While it is certainly an interesting spectacle to watch, it’s also generally concerning. The fact that so many Governors, Attorney’s General, and legislators seem to think that a ruling from the highest court in the land, interpreting the most powerful legal document in the country, is something they can simply “end around”. SCOTUS rulings are not a technical issue or strong suggestion to be hurdled or avoided. Until such time as it is overturned, Bruen is the law of the land, and in the NJ vs Bruen fight, I know where I’m placing my bets.
It would even be amusing to watch –like the previously mentioned cartoon– were it not for the volumes of taxpayer money that each of these states is hemorrhaging to write, lobby for, pass, and now defend these doomed-from-the-start laws in state and federal court. They are wasting all the money defending, if you missed it, against the Supreme Court. It would be one thing if they were arguing broad strokes, but instead they are currently mired in minutiae about how broadly and poorly they can define “sensitive areas” where the concealed carry permits they are now forced to issue are moot.
It may take years for this all to shake out, across so many states, affecting so many people who just want to enjoy all of their enumerated rights in peace. All of this time and money is wasted in a petulant attempt to pretend that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to their citizens because, well, “guns bad”. As CA, HI, NY and other following in these footsteps are all watching each other’s cases for clues as to what might happen, NJ vs Bruen gives a glimpse into the future, and for them at least, it’s not bright.