
In Defense of Military Firearms Training

(U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Daniel Childs)

I’ve been pretty hard on military firearm training. I think most serious shooters recognize that police and military training isn’t the be-all and end-all of training. It can often be a bit dated compared to the instruction given by instructors on the bleeding edge of individual firearm skills. I typically rail against military firearms training when it comes to credentialism. 

Military credentialism is what occurs when someone utilizes their time as a military member to attempt to convince a nonmilitary person of a particular thing. It’s not always bad. It really depends on the subject and the experience of the person touting the information. We typically see one pump chumps saying OLight is the best weapon light ever or using their time in the military to advocate for gun control

I’m not the only person who sees this and dismisses it. It’s become a common theme in what’s often considered high-information groups. Your average military member is not a weapon expert. That’s a fact. However, today, I want to defend military firearms training and the men and women who make it happen. 

The Challenge of Military Firearms Training

Here’s your challenge. I’m going to give you a group of 18 to 23-year-olds, a lot of them have never fired a weapon. The ones who have shot a firearm have no formal training, and it’s unlikely they’ve consistently shot over 100 yards. Here’s a weapon system they are unfamiliar with, with an optic they are unfamiliar with. 

ARABIAN SEA – U.S. Marines with Kilo Company, Battalion Landing Team 3/1, 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), fire their weapons during a deck shoot aboard the Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship USS Rushmore (LSD 47), Jan. 8, 2019. The Essex Amphibious Ready Group and the 13th MEU are deployed to the U.S. 5th fleet area of operations in support of naval operations to ensure maritime stability and security in the Central Region, connecting the Mediterranean and the Pacific through the western Indian Ocean and three strategic choke points. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Danny Gonzalez/Released)

The group is about 90 recruits. You’re the primary marksmanship instructor, and here are three coaches. Now, in two weeks, I need you to ensure they qualify at the range and shoot from 200 to 500 yards. Oh, and about 50 of them shoot at one time on qual day. You’re also using beat-to-hell M16s and the cheapest 5.56 the government can produce. 

Good luck! 

Seriously, that’s not an easy task. Yet, several times a year, all around the country, military firearms instructors do just that. I can only speak for the USMC, but I have never heard of someone failing the training. You can joke it’s due to ‘pit love,’ but in boot camp, at least in 2008, that didn’t exist. No one was risking getting an integrity violation in boot camp. 

The coaches and marksmanship instructors do a fantastic job of teaching non-shooters how to put rounds in targets several hundred yards away. That’s not an easy task, and the military firearms training community does a fantastic job of training recruits.

Military Firearms Training and Everything Else 

Military firearms training might be dated compared to individualized training. In regular units, it’s tough to apply shot timers to individuals when 30 Marines are firing at the same time. To be fair, the Marine Corps is implementing shot timers into its training. It’s also worth noting that the slightly dated training doesn’t make a huge difference in combat. 

Norman Hitchman’s Operational Requirements for an Infantry Hand Weapon found that at 300 yards in combat, the best and the worst marksmen are on the same level. However, the middle of combat doesn’t always provide the best conditions for accurate shooting. 

Most ammo is spent suppressing the enemy. Being able to do a perfect C-Clamp and sub-second Bill drill with a rifle doesn’t have a ton of application to a grunt. As a guy in a squad, you are extremely unlikely to ever find yourself to be the only man shooting in one direction, so having extremely tight times isn’t always worth the time investment. 

More than Rifle Skills

The average grunt also has to learn a whole lot more than rifle skills. They need to know tactics that trump individual skills. You should be able to operate as part of a squad. They need to learn how to use a radio, shoot grenades, drive various vehicles, fire LAWs, patrol, clear rooms, call for fire, apply first aid, call a casevac, and the list goes on and on. 

While individual rifle skills are important to the average grunt, they aren’t the most important skill. It’s also tough to take the time to train individuals at a range when you have close to 200 personnel in a company who have to do the same training. Standard military firearms training just doesn’t have the same time or need as individual training. 

Marines with Weapons Training Battalion conduct the Annual Rifle Qualification train-the-trainer course on Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., Feb. 17, 2021. The ARQ is replacing the current Annual Rifle Training to increase lethality by creating a more operationally realistic training environment, which will be implemented service-wide by fiscal year 2022.

Keep Strong

I have seen a slow evolution of military firearm training. We are finally seeing the use of VTAC barriers, shot timers, multi-position shooting, and more. The training is always slow and often led by Infantry Warrant Officers who do good work for our men and women in uniform.

While it’s easy to make fun of military firearms training, it is best to understand the conditions the military trains in and the men and women who work near miracles to train our country’s best. 

The Taurus 327 Defender TORO Revolver (Part 4)

Taurus 327 Defender TORO

Continued From Part 3

Elevation Factor  

With the understanding that revolver sights and barrels are already situated fairly high on the frame, the other issue to keep in mind when employing a red-dot sight on a revolver is to be cognizant of the total possible elevation adjustment on a given micro-red dot sight. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get the sight’s point of aim to agree with the revolver’s point of impact.

One of the criticisms I’ve heard about the original .38 Special Taurus 856 Defender is that it can be tricky to get a good zero with a dot. Sometimes, some sights even run out of adjustment. This wouldn’t be an issue if the dot itself was able to sit lower in relation to the bore.

Again, it’s physically impossible on a revolver. These red dots must sit on higher planes but still be able to account for the difference in height. In the case of the .38 Special Defender TORO, I’m sure the slower muzzle velocities of .38-caliber bullets aren’t much help either.

It’s not just with these compact-frame Taurus revolvers, either. One of my Smith & Wesson 686 revolvers wears a dot, and it taught me to keep an eye on the elevation adjustment just the same.

Zeroing the 327 Defender TORO

When I was zeroing the EPS Carry on the 327 Defender TORO, I almost ran out of elevation adjustment. I settled on a 10-yard zero using the 85-grain American Eagle JSP cartridge with a few clicks to spare. In this case, it hasn’t been much of an issue, even with the other five types of ammo, including the two slower High Desert Cartridge .32 H&R Magnum loads.

I was surprised by the minimal delta between the faster and slower cartridges when I shot my groups. The elevation in points of impact was fairly even regardless of muzzle velocities. Ultimately, adjusting the 327 Defender TORO for this 10-yard zero still provided me good coverage at 15 yards and all the way to 25 yards. And it didn’t cause any issues when specifically paired with the Holosun EPS Carry. I can’t comment on other makes and models of micro-reflex sights.

Other Remarks About The 327 Defender TORO

Taurus 327 Defender TORO Revolver

In Part 2 of this review, I keep calling the .327 Fed Mag a “spicy” cartridge. It has a very loud blast that can be distracting or inflict a flinch on shooters. On the firing line, I found it equivalent to shooting full-house .357 Magnum loads out of a similar three-inch gun—the Rossi RP-63 in this case.

Certainly, the felt recoil is almost non-existent, but the .327 Fed Mag blast can be detrimental to most shooters. It isn’t just from the loud report but also because virtually all the .327 Fed Mag loads I fired had a tendency to “spit” gas back on my hands and face. To be clear, no lead particles were shaved off the forcing cone.

I think it’s just a matter of shooting full-house magnum rounds (nominal diameter notwithstanding) through a compact revolver with a three-inch barrel. If one isn’t used to it, the spitting gas can also incur a flinch and detract from the shooting experience. 

I didn’t have any actual reliability issues. However, towards the start of this review, the yoke screw was working itself loose, which led to intermittent ignition issues with a specific charge hole. Once I remembered to check the yoke screw and re-tighten it, all issues went away.

Finally, like every other Taurus wheelgun I’ve bought or reviewed, the 327 Defender TORO began to smooth out with actual live-fire use. 

.327 Federal Magnum cartridge (left), .32 H&R Magnum cartridge (right).

.327 Fed Mag Vs. .32 H&R Mag

The upside about all the .327 Fed Mag rounds I included in the review is that they were capable of great performance and accuracy, especially out of a three-inch barrel.

I’ve already covered the downside, which includes a loud report that’s indistinguishable from a .357 Magnum blast, along with the spicy spittle and gas to the face and hands. In comparison, shooting both of the High Desert Cartridge .32 H&R Magnum loads was a very smooth and pleasant experience. These rounds’ reports were milder, and there was no angry flinch-prone propellant.

Felt recoil was non-existent, and the little that was left was counteracted by the 327 Defender TORO’s 23-ounce weight.

I think anyone who was serious about carrying this gun for personal protection would do well to not only master its draw and presentation but should consider shooting with .32 H&R Mag rounds. The end result is more in line with the ethos of the efficient .32-caliber defensive wheelgun.

The Takeaway

Since the Taurus 327 Defender TORO revolver is the first .32-caliber revolver of any kind that I’ve fired, I can finally understand why the real revolver nerds go crazy over this smaller bore diameter. It represents a good balance between ballistic efficiency, terminal performance, and a smoother, more pleasant shooter experience compared to slower and “pushier” .38 Special or .357 Magnum options.

Depending on the make and model of the revolver, the smaller .32s may even have the space for an extra charge hole, as is the case for .32-caliber vs. .38-caliber Smith & Wesson J-frames, for example. I do suggest that serious defensive practitioners ought to focus on the .32 H&R Mag instead of the .327 Fed Mag.

However, the fact that the 327 Defender TORO can actually chamber a .327 Federal Magnum is fantastic and makes this an extremely versatile revolver regardless. Not only can one gun handle four different rounds, but it can do so safely in a smaller overall package. 

Taurus has been busy launching new products left and right in 2024—especially in terms of new revolvers. By now, you’ve also hopefully read my 5-part series on the Taurus 692 Executive Grade .357 Magnum revolver, a project I recently wrapped up. Like the Taurus 692 Executive Grade, the 327 Defender TORO deserves some recognition. If anything because the Brazilian gunmaking giant is daring to sell optics-ready carry revolvers in wayward bore diameters.

For more information, please visit

Taurus 327 Defender TORO: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

Special thanks to Big Tex Ordnance for loaning me the Holosun EPS Carry for this review!

Let’s Talk About Chest Carry

There are lots of ways to carry a handgun. Hell, just on the hip is OWB, IWB, AIWB, cross-draw, and even small of the back. We have shoulder, ankle, and thigh rigs, and then we have chest carry. 

Chest carry might be one of the most misunderstood carry methods ever. Every time GunFighters Inc. has an ad for its Kenai Chest Holster, the comments are a dumpster fire. It’s always “high information” gun owners sharing the ad to meme pages to try and clown on something they don’t understand. 

(GunFighters Inc)

Today, their excuses about understanding go out the window. If you’re unfamiliar with a chest carry position, I don’t blame you. It’s an obscure way to carry a gun and certainly wouldn’t be something people often use outside of niche use cases. However, by the time we’re done here, the reasons might be a little more clear. 

Chest Carry and The Great Outdoors

Holsters like the Kenai Chest Holster are typically intended for outdoor use. Hunters, hikers, and fishermen use them, and they are open-carry designs. Most of the time, when you carry a weapon in the great outdoors, it’s to deal with four-legged threats. Four-legged threats and medium game are dispatched by powerful calibers.

Powerful calibers tend to occupy larger guns and chest carry makes it easy to carry larger guns. Chest carry is also very comfortable in the great outdoors. It’s comfier than shoulder rigs and easier to access in most cases. You can still easily use your arms without rubbing yourself to death with a shoulder holster. 


Putting the gun on your chest prevents it from getting snagged on branches and vines and from being exposed to morning dew. Due to the gun’s positioning, crossing creeks and rivers is also easy. Chest carry and the outdoors go together well. 

Chest Carry and Tactical Applications 

Mounting a modern holster to a plate carrier isn’t all that rare. Safariland offers you a MOLLE adapter aimed at chest carry, as does Blackhawk, and even the old Bianchi M12 can be converted to MOLLE-mounted carry positions. It’s not the standard, and like hunting and outdoor use, it has a niche purpose. 

If you’re always mounted, it makes sense to keep a chest holster. Military vehicles are like reverse Tardis: huge on the outside but uber small on the inside. A big-duty rig hanging off your thigh gets in the way a lot. So, chest carry makes a lot of sense when working in vehicles, especially armored units. 


I mounted my SERPA (I know, but we didn’t have a choice) to my chest on my plate carrier because I was a machine gunner. If I was engaging, I was likely in the prone, which meant shoving my M9 into the dirt, debris, mud, etc. I got sick of it and moved the gun to my chest, and it worked. 

An EOD Marine I worked with mounted his M9 to his chest because he had tons of other tools and gear around his waist. A JTAC assigned to us did the same due to his tools and gear on the waist. There is always a reason why it looks odd, but it can be a workable option. 

What About Concealed Carry? 

Chest carry and concealed carry? Do they go together? Mostly, no. If you packed a traditional chest holster and concealed it it would be tough and slow to access. There is an equivalent to chest carry for concealed carry, and it’s typically a pack. 

Hill People Gear and 5.11 make chest packs designed for concealed carry. They are typically used for exercise, hiking, running, etc. They carry more than a gun in most cases. When I run or ruck, I use a 5.11 Skyweight rig and a small gun for concealed carry. 

(5.11 Tactical)

It’s the easiest way to carry a gun while working out, as far as I’m concerned. It doesn’t prevent mobility, it’s not flapping around, it’s shielded from sweat, and it’s retained properly. It’s slower to draw, but it’s always better than harsh language. You might argue this isn’t chest carry, but what else do we call it? 

It Just Works

Chest carry seems odd, and it’s certainly niche, but it’s not all that out there. It is just another solution looking to solve a problem. If you aren’t familiar with the concept, it might be worth giving a try. I still use chest carry for running because I can’t run fast or far enough to escape a threat. It’s certainly not a joke or meme, and it’s worth being educated on. 

5 Targets You Should Always Have

Shortages in the gun world come and go, and one thing we never go short on is targets. To be fair, anything can be a target. Range dumping into trash is an American tradition. However, to train effectively, you need proper targets. We have lots of great options, but there are five targets every shooter needs to keep in their range bag. 

These five targets share several important attributes

  • These targets are multipurpose designs that can be used for numerous drills and training evolutions. 
  • They are tactically relevant, and I use that term to say they are specifically relevant to defensive shooting training. 
  • These targets are small enough to fit into a range bag easily. Most aren’t any larger than a piece of printer paper. 
  • They are common, cheap, and can even be printed at home (or the GAT Office). 

Having a few of these targets loaded into the range bag will set you up for success. Let’s dig into the targets to create a clearer picture of why these five targets are beneficial. 


The classic B8 looks and operates a lot like a standard Bull’s eye target. That’s exactly what it is. The B8 was designed for use at 25 yards and typically for slow-fire applications. In the modern era, the B8 has become a very relevant target for modern shooters. The small size of the target creates a challenge and replicates the vital areas of the head and torso. 

Several modern drills, like the 10-10-10 Drill and the Hateful 8, use the B8 as their core target. The B8 targets are an excellent option for shooting for both accuracy and time. The b8 is cheap, easy to find, and can be printed. There are tons of PDFs floating around, so it can be nearly free. 

Dedicated A Zone 

ISPC/USPSA targets are divided into several different sections with dedicated letters. The A-zone is the smallest section for both the head and torso. The dedicated A-zone of the torso is a 5.9 x 11.02-inch box. Round it off to 6 x 11 inches, and you have a dedicated, easy-to-produce target. It’s easy to go into Microsoft Paint and make a 6 x 11-inch box. 

A USPA A-zone does a great job of representing the vitals of a human threat. The box creates a valid target for vitals shooting. It’s used for drills like the famed Bill Drill and, in general, makes a great target for training purposes. It’s my go-to for shotgun patterning, accuracy testing rifles, and shooting fast while trying to shoot straight. 

3 x 5 Cards (Or Boxes) 

A 3×5 index card is a super cheap, easy-to-find target that’s quite small. Small targets are challenging. Index cards, or just 3×5 inch boxes printed on paper. These cards represent head shots quite well and create a challenging target for shooters looking to shoot fast and straight. 

Pair a 3×5 with an A-zone, and you get a capable vitals target that represents the small areas of the human body. The cards can be marked, colored, and more for perception drills. You can also create a variety of drills that require thinking, as well as speed and accuracy. 

Dot Torture

Dot Torture targets consist of ten 2-inch dots on a piece of printer-sized paper. They are sold everywhere, but they are most commonly printed. Dot Torture targets are a fifty-round training evolution that works the most basic skills in the handgun world. There are variants for DA/SA guns, snub-nose revolvers, rifles, and more. 

The included drill is fantastic, but it’s not the only use of Dot Torture. Dot Torture targets are made up of 2-inch targets. You can use those 2-inch targets for a wide variety of skill-building tasks. A two-inch dot can be extremely difficult to hit when any kind of speed is applied, so it pushes you to shoot straight and fast. 

Sage Dynamics Vital Anatomy Targets 

Sage Dynamics is a training company led by Aaron Cowan, a knowledgeable instructor. If you go to the Sage Dynamics website, you will find about half a dozen targets. The Vital Anatomy targets are printable designs with a head and torso target focusing on the lungs, heart, brain, and spine. 

The printability makes these a very affordable target for realistic training. You can visually see the vitals and learn to aim where those vitals are. These targets can be used for all manner of visualization training and for running the usual suspects of drills like the Failure to Stop, Box Drill, and more. I love these targets and want to thank Mr. Cowan for producing and personally giving them away. 

Targets, Targets, Targets 

There it is. These are the five targets that are always in my range bag. I used them to train, to zero, and to test the various firearms you see at GAT. These targets are a diverse group that seem simple but allow for fantastic skill-building opportunities. 

Bravo Necker II – A Great EDC from Bark River Knives

Bravo Necker II

The Bravo Necker II from Bark River Knives has been around for a bit. They recently released a new run of them in a dizzying array of handle materials. It’s a great option for anyone seeking a fixed blade knife that they can pocket carry.

Bark River Knives

Bark River Knives was founded by Mike Stewart in 2001 in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. One of the hallmarks of BRK is their endless assortment of models and designs. They have a crew of around 45 employees who work together to produce thousands of knives a month.

What’s In the Box?

The Bravo Necker II has an overall length of 6.9375 inches. The S45VN steel blade runs 3.625 inches. The blade is just 0.092-inch thick at the spine. In other words, this is one heck of a great slicer. The Bravo Necker weighs a mere 2.89 ounces. For our purposes, this is based on the basic model with black canvas Micarta scales and no extra liners. That weight might change ever so slightly with different handle materials.

As with all Bark River blades, it comes with a convex edge. Something about convex edges that many don’t realize is that they’re far sharper than they may seem right out of the box. Be warned, they can bite if you aren’t paying attention. The Bravo Necker II’s spine features a small section of jimping.

The handle is just long enough to get four fingers around it when held in a classic hammer grip. But once you move the knife into more of a saber grip, it becomes more of a 3.5 finger grip. There is a lanyard hole at the base of the handle. The addition of a lanyard would provide a little more grip, but I don’t feel it’s truly necessary. And I say that as a guy who has fairly large hands with long fingers.

The Bravo Necker II comes with a nice leather sheath. As the name would imply, this is a knife that’s set up to be worn around the neck. There is no retaining strap, but the sheath has a magnet embedded inside to secure the knife.

How Does It Perform?

I’ll tell you up front that the Bravo Necker II has quickly become one of my favorite Bark River models. And that’s saying something, considering I’ve owned several dozen of their knives. I still have most of them, but a few have been traded over the years.

Personally, I’m not fond of carrying knives on a cord or strap around my neck. I’ve just never found it comfortable. With the Bravo Necker II, I just drop it in a pocket and away I go. It’s light enough that it doesn’t feel like a pile of rocks dragging me down.

This knife has tagged along for numerous hikes with my wife and I. It’s also spent some time in the kitchen handling vegetables, fruits, cheese, and more. I’ve used it to break down boxes, cut cordage, and carve pointed ends on a few branches.

No matter how I’ve used it, the Bravo Necker II has held up very well. It’s easy to carry and comfortable to use. I wouldn’t want to rely on it as a one-tool-option for extended stays in the wild. But for routine, daily use around home, it’s exceptional.

Find the Bravo Necker II here at DLT Trading.

The Taurus 327 Defender TORO Revolver (Part 3)

Taurus 327 Defender TORO Revolver

Continued From Part 2

The Dot Factor 

In Part 2, I mention that the Taurus 327 Defender TORO’s shootability is augmented by the fuller feeling LOK Grips Veloce set and, more importantly, the red dot that sits on its topstrap. Even though the double-action-only bobbed hammer made it impossible to thumb-cock and carefully shoot off the bag, I thought the groups it printed with nearly all .327 Fed Mag or .32 H&R Mag cartridges were quite satisfactory.

On paper, it seems like this gun really likes fast 100-grain bullets but there wasn’t much of a practical difference with any of the Federal Premium or American Eagle 85-grain loads. 

Shooting Off The Bench And Freestyle

Unless one is shooting from an expensive mechanical fixture like an expensive Ransom rest, I’ve noticed that there tend to be slight levels of user-induced error when shooting pistols for groups in this manner. I’ve become accustomed to iron-sighted revolvers having a degree of error in their groups despite one’s best efforts. I didn’t expect anything different for the Taurus 327 Defender TORO.

After I finished shooting and chronographing everything, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was mistaken, and the groups remained nice and tight in spite of this being a compact-framed revolver with a double-action-only trigger. (As much as I found the LOK Grips Veloce stocks to be helpful, they’re still smaller grips for a compact-sized revolver. The shooter must still contend with the limitations of shooting such a gun).  

High Desert Cartridge Taurus 327 Defender TORO
One of the targets I shot with the 100-grain High Desert JHO load. (The red-dot was zeroed for 85-grain American Eagle .327 Fed Mag soft points).

During my review, I causally shot the 327 Defender TORO freestyle to get a feel for it, considering how different it is from the revolvers I typically shoot. I ended up shooting two different NRA B8 targets posted at 10-yards without putting too much effort, and punching out the 10-ring wasn’t hard at all. It demonstrates the power of the red dot on a revolver whose size makes it otherwise historically challenging to shoot well.

Perhaps this is another data point to the importance of vision in proper handgun technique (because the red dot’s sight picture is superior to the iron sights found on compact revolvers)?

Muzzle Velocities

Although qualitative and not quantitative, I’m also wondering whether the increased muzzle velocities and lighter bullets that .32-caliber cartridges like the .327 Federal Magnum or the .32 H&R Mag use could also be a factor in tidier groups compared to the traditional .38-caliber wheelguns I’m used to shooting.

After all, the faster a bullet travels toward its target (and the less felt recoil it produces) means that there are fewer chances for external variables to interfere with group size. 

I base my qualitative hunch after observing countless targets shot carefully with slower-moving 147-grain 9mm Luger rounds in comparison with faster-moving 147-grain loads (e.g., competition-style ammo that makes minor power factor vs. faster JHP duty rounds). Almost always, faster-moving bullets correlate with tighter groups.

In the case of these revolvers, the slower-moving .38 Special cartridge has been my frame of reference for everything, especially compact-frame Taurus revolvers with three-inch barrels.   

The Constraints Of Red Dots On Revolvers

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any gear on hand like a dot-friendly holster or .32-caliber cartridge speedloaders that would have allowed me to run some more dynamic shooting exercises under a shot-timer. However, I’ve spent plenty of time dry-firing this revolver at home. The accuracy benefit of the Holosun EPS Carry that’s mounted to the 327 Defender TORO is undeniable, but there’s also no such thing as a free lunch either.

Due to a confluence of factors such as the shape and size of the 327 Defender TORO, the smaller size of the EPS Carry (which is meant primarily for slim and sub-compact semi-automatic carry guns), and the architecture of all double-action revolvers, I think it takes more effort to be fully proficient with this compact-frame dotted revolver to arrive at the point where I’d be comfortable carrying it for defensive-purposes out in the real world.

It’s not impossible but I think such a gun (regardless of caliber) objectively would require more effort on the end-user’s part. 

The Sight Height Issue 

On most any revolver, whose frame is built to support its cylinder, sights and dots have no choice but to sit high on the frame—just like their barrels. Without going into the weeds about revolver architecture, this tends to result in the most efficient layout for a wheelgun. But this also gives revolvers an inherently higher bore axis.

For example, I took a measuring tape and measured the distance from the bottom of the 327 Defender TORO’s grip to the middle of the EPS Carry’s housing. This imaginary diagonal line measures 6 ⅜ inches. I took the same measuring tape and measured the same diagonal line on the Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Metal Carry Comp 9mm pistol that I’ve also been working with. The distance between the bottom of the full-size magazine base pad to the middle of its red-dot’s housing (it currently wears an Aimpoint ACRO P-2) was only 6 inches.  

red-dot sights revolver Taurus 327 Defender TORO
While not to scale, the distance between the yellow points represents the imaginary line on the Taurus 327 Defender TORO that I’m referencing. The blue line is the the equivalent on the M&P 2.0 Metal Carry Comp that is approximately 3/8 inches shorter.

Drawing and Presenting a Red Dot Equipped Revolver

The distance between both points on a full-size double-stack 9mm service pistol was shorter, and our line’s angle less severe compared to the “smaller” handgun. So, even if one is used to drawing and presenting a red-dot sight with a semi-automatic pistol, they’d all but have to re-learn it when it’s mounted on a revolver.

This isn’t impossible, but it takes additional effort to get used to. Even when shooting the 327 Defender TORO casually, there were times when I lost the dot and had to keep “looking for it,” something that I don’t have trouble with on semi-autos since 97% of my handgun shooting involves red-dot sights these days.

red-dot sights revolver Taurus 327 Defender TORO
I took a different picture showing a different angle. Even though the bases of both red-dot sights are on the same axis, keep in mind that the bore of the revolver isn’t parallel with the bore of the M&P 2.0. The revolver’s bore is actually sitting lower relative to the semi-auto’s indicating the greater difference in height between sight and bore.

Continued In Part 4

The Taurus 327 Defender TORO Revolver (Part 2)

Taurus 327 Defender TORO

Continued From Part 1

Taurus 327 Defender TORO Grips

Taurus 327 Defender TORO LOK Grips

The Taurus 327 Defender TORO includes a Hogue Overmolded Rubber Monogrip, an upgrade from the standard Taurus compact-frame revolver rubber boot grip.

The Hogue Monogrip is made from a sturdy rubber material that slips over the frame’s tang. Its left and right sides provide a very gentle palm swell, along with three finger grooves and a tacky texture. The top left portion of the Monogrip is relieved for speedloader use, and the backstrap is completely rounded for ease of carry.

However, as someone already familiar with both Hogue Monogrips and standard Taurus rubber boot grips, I carried out this review by installing a pair of LOK Grips Veloce stocks to get a better feel for them.

LOK Veloces are made from G10 and feature a convex-shaped profile that fills the firing hand considerably more than even the Monogrip. Their cross-section is narrower at the top where the seams meet the back of the hammer’s slot on the frame, and they widen out towards the bottom, creating something similar to a bird’s head grip.

Compact-frame revolvers have been historically more challenging to shoot due to a combination of tiny grips and even smaller sights. In the case of the Taurus 327 Defender TORO, the inclusion of a reflex sight and grips with more surface area to ‘grab onto’ go a long way in improving this revolver’s “shootability.”   

Installing A Red-Dot Sight 

I mounted a Holosun EPS Carry (the same unit that Big Tex Ordnance has been kindly loaning me long-term for my work). The included optics-plate and adapter are footprint-agnostic as long as the dot in question uses either the Holosun-K or Shield RMSc optics mounting footprints.

The adapter plate sits over the revolver’s topstrap and uses two T10 Torx screws to secure it to the frame. When mounting them, I treated this pair of screws like any other. After applying threadlocker, I torqued them down to about 20 inch-pounds. Ditto for the two screws that secure the Holosun EPS Carry to the adapter plate itself.

As I write this, I’ve fired exactly 244 rounds through the 327 Defender TORO, and 180 of these were Federal full-house .327 Fed Mag cartridges. Shooting 244 rounds isn’t extensive by any means, but during the course of my shooting, I actually had to tighten the 327 Defender TORO’s yoke screw after it got somewhat loose after the first few cylinders. On the other hand, the adapter plate and optic remain sitting solid; no loose screws.

Shooting The 327 Defender TORO 

The Taurus 327 Defender TORO revolver is the first and only .32-caliber revolver of any kind that I’ve fired. In this sense, a .32-caliber revolver was somewhat of a novelty, and I approached the review with an open mind. This includes my customary protocol of shooting two separate 10-round groups for each featured cartridge, along with chronograph data.

It takes some time to acclimate to shooting .327 Federal Magnum rounds since shooting .327 Fed Mag loads through a compact-frame revolver with a three-inch barrel is what most people would call “spicy” (but also lots of fun). Simply put, the blast and report feel the same as shooting full-house .357 Magnum cartridges through a similar revolver.

In fact, I had the Rossi RP-63 with me during this session, and I shot two cylinders worth of 158-grain Federal .357 Magnum JSPs in order to specifically compare and contrast the “feel” of shooting the 327 Defender TORO. On the flip side, because the actual .32-caliber bullets are so much lighter than .357-inch bullets, the 327 Defender TORO’s felt recoil is considerably less.

Because of the .327 Fed Mag’s blast, this can be difficult to perceive since the magnum blast can overwhelm the senses, especially for those uninitiated. 

Accuracy And Data 

I put six different loads through the Taurus 327 Defender TORO for this review, both a mix of .327 Fed Mag and .32 H&R Mag. Having a good cross-section of .32-caliber revolver cartridges to feature in this review was a priority of mine given my emerging “unifying theory” of .32-caliber wheelguns.

I shot two 10-round groups off a bag from rest at a distance of 15 yards for each load while also capturing muzzle velocities with the Garmin chronograph. I typically thumb-cock the hammers on revolvers I review and shoot them in single-action when trying to group them. But this wasn’t possible due to the 327 Defender TORO’s bobbed DAO hammer.

In spite of that, I was surprised by the overall accuracy of the groups I did print. No doubt, the Holosun EPS Carry made life easier, too.  

Selected Ammunition 

For the .327 Fed Mag side of the equation, I included four different SKUs from Federal Premium: American Eagle 100-grain JSP, American Eagle 85-grain JSP, the Personal Defense 104-grain HST JHP, and the Personal Defense 85-grain Hydra-Shok JSP. 

Decent .32 H&R Mag cartridges can be challenging to source as .32 H&R Mag isn’t exactly a mainstream handgun cartridge. Likewise, revolver nerds have seemingly wiped out the existing stock of the available supply following the launch of the Smith & Wesson / Lipsey’s .32 H&R Mag Ultimate Carry J-frames this year.

I was able to obtain two different .32 H&R Mag loads from High Desert Cartridge Company, a small Washington state-based ammunition company that continues to be present for the ongoing revolver renaissance. I fired their .32 H&R 100-grain JHP carry load and their 95-grain coated wadcutters.

.327 Federal Magnum

Federal American Eagle 100-grain JSP

Federal American Eagle 85-grain JSP

Federal Premium Personal Defense 104-grain HST

Federal Premium Personal Defense 85-grain Hydra-Shok

.32 H&R Magnum

High Desert Cartridge Company 100-grain JHP

High Desert Cartridge Company 95-grain WC

Continued In Part 3

Ruger and Magpul Release the RXM

Ruger made a Gen 3 Glock! Woo! Seriously, well, kind of. Ruger and Magpul teamed up to produce a new handgun that is admittedly largely based on the Gen 3 Glock, specifically the Glock 19. An educated guess says that the name RXM stands for Ruger X Magpul. It appears that Ruger is likely producing the slide and the removable Fire Control Unit, while Magpul produces the frame and magazine. 

The gun is undoubtedly a Gen 3 Glock 19 for all intents and purposes. The Gen 3 Glocks have escaped patent protection, and it’s why we see so many Gen 3 clones. It’s how PSA gets away with the Dagger, and the other dozen companies get away with their Glock clones. Ruger embraced Glock years ago, or at least Glock’s magazines. 

When Ruger released the PC Carbine and later the PC Charger, they included an extra magwell that allowed the user to swap from Ruger’s Security 9 magazines to Glock magazines. To me, that was not only smart but humble. Their most recent LC 45 and 10 both use Glock magazines as well. It’s been a slow realization that the best way to beat them is to join them….kind of. 

The RXM – More than A Glock 19 

The most notable change between the RXM and standard Glock 19 Gen 3 is that Ruger developed a removable fire control unit. SIG might not have created the FCU idea, but they did popularize it with the P320 and P365 series. The idea is simple. You have a serialized chassis with all the necessary fire controls. 

Users can remove this chassis and swap it from frame to frame and gun to gun. With the P320, we’ve seen various grip modules appear on both SIG and the aftermarket. That concept has been taken to the extreme with the Flux Radier and SIG’s MP320 PDW-type platforms. 

An FCU-based gun that’s a Glock and takes Glock magazines could open another entry into the PDW market. It could also bring a new level of customization to a Glock-based platform. Much like the SIG series, you could implement metal grip modules, change the size and caliber of the gun, and more. 

Since the Glock platform is way more popular than even the P320, this opens up a massive market for customization. Ruger says the RXM is compatible with OEM Glock Gen 3 components. This would make it easy to swap calibers, slides, and more. Since Magpul is producing the grip module, I would expect to see various colors, sizes, and configurations. 

It might be one of the most customizable firearms ever produced. With a price point of around 400 dollars, you won’t go broke with the standard platform. I’m betting we’ll see the RXM chassis being sold separately so the user can build their own. 

The Downside of the RXM 

We are still dealing with Gen 3 ergonomics. Nothing is ambidextrous or reversible, and the magazine release is also tiny. Luckily, they tossed the finger grooves out with the rest of 1998. Of course, extended releases and modifications could be released. It’s a Glock platform that expands modularity, so I’m betting improvements are easy to make. 

Ruger X Magpul 

Ruger ensured the gun was optics-ready. It uses a system similar to the Echelon to create a modular optics mounting system that doesn’t need plates. I love that feature, plus it appears the iron sights come ready to cowitness, which, again, I love to see. It’s little things like this that make a big difference to me. 

It’s interesting to see Magpul and Ruger team up. The product they’ve released is certainly fascinating and nothing I could have predicted. Is this the team-up we’ve been waiting for? It feels like it, and I can’t wait to see where the RXM will go. 

For more information, please visit

The Taurus 327 Defender TORO Revolver

Taurus 327 Defender TORO Revolver

Back in 2023, Taurus turned a lot of heads by being the first major revolver manufacturer to offer an “optics-ready” revolver, the then-new .38 Special 6-shot Taurus Defender 856 TORO. 

This 3-inch compact revolver, which was first revealed to the shooting public at SHOT Show 2023, comes with an optics mounting plate that directly secures itself to the revolver’s topstrap. It accepts the smallest category of pistol-mounted dots—those that use the Shield RMSc or Holosun-K footprints. This style of red-dot sight is already the go-to on modern striker-fired slim-frame 9mm like the Taurus GX4 family, SIG-Sauer P365 series, Smith & Wesson M&P Shields, Glock 48s, etc. 

Crossing over from the micro-compact EDC semi-auto universe and into the carry revolver realm wasn’t a big stretch for Taurus. As far as revolvers are concerned, there is no doubt that Taurus hasn’t been afraid of its metaphorical sails to catch the fresh gales of newfound interest that revolver shooting represents in this decade of the 2020s. 

Following the launch of the .38 Special Defender 856 TORO in 2023, Taurus followed up at SHOT Show 2024 with another optics-ready Defender model—one chambered for the .327 Federal Magnum cartridge: the new Taurus 327 Defender TORO. 

Taurus 327 Defender TORO Overview

The Taurus 327 Defender TORO revolver is a 6-shot compact framed revolver chambered for the .327 Federal Magnum cartridge with a 3-inch barrel. As highlighted in its name [Taurus Optics Ready Option], this revolver is optics-ready from the factory to accept any micro-reflex red-dot sight that uses either the Shield RMSc or Holosun-K mounting footprint.

Candidly, the gist of the Taurus 327 Defender TORO is that it’s a .32-caliber Taurus 856. And this is fine. Being intimately familiar with Taurus, Rossi, and Heritage small-framed revolvers, it’s perfectly fine. 

I find this revolver interesting for two reasons–its capacity to accept a reflex sight and the fact that it’s a .32-caliber revolver. Besides shooting .327 Federal Magnum rounds, the 327 Defender TORO can also safely handle the rest of the classic .32-caliber revolver cartridges, including the .32 H&R Magnum, .32 S&W Long, and .32 S&W Short.

These four revolver cartridges have a relationship much like the .357 Magnum and the .38 Special, where it’s perfectly safe to shoot the “lesser” cartridge(s) in the “greater” revolver. I’ll expand on this later in the review.   

A Taurus Through And Through 

Anyone well-versed with the other compact-framed revolvers in the Taurus catalog, like the 856s, 905s, and 605s, will immediately find the 327 Defender TORO familiar. I did, and that’s why I’m perfectly fine in describing the 327 Defender as a 1:1 copy of the 3-inch Defender 856 (except that it’s .32-caliber).

I own a 2-inch 856 snub and a 3-inch 856 [standard] Defender. Comparing those two against the 327 Defender TORO, there’s really not much difference other than the nominal caliber and bore diameter. All three revolvers have the same look, layout, and feel.

For example, the 327 Defender TORO shares the same matte black oxide finish that my 2-inch 856 snub also has. It’s a basic, no-frills finish whose surface feels chalky when first taken out of the box. After some time, the chalkiness smoothes out.

Holster wear and use will render all of the gun’s edges with silver piping. Although I find it to be a perfectly serviceable finish for a utilitarian revolver, one would do well to keep the gun wiped down with grease or oil from time to time. 

Taurus 327 Defender TORO Action And Frame 

Like all other revolvers in Taurus’ catalog (large or small), the 327 Defender TORO employs the same action. It’s loosely based on the Smith & Wesson pattern. Though far from being Smith & Wesson clones, all Taurus double action revolver DNA is still linked to Springfield, MA.

The Taurus action is simplified, modernized and refined. Taurus revolvers use a frame-mounted firing pin and eschew the pin on the hammer; they also use a standard transfer bar safety.  

The frame of the 327 Defender TORO and its other relatives in the vast Taurus compact-revolver catalog is closest to the classic Colt D-frame of 6-shot .38 Special Cobra snub nose fame. Compared to the Smith & Wesson J-frame, the Taurus frame is slightly bigger, though not by much. But this is why .38-caliber Tauruses have six charge holes compared to the J-frame’s five.

The cool thing about the 327 Defender TORO is that the smaller diameter .327 Federal Magnum cartridges allow for more material to reside between each of the cylinder’s six charge holes. This means that the cylinder can support a full-house magnum revolver cartridge in a compact frame.

If .32-caliber revolver cartridges had a unifying theory, it’s that they represent an excellent size-to-power ratio. The word “efficiency” comes to mind.  

327 Defender Trigger Pull 

The trigger pull on the 327 Defender TORO is unremarkable. This is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. But this revolver’s trigger pull is adequately manageable. Maybe it’s somewhat gritty at first when the gun is brand new. The double action pull lives in the 10-12 pound range (my electronic trigger pull scale cannot accurately gauge anything over 8 pounds; apologies).

Because the specific hammer included in this gun is bobbed, it doesn’t have a single action notch. So, all trigger pulls are double-action-only—something that isn’t a problem on a defensive revolver. Like with every other Taurus revolver I own or have reviewed, the 327 Defender TORO’s trigger pull will improve with use, especially with live fire.

Staging the hammer halfway and adding a few drops of oil into the crease between the hammer and transfer bar and working them into the interior of the action by wiggling the trigger also goes a long way.   

Sights And Taurus Optics Ready Option (TORO)

Since the 327 Defender sells as a red-dot capable carry revolver, it’s outfitted with a high-visibility Ameriglo front sight. It’s the same style of Ameriglo front sight that ships with Taurus 856 Defender models, with an eye-catching blaze orange paint and a green tritium vial on the lower portion.

Like all other compact-frame Taurus, its standard rear notch is carved into the topstrap, where it’s drilled and tapped to accept a Taurus mounting plate that accepts reflex sights that use a Shield RMSc or Holosun-K footprint.

Due to the physical constraints of fitting the red-dot adapter plate to the frame, using co-witnessing iron sights is out of the question completely.

For more information, please visit

To Be Continued In Part 2

The Barrett XM109 – The OSW


The weapon’s development period between the Gulf War and the Global War on Terror isn’t discussed enough. It was an era of radical experiments and weapon design. As the era of peace ended after 9/11, a lot of these experiments faded away in favor of what troops on the ground needed immediately. Some of these experiments made it overseas, but most did not. The Barrett XM109 is one of those oft-forgotten experiments that got stuck in development hell. 

There was an era of weapon design when bigger was better. I don’t just mean bullet size. In fact, the Army had the idea that the weapons of war didn’t just need to be bullets. The future would be grenades—namely, small grenades fired from various infantry weapons. Things like air burst and computer implementation were big. The most well-known of these weapons was the OICW.

The Barrett XM109 comes from that era of weapon development.

The Barrett XM109 – Why 

Everyone knows Barrett. They are an unfathomably based company known for producing the first successful .50 BMG rifles. Ronnie Barrett is an absolute genius. The company now produces a variety of rifles, including some smaller caliber and extremely long-range options. A variety of their long-range rifles have been adopted by the military, including numerous .50 caliber rifles. 

The Barrett XM109 was developed after the military adopted .50-caliber rifles. Barrett wanted to produce a sniper rifle that complimented the OICW and would fire 25x59mm grenades. The idea was to create an infantry, man-portable weapon that could engage light armored vehicles and shut them down. 


Typical anti-armor weapons rely on rather large launchers and recoilless rifles. While they are man-portable, they do have some downsides. They have a range limited to 1,000 meters. When fired, they generate backblast, which means they can’t be used inside a building or near most of the cover. It’s also easy to locate and spot a guy firing a recoilless rifle. Also, you get one shot before you ditch a disposable tube, or you take the time to reload something like a Carl Gustav or SMAW. 

An anti-armor sniper rifle allows the shooter to hide and engage an armored vehicle from up to 2,000 meters with ease, with a maximum range of 3,600 meters. The XM109 could also be used against entrenched positions to decimate numerous forms of cover and more. Plus, it was semi-automatic, which gives the shooter faster follow-up shots and magazine-fed reloading. 

Breaking Down the Barrett XM109 

Barrett didn’t produce an entirely new rifle. Rather, they produced an upper that could be mated to M82 rifles. The M82 rifles were already in military service and used for anti-material purposes. In theory, the user could swap uppers to convert a .50 cal M82 into an XM109 with its 25mm grenade. That’s handy for troops and simplifies logistics.

Like the M82, the system uses a short recoil operation to feed the massive cartridges reliably. The weapon featured a fairly short 17.6-inch barrel. The total weight was 33.2 pounds and was 46 inches long. It’s certainly a big weapon, and a heavy one, but could still be transported by a single troop, with one other helping carry ammo. 


The AXM109 would use the BORS or Barrett Optical Ranging System. The XM7 wasn’t the first gun to include a computer in the optic. The BORS was a bit simpler than the current option. The BORS is a tool added to an optic. It mounts to the top of the optic and provides tons of data to the man holding the weapon. 

This made it easy to account for temperature, barometric pressure, and range. The computer gave the shooter that information. The BORS system would be programmed to the XM109 round to allow for it to account for the cartridge’s likely unique ballistic profile. 

The XM109 series came with a bipod, carry handle, Picatinny rail, and similar standard Barrett goodies. It also had a massive muzzle brake with hopes of reducing recoil. 


The Problem 

The XM109 suffered from a serious case of recoil. In fact, it had almost double the recoil of the M82 in .50 caliber. The term unbearable is used to describe it fairly frequently. Barrett produced 10 prototypes of the rifle, but by 2004, they pulled the guns to work on the recoil problem. As far as I can tell, they haven’t canceled the program, but they just kind of forgot about it. 

It’s a neat idea, but it seems as if the idea behind grenades as projectiles has faded from the military market. Still, a grenade launching sniper rifle sounds rad. 

Podavach AK/AR U-Loader Review

I hate loading magazines. I like to shoot, but hate loading. Although I appreciate full capacity magazines, I often would only load 10 rounds at a time just for convenience. That’s all changed since I picked up a Podavach U-Loader a few months back.

The Podavach U-Loader

The Podavach U-Loader came about back in 2015 as a tool to help Ukrainian troops fighting the first Russian invasion in 2014. The company founders, Alexey, Ivan, and Andriy went through a bunch of versions of the loader before settling on the one you see now. By 2016 the loaders were available in the US, and in 2017 they opened up a US warehouse.

The U-Loader is a pretty ingenious system. It looks simple, and it is, but it obviously took some tinkering to get it right. It consists of a tray like platform with a slot that takes either AR or AK mags. In front of that slot you can see the long arched feed chute for rounds, and a dump tray area. A separate pusher is provided which is used to load the rounds into the magazine.

The U-Loader is very nicely made from wood, with a variety of finishes available, including some fancier grades of wood. It’s fitted with cork bedding, and has 6 non slip rubber feet on the bottom to keep it place during use. The feed chute has quantity markers engraved in it so you know exactly how many rounds you have.

The U-Loader works with a pretty wide variety of rounds. It’ll feed 5.56×45, 7.62×39, 6.5 Grendel, .300 BLK, 5.45×39, .223, 204 Ruger, .224 Valkyrie, 25-45 Sharps, and 6.8 SPC. Basically, if the rounds fit in the channel, it will load them. Generally this means bottlenecked, spitzer type bullets. Straight wall rounds like the .350 Legend or similar do not work.

Loading Made Easy

Using the Podavach U-Loader is simple. First, insert whatever magazine you want to load into the slot on the left side of the loader. It will accept just about any AR/STANAG pattern magazine or AK magazine. Then dump the rounds you want to load into the the U-Loader top tray.

From there you slide the rounds into the feed chute bullet end up. The shape of the chute guides the rounds and orients them correctly. The quantity markers indicate when you’ve hit 10, 20 and 30 rounds, for the various calibers.

Once everything is lined up, you use the pusher block to simply push the rounds into the magazine. It takes longer to sort the rounds than it does to load the magazines. It’s literally a matter of seconds to fully load a 30 round magazine. It’s also way easier on the thumbs since you have the big loading block to grab hold of to insert the rounds rather than thumbing them in one round at a time.

Podavich has a good video that shows how easy it is to do.

Picking up My Own U-Loader

I picked up my U-Loader after a buddy suggested it to me. The loader has an MSRP starting at $89.95 and goes up from there depending on wood type and finish. I grabbed mine on sale earlier this year, though, and saved a bit off of that. Shipping is from Podavach’s US warehouse in Pennsylvania, so it got me in just a couple of days.

They do run occasional sales, so if you’re looking, it’s worth signing up for their e-mails. Even at full price, though, this is a tool that I wish I would have discovered years ago.

I used it through the end of summer and fall and have been amazed at how effortless it makes loading a mag. Mine has loaded 5.56 and .300 Blackout with Magpul 10 and 30 round mags, Amend2 20 and 30 round mags, as well as GI 20 and 30 round mags. I also used it with my 6.5 Grendel and 15 round Duramags.

I don’t shoot my AK a lot but I did try that as well and loading polymer and steel AK mags was just as easy as loading the AR mags.

A Must Have Tool?

After using the U-Loader the past few months I can’t believe I lived without out it all these years. Thumbing rounds in by hand is for chumps after using this thing. While I guess I can’t say it’s a “must” have, since you can obviously load mags other ways, it is the easiest and fastest loader that I’ve tried.

The full retail of $89.95 doesn’t sound cheap compared to some other AR or AK mag loaders on the market, but once you’ve used one you’ll realize that the time and effort you save makes it well worth it. It’s even better if you manage to grab one on sale.

About the only downside to it is the size. It isn’t something you’re really going to throw in your pack and take with you. It works best laying flat on the shooting bench or your work table at home, although you can use it in your lap as well. However, it works on the hood of my Jeep too, and the rubber feet protect the paint.

Podavach has a CZ Scorpion loader as well that I’ll probably grab when they come back in stock. I’d love to see one that worked on Colt SMG mags as well if anyone from Podavach is listening. If you’re like me and like to shoot, but hate spending the time loading mags, then it’s well worth checking out the U-Loader.

U-Loader Specs:

Supported Calibers: 5.56×45, 7.62×39, 6.5 Grendel, .300 BLK, 5.45×39, .223, 204 Ruger, .224 Valkyrie, 25-45 Sharps, and 6.8 SPC.
Capacity: Loads up to 30 rounds per session
Weight: 1.6 lbs
Dimensions: 19.3×7.9×1.6
Material: Hardwood, cork, rubber
MSRP: Starting at $89.95

For more information check out the Podavach website.

Tactical Barbell – Conditioning Overview

I’ve followed a variety of fitness plans and protocols but have never achieved the goals I wanted. First, because I suck at changing my diet. Second, because I never found a program that met the goals I had set in my mind. That was until I found Tactical Barbell Volume 2. (I now also own Volume 3.)  In my mind, I wanted something functional, but when I looked for functional fitness, I quickly found out that functional wasn’t descriptive enough. 

Tactical Barbell Provides Clarification

Tactical Barbell offered my definition of functional. Functional is useful for soldiers, Marines, Cops, EMTs, and other physical professionals. I wanted to be strong, but I also wanted to be able to run fast and for a long period of time. I wanted to be able to fight, shoot, and move fluidly. So, I started Tactical Barbell with that goal in mind. I have a long way to go, but I’m eight weeks closer now. 

Stereotypes exist for a reason. The stereotype of dudes getting out of the military and immediately gaining weight is real. It turns out that yes, you can binge drink and eat pizza five times a week when you’re 21 years old and never gain a pound…as long as you exercise 30 hours a week and spend weeks in the field training. That’s the Marine Corps experience. Turns out you can’t do that when you get out of the Marine Corps—and I did. 

Tactical Barbell – Conditioning 

I researched the Tactical Barbell program before hitting the buy button. I knew nothing about it, what it was, or even where to start. When I read that the second volume offered a Building Blocks Program, I knew I had a place to start. Conditioning sounded like a great way for me to start the program. I’m fairly out of shape. 

I haven’t completed eight weeks of Tactical Barbell; I merely finished the eight weeks of base building. It’s an eight-week program that took me 10 weeks. I hurt my back in an incident unrelated to working out, and Hurricane Helene also slowed me down by a week. Base building, or BB, sounds easy but proved to be mentally and physically taxing. 

Tactical Barbell isn’t your typical follow-along program. It doesn’t say do these exercises this day. Instead, it’s more or less teaching you how to create a program based on your goals, equipment, and schedule. For someone like me, that sounds terrifying, but the program has suggestions and workouts you can use. 

Workout Suggestions

For example, the book provides a Base-Building template for eight weeks that lists what you should do. The program uses lots of acronyms—things like SE, E, MS, HIC, etc. They each stand for a particular type of workout. 

Each has guidelines, and things like E mean endurance. It doesn’t say you have to run, ruck, or swim; you can pick what you do. SE stands for strength endurance and its low-weight, high-rep resistance workouts. 

Lance Cpl. Ronald Hinson from Heath Springs, South Carolina, competes in the push up challenge portion of the Shanghai Commanders’ Cup Nov. 14 at Camp Schwab. The meet tested the Marines in nine categories, ranging from fun events like softball and sumo wrestling to pull-up and push-up competitions. Every event was performed in a team setting further reinforcing camaraderie and cohesion. Hinson is a cyber-network operator with 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, currently assigned to 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, under the unit deployment program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Stephen D. Himes/Released)

You can use the guidance to design your own cluster of exercises or one of the many suggested clusters. Ultimately, you can design your own or use a premade solution. 

Putting In Work 

Week one seems easy, but as you look at the template, it continually escalates, and by week four, you’re doing at least an hour of long-state cardio, like running three times a week. I did three types of cardio. Every week, I ran, hit a punching bag, and rucked. The running was my only real challenge, and I didn’t think I could do it for an hour. 

In reality, I didn’t have to. Tactical Barbell wants you to put out as hard as you can, but if you need to walk, walk. I didn’t just need to walk because my fat ass couldn’t run that far, but because my heart rate needed to come down. I needed to keep it within certain parameters, and when it exceeded those parameters, I took a break. 

By week three, I didn’t think I could do 50 reps of my SE or strength endurance cluster. Mine consisted of six exercises using just the barbell: overhead presses, squats, rows, bench presses, shrugs, and deadlifts. Doing 30 reps felt like it killed me. Doing 50? Impossible. 

Yet I was wrong. By the time I got to the days I had to do three sets of 50, I powered right through it. It didn’t even feel that hard, or at least as hard as my mind made it. After five weeks of strength endurance, my weighted lifts in the Maximal Strength days were much easier. 

I didn’t get nearly as tired, and I could rest less and push through. My endurance has steadily improved, and I’m running faster and faster every week. 

End Results 

Oh, and I lost ten pounds without adjusting my diet. I increased my protein intake but didn’t count calories. My musculature has improved noticeably in my chest and shoulders, and I have no injuries. My form has improved drastically in everything. Now, I’m starting the Operator program, which is three days of weight training, and I can program cardio, endurance, and rest days in between the strength days. 

My end goal is to be stronger, faster, and more healthy. My diet has changed a ton, and I am getting used to less Reeses and more broccoli. I’ll report again in six weeks after my first Tactical Barbell Operator block is complete, but for now, I’m loving Tactical Barbell. 

For more information, please visit

Killer Instinct Burner 415

The Killer Instinct Burner 415 Crossbow is a powerful and highly efficient hunting tool designed for both seasoned hunters and beginners.

Meet the Killer Instinct Burner 415, a powerful and highly efficient crossbow designed for both seasoned hunters and beginners. The 6-position AR-style buttstock shortens the crossbow’s overall length for smaller-frame hunters but extends comfortably to fit a variety of medium to taller shooters as well. 

The Killer Instinct Burner 415 has a sleek and compact design, making it easy to handle, while the advanced technology packed into it enhances performance and accuracy.

Why a Crossbow

Using a crossbow for hunting offers some advantages. Crossbows are designed for stability, making them easier to aim, and the addition of optical scopes enhances precision at longer distances. They deliver higher draw weights and faster arrow speeds than a conventional bow, resulting in better penetration and stopping power for larger game. 

Crossbows are also more accessible, allowing beginners and those with physical limitations to participate comfortably. Many models feature noise-reduction technology, minimizing the risk of spooking nearby game. Their versatility makes them suitable for hunting various species, while adjustable stocks ensure a customizable fit for different shooters. 

The adjustable six-position AR-style buttstock shortens the crossbow’s length for smaller-frame hunters but also extends to fit medium to taller shooters comfortably.

Killer Instinct Burner 415 Benefits

Power and Speed: One of the standout features of the Burner 415 is its impressive speed, boasting a firing velocity of up to 415 feet per second. Its high kinetic energy translates to greater penetration and stopping power.

This rapid speed allows for quick and precise targeting, making it easier to take down game effectively. The crossbow also features a high-grade aluminum rail that improves durability and maintains stability during shots.

The lightweight design, comfortable grip, and maneuvering of the crossbow in various environments add to the overall user experience. 

Accuracy and Control: The adjustable stock allows for a customized fit for different shooters, enhancing comfort and accuracy. The micro-lite aluminum barrel provides a lightweight yet durable construction for improved handling and stability. 

Improved accuracy is achieved by using a quality optical scope, which offers clear sighting and aids in precision shooting—even over longer distances. The KillerTech adjustable trigger system provides a customizable shooting experience, allowing users to find the ideal pull weight that fits their shooting style.

Additional Features

The Burner 415 is compact and easily transported. It is also durable and built to withstand the rigors of outdoor use. Its versatile design makes it suitable for both hunting and target shooting.

Killer Instinct Burner 415 Crossbow Dead Silent Kit effectively reduces noise and vibration, lowering the chances of spooking game.

Quiet Operation: The integrated Dead Silent Kit reduces noise and vibration, minimizing the risk of spooking game.

The Burner 415 is a great option for enhancing your hunting experience with a dependable and powerful crossbow.

For more information, check out Killer Instinct.


Speed415 Feet Per Second
Kinetic Energy141-FT-LB
Width14.75″ Cocked//18.75″ Uncocked
Draw Wt220-LB
Power Stroke14.5″

Kahr Arms Introduces the New X9 Compact

Kahr Arms just introduced a new subcompact 9mm pistol, the Kahr X9. This new double stack, polymer frame pistol is chock full of features that are sure to please folks who carry concealed on a regular basis.

The Kahr X9

Kahr has listened to what its customers have been asking for and put its engineers to work to design a pistol that meets those needs. The X9 is a polymer frame 9mm with a double stack magazine. It has a 3.54-inch barrel and a blackened stainless slide with both front and rear serrations.

The black polymer fame has a deep inset backstrap to enhance the shooter’s grip and draw. The frame also has front and rear stippling as well as textured side panels. An accessory rail is provided on the dust cover to accept compact lasers or lights, like the Streamlight TLR-7X.

The Kahr X9 is optics-ready and will accept Holosun K footprint sights. It comes with steel White Bar-Dot combat sights. The frame and slide have minimal protrusions or sharp edges to make the X9 more comfortable for close-body carry. The pistol features a new lever-based take-down system and maintains Kahr’s popular double-action-only safe cam trigger system.

The X9 is just over 6 inches long, just under four and a half inches high, and only an inch wide. Weight is under 18 ounces. The X9 ships with a lockable hard case and two 10-round magazines. One flush fit mag, and one with an extended finger rest.

The MSRP is $549.00. If you’re in the market for a new CCW piece, the X9 has a lot to offer at a price that’s very competitive.

Kahr X9 Specifications:

Barrel3.54-inch Stainless Steel Barrel
Overall Length6.125 inches
Height4.375 inches (with KX910)
Slide Width1 inch
Weight17.6 ounces (Unloaded)
FinishBlackened Matte Stainless
SightsWhite Bar-Dot Combat Sights
Optics CutHolosun® K Footprint
MagazinesOne 10 Rd Stainless (KX910), One 10 Rd Stainless with Grip Extension (KX910-EXT)
WarrantyLimited Lifetime Warranty

For more information on the X9 or other Kahr products, check out their website at

Severe Weather Preps – Getting Ready for Storms

Severe weather preps

Growing up in the upper Midwest, severe weather preps were just a fact of life. We learned at an early age what to do when storms threatened, whether it was a bad thunderstorm in the summer or a blizzard in the winter.

The thing is, bad storms don’t typically pop up out of nowhere. If you pay attention to forecasts, you should have a heads up that something is on the way.

Here are some things we do when we know a storm is coming.

General Severe Weather Preps

One of the biggest hazards with severe weather is a power outage. So, a lot of our severe weather preps seem to center around mitigating that risk.

One of the first things we do is charge all of our devices. These include:

This way, we can keep abreast of the news as well as communicate with others if the power goes out. Not to mention provide limited power for appliances and such. Are all of these absolutely critical to survival? Of course not, but they can help make life easier.

Doing laundry is also a good idea. This way, there’s less chance of running out of socks or undies. If the power goes out, I don’t want to have to wash all that stuff by hand.

During summer and fall, we try to stay on top of keeping the gutters and downspouts cleared, but I’ll usually grab the ladder and check them before the storm hits. We’ll also make a run through the yard and patio to make sure everything is secured. The last thing we want is to have something take flight and hit a window.

It’s a good habit to not let your vehicles dip below a half tank of gas, just as a general rule. If we have time to do so, we’ll usually fill up our vehicles ahead of a bad storm. We do this because a power outage isn’t likely to be limited to just our home. If the town loses power, then gas stations won’t be operating.

While we’re out and about, we might swing in to a store and pick up some extra snacks. We’re always pretty well stocked with food, but the good junk food never seems to last.

Winter-Specific Severe Weather Preps

Snow, ice, and cold weather present a few unique challenges that we prep for as well. Ahead of the first significant snowfall of the season, we’ll dig out the snowblower from the shed and start it up to make sure it’s working properly.

Snow shovels are put into position near the front door and garage door, along with buckets of salt to handle icy conditions. I also double-check to make sure snow brushes and ice scrapers are in each vehicle.

We have a standard gas furnace that heats our home, but we also have a small wood stove in the living room. If the storm looks like it might be particularly nasty, I’ll make sure we have plenty of firewood stacked in the garage, so I don’t have to dig it out from the snow.

Severe weather preps can go a long way toward making bad storms merely an inconvenience.