Michigan is an interesting state, it is decidedly swing politically with the more conservative rural areas clashing voter wise with the urbanized greater Detroit area and overall fairly liberal, in the classic sense, gun laws.
Even with the Governor trying to institute further gun control, as it plays well to her base and makes her AG happy, the state continues to increase its active concealed carry role. Currently just under 11% of the eligible adult population of the state has a concealed pistol license.
The end of summer family vacations over the past month has led to an increase in people taking CPL classes and license applications. As a result, Michigan reached a new all-time high of 813,645 total current concealed pistol license holders as of September 1, 2023. We project continued monthly increases through the end of the year. This month’s full report from the Michigan State Police can be read HERE. – MCRGO September 2023 CPL Report
As political argument continue over the authority of the state to regulate or deny the carry of arms, the popularity of the practice continues to grow. The pandemic violent crime spike was very real and people continue to react by protecting themselves since the state repeatedly and consistently proves inept in that regard.