Last week we talked about the MCRGO‘s legislative pushes in the Mitten State. But the NSSF is bringing their considerable bearing to bear on two in particular.
Remember when CPL’s couldn’t be processed or renewed during COVID? Remember when Michigan citizens (among many other states also) were denied their rights to process their lawful and mandated applications to transfer handguns because the offices were closed and the state refused to make exceptions, allowances, or otherwise compensate for the normal conduct of the system the state citizens were required to perform.
Remember them shutting down the second amendment in Michigan because social distancing and remote working? Remember them not caring when it was brought to their attention that these processes were required under the law and they weren’t there to do them?
Pepperidge Farms remembers… and so does the NSSF. The negative impact of the state failing in their obligations to their citizenry and their business because they couldn’t be bothered to come up with a COVID friendly method to do paperwork is astonishing.
A pair of NSSF®-priority bills were introduced over the summer in Michigan to ensure that public officials in the state can’t use their emergency powers to shut down the firearm industry or restrict Second Amendment rights in the future. Now, those bills are set to be heard and we need industry members to join us in Lansing to send a message to Governor Whitmer that we are essential. Michigan was one of just 7 states in the country to refuse to designate the firearm industry as “essential” during the COVID-19 related “stay-at-home” orders of 2020. HB 5187, sponsored by Rep. Andrew Fink (R), and HB 5188, sponsored by Rep. Pat Outman (R), would amend the “Emergency Management Act” and “Public Health Code” respectively, to disallow future emergency orders that would “prohibit, suspend, or limit” the firearm industry and Second Amendment rights of Michigan residents. These bills are set to be heard before the House Government Oversight Committee on October 28th, and legislators want firearm industry members to join us in person to show support for these bills. There will be an opportunity for our members to meet with key legislators prior to the committee hearing. Directly following the meet-and-greet, legislative staff will be on-hand to direct us to the committee room and to show us how we can submit cards of support to the committee. See the details below: What: Meet-and-Greet with Michigan Legislators, with Committee Hearing to Follow When: 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. EDT on October 28, 2021 Where: ‘Freedom Embassy,’ 6th Floor, 115 W Allegan Street, Lansing, MI 48933 |
If you have questions, or if your firearm industry related business was forced to close down, please contact Chris Lee, NSSF’s Midwest Director of Government Relations – State Affairs, at clee@nssf.org |