I love free stuff. Who doesn’t? In the firearms and tactics world, the best information does have a price point because it takes a lot of trial, effort, study, research, and work to develop modern tactics, techniques, and weapon handling. That’s real work, and the creator certainly deserves to be paid to teach you that work. With that in mind, sometimes a company is gracious enough to provide information for free. Mountain Man Medical has released its Emergency Trauma Response training for free online.
This is brought to you in coordination with ConcealedCarry.com, and Riley Bowman pops up surprisingly enough to introduce the course, and we see him in a few reenactments worth noting. This course does require you to sign up and walk through the purchase aspect, but once that’s done, the entire 105-minute course is completely free and certainly worth watching.
As a disclaimer, this kind, of course, doesn’t necessarily replace hands-on training. It does, however, establish a good baseline for emergency medical treatment. The course is a great refresher, good introductory course, and solid overall course, from the content to the presentation.
The Mountain Man Medical Emergency Trauma Response Training
The Mountain Man Medical course is headed by Brian McLaughlin. Brian was a green side Corpsman with the United States Navy. Meaning he was tasked to keep grunts from getting killed. He was also an EMT and ER Technician, and he is our primary instructor throughout the course.
There is a lot to love about this course information-wise, but before I dig into that, let’s talk about the presentation and organization because that is equally impressive. The footage is filmed in crystal clear high definition that’s well lit and easy to see. The sound is great, and the presentation is always easy to understand.
The organization of the course is also impressive. Instead of just giving you a single one-hour and 45-minute video, the course is broken down into small segments. Each covers a specific subject and is as long or as short as it needs to be. There are 14 segments total that vary in length.
None of the segments are super long, and this makes the course easily digestible, especially when you’re a busy person. The longest section is 17 minutes, and the shortest (outside of the conclusion) is three minutes long.
The organization of the Mountain Man Medical course is ingenious. I’m a busy person, and I’m betting most reading this are as well. Being able to jump in, watch a single lesson and bounce to whatever else I have to do is very convenient. If it was a 105-minute video, I’d be jumping around everywhere to see where I left off. That’s not the case here.
The Medical Content
The Mountain Man Tactical Emergency Trauma Response class starts from the outside and works its way in. What do I mean by that? Well, the class is organized in a realistic manner. It starts with what you should be doing prior to any emergency. You establish a mindset, the gear, and then move into the medical content.
The gear advice is spot on with recommendations for tourniquets, chest seals, and where and how many medical kits are good to have. The man knows his stuff in the gear world. He also goes on to show he knows a fair bit about medicine as well.
Mountain Man Tactical sticks to the MARCH acronym and uses that as its lesson guide. MARCH standard for
Massive Hemorrhage
Hypothermia and Head Trauma
From there, the lesson goes into Other injury types, a deeper section on tourniquets, and then your role as a medic. After each lesson, there will be a short quiz covering what you just learned to better reinforce the core lessons of the section. It’s clearly established at the beginning that hands-on training is superior, and this course won’t make you a doctor.
Getting Traumatic
The free Mountain Man Medical course is a great way to familiarize yourself with these concepts, and since it’s free, it’s time better spent than mindlessly browsing Reddit. I’d certainly suggest giving it a listen, and check out Mountain Man Medical. Their website and products are organized by the MARCH acronym as well, and that’s fairly convenient, and they have kits as well.

For a mere two dollars, you can do a Range Medicine class, and I plan to tackle that next. They also have a schedule of live events worth checking out for that invaluable hands-on training.