I’ll keep today’s article short and sweet. Sometimes I had this odd need for a specific accessory and found nothing but companies I’d never heard of providing that niche item. I can’t find reviews, can’t find videos, and I have no idea if the company is worth investing my hard-earned dinero into. My specific accessory this week was Moon Clips for an S&W M1917 revolver. Where to find them? In searching, I found a few options, but most seemed unnamed and sold cheaply on eBay. Moon Clip Depot came up a time or two, so I took a risk and ordered a three-pack of the M1917 moon clips. Were they worth my time?

The Trick With Moon Clips
I really like Moon Clip-ready revolvers, and of all the revolvers I own, three are chambered in automatic calibers. I like moon clips and use them often. I’ve learned that factory moon clips are the way to go. However, S&W isn’t exactly maintaining an accessory inventory of revolvers produced over a hundred years ago.

Bad moon clips are a real hassle. They bend too easily, rendering them useless, and they can even bind up your gun if you aren’t careful. When they bend or break, they become useless pieces of aluminum. I’m cautious about buying non-oem options. It’s really not that different from buying non-oem magazines. Moon Clip Depot offered three M1917 moon clips for less than 30 bucks, so I clicked buy and waited patiently.
Moon Clip Depot and Me
After just a few days, a small package arrived, and I had my moon clips. Moon CLip Depot ships fast! Inside was an envelope, and in that envelope sat a handy plastic case containing my moon clips. There were some stickers and even a pocket constitution. That is a good way to start. I loaded up my three moon clips with 45 ACP with relative ease.

They snapped in place, and I excitedly hit the range. The M1917 is one of my grail guns, and I’ve always wanted one. Hitting the range was an event I was excited to experience. Luckily the Moon Clip Depot moon clips didn’t let me down. They dropped right in with ease, the cylinder closed with a problem, and I blasted away.
Unloading them didn’t require a tool, but to be fair, a tool makes them last a lot longer and makes unloading them easier. It wasn’t difficult, but I carefully popped them out to preserve them. I used nothing but brass-cased ammo because steel cased tends to be difficult in revolvers.

Overall I’m impressed with the product Moon Clip Depot puts out. They work and have worked for a couple of hundred rounds. Unloading and loading are easy. They seem durable, fit this ancient gun well, and even come with a handy carrying container. Check them out here.