
Spanish Pistols Are Underrated

We live in a world where pistols from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, and the good old US of A are celebrated. Some of these countries have little fan clubs that greatly revere their respective weapons. One country that doesn’t often get brought into the awesome handgun genre is Spain. Spanish pistols are underrated in the modern error and sadly ignored. 

There are plenty of reasons why. Namely, most Spanish firearms manufacturers are out of business. Some haven’t pumped out guns in decades, and that’s as good an excuse as ever to forget about humble Spain and its legacy of really nice, often inexpensive handguns. Another reason is they never did anything too revolutionary. 

Most of their guns weren’t copies, but they took existing ideas and often made incremental improvements. Do you like Walther PPKs? Cool, Spain made a copy with an accessible slide lock/release. Do you like DA/SA SIGs? Well, Spanish company Star can give you that all-metal DA/SA design, but in .45 ACP and 10mm, well before SIG made that an option. 

Let’s take a moment today to recognize Spanish pistols, and maybe we can open your eyes to a legacy that’s not often part of the conversation. 

Spanish Pistols and the Ruby 

In the United States, there are three somewhat well-known Spanish pistol makers: Astra, Star, and Llama. These weren’t the only Spanish handgun manufacturers, but for today’s discussion, they were the most popular imports. All three companies kicked off their legacies with a weapon known as the Ruby Pistol. That’s not to say the Ruby was their first pistol, but it’s the pistol that helped kick off several Spanish arms companies.

Gabilondo and Urresti, who later became Llama, was founded in 1904 as a tiny four-person gunsmithing shop. The company grew slowly, and by 1914, they had produced the first Ruby Pistol. The Ruby was based on the Browning-designed Colt M1903 Pocket. It wasn’t a direct copy, and some liberties were taken with the design. 

(Gun Wiki)

It was still a .32 ACP but featured a nine-round magazine, a more vertical pistol grip, and a much heftier design. These Spanish pistols were stout, reliable, and well-made. They are hefty little guns and surprisingly accurate. The simplicity of a direct blowback design likely made it easy to produce the guns quickly and affordably. 

In 1915, the French were desperate for guns as WWI began, and their Spanish neighbor sent the Ruby to be tested. The French liked the pistol and ordered 10,000 pistols a month, then 30,000 a month, then 50,000! Gabilondo couldn’t produce that many, so they subcontracted. 

Over 45 companies were contracted to produce Ruby pistols. Astra and Star were among those companies. This provided ample cash to launch the three companies into the international market. 

The Rise of Llama 

Llama became Llama in 1932. It became one of the leading Spanish pistol companies and began to produce Colt 1905 clones and later Colt Model 1911s. Llama produced a variety of guns based on the M1911, and that’s what they are known for to this day. They quickly adapted the M1911 design to various calibers and sizes, including .32 ACP, 9mm Largo, 7.63mm Mauser, and more. 

In the 1990s, they really hit the American market with a variety of affordable M1911 variants. They even produced a number of double-stacked M1911s that held 10 to 12 rounds of .45 ACP. They released a variety of guns, like the double-stacked Mini Max, the pocket-sized Micro Max, and more. 

These Spanish pistols had a good reputation and were seen as excellent value. They were cheaper than Colts and often came in configurations Colt never produced. Sadly, by the early 2000s, the company was running out of money. They couldn’t modernize, and after nearly a century, they closed up shop. 

Astra – Copy What Works 

Astra has a history of taking successful gun designs and modifying and improving them just a bit here and there. They made copies of the Bergmann-Bayard pistols in 9mm Largo and called them the Campo-Giro. The gun isn’t a direct copy, but it certainly stole its main operating system from the previous design. The pistol saw success and was adopted by the Spanish military. 

Astra also produced Ruby copies but really found its footing with the Astra A400. This gun competed with the Star Model A for the Spanish military contract in 1921. The Astra A400 was a blowback-operated design that chambered the 9mm largo round. It became a popular pistol well known for its durability and reliability. The gun was nicknamed the Mangetout, meaning “eat anything.” 

The gun could chamber and fire 9mm Largo, 9mm Steyr, 9mm Browning Long, .38 Colt, and even 9mm Parabellum. It’s not a suggested practice, but that’s the legend. The Astra A400 became a family of guns, including the A300 and A600 series. Chile adopted the A300, and Nazi Germany purchased the A600 in 9mm Parabellum. 

Astra later expanded beyond guns without giving up firearm production. They produced revolvers and semi-automatic weapons. Guns like the Constable continued Astra’s tradition of copying handgun designs with small improvements. The Constable was a Walther clone with a 3.5-inch barrel and manual slide release.

Astra closed its doors in 1997. 

Star – Aiming For the Stars 

Star copied many handgun designs throughout its lifespan, including the M1911, the Mannlicher M1900, and more. The Civil Guard adopted the Star Model 1920, which was an M1911 clone that was devoid of grip safety and had a slide-mounted safety device. Much like Llama, the M1911 became a gun they copied in various calibers and odd configurations. 

Those M1911 clones also became popular in the United States. The Star Model B was an affordable 9mm M1911 that offered a cheaper Colt alternative. The B series helped kick off American sales, and Star produced the compact BM and the BKM, which was the BM with an aluminum frame.  

In the mid-seventies, they released the Star Model PD. This line of Spanish pistols slightly departed from the M1911 but still looked and handled like an M1911. This gun sold well in the States due to its small size and .45 ACP chambering. After the Model PD proved popular, Star seemed more willing to experiment. 

That led to the Star Firestar series. They were single-action-only compact guns. The M43 was the 9mm variant, the M40 was .40 S&W, and the M45 was the .45 ACP variant. These were very compact guns with a good reputation for reliability. 

From there, the Megastar series appeared, which were DA/SA guns with double-stacked magazines. They chambered either 10mm or .45 ACP. They were also fairly popular with users who wanted something SIG-like without SIG price points and preferred big-bore rounds. The Star 316 was a compact variant of this gun. 

Star had a great lineup but also failed to modernize and closed its doors in 1997. 

The End of Spanish Pistols 

Spanish pistols imported to the states died with Astra and Star. Astra and Star merged briefly into ASTAR after closing their doors, but the company lasted less than a year. Even the Spanish government adopted German and Belgian-made handguns. The Spanish pistol industry was never revolutionary, but they were stout, accurate, reliable, and well-armed guns that often went for a great price.

If you see a Star, Llama, or Astra on the market, you can confidently assume it’s a well-made weapon, and the price isn’t too good to be true. 

The Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless

Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless Revolver New Departure Lemon Squeezer .38 S&W caliber

The Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless, a five-shot top-break double-action revolver dating back to 1887, is one of the most iconic handguns of the “turn of the century.” Its production lasted through 1940, just before the onset of the Second World War. During its lifetime, the Safety Hammerless, was also colloquially known as the “Lemon Squeezer” or the New Departure. It set the tone for the design language of what was arguably the first compact modern centerfire carry revolver.

Safety Hammerless guns were so prevalent that they were reproduced by other gun companies with both cheap and elaborate clones. These pocket revolvers were available in either .32 S&W or .38 S&W chamberings. Both were still loaded with black powder during the late 1800s. By the time their production ceased in 1940, top-break revolvers like the Safety Hammerless were beyond technically obsolete, both in actions and calibers*

Smith & Wesson’s Genesis

The Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless owes its existence to the implementation of the Smith & Wesson Model 1. It was the company’s first official product, and a diminutive rimfire revolver chambered for .22 Short. The single-action Model 1 presents a significant milestone in revolver history. It became the first revolver to use self-contained metallic cartridges instead of “cap and ball” ammunition.

Model 1 revolvers had a hinge at the top of the frame near the barrel junction and broke from the bottom to remove the cylinder. This cumbersome tip-up design evolved into the top-break Model 2. The Safety Hammerless itself is an iteration and refinement of the Model 2. It was optimized for safety and a smooth user experience as a carry piece.

Famously, the Safety Hammerless got rid of the exposed hammer, enclosed the double-action-only trigger in a trigger guard and incorporated a grip safety into the grip’s backstrap.

A Smith & Wesson Model 1, Second Issue .22 Short Rimfire. Image Credit: Mike Fitzpatrick

Top Break Actions

By the 1880s, top-break revolvers, which incorporated a hinge and latch to allow the revolver’s frame to break open at the corner of the frame closest to the hammer and expose the rear face of the cylinder and charge holes to load cartridges, were the most sophisticated and “fastest” revolvers to-date.

Cylinders that swung out like today’s revolvers (called hand-ejector models at the turn of the century) weren’t invented yet. Top-break mechanisms are quite novel and sophisticated in their own right. However, their biggest drawback was frames of moderate strength only. The lack of robustness limited top-break guns’ chamberings to lower pressure and milder ammunition. This contributed to their eventual obsolescence.

Simply put, top-break actions could not keep up with the ever-evolving pressures and muzzle velocities generated by more modern propellants and cartridges. By chance, the Safety Hammerless’ production run happened to overlap with this fascinating time in the history of modern firearms development.

The Hammerless Evolution

Throughout the production run of the Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless, the revolver saw five different “model changes.” This was the 19th-century equivalent of very early Smith & Wesson “engineering changes.” Modern shooters would refer to this as “dash-and-a-number” in post-1957 Smith & Wesson revolvers–e.g., Model 19-3, 586-4, 10-14, etc.

Most of the Safety Hammerless revisions involved modifying and improving metallurgy in order to accommodate rapidly evolving commercial ammunition as smokeless propellants improved at warp speed. In fact, for the first three model changes to the Safety Hammerless, Smith & Wesson didn’t necessarily guarantee that smokeless cartridges would be fine to shoot.

By the fourth engineering change in 1898, the S&W catalogs had changed their verbiage. As a rule of thumb, it would be best to avoid any modern commercially loaded .32 S&W or .38 S&W cartridges in any Safety Hammerless built prior to 1898.

The .38 S&W Cartridge 

It’s worth noting that the .38 S&W cartridge is not interchangeable with the later .38 Special revolver cartridge. However, the former does predate the latter by at least 21 years. Because of the prevalence of top-break revolvers of all sizes from the United States, Britain, and beyond, the .38 S&W cartridge enjoyed mainstream relevance until its sunset during the middle of the 20th century.

To this day, major ammunition producers like Fiocchi and Magtech still offer a standard .38 S&W round-nose cartridge. I sourced a few boxes of said ammunition through Lucky Gunner

A close up of the three different factory .38 S&W cartridges I fired through my S&W Safety Hammerless for this review. The black coated rounds on the far left are Fiocchi Cowboy Action loads, the brass colored are Fiocchi Heritage loads and the lead round nose bullets to the right are loaded by Magtech. The plain lead Magtech loads provide the most authentic shooting experience by far, as virtually all .38 S&W cartridges would have been loaded with lead bullets during that chambering’s heyday.

History of the .38 S&W

The .38 S&W first came on the scene a decade before the Safety Hammerless, in 1877. It made its debut alongside the Smith & Wesson Model 2 single-action revolver, whose DNA was later passed down to the New Departure/Safety Hammerless. The original black powder-loaded .38 S&W cartridge used a 148-grain heeled bullet. Its diameter matched the dimensions of the case’s diameter, just like a .22 LR cartridge.

The heeled bullet’s outer diameter actually measured .038 inches, but these projectiles proved to be less reliable in then-modern revolvers. Smith & Wesson tweaked the bullet but kept the “38” in the cartridge’s name. The “finalized” bullet diameter for .38 S&W is .361 inches, just slightly wider than the .38 Special or .357 Magnum’s nominal .357-inch diameter.

Visually, a .38 S&W cartridge resembles a 9mm Luger cartridge. However, it has a rim and straight case walls instead of the tapered counterpart of the 9mm Luger. Likewise, .38 S&W rim and case head dimensions are also slightly larger and not interchangeable whatsoever.

Standard factory loads use 145- or 146-grain bullets. They no doubt had a mild load in the interest of safety to prevent catastrophic incidents when fired through older revolvers such as the one I’m writing about.

Lasting Relevancy

The success of both the New Departure/Safety Hammerless along with that modern metallic centerfire cartridge before the turn of the century compelled the British Commonwealth to adopt the .38 S&W. The Commonwealth loaded it with a 200-grain soft lead bullet for some of its own top-break service revolvers.

Besides the ubiquity of these hammerless pocket revolvers in the United States, the British Commonwealth’s use of the .38 S&W cartridge helped keep it relevant internationally. 

To be Continued in Part 2

Special thanks to Lucky Gunner for providing some .38 S&W ammunition for this project.

WHAT DO YOU DO BESIDES SHOOTING TO FIND BALANCE? Don’t Let Self Defense Keep You From Living Your Life.

Shooting is fun and gratifying, providing immediate feedback and instant gratification. Once you start down that path, it’s easy to get swept up in it, dedicating every spare moment to becoming a better shooter. But it’s also important to find balance in life.

In the pursuit of becoming a more competent defender, we can neglect or avoid other aspects of life.

Varg Freeborn poses the question: “Who’s playing with your wife’s hair?”

The point is that there’s more to life than just forging yourself into the ultimate fighting machine.

It’s good to have other outlets in life, either as a way to decompress or as an artistic outlet.

For me, I enjoy cooking, mixing drinks, and geeking out over coffee, in addition to my interest in cigars and watches.

There is certainly value in beauty for the sake of beauty, whether that be visual, auditory, or gustatory.

Plus, being able to shift between interests helps to stave off burnout.

Not to mention that learning new skills can help improve mental dexterity.

So, what do you do when you need to recharge?

The Routh Rifle – Trump’s Would Be Assassin’s AK Type Rifle

Ryan W. Routh, suspected of attempting to assassinate Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump at his West Palm Beach golf course, stands handcuffed between two Martin County Sheriff's office deputies after his arrest during a traffic stop near Palm City, Florida, U.S., September 15, 2024. Martin County Sheriff's Office/Handout via REUTERS

AK-type rifle, or AK-47 type rifle, was what we were told was in the hands of a potential Trump assassin on September 15th. We didn’t get much information. The few bits that came out told us it was at a golfing event, and the Secret Service engaged the shooter. The shooter escaped the golf course and fled northbound in an SUV but was caught on I-95 by a local Sheriff’s Department. A man named Ryan Wesley Routh was arrested and has been identified as the gunman. 

Information has slowly leaked out. Not much at first, but we’ve been fed snippets here and there. The man, Routh, seems a bit off his rocker. He is vocally anti-Trump but voted for him in 2016.

Routh flew to Ukraine to volunteer to fight Russians but was rejected by the foreign legion due to his age and lack of military experience. He supposedly ran a nonprofit type organization to get foreign fighters to Ukraine, even attempting some scheme to get Afghan soldiers out of Afghanistan to fight Russians. 

The Routh Rifle – What We Know

We know all this, but we know barely anything about his rifle. The FBI released a photo, which would be great, except the FBI uses potatoes to take photos. Seriously, my 2008 smartphone took better photos than that thing. Seriously, in an era of high-definition everything, I’m genuinely confused about why the photo released is so terrible. 

What we do see is not a traditional AK. We see a gun without a pistol grip, and with a more traditional Monte Carlo stock. However, the curved magazine certainly gives AK vibes.

If we had a better photo, Russian gun autists wouldn’t just have a model for us, but they’d have gotten us a production date and told us which factory and country produced it. 

There was much speculation about the blurry Routh Rifle. Due to the distinct curve, the magazine design certainly appears to be a 7.62x39mm mag. The current top contenders are an unmodified Saiga AK or an SKS. Back in the day, and we are talking Obama era, Russian rifles were imported in a neutered configuration. They had Monte Carlo stocks, and conversions were big business for gunsmiths. 


It turns out the SKS guys were right. According to the criminal paperwork released on 9/16, an FBI Agent identified the rifle as an SKS in 7.62x39mm. Routh has a scope on his rifle, and it appears to be in an aftermarket stock. Plenty of cheap polymer stocks are available for the SKS. The bayonet appears to have been removed, and according to the court papers, the serial number was also obliterated. 

Heres the best part: the SKS had a scope that was attached via electrical tape. I’ve seen scopes attached in a lot of ways, but this is a first. It might be a fun experiment to see if this could work in any possible way. 

The (Wanna-Be) Sniper’s Nest 

Routh waited at a fenceline with his rifle. President Trump was golfing on the course. Routh positioned himself between 300 and 500 yards from a hole. That’s a very optimistic range for an SKS. After 300 yards, the round begins to drop exceedingly fast. 

Routh had brought a GoPro camera and two bags, which he zip-tied to the fence. It was later revealed that the bags contained ceramic floor tiles. My best guess is that he assumed this would work as adequate cover. Perhaps he had read something about ceramic body armor plates and assumed ceramic as a whole was bulletproof. 

Admittedly, if you stack anything deep enough, it becomes bullet-resistant. However, I don’t quite think ceramic floor tiles meet NIJ standards. Routh is facing charges for a felon owning a gun and removing the serial number, but nothing regarding attempted murder, discharge of a firearm, etc. It seems like he didn’t fire any shots. 

Routh In Court 

Routh made his first court appearance on Monday, September 16th. The hearing lasted only ten minutes, and Routh reportedly answered all questions. The Judge read the charges and maximum penalties for each. Additional charges are possible, and the formal arraignment will be on September 30th. 

Routh has a long history of felonies. Between 2002 and 2010, he had racked up quite the rap sheet, including a charge for possession of weapons of mass destruction. The weapon was a machine gun, according to reports. This machine gun incident included a multi-hour standoff with police. 

I think Ryan Routh is in for an interesting time in the next few days. Perhaps we’ll find out a bit more about the man, his motive, and maybe even a little more about his rifle. What’s the chance it holds zero? What scope? You know, all those nerd questions we are bound to have. 

Agency Arms Gas Crack Charging Handle

I just saw an interesting AR accessory from Agency Arms drop on social media. It’s their new Gas Crack Charging Handle. I just recently saw some mods online of folks using silicone sealant to minimize gas blowback, but this is a much cleaner solution.

The Gas Crack Charging Handle

The Gas Crack Charging Handle is made from 7075 aluminum and has a black MILSPEC anodized finish. It’s an ambidextrous unit and is compatible with all of your typical AR/M4 platforms. Pretty standard stuff so far.

Where it gets interesting is at the rear of the charging handle. It features a high shelf and gas crack design to reduce gas blowback towards the shooter’s face. This can especially be an issue when shooting with a suppressor installed.

If you do some digging, or have been using suppressors for a while, then gas check charging handles aren’t a new thing. The silicone mod has been around for a long time, too. Not having worked with suppressed rifles much, though, it was new to me.

The Agency Arms Gas Crack Charging Handle is a pretty clean design, though, and it’s always nice to have options on the market. Agency Arm’s charging handles are made in the USA, and have an MSRP of $109.99. If someone donates a 5.56 suppressor and a case of ammo to me, I’d be glad to get one of these and test it out for you guys.

For more information, check out the Agency Arms website.

The Power of Situational Awareness

As GAT Daily’s resident Florida man, I stay up to date on the local ramblings of my fellow Florida men. Earlier this month, a couple were subject to a violent assault in which they barely escaped with their lives. The couple’s tragic story is a stark reminder of the power of situational awareness. 

Casinos, Low Lifes, and Situational Awareness 

Numerous news outlets reported that the couple was out on a date night. According to Kim Chambliss and Val Delacruz, they only get one date night a month. Both work hard to provide for themselves and likely enjoy the precious time they get. This couple chose the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Tampa as their venue of choice. 

(City of Tampa)

In a stroke of fortune, Val Delacruz won 3,300 dollars in a slot machine jackpot. In a stroke of misfortune, his big win attracted the attention of Tristin Wright and Marcus Jenkins. The two men proceeded to watch the couple for two hours as they enjoyed their night at the casino. They kept following them after they cashed out and headed home. The drive from the casino to their neighborhood was roughly 20 minutes. 

As they arrived home, the two lowlifes launched their attack. The attack was captured on the couple’s doorbell camera.  The thugs fired several shots, hitting Delacruz three times in the legs and Chambliss once in the calf. The masked men assaulted Delacruz and stole his watch and Chambliss’ purse. They both wore masks and wielded semi-auto handguns. 

Both men were partly identified and apprehended due to the casino’s security cameras. They captured the men following the couple. Marcus Jenkins was a career criminal currently on bond for trafficking fentanyl, resisting arrest, and DUI. His rap sheet includes 53 felony charges, 18 misdemeanor charges, and five stints in state prison. 

Staying Aware 

I would never blame the victims or state they didn’t do enough to protect themselves. However, it would be remiss not to learn lessons from this case. While the victims lived, their lives were forever changed. Physically and mentally, they will likely suffer long-term effects. The best thing we can do is beware of the power of situational awareness. 

As the couple enjoyed their date night, the two thugs followed them around a casino for two hours. That’s forever. If you are paying attention to the world around you, you might start to find it a bit weird that you keep seeing these two guys as you move through the casino. The season has 245,000 square feet of casino. That’s the gaming space, not the bars, restaurants, or hotel portion of the campus. 

When you’re out and about, you should pay attention to people’s faces. You don’t need to remember every detail, but if you’re practicing proper situational awareness, you should be able to recognize a face that keeps popping up. As the old quote says, “Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern.”

If you keep seeing the same people, especially the same men, who tend to be more prone to violent crime, you should notate it. Your spidey senses should be going off. My wife and I love to travel, and we find ourselves in all sorts of places. We keep our eyes open without being paranoid or ruining our fun. If I keep seeing the same person everywhere I go, I’ll take note of it and plan to deal with it. 

Riding Dirty 

The couple arrived home after five in the morning. They must have left the Hard Rock at around 0445 or so. Even a city like Tampa is pretty dead at that time. You should be able to notice someone following you. In a busy city, it’s tougher to tell if you’re being followed at night. Cars just look like headlights in the middle of the night. All the situational awareness in the world doesn’t help you if it’s just a lot of lights. 

It’s tough to tell if you’re being followed on a highway or a busy road. However, spotting someone following you isn’t hard when you get into a suburban neighborhood. Especially if its late at night. Headlights stand out. In that situation, the last thing you want to do is stop at your home. Keep driving, call your local nonemergency number for police, and drive to a police station or arrange to meet an officer. 

Don’t expect to get indoors before someone can shoot you in the legs three times. Even if you can, these guys now know where you live, and who knows what they can do. 

Be Smart, Be Aware, Have a Gun 

Situational awareness is a great tool, and so is a means to defend yourself. It’s unlikely the couple could have carried it at the casino. It could be considered a bar under Florida statute, which means it’s prohibited. Leaving a gun in your car isn’t always a great option unless you have a sturdy safe. 

Having a gun is great, but situational awareness is probably your best tool. It allows you to avoid conflicts, whereas a gun only allows you to react to a conflict. No matter what, I always suggest you carry a firearm everywhere you legally can. When the crap hits the fan, it’s the last tool you’ll have to preserve your life and life of your loved ones. 


Indoor Microclimates

As I write this, it’s mid-September and fall is coming, quickly to be followed by the cold winter months. Where I live, wind chills down to negative double digits aren’t uncommon. If the furnace goes out, it can be downright dangerous. Creating an indoor microclimate could prove life-saving.

What is an Indoor Microclimate?

If you lose the ability to heat your home during cold weather, such as a mechanical failure with your heat system or just a run-of-the-mill power outage, it can get pretty cold inside, especially overnight. The idea with an indoor microclimate is to create a small space that can be kept warm enough to allow everyone inside to be safe from the cold.

You’ll still want to bundle up a bit, such as tossing on an insulated jacket. But the shelter you build or use will go a long way toward keeping everyone more comfortable until the sun comes up.

While many of us have one or more portable heaters, those require power or fuel to function, which may be non-existent or in short supply. Even if running them is feasible, an indoor microclimate will help them be more efficient.

How Does It Work?

The concept is pretty simple, but there are a few different ways to approach it. The simplest is to pile everyone into the smallest room of the home. Bear in mind that you might be in there overnight or even longer. So, keeping three kids, two adults, and a couple of dogs in the half bath might not be all that comfortable.

A better option would be to use the smallest bedroom. Hang blankets over the windows and door to insulate the room. Depending on how many warm bodies you have in the room and the size of the room itself, body heat alone can start to raise the room’s temperature fairly soon.

Another way to create an indoor microclimate is to set up a tent in the bedroom or living room. Pro tip: you don’t need to stake it down. Toss a blanket over the top of the tent to provide some extra insulation. Everyone climbs inside with their favorite blanket or sleeping bag and pillow for a slumber party.

If a tent isn’t an option for you, let your inner child out to play and build a fort with kitchen chairs, couch cushions, and the like. Pile on comforters and blankets for insulation and crawl inside. No, this isn’t anyone’s idea of an ideal situation, but it beats shivering the night away.

If you have kids in the mix, they might think this is the coolest thing ever, so try to have some fun with it. They might someday tell their own children about the time their family spent the night in a blanket fort because it was so cold outside.

Insulation is Key

No matter how you build it, the indoor microclimate needs to be insulated. Anything you can pile on top of the tent, fort, or whatever will help. Grab bedding from every bedroom and toss it on.

If you’ve ever spent the night on the cold ground outside, you understand the importance of insulation underneath you. Don’t make that same mistake with indoor microclimates. Put a blanket or comforter on the floor first, then build your shelter on top of it.

The Mosin Nagant and Gun Culture in The 2000s

If you were into guns at all during the early to mid-2000s, you couldn’t escape the Mosin Nagant. These things were everywhere. Every gun show, every gun store, and page upon page of Armslist were covered in Mosin Nagant rifles. Most were Russian-made, but we can include the Chinese and Finnish clones into that umbrella. The Mosin-Nagant series of rifles was a cultural powerhouse, and today, we are going to look back and discuss the cultural phenomenon that was the Mosin-Nagant. 

If you’re one of those fantastic young Zoomers, I’m sad to say you missed out on the Mosin-Nagant craze. The boomers had a great housing market, but we millennials were primed for the Mosin market. If you aren’t familiar with the rifle, it was a pre-World War I rifle that first saw service in 1891. The Russians designed the rifle and used it in both World Wars, their Revolution, the Russo-Japanese War, and many more. 

The Mosin-Nagant was a full-power bolt-action rifle firing the 7.62x54R cartridge. Throughout its lifespan, it has been available in numerous configurations, the most popular being the 1891/30. There were carbine variants, sniper models, and more. I don’t want to get too in the weeds with the numerous variations. Today, we’ll refer to them all as Mosin-Nagants. 

The Mosin-Nagant Phenomenon 

The Mosin-Nagant became such a cultural phenomenon because of the price of the rifles and ammo. There was a point where a Mosin-Nagant in perfectly suitable condition could be had for 89 dollars. For 89 dollars, you got the rifle, a sling, a double ammo pouch, and an oiler bottle. I’m unsure who the original importer was, but they brought them over by the shipload. 

You could purchase an entire crate of rifles for less than 1200 dollars. The crate held 20 rifles with accessories, and you even got the sweet Soviet-era wood crate. Cheap rifles are one thing, but what about the ammo? Well, it was cheap too. Surplus spam cans of 7.62x54R could be had for about nine cents a shot. It was insane, and we didn’t know how good we had it. 

They were everywhere, and the day I turned 18, I went to a gun store and forked over 79 dollars to obtain my own Mosin-Nagant. These full-powered rifles were heavy-duty and quite well-made. At least as far as durability is concerned. The bolts and actions were often stiff, the wood was ugly, and the finish didn’t look great. 

They were never sniper rifles, and three to four MOA was standard. It had open sights with a fairly short sight radius. They thumped your shoulder with a solid blow every time you pulled the trigger. The ammo was corrosive, so Windex sales went up to keep bores clean. It was a fun rifle, and everyone who shot one enjoyed it at least a little bit. 

The Mosin Effect

The longest-lasting effect of the Mosin-Nagant was getting younger guys and gals into MIL-SURP collecting. The Mosin was the first rifle of a lot of people, and a lot of those people got bit by the MIL-SURP bug. We can probably blame the Mosin-Nagant for the massive increase in surplus prices we see today. 

Outside of mil-surp collecting, it got a lot of people into guns as a whole. If you’re on the fence about spending money on a gun, but you run into this sweet gun from Call of Duty for only 89 dollars, you’d bite, too. The Mosin-Nagant introduced a lot of people to firearms, and some stuck around, becoming 2nd Amendment advocates and voters. 

The popularity of the Mosin gave birth to an aftermarket. A fairly large market that sold modern stocks, removable magazine conversions, and oddball scoping methods. A lot of this stuff was junk because who was going to spend a ton of money on a cheap rifle?

One of my favorite memories of the period was a marketing rep for ProMag’s Archangel line, arguing with Caleb Giddings on his Gun Nuts Media website about the Archangel stock. She went so hard that she ended up getting fired. 

Preppers Enter the Scene

The Mosin-Nagant landed on American shores at a time when prepping was big. We had TV shows dedicated to Preppers, and it became a cultural movement in and of itself. The prepper movement saw the Mosin and gave a hearty “Yep!” 

The rifle was seen as a cheap and durable option. They weren’t necessarily wrong. These rifles were sturdy and made to work in an era when rifles would commonly become big spears and be involved in hand-to-hand fighting. The rifle’s low price was one pro, but the ability to stack 7.62x54R on the cheap was seen as brilliant for an end-of-the-world scenario. 

Plus, being able to buy a crate to ‘arm’ your neighbors on the cheap became a common talking point. Early guntube would often point this out and advocate for this practice.

The Decline of The Mosin Nagant 

So what happened? Well, the stock dried up. Prices rose as they did. These days, seeing Mosins for 300 to 500 dollars breaks my heart. I’m stuck on this idea that Mosins should still cost less than 100 dollars! Russian imports of that surplus ammo also disappeared, and now you’re paying .308 prices for 7.62x54R. Sadly, the younger crowd won’t ever get the thrill of an 89-dollar Mosin, and the closest you’ll get is some Carcano with expensive ammo. 

It’s a sad time, but it’s how the world works. 

KelTec Announces the SUB2000 GEN3 5.7

Keltec has been teasing a new release on social media for a while. They’ve shown a series of photos giving clues as to what it was. You saw 5.7x28mm rounds, a pistol-style magazine, and close-cropped images of a grip. The question was, was it a pistol, something like the CMR30, or a SUB-200? Well, they finally let the cat out of the bag, and it turns out it’s a variation of the SUB2000 GEN3 called, appropriately enough, the SUB2000 GEN3 5.7.

SUB2000 Gen3 5.7

With the new SUB2000 Gen3 5.7, you get all of the features you’re used to with the SUB-2000 series. It features the innovative fold-in-half design for compact storage. The Gen 3 added the twist feature that allows you to mount optics that turn out of the way as you fold the carbine. Overall length is just over 30 inches open and 16.15 inches folded. Barrel length is still 16 inches, which should be great for additional velocity with the 5.7 round. Weight unloaded is just 4.36 pounds.

The magazine capacity is 20 rounds, and it looks like it feeds from FN pattern magazines. Extended 30-round mags are also available. If you really have a lot of shooting to do, a 50-round drum will even be available. The MSRP is just $511, which is pretty reasonable for a 5.7x28mm carbine.

Take a look at KelTec’s press release and the full stats below.

Press Release

Cocoa, FL – KelTec is excited to announce the latest addition to its SUB2000 GEN3 series, offering a new twist on innovation. The original GEN3 introduced earlier this year wowed with its unique feature: the ability to twist the forend and fold the firearm in half—without needing to remove your optics. Now, the series gets even better.

Introducing the 5.7x28mm SUB2000 GEN3—the first in a new line of caliber options for this groundbreaking carbine.

“The addition of the 5.7 caliber brings lower recoil and improved accuracy to the SUB2000 GEN3,” says Managing Director Derek Kellgren. “This makes it a more family-friendly firearm compared to other calibers.”

With a 16-inch barrel, the SUB2000 extracts greater velocity and power, while still maintaining minimal recoil. The result? A highly accurate and reliable carbine.

As more manufacturers produce 5.7x28mm ammunition, costs are decreasing, making time at the range even more enjoyable.

“The 5.7 SUB2000 GEN3 is also an excellent choice for law enforcement, government, private security, school resource officers, and church protection teams,” adds Director of Business Development Parker Rosenberger. “Its ability to quickly fold and deploy, with zeroed optics ready to go, makes it perfect for situations where compact, reliable firepower is essential.”

KelTec is also incorporating the SUB2000 GEN3 into its new Peacekeepers™ Program, designed to equip safety and security professionals with cutting-edge firearms and unmatched support.

“KelTec’s commitment to innovation, quality, and performance means we never stand still,” concluded Marketing Manager Matt Stanek. “The evolution of the SUB2000 line is a testament to our dedication to continuous innovation.”

SUB2000 GEN3 5.7 Specs

Caliber: 5.7×28 mm
Weight Unloaded: 4.36
Magazine Capacity: 20rd FN Pro Mag
Overall Length: 30.45″
Length Collapsed: 29.2”
Length Folded:16.15”
Barrel Length: 16.15”
Twist Rate: 1:7”
Trigger Pull: 5 lbs
MSRP: $511

For more information check out KelTec’s website.

The Madsen Machine Gun – To Brazil With Love

Brazil Police Video

If you run into one Madsen gun, it’s a fun story; if you run into Madsen guns every day, you might be a Brazilian police officer or criminal. The Madsen machine gun, a weapon designed in 1902, is still in service. If you’ve ever cruised South American police footage on YouTube because it’s 3 AM and you’ve gone down a few odd rabbit holes, you have seen Brazilian forces doing favela ops wielding the historic weapon like a rifle.  

When I was traveling down one such rabbit hole, I was amused to see the Madsen once, but then I kept seeing it. Different videos, different police officers, and different gunfights. It turned out the Madsen is quite common in Brazil and heavily used among police forces. 

History of the Madsen Machine Gun 

The Madsen is a pre-World War I machine gun designed by Danish engineers Julius A. Rasmussen and Theodor Schouboe. The weapon gained its name from Colonel Vilhelm Herman Oluf Madsen, the Danish Minister of War, who recommended the weapon for Danish military service and helped design the self-loading rifle that predated the Madsen machine gun. 

Inside the gun, we have a complicated mechanism that’s a bit of a combination of both short and long recoil designs. The bolt works on a short recoil principle that cams upward and away from the breech. The barrel and barrel extension continue to move rearward in a movement that exceeds the length of the cartridge, making it a long recoil system. 

The Madsen gun feeds from a top-loaded magazine offset from the receiver to the left-hand side. Throughout history, the guns have been adopted by dozens of different military forces and chambered dozens of different cartridges. Brazil adopted the weapon in small numbers after World War I. 

America supplied Madsen machine guns to Brazil for the Brazillian Expeditionary Force in World War II. These were .30-06 variants and saw combat with Brazil’s forces. 

The Madsen in Brazil 

The Brazilians clung to the Madsen Machine Guns, which remained in service with the military until 1996. In the 1950s, the Brazilian military converted their .30-06 and 7x57mm Mauser Madsens to .308. The police use of Madsen machine guns goes back to the 1930s. 

Brazil Police Video

The military provided police forces with Madsen guns to fight the rise of the Cangaceiros. These Cangaceiros were violent bandits that constantly clashed with police forces. The police needed more and more firepower, and the Madsen evened things out. 

In the modern era, the majority of Madsen machine guns used by police forces were donated by the army when they got rid of the guns. Some also came from criminals who had stolen them or smuggled them in from other countries. Both regular police forces and the Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais, aka the Special Police Operations Battalion, use them. 

Why the Madsen? 

The Madsen is an ancient weapon by all standards. The gun was designed and produced in 1902. For comparison, sliced bread was first sold in 1928. The Madsen is older than sliced bread, and with that age comes a novel and overly complicated design. If it breaks, it’s going to be tough to fix, but the guns seemingly don’t break. 

Second, the Madsen machine gun weighs 20 pounds. That’s not bad for a military weapon in 1902, but it’s hefty for an urban police rifle in 2024. It’s also 45 inches long, so good luck clearing rooms with it. Why are Brazillian police forces still wielding the gun? 

The first reason is that they have them on hand. Sometimes, you use what you have, not what you want. Second, the drug war in Brazil is a lot different than the drug war here. These cops are in full-on gunfights on city streets. It’s more Fallujah than Detroit. The weapon’s suppressive capabilities are appreciated and used as an automatic rifle to suppress the enemy. 

The slow rate of fire and ease of control allows for superior accuracy compared to other automatic weapons. Some sources, translated from Portuguese, claim the weapon’s sound plays a factor in its deployment. A machine gun firing full-power rifle rounds degrades enemy morale. 

One common factor I saw in these Brazillian police footage videos is failures with their varied M4 and FAL-type rifles. Guys were stripping their guns to get them fixed and back into the fight. The Madsen machine guns remained in the fight. They are more reliable than some of the overworked rifles. 

From Denmark to Brazil 

The Madsen machine gun lives on! Most of these videos don’t have dates, but one date I did see was 2018, which means even if the Madsen isn’t in service now, it was in use until at least 2018. That’s an insane lifespan. It’s not the best weapon for the role, but it’s clearly working when needed. 


Vehement Knives Foreman

The Vehement Knives Foreman is an excellent option for those seeking a high-quality EDC fixed-blade knife. It’s made for real-world use. Letting it sit on a shelf collecting dust does a disservice to the blade, no matter how good-looking it is. It’s designed to handle chores from the forest to the office.

Quick story: What seems like a few lifetimes ago, I worked with a guy named Don. He was an old-timer at the factory and had been working there for probably 25 years by the time I met him. He was quiet and kind of kept to himself, but he was the most reliable person there. No matter what needed to be done, Don could and would handle it, without a single grumble or complaint. The job would be done efficiently and correctly every single time.

That, my friends, describes the Vehement Knives Foreman perfectly.

Vehement Knives Foreman Specs

From end to end, the knife measures 7.3 inches. The blade is 3.25 inches long. If we’re being realistic, that’s enough sharp edge to do just about any routine knife chore. They went with CPM 154 for the steel, which is a great choice for an EDC knife. This is a fairly slim knife, as far as fixed blades go. The handle is just shy of a half-inch thick. Not counting the very nice leather sheath made by Skin Bender Leather Works, the knife weighs a mere 3.4 ounces.

The Foreman arrives sharp enough to carve electrons from an atom. Its edge geometry is remarkable, while flat bevels provide strength for heavy-duty cutting.

The Foreman is available in a range of handle materials and colors. Mine is black G10 that’s been textured in what Vehement Knives is calling a frag pattern. It’s a crisscross pattern that provides excellent grip retention without being obnoxious about it.

Vehement Knives is calling this grip pattern “frag” and it’s not only grippy but comfortable.

Vehement Knives Foreman Performance

Okay, it looks nifty enough, but does it make the cut? I’ve had it in my EDC rotation for the last several months. I’ve found it to be quite handy when it comes to any number of common knife chores, from breaking down piles of boxes to just whittling branches by the fire.

It holds a great edge and is exceptionally comfortable in hand. It’s kind of short for a fixed-blade knife. I mean, I have folding knives with longer blades. But that’s part of the beauty of the Foreman. It isn’t flashy in the least. It just works. Period. Full stop.

I typically carry the Foreman in a cargo pocket of my pants. Personally, I’m not a fan of having things hanging on my belt if I can avoid it. But putting the Forman on your belt isn’t likely to bring a lot of unwanted attention, either. The sheath is only 8.5 inches long. The belt loop on the sheath will accept up to a 1.5-inch-wide belt. Again, though, I usually just slip it into a pants pocket.

The sheath isn’t just an afterthought. It’s very sturdy and well-made with high-quality leather.

It’s slim and trim, without any fluff. And honestly, that’s the Foreman in a nutshell. This is a working knife, pure and simple. It’s designed to be rough and tumble, not coddled. The Foreman is a great-looking knife, to be sure, but this isn’t a safe queen sort of blade.

The Vehement Knives Foreman runs about $300, depending on the exact configuration. That’s not a cheap knife. But, even with minimal maintenance, it’ll still be putting in the work decades from now.

You can find the Foreman at DLT Trading, and be sure to visit Vehement Knives online as well.

The Kansas Machine Gun Case

Last week, Twitter was on fire with the fact that a Kansas Judge threw out a machine gun case because it went against the Second Amendment. Specifically, based U.S. District Judge John W. Broomes says in his ruling, “The court finds that the Second Amendment applies to the weapons charged because they are ‘bearable arms’ within the original meaning of the amendment.” 

I wanted to fly to the keyboard to write an article on Friday, but I couldn’t find proof outside of screenshots posted on Twitter. The website that allows you to look up cases and rulings kept giving me errors. However, as the weekend wore on, numerous outlets confirmed the case, and I’m glad I waited because seeing the event’s media coverage has amused me greatly and might amuse you as well. 

Machine Gun Law 

Tamori Morgan is the defendant that the Judge ruled in favor of. I tried to find more information on the case, but all I could find was a 2021 article from the Wichita Eagle regarding a car chase in which a man named Tamori Morgan was involved. These two men are likely the same person, but it isn’t 100% clear. 

It’s tough to find information on how Mr. Morgan was busted with two machine guns. However, we do know he had one machine gun and one machine gun conversion device. The district judge declared both bearable, and the case was dismissed. No appeal has been filed from the government, and the U.S. Attorney’s office in Wichita has not commented on the case. 

Judge John W. Broomes also stated that the government “has the burden to show that the regulation is consistent with this nation’s historical firearm regulation tradition.” So Bruen has made a big impact. This appears to be the first time a machine gun ban has been found unconstitutional. 

What’s impressive is that Mr. Morgan had a public defender who filed the motion to dismiss in November. The public defender David Freund wrote the machine gun ban “offends the history and tradition of the Second Amendment.” 

The Machine Guns  

News coverage about guns is always fun. It’s also often wrong. For example, according to Newsweek, and I’m quoting, “Tamori Morgan, who was previously accused of possessing a conversion device for his AM-15 .300-caliber machine gun known as a Glock switch.'”

In reality, Morgan had a converted AR-15 pistol that likely used a lightning link or similar conversion device in his Anderson AM-15 .300 Blackout pistol. He was also charged with possessing a Glock Switch that converts Glocks to full auto. Machine gun parts are often considered machine guns. 

What’s odd is that according to photos by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the AM-15 was a machine gun, but it still didn’t have a stock. I mean, if you’re going to make a machine gun, you might as well attach a stock to it. It’s also sight and optics-free, which also makes it hilarious to me. 

The Glock conversion was confiscated alongside a Glock 33, which is a .357 SIG Glock. It seems like the Glock switch was separate from the Glock at the time of arrest. 

The News Coverage 

As mentioned, the news coverage of the case has a few errors in describing the weapons, but that’s common. One thing every news article seemed to mention was that the Judge was a Trump appointee. I don’t think I’ve ever read that more than when researching this case. 

Everytown, the billionaire-funded anti-gun group, is in a tizzy. They had this to say: 

“It’s appalling that the District Court would so brazenly put the deadly agenda of the gun lobby over the safety of Kansans. We are shocked and dismayed by this decision,” said Janet Carter, senior director of issues and appeals at Everytown Law. “Machine guns – guns capable of automatic firing – have been tightly regulated under federal law since the 1930s. The laws banning them are not only constitutional but crucial to public safety. These weapons of war, capable of causing irreparable harm to countless innocent people, have no place in our communities.”

Many have pointed out the rise of Glock switches in use by criminals, specifically in gang violence. They link to shooting where Glock switches were used and comment on how dangerous they are. Most take the stance that such devices are a clear and present danger and shouldn’t be legal. They completely ignore the fact that even though they are illegal criminals, they already have these switches regardless of the law. 

Which comes with the argument, “Well, we shouldn’t have any laws then!” This ignores that owning a machine gun hurts no one. It’s a victimless crime to own an unregistered machine gun. We have laws against using guns illegally, and that makes sense, but having laws about possessing guns is silly. Victimless crimes shouldn’t create felonies with ten-year prison sentences. 

Bushmaster Firearms Announces the Rebirth of the BA50 .50 BMG

Most folks probably associate Bushmaster Firearms with AR rifle platforms. But they used to make a heavy .50 Browning sniper rifle, the BA50. Well, Bushmaster just announced that the BA50 is back. It’s still 100% made in the USA and represents the pinnacle of precision and power in the Bushmaster line.

The Bushmaster BA50

The Bushmaster BA50 is a massive bolt action rifle chambered for the venerable .50 Browning BMG round. It feeds from a detachable 10-round box magazine. The .50 caliber rifle has a premium 29-inch heavy barrel fitted with a 3 port muzzle brake that would be right at home on a light artillery piece.

The BA50 has a 7076 Aluminum Alloy upper receiver with a full Picatinny rail and an aircraft-grade aluminum lower. Similarly, the left-side-mounted bolt is made from 9310 Steel. A cerakote finish is available in black or Flat Dark Earth colors.

Bushmaster’s BA50 is equipped with a Magpul PRS GEN3 Precision-Adjustable Stock and an ERGO Tactical Super Ambi Grip. It’s also fitted with a heavy-duty GG&G LCB-3 Heavy Duty Tactical Bipod. Overall length of the big .50 is 56.75 inches overall and the weight is 29.5 pounds without the magazine.

The BA50 is designed for both tactical and long-range recreational use. Bushmaster boasts that it has better than MOA accuracy, which is impressive considering that each round is starting off at half an inch across to begin with. The Bushmaster BA50 will be available for purchase starting August 29th, 2024. This impressive .50 caliber precision rifle carries an equally impressive MSRP of $6,878.95.

For more information on the BA50, check out

Bushmaster BA50 Specifications

Caliber.50 BMG
Barrel Length29″
Barrel Material4150 CMV
Barrel FinishCM, Cerakote
Barrel Thread Pitch1″-14 TPI
Twist Rate1:15
Weight w/o Magazine (lbs)29.5 lb
Overall Length56.75 in
Lower Receiver MaterialAircraft Grade Aluminum
Upper Receiver MaterialBA50®
Bolt Material7076 Aluminum Alloy
Model Marking9310 Steel
Handguard14″ 1913 Free Float Billet Handguard
StockMagpul® PRS® GEN3 Precision-Adjustable Stock
GripERGO Tactical Super Ambi Grip
TriggerBFI® Target Trigger
Muzzle DeviceBushmaster® BA50® 3-Port Brake
MagazineBFI® Steel
Magazine Capacity10 Round
Proudly Made InU.S.A.
CaseBushmaster® BA50® Fitted Hard Case
BipodGG&G LCB-3 Heavy Duty Tactical Bipod

The Japanese Howa Rifles

Japan was an interesting place after World War II. After their surrender, the United States military occupied it, which is one of the few success stories we have from occupation. The Japanese military was disbanded. However, a Self-Defense force was allowed and formed. That self-defense force was initially armed with American WWII weapons but sought a domestically produced rifle option and turned to a company called Howa. 

Howa would produce three distinct rifles for the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, representing three distinct eras in rifle development. These rifles have never been exported and reside solely with the Japanese military. They are an interesting series of rifles that are a bit of a curiosity to the Western world, and today, we’ll attempt to shine a light on those rifles.

The Howa Type 64 

In the early 1960s, the Japanese forces were looking to replace their M1 Garands with a more modern battle rifle. The rest of the world was moving toward the FAL and G3—the Howa Type 64 is the final product of a somewhat scrapped-together program. Reportedly, the Japanese wanted to chamber the weapon in 7.62 NATO but had none. According to a Japanese website roughly translated, the US Marine Corps provided ten rounds for the Japanese to reverse engineer. 


The resulting battle rifle used a short-stroke gas piston with a tilting bolt. It used modified M14 magazines and was selective fire. The rifle had an integrated bipod and shoulder rest for automatic fire purposes. The Japanese decided to use a reduced-power 7.62 NATO round because their troops found the full-power round difficult to control. The weapon could safely fire standard 7.62 NATO, but that accelerated wear and tear. 

The Howa Type 64 designers made some interesting choices. The rifle featured a three-position selector that required the user to pull outward, rotate, and then release to swap firing modes. The gun featured a top-mounted charging handle and a wide-operated ejection port. The rifle is also reportedly difficult to disassemble and has several small parts. Rifles are often seen taped up to prevent pins from exiting their slot. 

Japanese Self Defense Force

The rifle was reportedly an okay design, but it had serious weaknesses. As the future came fast, the Japanese were more than willing to replace the Type 64 with the Howa Type 89. 

The Howa Type 89 

As the name implies, the Type 89 was adopted in 1989. The Type 89 rifle series was the Japanese entry into the modern assault rifle world. This 5.56 caliber rifle utilized a short-stroke gas piston with a rotating bolt. The AR-18, a rifle Howa directly influenced the Type 89, was licensed to produce. The rifle uses STANAG magazines and standard 5.56 ammunition. Standard STANAG mags will not trip the last round bolt hold open. 

The Type 89 trimmed two pounds compared to the Type 64, and the reduced ammo weight allowed the individual soldier to carry more of it. The rifle typically used fixed stocks, but folding steel stocks were produced for AFV crews and paratroopers. The Howa Type 89 has selector settings for safe, auto, 3-round burst, and semi-auto. A simple thumb movement can manipulate the selector. 

(Japanese Self Defense Force)

Over the years, the rifles were modified to use ambidextrous safeties, red dots, foregrips, and more. The Type 89 proved to be a reliable and capable rifle for the Japanese Self-Defense Force, and Japanese soldiers did deploy to Iraq during the GWOT.  The rifle had some odd ergonomics and an unforgiving magwell, and it lacked the modularity of weapons like the M4, which led to the Type 20. 

Howa Type 20 

The latest rifle adopted by the Japanese Self-Defense Force is the Howa Type 20. It was unveiled in 2020 and would replace the Type 89 full stop. The first soldiers to obtain the rifle were the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade. Much like the Type 89 the Howa Type 20 uses a short stroke gas piston design and fires the standard 5.56 round from a STANAG magazine. 

With the Howa Type 20, Japan has obtained a very modern rifle. It’s complete with an M-LOK rial, a collapsing and folding stock, a monolithic optics rail, ambidextrous controls, and a heavy use of polymer. It’s one of the rifles that fall into the AR-18 modern derivatives, such as the SCAR, HK 433, and similar rifles. The barrel is trimmed to 13 inches, making it a very carbine-like weapon. 

Japanese Self-Defense Force

Howa ditched the 3-round burst, and it uses a standard safe, semi, and automatic setting. Japan has also adopted a 5.56 cartridge known as the J-3 High-Power cartridge. It’s supposedly better at piercing armor and is made from steel and red brass with an increased powder charge. I’m curious to know more, but there isn’t a ton of information on the cartridge. 

Howa’s Rifles 

Howa certainly had a bit of a rough start with the Type 64. However, they quickly learned, adapted, and produced two purportedly very respectable rifles. Due to Japanese export laws, we’ll never see a Howa Type 89 or Type 20, which is sad because a semi-auto version would be an interesting collectible. So until we get a Japanese version of Tommy Built I wouldn’t hold your breath. 

The Ibex Applications Lead Sled

Side saddles and tactical shotguns go together like peanut butter in chocolate isolated in a small cup wrapped in paper. The world of shotgun side saddles has evolved, and the modern side saddle is an elastic, soft goods type with some form of hook and loop to secure it to your gun. We are over swapping bolts and attaching plastic to our shotguns. We want elastic loops and soft goods. The Ibex Applications Lead Sled is a modern soft goods side saddle from a fairly new company. 

The Lead Sled competes with established shotgun cards like the classic Esstac or highly vaulted Vang Comp shotgun cards. It’s a big market with lots of room for new options. The Lead Sled faces a lot of competition, so is it up to the task? Ibex Applications is a small, veteran-run company out of Georgia that makes just a few things. They make a great chest rig for the Flux Raider, so I purchased one. 

The Lead Sled – A Flexible Approach 

Since I was already getting the chest rig, I figured, heck, let’s grab a Lead Sled to see if it can stand up to the modern competition. At 20 bucks, I figured it was worth the get. Plus, it comes in tons of colors and finishes, including Multicam. You can pick between four or six-round cards, and I went with the smaller four-round option. 

These soft, good shotgun side saddles have some inherent flex to them. That’s part and parcel of using soft goods. Flex is often seen as a downside. The Vang Comp cards are famously super stiff and rigid. When mounted to a shotgun, they don’t flex inward much, making it easier to draw the rounds. 

The Ibex Applications Lead Sled has lots and lots of flex. The side saddle flexes more than most. It’s downright floppy. The thing is, it doesn’t flex inward, at least not much enough to matter. Because of its somewhat loose nature, the card sits flat when loaded. The weight of the shells and the strength of the hook and loop seem to keep it flat—flatter than the Esstac card I normally use. 

Its flexible nature also gives you a few advantages when storing it off the gun. One of the big benefits of these shotgun cards is the ability to reload your side saddle as if it were a magazine. You can carry spare shotgun cards in AR mag pouches, on a belt, etc. 

The flex of the Lead Sled makes it easy to fold this four-shotter up and fit it into a grenade pouch to save room. It bends easily, so you can attach it to a belt with hook and loop attachments, and it can mold to your natural curves. 

Reloading From The Sled 

The Lead Sled uses flex to its advantage, but how does it do the whole loading thing? First off, retention is great. The elastic loops are rigid and tight. They grip the shell well, and it won’t move much. As usual, I wouldn’t run the shells upside down, but that’s my policy with all side saddles outside of the Aridus QD-C. 

The Lead Sled works quite well as a side saddle. Freeing rounds and getting them into the gun isn’t a problem. The Lead Sled would also work well on a belt or chest rig as a spare ammo carrier. The device also has a loop like the Esstac designs. Unlike the Esstac, the loop is absolutely massive. 

The size of the loop makes it easy to grip and rip from a pouch or off a gun. The loop also allows for loop loading. Loop loading is where you hold the saddle by the loop with your firing hand while your off-hand loads the gun. If done properly, the user can maintain a firing grip while loading the gun. Credit to Jeff Gurwitch for introducing the world to this technique. 

More Than a Side Saddle 

The reason devices like the Lead Sled work so well is because they are so versatile. The Lead Sled might be a new kid on the block but they are taking some chances and embracing a little bit of flex. It turns out some flex can work. If you need a side saddle, the Ibex Applications Lead Sled offers you something effective and capable at a fairly low price point. 

For more information, please visit