Nighthawk Custom, manufacturer of premium tier hand crafted 1911s, launched two new designs last weekend at NRAAM 2017. One new pistol and a long awaited and asked for upgrade to select existing models

Through a collaboration with Agency Arms the Agent 1 was forged. A blend of the best aspects from both companies’ work the Agent 1 fused the modern aesthetic and pragmatic machining Agency has been known for doing with Glock pistols and the meticulous attention to detail of the NHC gunsmiths.
The Agent 1 has a modernized feel but is a classic 9mm commander series 1911 at its core. Flat trigger with a superior pull and break, 4.25″ barrel, and a slide the you’re convinced rides on ball bearings in place of rails.
The Railscale 1911 panels are unique to this pistol, although I hear rumors that a different production grip panel set may surface, the panels are within thousands of an inch of the frame edges making for a near seamless blended wrap around.
The Railscale Grips are curious, you’re not quite sure if you’re going to like it on first look. It clashes with preconceived notions of what comfortable grips should be, looking far sharper and nearly jagged. It elicits images of torn up hands after a day at the range.

That initial impression vanishes once the Agent 1 is held. The grips feel like they contour under your hand while you grab the pistol and lock your hand in the proper place, no sharp edges.
The muzzle is crowned with a bull barrel style lockup and a flush guide rod. The front sight is a narrow diameter red fiber optic allowing very precise sight picture acquisition with easy to find contrast. A single squared off light rail allows your favorite WML to ride shotgun on the Agent 1.
Both the front strap and mainspring feature a high detail horizontal checkering and the magazine well has a clear clean bevel to aid reloading.
The Agent 1 is an exciting piece of firearms artistry but sadly the run is limited to 50 pistols.
May the odds be ever in your favor (acquiring one)
For their production release however…
All of their government/fullsize 9mm pistols can be ordered as double stack models. There isn’t just one new double stack pistol model they gave the option to them all.
The smooth shooting NHC 9’s can carry 18 rounds on deck. Nighthawk was very precise integrating this new option and the frames themselves don’t change the aesthetic feel of the 1911. Despite having 18 rounds on board the guns don’t feel big, they feel like 1911s… just now with half the necessary reloads.
Unlike the AGENT 1 there is no limit to this feature but check them both out at NHC’s Webpage
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to apologize to my checking account.. I’m not that sorry though