dream Guns, the idea was to make an awesome showpiece to display at SHOT Show 2016. They started with an M&P Pro and partnered with Apex Tactical Specialties, DP Custom Works, Blown Deadline and SSVi. Everyone did their part and the end result is a really nice looking gun.

This entire situation is related to one gun, ie Dream Gun that is called out in a press release by APEX Tactical Specialties.

This is where it gets saucy. Smith & Wesson’s lawyers have sent cease and desist letters to all involved notifying them that this is unacceptable. It’s important to note here that a company is REQUIRED to defend their trademark. By not pursuing infringements they stand open to losses.

A trademark owner is not required to uncover all possible uses that might conflict, or immediately commence a lawsuit against every possible infringer. At the same time, a complete failure to enforce will lead to a weakening of an owner’s marks and loss of distinctiveness over time.

Please see Abraham v. Alpha Chi Omega for more details.

Smith & Wesson is not only within their rights, but they are required to vigorously defend their property. These cease and desist letters start out fine. Whether we agree with it or not they are well within their rights. The gun is intended to be exhibited at SHOT Show and is still branded with the Smith & Wesson logo and service marks. By stepping into their shoes, one could see how they might take umbrage to this. The letters continue to cite case law and precedent. They make assertions that this situation could result in confused consumers. Again, well within their rights whether we agree or not.


This is when things get ridiculous. Smith & Wessons attorneys DEMAND that;

1. All parties confirm in writing that no one will display the product at SHOT Show or make any other display or promotion of the product.
2. Cease the sale of any firearm modified by any of the parties listed that bear any Smith & Wesson trademarks.
3. Turn over to Smith & Wesson all inventory of the infringing product or any S&W product modified by the listed parties that bears any mark owned by Smith & Wesson.

Item 1 I can understand. Items 2 and 3 are where they have lost their fucking minds.

The questions I have now are;

  • If the logo and service marks are taken off of the guns, are the modifications ok?
  • Is the SilencerCo integrally suppressed pistol falling under these same concerns brought up by S&W? Sure it is just a proof of concept, but still has the S&W logo and markings on it.
  • The letter mentions that destruction of evidence is very serious. So at this point taking the logo off is bad, but had they done it before, does it negate the concerns?
  • Could they have asked them to remove the service marks and not ask for property to be turned over and still be considered to defend their trademarks?

Smith & Wesson started out ok here, look they have to defend their brand. That’s the way the world works, but the excessiveness of the demands seem to have incredibly far reaching negative repercussions throughout the entire firearms industry.

Shame on you Smith & Wesson. You need to figure out a way to defend your brand and remain good players in this industry. As of now, we’re pissed.

Images via John Johnston of Ballistic Radio.


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